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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. I agree. It's not going to hurt you to drink a whole glass of milk once in a while, but if you drink a gallon a day, I'd try to switch to 1%. I like 1% - whole milk tastes "fatty" to me. The only thing I can use skim is on my Cereal, it resembles breast milk too much! Marci
  2. marfar7

    Does Medicare Pay For Lap Band Fills?

    Medicare paid for the first year of fills (4). They came with the surgery - of which I only paid 10% of. Now, I pay for them ($160). I thought Medicare was the same all around, but I guess not. Marci
  3. marfar7

    My Cruise....

    Hey all, I just got married on Dec 3rd and went on a Mexican cruise the day after. After losing 104 lbs in 2 yrs, 8I finally gained 5 lbs. I've been on 2 other cruises since banding and didn't gain but this time I ate a lot more. I think I need a fill. Unfortunately were visitng familt 4 the holidays out of state until january so I can't get one till then. Now I find myself worrying about calories and my weight. Haven't worried about those things in a long time. My husband keeps trying to get me to eat lo carb (he's lost 80 lbs that way) bu5t 8I refuse to diet again. I spent my whole life on a diet and that's why I got the band. Hopefully a fill will help get me under control again. I can defiantely eat more now and I don't get stuck very often.I guess ill just enjoy my holidays and get a fill when I get home. And I was only 9 lbs from goal...oh well. Happy holidays everyone Marci8
  4. I can eat anything after 2 yrs. Including pork chops bread Pasta rice and steak. The only thing that gives me problems is pizza crust-I throw up everytime I attempt to eat it. I eat 1 pc of bacon about 5 mornings a wk. I love my band. I can still eat anything I want - just in very small quantities. Good luck! Marci
  5. marfar7

    What Did You Eat Today?

    I've been banded since Oct 2009 (2 yrs) and today I ate: It was my last morning of a 7 day Mexican cruise, so I ate a pretty big breakfast: 1/2 of eggs benedict (1/2 an egg/ 1/2 pc canadian bacon, 1/2 english muffin), about 4 bites of cornbeef hash, orange juice, and a cappucino Lunch: About 1/2 of a Burger King cheeseburger and about 6 fries Dinner: About a cup of chili and a small cornmeal muffin Snack: Handfull of almonds Marci
  6. marfar7

    Sugar-free Mints?? Gum???

    My doctors office actually gave me 2 packs of sf mints in my free goody bag for the hospital (chapstick, a variety of Protein drinks to taste, a pair of snuggly socks, and a small cooler to keep my Protein Drinks cool in when traveling). And I chew gum all the time. I actually don't do the sf gum - it just doesn't "pop" as well and I'm a gum popper. There's only about 8 calories in a pc of regular gum anyway. So my advice - yes, they're both ok. I've had my band for 2 yrs and have never had any problems with them. Marci
  7. marfar7

    Night Reflux

    I feel your pain. I had my 5th fill about 4 mths ago and since then, I've had really bad nightime reflux. I started taking some OTC antacids about 8 pm and that helps. I keep my fiance up half the nite coughing. Who knew that coughing was caused by reflux?? Altho I don't think I'm too tight, I think I'm just about right. I need to lose about 9 more lbs. I think I own stock in the Rolaids company - I have a bottle in the bathroom, next to my bed and in my purse. I chew them all day. I figure if this is all I have to complain about with a size 6 jeans, then so be it. Good luck! Marci
  8. marfar7

