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Too Fat To Fish

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Too Fat To Fish

  1. Too Fat To Fish

    Manitoba anyone?

    My wife says there is an art form to making the shakes . five ice.... crushed first....then add powder....then water on top....blend in blender for about an hour or so..at least that what it seems like.....good luck noobies :biggrin: later...
  2. Big stern fan and artie fan. i drive truck in canada so i listen pretty much daily. i read arties CD :)lol when it came out. cant wait for his next book.

  3. hey there. i have lost 80 lbs so far. i am a big boy i started at 404 and now 320 or so. maples was a great place. people there were pros. have u been there? r u looking into maples? life changing surgery at least for me and the wife. she is down too and doing great. any other answers you want let me know. all i can say its worth the money.....

  4. Too Fat To Fish

    Manitoba anyone?

    yes welcome. your new life is about to begin.
  5. Too Fat To Fish

    Manitoba anyone?

    thanks for the food info. i am trying to eat protein, and its pretty hard to get it all in. good thing i was going bald before lapband. losing some hair i think. cottage cheese is one good way thanks. ......ANYONE GOT BAD BREATH. WOW IS MINE BAD SINCE I GOT LAPBAND.
  6. Too Fat To Fish

    Manitoba anyone?

    hi everyone, just got my computer back from the shop. things are going well for me. i am trying to find the right kind of food that i can eat on the road that doesn't involve fast food places its pretty tough though. i am stiil kinda losing, i go three or more weeks it seems like not losing. then, i will wake up one day and lose ten pounds over night. it must be the trucking thing because i retain so much water weight just sitting in my truck for days. the first time i lost fifteen pounds over night and it has stayed off for good. that was a shocker. hope all is well with the bandsters. later everyone
  7. Too Fat To Fish

    Medifast preferences?

    chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate and chocolate
  8. Too Fat To Fish

    Manitoba anyone?

    fills in Regina are 100 dollars. it Will be about the same price as gas money for me to get to wpg so what is the difference.(not much). nurse in regina is good too....
  9. Too Fat To Fish

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    :thumbup:hi everyone, have not been around lately so have not posted. hope all is well with everyone..... i got my first fill last friday from tthe nurse in regina. wow is she good. maples checked her out and gave us the thumbs up to use her here. now if i can only get maples to throw in the price for the fills. HA HA HA good luck to me but i knew that when i started this thing. i lost 30 pounds before the fill and five so far since. would like to know how everyone else is doing with their weight loss. how's it going? is everyone exercising? i can't seem to get my ass going. I thought the band was supposed to make you want to work out. My band must be broken then, because i sure AIN'T MOVING......lol just trying to figure out how to eat properly and slow down... later. :wub: __________________
  10. Too Fat To Fish

    Manitoba anyone?

    :thumbup:hi everyone, have not been around lately so have not posted. hope all is well with everyone..... i got my first fill last friday from tthe nurse in regina. wow is she good. maples checked her out and gave us the thumbs up to use her here. now if i can only get maples to throw in the price for the fills. HA HA HA good luck to me but i knew that when i started this thing. i lost 30 pounds before the fill and five so far since. would like to know how everyone else is doing with their weight loss. how's it going? is everyone exercising? i can't seem to get my ass going. I thought the band was supposed to make you want to work out. My band must be broken then, because i sure AIN'T MOVING......lol just trying to figure out how to eat properly and slow down... later. :wub:
  11. Too Fat To Fish

    Manitoba anyone?

    wii fit sounds fun. i was one of the lucky ones that got the break on surgery but the wife missed it by fews days . did not save to much money in the end, i am getting more active and getting out more and the wife made me buy her a camper so i have to go camping now. yaaa! three weeks out of surgery and feeling much better now. 2nd week sucked like crap but got through it. noooo restriction at all but still not eating as much and Protein is big item on my plate. tried to sabotage myself the other day by eating like crap but caught myself before to much damage was done to me. its something i have always done to myself when i have dieted before . love my lap band !!! it wont let me go back to what i was. :tongue_smilie: later everyone.
  12. Too Fat To Fish

    Maples Surgical Center Wpg Mb.

    Got a call from Jenn at Maples they are dropping the price of surgery. :w00t: So if anyone was thinking about doing it go check out maples. Not sure when they are dropping it but i think it starts in June.:wink2:
  13. Too Fat To Fish

    Manitoba anyone?

    hey now everyone, no restriction here for me just shoulder pain if i eat to fast or dont chew my food, but big bites sill go down without to much pain. hope i am not making my pouch to big or something. trying to eat slow like everyone says too. i am not drinking with meals it differently makes me hungry later on. one good thing not eating as much and i am full quickly so its all good so far. bye bye :thumbup::w00t:
  14. hi there Happy


    hope you see this easier to write to you on this wall. things are going well for me and my wife. she got her band a month before me and is doing good with her 1st fill. so do you truck long haul or do you do short stuff? i haul fuel long haul. gone 2 days home 2 days not a bad job but the eating away then home eating gets me mixed up sometimes. hope your surgery date stays for Nov. for you. try and stay away from those carbs as much as you can it real helps to lose before surgery. hope things are well with you and yours!!!

