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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Angelia2/13/09

  1. I don't know how I missed this! I was banded on 2/19. I have been reading some of the posts and the difference in approaches is amazing. My doctor wants me on a modified liquid diet and not working until March 12. I am supposed to drink 2 oz. of Protein Shake on the hour and 2 oz. of clear liquid every 15 minutes. I am starving!!!! With all liquids, it is my understanding there is no restriction. aLso, I have already started back to work. I feel great! There is no soreness, energy loss, or pain, I am amazed. I have lost 10 pounds so far but I don't know how long I can stay on all liquids without giving in solid food, or even something mushie for that matter. Whatever, I am determined to do what the doctor says. After reading some of the posts though, I may try to call tomorrow to see what I can do about the nagging hunger pains:drool:

    I know what you mean I was eating food in one week I called my dr am said for a fill sooner because I was starving she said the swelling must be gone and go ahea and eat what I can tollerate I had no restriction but I will eat and get full faster I got a burrito at TB and half of it I was feeling it should have stoped on the 4th os of but then I was hungrey again within a hr but I can tell when I am done still can't wait for a fill I have only lost 12 lbs since the surgery the 13th of feb... I need to lose more:cursing:

  2. Ok I called my dr, today because I am hungrey and feel like I could eat just about anything, when my dr put the band in he doesn't put anything in it so I have no restictions so I can eat they just say take it slow because of swelling but if I am hungrey my swelling must be gone so I can eat now I will go on the 12th to get my first fill and I will get 4cc so until then I can eat normal but now I won't over do it I have lost 15 lbs since surgery and want to keep it off. I would love to hear how some of you early month banders are doing and those who have had there first fills...:smile:

  3. Ang, THE BALD GUY here, i was banded Feb 5, i am still in a little pain, i have an wound that wont stop bleeding. i went to the insta care, they were going to send me to a surgeon. I came home and banded up my belly.

    I have just 2 spots that hurt the port mainly I have over did it a couple of times, I am suposed to be on mushy stuff for 3 more weeks but my cousin whom had it done also her dr only had her on it a week then move to what she can tolerate I took the kido to chuck e cheese today and I ate off a slice of pizza I know it was bad a chewed really well and had no problem at all it actually made me feel good I have been so hungery I can't take it, but no more I don't want to CHEAT I need a fill soon I don't go until the 12th of march and I am only getting 2cc since we are going to dianey world the 19th of march she said do small so I can enjoy the trip so have any of u CHEATEd come on be honest I really feel like crap and hope to not do it again!!!:)

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