    2 Weeks Post Banded And Starving?

    Its normal to be hungry. They probably didn't give u any fill during surgery so right now your gunna feel just like u did pre op. I'm 2 yrs out but remember my 1st month. Everytime I went to Albertsons to pick up my tomato Soup, I smelled the fired chicken in the deli and almost caved. It took 3 fills to get me any restriction. Here I am 104 lbs lighter with about 9 to go telling u that it will get better. Good luck! Marci
  9. You'll be bummed when you you're measured at the bridal store and the size is about 4 sizes larger than you actually wear. I'm 5'5" and weigh 145 lbs now and I just picked up my size 16 wedding dress for my Dec 3rd wedding last week. It fits perfectly. After they measured me, they told me the bottom part measured at a size 4 and the top measured as a 16! I'm now wearing size 6-8 pants and an XL top and a size 16 dress??!! Yep. The girl who works there told me thats how bridal stores size. My fiance who wears a size 35 pants also got a size 38 and they fit perfectly in his suit. I thought I'd said goodbye to a 16 forever. Oh well. Congrats to you! When is your wedding? This is my 2nd (my husband of 19 yrs died 4 yrs ago) so we're having a very small wedding at a park in Glendora, Ca. Going on a 7day Mexican cruise the next day. Can't wait. We leave for Ca next Tues (we live in OR). My fiance's family lives in Glendora so that's why we're going there. Anyway, have a great Thanksgiving too! And congrats again! Marci
  10. I also had Medicare - but my doctors office preauthorized it. It only took about a week. I had hypertension and a BMI of 40 tho. My surgery was about $13,000 and I paid about $1100 out of pocket. The hospital let me make pmts too. Good luck to you on your surgery! I'm 2 yrs out. Marci
  11. Since I've had actual restriction (about 20 mths now), I physically can't drink while eating. I read in a lap-band instruction book that some people have the "cork effect" - where the food clogs up my esophagus and when I drink, it backs up and I vomit up all of the liquid. But when I first got my band, until I had restriction (about 5 mths), I continually drank while eating. I don't think I followed many rules back then. But now, I actually CAN'T drink. In fact, this morning, I had to take a pain pill after Breakfast. I had to wait an hour before I could even take a sip of Water to down the pill. I can tell when the food has settles into my stomach - usually about 45 - 60 mins. If I knew 2 yrs ago what I know now, I would've followed the rules a little better. I have lost over 100 lbs and am about 9 lbs from goal, but that's totally the band working, not me at all. I waited until I got restriction before I made any changes. For almost the full 5 mths after my surgery, I ate pretty much the way I did before my surgery - I couldn't even stick to liquids only for 4 weeks. I now know there's a reason for the rules. Back then I didn't see the point. Good luck! Marci
  12. It took me 4 mths and 3 fills to get any restriction. I thought I'd be the one it didn't work for until the day after my 3rd fill. I ate like 3 bites of chicken and was so full. It's a differnt kind of full now tho. When I eat a few bites, I'm satisfied. If I eat a few more, my chest starts to hurt - and if I keep eating (and after 2 yrs, yes I find myself doing so occasionally) I'll vomit. Since I can't eat but a few bites at a time tho, I'm hungry more often. I've lost 104 lbs with about 9 left till goal. Good luck with your fill. I hope you're one of the ones it works for on the first one. I guess I'm lucky in that I went over a year between my 4th and 5th fill and it's been 4 mths since my 5th and I'm still good. Oh and about the head hunger - yes I still feel it. Sometimes I'm jealous when I see people eat more than 1 slice of pizza. I always want to eat more, I just physically can't. I'm so thankful for my band! Marci
  13. marfar7

    What did you first eat?

    Hey, I remember when I got my band 2 yrs ago and I was on the liquids only for 4 weeks. Everytime I'd go to Albertsons to stock up on my tomato Soup, I'd smell the fried chicken in the deli. Almost gave in a couple of times! The first few months were rough for me - as I had no restriction and I could eat as tho I didn't have the band. And I did. I had no self control. I thought the band wasn't gunna work for me. After 4 months and my 3rd fill, I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. I could only eat about 6 bites of food. I can now eat anything I want, just really really small quantities of it. I've lost 104 lbs with about 9 lbs to goal. I still eat bread (I can only eat one pc now and really slowly), Pasta, rice, potatoes, and even occasionally pizza crust (only 1 pc - as more will get stuck). I'm thinking about getting another fill soon (I have about 8 cc in a 14 cc band). The moral of the story: Soon you'll be finding out what you can eat and what you might have to choose to not eat. I wish you all the luck and hope that you have resctriciton right away and you don't have to go thru bandster hell. Marci
  14. Was down 104 lbs-then I gained 5 lbs this past 2 weeks. I think I was ahead of myself thinking I couldn't gain any wt. I was band3d 2 yrs ago and was only 9 lbs from goal. I'm really dissapointed in myself. I've been snacking a lot at night which also give me terrible heartburn at nite. 3 wks ago I was thinking it was simpled to keep the wt off-now I'm not so sure. I don't know why I'm eating so much cuz I get full really fast and I'm uncomfaortable when I overeat. I'm cdcebating whether I want to get another fill or just do the 5 day pouch test. I'm afraid I've stretched my pouch. D9es the 5 day pouch test let u know whether or not u need a fill or does it help shrink ur pouch back? Marci
  15. marfar7


    Yep your in "bandster hell". The 1st few months after my band was placed I didn't feel any different. It took 3 fills (about 4 mths) for me to feel restriction. I assumed that I wouldn't be hungry immeditely after surgery. I was starving. I lost maybe 10 lbs the 1st 4 mths that I attributed to the post op liquid diet. Once I got restriction the lbs started coming. Its been 2 yrs and I've lost 104 lbs with about 10 left till goal. I do feel ur pain. I thought I failed the band just like every other diet id ever been on. Please be patient. I don't remember my doctor telling me this. I thought the band was magic and it would work right away. Doesn't work like that Good luck to u Marci
  16. marfar7

    Funny stomach noises...

