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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. marfar7

    What Are Your Cant Haves

    I can eat almost everything. Except pizza crust. I can eat bread, hamburger buns, etc - but no pizza crust. No clue why. Marci
  2. My surgery was 2 1/2 yrs ago. I wished I had done alot more studying up and reading about the lapband before I had it. I wanted it - I got it. I even attended the 4 hr mandatory seminar my drs office had about a month before and I never remember them telling me to be so patient! I wish I had known back then that the first few months (or until you get proper restriction) were going to be so hard. I really thought I had failed yet again. I could eat just as much as I had before. I lost maybe 8 lbs during the first 5 mths. As soon as I got my 3rd fill, the weight started dropping off (about 10 lbs a month). Oh and I wish I had read my post op instructions a little better. I thought it said 4 weeks of Clear liquids + Protein shakes. I thought I was going to starve, so I added tomato Soup to my diet but thought I was cheating. Never told my doc. Just a few months ago, I found my post op instructions. They say liquids only for 4 weeks - including pudding, yogurt, cream Soups, etc. That whole time I thought I was gunna hurt myself with the tomato soup and felt guilty. And I could've had yogurt and pudding!!! Thats what I get for not reading carefully.... Good luck with your surgery! It was the best thing I ever did Marci
  3. I have 4to also. Including my port area. Its been 2a 1/2 yrs and they're still there so im guessing they'll be there forever. No biggy tho. I have a 7inchlapband scar from open gallbladder suregry 20 yrs ago so those little scars r nothing. Marci
  4. marfar7

    2 Days Until Mushy Foods..help!!!

    Its been a long time since I had to eat mushies (2 1/2 yrs) but remember it like yesterday. I think I ate my weight in mashed potatoes. Even tho my doc told me to stay away from them. I ate alot of cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, and refried Beans. I loved my mushies cuz I was on liquids for 4 wks. As someone else said, u can make anything mushy. Im not much of a cook so I stuck with already prepared stuff. Good luck and enjoy! That first bite will be heaven Marci
  5. marfar7

    Lean Cuisines???

    After I got restriction 5 mths out, I could only eat about 2/3 of a 'LC. 2 1/2 yrs later, I still don't think I've finished one. I love LC spinach mushroom pizza but an only eat about 1/2 of one. But ur right, it does seem lkke a good portion size Marci
  6. I've had my band for 2 1/2 yrs now and have lost almost all of my wt. This past week, everytime I eat anything im in major pain. Tonite I ate 31 bites of chicken, 3 bites of rice, and 1I broccoli floret and I threw it all up, started sweating profusely, and am in alot of pain. The only other thing I ate today was 14 eggs and about 6that bites of yogurt for bf. I've had a problem with reflux since my last fill and last nite I had to lie on my back propped up with 3 pillows to get any sleep. I cough all nite long. And I've been taking Nexium for it for 3bf mths. And I eat rolaids like they're candy. I don't think im too full cuz before last week I could eat more than I've been able to for 2it yrs. My husband thinks that the reflux caused an ulcer and I need my band emptied. I reallly don't want to do that. Im in another state now so I don't have access to my band dr and I have an appt with my primary on the 9th. Everytime I eat tho my busband wants to take me to the ER. The funny thing is is that im hungry when I eat. It hasn't taken away my appetite. If I have a slip I wouldn't even be able to keep fluids down, right?? No problem with drinking. Does this warrant a trip to the ER where the drs have probably never even seen a lapband? I need to lose my last 9fill lbs but I really don't want to do it this way. Thanks! Marci
  7. marfar7

    Abdominal Pain

    About 18mths ago I woke up with excruciating stomach pain. I tried everything I could think of before heading to urgent care. I left the urgent care on advice of the dr to the ER with a note explaining to the ER dr that I have a lapband and im a possible surgical candidate. I thought for sure my band had slipped. After having a ct scan I found out I had diverticulitis. Im only 43. They gave me IV pain meds and sent me hoke with an rx for antibiotics and pain pills, a clear liquid diet for 3 days and instructions to see my dr the next week. I felt much better after the IV meds and finding out it want my band. I've never heard the age thing with diverticulitis. I thought anyone could have it. Anyway, I know the feeling of being scared stomach pain is your band. Good luck Marci
  8. Thanks for all of ur help everyone. I didn't sleep worth Beans last nite cuz of the reflux. This might be tmi but this morning when I woke up I felt something wet on the sheet. Its brownish green liquid. Im guessing bile. Yuck. Someone asked if id been under stress lately. Im currently out of the state now visiting my mom who had a major stroke 2 wks ago and is still in a coma and on a respirator. I have a o clue what the future brings If I don't feel better today I think im gunna go to the ER later. Im so miserable and because im out of state (I live in OR and im in CAK I don't have access to my band dr.I really don't want an unfill but if it'll make me feel even a little better, im open to anything. Thanks for all the comments and ideas Marci
  9. I guews I can't edit a post on my phone. It also was 1 broccoli floret (not 11) and 1a egg (not 14) . Marci
  10. I meant 3 bites of chicken. Not 31! People r probably telling themselves "no wonder her stomach hurts!" Marci
  11. marfar7

