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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lsmmom

  1. I was banded in March, and have lost 65 pounds, gone from a tight 28/30 to a 18/20, and from a 48DDD to a 44DDD, I am doing good.....BUT....for the last 2 months I have been craving sweets like there is no tomorrow! I can't get over how bad it is. I have tried fresh fruit, but that does not help. I excerise, and I am getting enuough protien, but my problem has been quality NOT quanity.

    Any one else go through this??? If so what did you do?


  2. I had my first fill on May 14, I got 3cc in a 12cc band. This is my question. How much of that fill really went IN the band...Think about this..the saline has to get in the band by way of all of the tubing so how much of the saline goes in to band? I did notice several days of more restriction, but it seems now that the restriction is gone. I go back on the 16th of June for my second fill...DO i request more? or ask the question and hope they do 5-6cc? :blushing:

  3. I had my first fill. It was all I thought it would be...lol. I have a 12cc band and it was filled to 3cc. I can tell a restriction now that I did not have before. I have lost a total of 30 pounds since surgery and 30 before. So a total of 50!!! YEAH!!! I am hoping that the fill with help keep me on track, I can tell more now than before when I need to stop. I do miss drinking as much Water as I want when I want...that is the most I miss. Hubby & I have started taking Tae Kwon Do classes with our son...we love it, and it is an awesome workout!!!!

  4. Okay ladies...I started taking TKD classes with my son & husband, and I am NEED of a sports bra...As you know starting this journey at over 300lbs, and if anyone has been able to find a sports bra and been happy with it, please tell me where you got it and what kind you got. I have looked at Dick's Sporting goods online....BUT I do not want to buy online so i can try it on. I am currently a 44DDD, and that number has gone down in the last 2 months. From what I have seen apparently the companies that make them dont think anyone over a 38 should be working out...AUGH...I can wait to get into a smaller bra again.

  5. I am doing great! I have lost 15 pounds since surgery just went to my first post op appt on Tuesday the 7th. I am down 35 pounds overalll. I FEEL amazing!!!! I have so much energy, even though I am only still eating a small amout! It is incredible...1/2 can of tuna and I am FULL. I dont go back on solids for another 2 weeks, on the 23rd of April. My incisions are great...only 2 one below my breastbone from the liver clamp, and the other is a horseshoe cut inside my bellybutton. My doctor did a SIL. The port is above and just a little to right of my bellybutton. I can already feel it. This is only the begining. I can not wait for how wonderful I am going to feel once more weight starts coming off.

    I have also posted some pictures, please go to my profile and look at them and let me know what you think.

    Thanks to all of the people on this website for all of the help and support you are to everyone who is on there. For some good light hearted reading check out my blog:


  6. make sure you are getting your protiens that will help keep you fuller, eat things that are going to stay with you...stream and then mash up some squash, or other veggies to go with some salmon. Think about what you are eating before you be worried you have already done some damage. Call your doc. do they have a nutritions on staff you can speak too...they should be able to guide in the right direction for now.

  7. I was banded on March 23, 5 days ago. From about the 20th of Feb until March 19, I had lost 20 pounds! And in the last week, another 8.

    I went back to work and people are already noticing in my face and upper body that I am loosing. :) I am feeling it some, but since I still have lots of swelling in my tummy, my clothes are a little tighter that I would like. I have been cooking for my hubby & son, and doing ok...but last night the hungar pangs started. Since I was making sketti, I took some of the meat chewed it up until I got all of the flaovoring out, then spit it out. It was good, but just for the flavoring!!! That is what I miss is the different flavors...although adding extracts to the Protein Drinks help, my pallet is not very forgiving of me keeping all those good flavors from it!

    My 1st goal is 75 pounds by Christmas...I want to stay on that track. As soon as I am released to swim, we will be going to the Y Friday-Sunday so I can start that way, then back to walking and hopefully bike riding in the near future! :)

  8. I too was banded on March 23, and luckily was in the hospital over night and was on lots of oxygen. I am sure that helped, but strech out as much a you can. Lay down or prop you self up and strech out as long as you can by taking deep breaths. Hopefully it will get better for you, also if you have not put a lot of stuff on your tummy, Protein Shakes and heavier fluids your tummy is still making gas so there for if you put something on your tummy it may help too.

  9. Monday went good. We got to the hospital about 4:45 am, and waited. Got up to the day surgery waiting area, with signing in and my number. Lisa came up before she went to work, and mom and day were close behind. I went back to my curtain about 5:40 am, got changed in to the ICU gown, you know the one where people behind you can go "I C U"!!!

    Lisa, & mom cam back and visited then about 6:30 I wanted Ray back there since we were getting down to business. He came back and the parade started, the IV, Heparin Shot in the tummy, belly getting drawn on, twilight shot, and the OR Nurse taking me to the bathroom to potty so I would not have to have a cath! I was all for that!!!

    About 7 am we went to the OR....only after they let me get one last kiss from Ray! It was about an hour to get ready before they started on the procedure. He got called very often from the OR to let then know the progress. When it was done, Dr Scott came out and talked to Ray to tell it is all went well. As I have talked about before my doctor has been doing SIL - Single Incision Laporscopy for about a year now. He one incision went in thru my belly button, the port is attached right above my belly button. Hopefully the fills will be easy. I got out of recovery, and in to my room, about 11:00am. By that time, my parents & Ray's parents were there, when they wheeled me toward my room, I say the best image I could..Ray was sitting in my room.