    I gurgle also. Altho it cut way down after I had an unfill last Dec. Its truly embarrasing with other people. I had 2cc taken out last Dec and had a fill of 1cc about 3 mths ago and it hasn't changed. I especially gurle when I drink too fast. I heard it was perfectly normal. Good luck to u Marci
  17. marfar7

    SIZE 14

    Congrats! Way 2 go Marci
  18. marfar7

    How does the band feel inside of your body?

    I'm 2 yrs out and have lost 104 lbs with about 9 left 2 lose. I can't feel anything inside of me but I know its there cuz I can't eat very much. The more weight I lose the more my port stickss thru my skin. My fiance calls it my contraption. I have a little saggy skin in my belly area but have never looked gaunt. With the band its a slower loss than with bypass - those r the people thazt look gaunt. Good luck to u in ur surgery. I'm so glad that I did it Marci
  19. marfar7


    O totally agree with the focus on the family - not the food. I hosted Thanksgiving last year and it went without a hitch. I ate about 2 bites of everything. I even at some pumpkin pie! The leftovers went home with guests tho! Good luck with your holidays. They're really not that bad (I've been thru 2 now) Marci
  20. marfar7

    Chinese Food

    Absolutely! I just had Panda Express today (if you call that Chinese!). I'm 2 yrs out and I eat whatever I want - just in very small quantities. You'll probably be able to eat Chinese again - don't know if you're one of the people who can eat rice/noodles tho. Most people can't. I can eat about 4 bites of rice and a few bites of chicken. It's worth it to me tho! Good luck! Marci
  21. marfar7

    2nd fill=frustrated!

    I actually ate exactly the same as before surgery until after my 3rd fill. About 4 mths into surgery. I could eat a large Quiznos sandwich with no proble. - now I eat about 4 bites and I'm stuffed. Good luck! Marci
  22. marfar7

    100lbs lost & Normal Weight

    Congrats - good work! I've also lost 103 lbs and have about 10 more to go. My goal is 135. I also checked my BMI the other day and for the first time, I'm in the normal range too! Doesn't it feel great?! Again, congrats to you! Keep up the good work. I hear that the last 10 lbs are the hardest! Marci
  23. marfar7

    Personal trainer

    I had a personal trainer once a week for about 4 months. Yes, it helped tremendously. She would start every week off by measuring me and weighing me. She pushed me when I thought I couldn't do one more rep (something I miss now). Just being accountable to someone helped me. I haven't had her for about a year now (doing it on my own) and I miss her. It's so expensive tho. Good luck to you! Marci
  24. marfar7


    I drink as much coffee as I want. I'm a rebel, I guess! I just have to watch the calories on the fancy coffee house drinks. I don't see a reason why you can't drink it, my doc has never said anything about it. I drink about 2-3 cups a day. Good luck in your surgery! Marci
  25. I also have dieted my entire life (I remember being 8 yrs old and on a diet with my mom). I've had my band for 2 yrs now and I'm about 10 lbs from goal (I've lost 103 lbs). The first 4-5 months I was in "bandster hell" - where you have your band in but no real restriction yet. I lost a few pound just from the liquid diet. After my 3rd fill, I finally understood what the whole deal was behind the band! You can't understand it till you have proper restriction. Some people have it directly after surgery, more often it's 2-4 fills before they feel it. I am one of the ones who eat whatever they want (including bread, rice, and pasta). I can't eat very much of them. I wouldn't dream of finishing a sandwich. I can eat about 3-4 bites of everything then I'm full - sometimes uncomfortably full. At times when I eat too fast (a habit I'm finding hard to break) everything comes right back up. But it's my own fault, and I understand that. My fiance who lost 80 lbs the past 18 mths is always on a lo carb plan. I can't stand to be on a "diet" - that's the whole reason I got the band. I still eat cookies (albeit 2 instead of 12), ice cream (i sm scoop instead of a pint) and soda (a few sips vs a whole bottle). I don't count calories, carbs, protein or fat. The past year, the poiunds have come off much slower, but that's ok. I'd rather eat the way I am and lose 2 lbs a month than have to deprive myself. The only problem I've had with my band is last Dec while taking antibiotics for a UTI, the meds made me vomit so much that my band was irritated. I had to go in and have 2cc removed. It was then perfect (I think I was a little tight too) until this past Aug when I got a 1 cc fill. I went from a size 22 to a size 6-8. But I don't have a problem with going shopping for size 6 jeans! Good luck to you! Good luck in your decision. Know that not all of us are perfect eaters - I'm soooo unperfect. Thats why I love my band so much. If I could have been a healthy eater, I would not have needed the band! Marci

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