    Pant Sizes

    Started at 248 at 5'5" and wore about a 22 pants. Now im 145 and wear a 7/8. Hope that helps Marci
  12. Were out of the state right now. My mom had a stroke last week so my husband an I are staying in a hotel. We have been eating out at every meal. This morning we went to Denny's and they had a $4 all u can eat pancake Breakfast. Sounded good to me. I haven't eaten pancakes in over 2 yrs since my surgery. I eat bread, Pasta, rice and whatever else I want with no problems. Usually. I managed to eat about 4 bites before ending up in the bathroom with my head over the toilet. Lesson learned. Back to my usual 1 egg and 4 oz of yogurt for breakfast. Marci
  13. At 6 maths I had only lost like 20 lbs. I didn't even have retricition till I was 5 maths in. Now over 2 yrs, I've lost 104 lbs and about 9 lbs from goal. I lost it alot slower than most but that's ok. I've also noticed that im able to eat alot more recently and thank God I haven't gained. But that first 6 maths was rough Marci
  14. At 6 maths I had only lost like 20 lbs. I didn't even have retricition till I was 5 maths in. Now over 2 yrs, I've lost 104 lbs and about 9 lbs from goal. I lost it alot slower than most but that's ok. I've also noticed that im able to eat alot more recently and thank God I haven't gained. But that first 6 maths was rough Marci
  15. Everyday when I pull on my 7s I don't think they're going to fit! In fact I started having to buy junior sz pants and jeans cuz the 8s butts are too saggy. I still wear xl tops (went from 3x) but I wear 7 on the bottom. I wish we could choose where to lose those last few lbs. It would definitely be from the top. Nice thread Marci
  16. marfar7

    Are Fills Coved By Insurance?

    I have Medicare and they covered the first year of fills. Now I have to pay for them ($160) each. I only go in about once every 6 mths now, so it's not too bad. Marci
  17. marfar7

    Bye Bye 2's!!!

    Congrats! Doesn't it feel great? Marci
  18. marfar7

    Where Is Everyone?

    Almost there! About 9 more lbs left to get to 135!! It's been over 2 yrs for me Marci
  19. marfar7

    Did I Expect Too Much?

    Hang in there! It WILL get better. I'm 2 yrs out and over 100 lbs down, but it took me a LONG time to achieve that. I read on here about people who lose 100 lbs in 6 mth and I'm bummed that it took me 18 mths to lose it. I don't have much extra skin to worry about - that's a plus of losing it slowly. It took over 4 mths for me to reach any kind of restriction and I lost nothing. I also thought I had failed and if I had to stay on a "diet", I wouldn't have gotten the band. After my 3rd fill tho, it kicked in. The lbs started dropping - not really fast, mind you, but steadily. I'm now about 9 lbs from goal of 135. Lately I've been having a tough time with it tho. My band is maxed out (10cc in a 14 cc band!) so I got my very last fill about a month ago. Now I have to do it on my own. It doesn't work nearly as much as it used to. But I've already gotten rid of my larger jeans - so I have to stay in my size 7's! I'm still not dieting, but I am hungry at more times than I used to be. Hang in there. It does get better. Losing slowly means you will keep it off. And you might have less saggy skin to worry about! Good luck! Marci
  20. marfar7

    "sensa"sprinkles Along With Lap Band

    If you google SENSA, you'll find all kinds of reviews why they don't work. I'm sure the makers of SENSA can tell you how and why they DO work, but I wouldn't trust it. I wouldn't waste my money. Just my opinion. Why don't you want another fill? Marci
  21. I'm very positive about the band. I've had it for over 2 yrs now and have lost all but about 9 lbs. The only complaint I have isn t actually about the band - it's the fact that my dr told me I'm maxed out at 10cc in a 14cc band. I can't have any more fills. I'm gunna have to lose the last 9 by myself. Everything else is honky dorry. Good luck! Marci
  22. I have about 15 prs of size 12 and 14 jeans and pants (some with the tags still on). I jumped thru those sizes really fast. If you pay for shipping, they're yours!! Marci
  23. Sorry to tell you this - but as been posted hundreds of times, it takes several fills normally to give you good restriction. I had my surgery over 2 yrs ago and it took until my 3rd fill - 4 mths later, before I felt like I had any restriciton. I didn't lose anything the first 4 mths - but then over the past 2 yrs have maintained over 100 lbs off. It'll happen. You have have some patience. I wish someone had told me this when I first got banded - I didn't do much research on it until aftwerwards. I'm very happy with my band now - the first few months tho I thought I had failed yet another weight loss attempt. Good luck! Marci
  24. marfar7

    Body Dysmorphia

    Absolutely! It's been over 2 yrs and over 100 lbs for me - and everytime I look at my size 7 jeans, I think I can't possibly fit into them! When I got my fill 3 wks ago, I told my nurse I wanted to lose about 15 more lbs and she said I'd be too skinny! ReallY? Never thought I'd ever hear that. I wear an XL still on top, I wish it would come off just the top of me, but alas my bottom will be flat as a pancake before that'll happen. I still think I'm fat (and I really am if you look at my top half) but my husband tells me everyday how beautiful I am. I guess I just have to trust that! Good luck! Marci
  25. marfar7

    The Truth About Medicaid And Weight Loss Surgery

    I also got banded with Medicare. Only needed 1 comorbitity (HTN) and didn't have a waiting period at all. In fact, I had my seminar on Sep 15th, saw the nutritionist and psych on Sep 20th and was banded on Oct 1st. I wish I had done more research before tho. Not that I'm not happy with my 104 lb loss - I am. I wish I knew then that until my band was adjusted properly (about 5 mths) I wouldn't lose any weight. I thought it would magically come off. Just wanted to let you know that I was Medicare also and I had no waiting period. This was in OR - but I don't think it matters for Medicare Marci

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