  15. Too Fat To Fish

    Manitoba anyone?

    hi everyone, feeling not to bad 12 days out port hurts like a s.o.b. right after i get up in the mornings. its seems i can eat just about anything now, hungry all the time and cant figure out when i am full (eating to fast) even on liquids. i new that eating to fast and chewing my food was going to be my worst obstacle when i started this lab band. my arthritis has been acting up a lot since my surgery don't know why that is because during my pre diet of two months i didn't have to take any pills for it. i felt wonderfully but now its really hurting like hell. shoulder pain is there for me, my wife never got it so i guess she was the lucky one. my wife says i am suffering from bitchy-itis but i say its just the new band. or maybe the new me lol. glad to see new people on here talking and sharing there experiences hope you all are doing well. i seem to be losing a little bit of weight ,49 pounds so far, but now i am going to be eating so we will see if it stays off. no restriction at all for me but i get full quickly now so that is making me happy. :tongue2: like i said before i am going to try atkins diet or something similar to it. hard to eat on the road when i am truck driving. i don't go back to work till the 10th or so, driving my wife crazy around the house. well, maybe chasing her around the house. i tell her i have to get some exercise somehow. just a few things to comment on. i am telling everyone about my lap band the way i figure it is that the more they know about lap band the less they look down on me for getting it per say. i my mind i see people looking at me like why can't he just lose weight without spending 16000. people are really supportive because they have seen me at 404 pounds and now have seen me at 355 and still going. i know its a big change on me and my body and people can see the change. On deciding whether or not to have this surgery i made the decision if it was only going to be fifty pounds then that was worth the money. if it took me 2 years to lose fifty pounds then that was worth the money. to get me moving again then that is worth the money. to go and take my kids to the park and walk there, that was worth the money. its all up to us to decide. AND I CAN'T WAIT TO FISH AGAIN. LATER EVERYONE:cool:
  16. Too Fat To Fish

    harder then i thought

    Where do i start. its is 3 in the morning. i am up,( hungry) arthritis pain is back, swelling, and i have to take my pills to get rid of the arthritis. yaaaaaa!!! banded on June 20th and not happy. i feel i could eat a horse right now. pretty sure the horse will slip through my band too.lol.. my wife tells me to let my stomach heal in place and not to eat all different kinds of food and stay to liquids for 2 weeks. its tough to do i was on a pretty stick diet before surgery to loose weight before it (39 pounds) so far, but now i feel like i can cheat and eat solid food. i feel stupid for cheating. the band is a tool alright!!!:bored: Anyways, my question for today is this i have always over ate. portion size has always been bad for me and now i have this band i feel i might slip back to bad portion size habits. i am not feeling any restriction like my wife did after her band got in place. thats why she is hard on me and telling me to stay on liquids. trying to stay on track but it worries me that portion size might win. i have to figure out when i am full and not Bord or something. don't want to stretch my band. later everyone pills are kicking in and might be able to go back to sleep:sleep:
  17. my wife got her band on may 12 th and i just got my band on June 20 th things are going well for us both i have lost 50 or so and my wife has lost about 30. she says she is stuck and not losing weight as fast as me but i say its just a man thing lol

  18. Too Fat To Fish


    Off to surgery June 20th i am the only one on that date so good luck to all after me. i lost 35 pounds before surgery:thumbup::sad: going to see a new me. thanks to everyone that answered all my dumb questions before surgery.... __________________
  19. Too Fat To Fish


    wow never thought that i might need a trash can :thumbdown: for those times things just dont stay down
  20. Too Fat To Fish


    thats great to hear Joe. was really wondering if someone could do this job and loose weight. tough so far got banded on June 20th so i will take 3 weeks off to get better. hope thats long enough to let things heal up. i haul fuel so i have to lift hoses up every day so hope i don't pull stitches. thanks for the info:thumbup:
  21. Too Fat To Fish

    Manitoba anyone?

    Hi everyone! I'm home now and doing pretty good. Was feeling so good that I over did it by going for quite a long walk to try and get rid of this horrible shoulder pain from the gas. Got a long ways away from home and then almost had to call my wife to come and get me. :blushing: I'm looking forward to eating again but right now my wife is being tough and making me stick to the diet rules exactly. Besides that, liquids seem to be enough right now. It's just the smell of foods that is driving me crazy.:biggrin: The whole surgery experience was great- the nurses were awesome and I never got to see the docs afterwords but I'm sure hoping they did a good job too!:confused:
  22. Too Fat To Fish

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Off to surgery June 20th i am the only one on that date so good luck to all after me. i lost 35 pounds before surgery:thumbup::sad: going to see a new me. thanks to everyone that answered all my dumb questions before surgery.... __________________
  23. Too Fat To Fish

    Your June 2009 Surgery Date

    Off to surgery June 20th i am the only one on that date so good luck to all after me. i lost 35 pounds before surgery:thumbup::sad: going to see a new me. thanks to everyone that answered all my dumb questions before surgery....
  24. Too Fat To Fish

    Manitoba anyone?

    well here i go. off to wpg. to maples for surgery, first thing sat. morning. its about time:thumbup: I lost 35 pounds between consultation and surgery:smile2: Hope to see anyone there getting fills on sat. My wife is going to be there too for her first fill.
  25. Too Fat To Fish

    pre op diet

    three weeks of pre-op diet and six weeks before to lose 20 pounds wish i could have the one day pre-op diet.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