    Every one came in I was doing well. we visited for a little bit, and once the moms saw I was good, they started to leave, Ray and I tried to nap. He had to leave about 1:45 to go get Logan. My sister came up about 2:00, we spent some time together, she was the only one of the other 3 kids, who came or even called. I decided to get out of bed about 3:20 to walk and potty, I did really good, I did not get back in bed until about 9:00pm. Lisa came about up about 4, and Pete left about that time since I was not alone, and so she cold miss some of the traffic going home. Ray & Logan got up there about 5:30ish, and ate dinner. It was so nice seeing Logan although I could not cuddle him as I would like to. Lisa headed home about 6:00, and Ray's Tina came in...I was being tag teamed on visitors and it was nice. I begged for a tray...the ice chips were not cutting it, so I was able to have broth, juice, tea, and some frozen Italian ice. They all hung out for about an hour & half, and 3 more laps around the floor. They started heading out about 7:45, and passed Holly in the parking lot...we had some time together, I was feeling tired, but just did not to be alone.

    About 9:00, Carlos came and tucked me in. He was my tech for the night. I can not tell you how nice my night guys were. David & Carlos, the guy I had earlier in the day Chris was good as well. I sang there praises to there boss. They kept me taken care of and comfy. I slept from about 2-4:30am, Lis came back up before she went to work.that was nice. I got up after she left since I did not have the leg things any more I had some more freedom, and was allowed to go down stairs. I was able to meet Ray at the door when he came that day. I felt so good. Now I just had to wait on the barium drink & x-ray. It was done about 11:30, I got to see it that was cool I saw the band and the port. So about 4 hrs later I got discharged I was pacing like a caged cat!!!

    We left the hospital at 4, got Logan from school, and then home for dinner, left to TKD, then to target to get my drugs. We got home about 8:30 and wound down about 9, I was able to sleep in the bed last night, and have slept alot today and showered so I feel a little more human! Now I am going to get ready to go to a Parent/Teacher conference in the stinking RAIN!!!!

    Would I do it again....Yes and once it all starts working in the way it should and the weight is going away it will really be worth it. Thanks for all the positive thoughts and prayers. Just keep them coming. The Journey is just beginning!!!!

  10. PRE-OP food list from my nutritionist, One meal per day with food from this list. :cool2:

    Protien 3-5 oz :tt2:

    chicken (White meat skinless) - eggs or Sub - Turkery (white meat skinless) - Fish (canned/fresh) - Beef (sirlioin, top round, filet mignon without bacon) - veal (chop,leg, cutler) - low fat lunc hmeat - venison/duck breast - shellfish (shrimp, crab, lobster) Pork (Tenderloin, center loin)

    beverages :)

    Water - Crystal light - unsweet coffee or tea, non calorie liquids

    Condiments (UNLIMITED) :)

    Lemon juice - Vinegar - Oil Spray - Herbs/Spices - Mustard -Broth - Horseradish - sugarfree popsicles - S/F Gelatin

    Limit 1 per meal :w00t:

    Light mayo (1Tbsp) - Reduced fat sald dressing (2 Tbsp) - Reg salad dressing (1 Tbsp) - Nonfat Milk 1/2 cup - L/F L/S yougart (1/2 Cup) - L/F Cottage cheese (1/2 Cup) Olice & Canola Oil (1 tsp) - Reduce fat margine (1Tbsp) - Reg margine (1tsp)

    Veggies (UNLIMITED ALL DAY EVERY DAY!!!):thumbup:

    Asparagus - Alfalfa Sprouts - Beets - Bean Sprouts - Bell Peppers - Broccoli - Brussell Sprouts - Cabbage - Cauliflower - Carrots - Celery - Cucmbers - Eggplant - Green Beans - Greens ( kale, spinach) - Lettuce (all types) - leeks - Mushrooms - Onions/Garlic - Peppers (Chilies, Red, Green) - Parsley - Radishes - Snow Peas - Tomatoes - Turnips - Vegetable juice - Water Chestnuts - Zucchini/Summer Squash

    This is my food for the next 7 days, hopefully it will help anyone else, just check with your doctor, and make sure. I have ot do 2 shakes a day, and i am big water drinker...but giving up SWEET TEA is going to kill me!!!!! Be careful with the lean cuisine meals, they are high in sodium and carbs...

  11. I am getting banded on March 23, and started my Pre-Op Diet on Friday March 13. I met with the nutritionist on Thursday, and was in AWE about everything I CAN eat this week. I was given a menu of foods to choose from with an list of UNLIMITED veggies I can eat. Loving the Muscle Milk Protein drinks, going to try the pure Protein ones next. The ready to drink is so much easier. After the meeting I am not so apprehensive about the life long change I will be making. We were told if it comes from the butcher, tree, garden or the sea....in it natural form it can be eaten....I just cant believe it is only 9 days away!!!!


  12. I am set to be banded at UT Southwestern Medical Center on Monday March 23rd, the doctor there is Dr Scott. He was the speaker at the seminar I attended. I have met with him and he is very comfortable. Check him out.

    Just a question why are you not telling your husband? You don't want to use lapband solutions or a like place then you are most likely going to have an over night stay in the hospital.

  13. i am set to be banded on march 23, and dont have to start my pre-op fasting until march 13th, but since i know that, i have already replaced one meal with a shake. i have a Protein Shake for b-fast, i mix about 8 oz with about 16 oz of ice and blend it...it makes a milkshake consistancy, i eat it with a spoon while i am at my desk working and it lasts for a few hours. the ice keeps it cold and it seems like it is more. keep it slow. that is what you will have to doa after you are banded so start the little stuff now to condition your habits. i have 6 yr old, and he knows i am doing this to have my 'fat-weight surgery' and he share with me, but most importantly when i look at him i know I NEED to do this....no matter what. look at your little one and think how improved your life will be once you wrap your will power around this. trust me it will all be worth it once the band is on....good luck

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