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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. I got so sick of hearing skinny people complaining that they couldn't lose that 10-20 lbs they needed to lose. Big f------- deal. I've got over 100 lbs to lose. Let me tell you, the first 104 were easy compared to the last 15! In the past 2 1/2 yrs, I've gone down from 248 to 144 right before getting married in Dec. In the past 4 mths, I've managed to gain about 6 lbs, making me 150. The scales move up and down everyday by a pound or 2.The last 15 lbs (my goal is 135) are so hard to get rid of. I know I need to step up the exercise some to get me off my plateau. Now I know exactly how those people who just need to lose 10-20 lbs feel. They are truly a b---- to get off!!! My goal is to be in a size 5/6 by my birthday (June 23). Guess I need to get back to basics.... Marci
  2. I posted this a few months ago when I got my fill, but I wanted to add something. When I saw my PA, the plunger that injects the saline backed out by itself without any pulling, telling my PA that there was too much pressure because it's maxed out. I have a 14 cc Realize band and only 10cc in it. I feel that I could use another fill but my husband disagrees. He's convinced that my PA knows what he's talking about and that it would hurt me if I were to go to another doctor for a 2nd opinion. So what would you do? Would you pay for a 2nd opinion about the fullness of the band or just white knuckle it forever? Can a fleuro be able to tell if it's full or not? I've never had a fill under fleuro - I don't even know how much it costs. I have a feeling if I go to the MD rather than PA he would give me another fill - but I really don't have a choice of who I see in the office. It's whoever is available. What would you do? Marci
  3. I'm 2 1/2 yrs out. At 6 months I had only lost about 10 lbs cuz I didn't have restriction for the first 5 mths. Then I started losing about 8 lbs a month or so. At 1 yr, I had lost 75. After 2 yrs i had lost 104 lbs. I'm about 15 lbs from my goal of 135. I used to be 248. Wow. I can't believe that was me! Good luck! Marci
  4. marfar7

    Swallowing Medications

    One thing my doc didn't warn me about and that was my meds. I used to take about 9 different meds - 4 of those being for blood pressre (which I don't take anymore). I took them all normally after my surgery and for the past 2 1/2 yrs. I've never had any problems with pills but I know people do have problems. Yes, if they're stuck, you will feel it for longer than a few minutes. You'll feel it unil it's either down or up. Marci
  5. marfar7

    Lap Band Vs. Sleeve

    It's been 2 1/2 yrs since getting my band and I can eat whatever I want, just in very small quantities. The only thing I can't tolerate is pizza crust. I keep trying it and trying it - my band has yet to accept it. I can eat bread (only 1 small pc), Pasta, rice, meat, and everything else. Cept pizza crust. U might be the same way - I know there are many people that r. Good luck! I wouldn't trade my band for anything - even if it meant I couldn't eat those things again! Marci
  6. marfar7

    Drinking While Eating?!

    I physically CAN'T drink for at least an hour after eating - I'll throw up whatever I just ate. My doc says it's because it pushes the food down your pouch faster - not letting you feel full as long. But I also read in a lapband book that what I have is called the "cork effect". When the food is sitting in my pouch, drinking causes it to back up like a cork. It's quite painful. But I can drink up until the time I eat. Marci
  7. marfar7

    Gurgle Noise In My Throat?

    Absolutely norrmal. I asked this same question after I finally got restriction. My husband calls them "your noises" they used to be alot worse than now 2u yrs after getting restriction. Its embarrassing in public. Relax. There's nothing u can do about em. Marci
  8. marfar7

    Does 370 Per Fill Seem Expensive?

    The first year of fills were covered by my insurance. Now I have to pay $160 per fill. I drive 3 hrs each way to my doc so I checked out how much fills were in my town. $325!!! It's definately worth it to drive! I've only paid for 3 fills in 2 1/2 yrs and I'm now maxed out (at least that's wat my PA told me my last fill!) so I guess I don't have to worry about it anymore! Marci
  9. marfar7

    First Fill Eating

    For the first 4 mths after my surgery, I could eat just as much as I had before. I could eat a large Quiznos sandwich, a bowl of broccoli cheese Soup and still have room left for dessert. I didn't watch what I ate at all. I didn't lose but maybe 5 lbs during the first 4 mths. But I didn't gain either. After my 3rd fill, the band started magically working. Over 2 yrs later, and a couple of extra fills, I'm about 10 lbs from my goal of 135. Now I can eat maybe 5 bites of a sandwich, a cup of broccoli cheese soup, and have no room for anything else! I still eat bread, rice, Pasta, and everything else - just VERY small amts. It's amazing I can survive on the amts of food I eat. But I can and my size 7 jeans show it! So yes, it's very normal to be able to eat lotso pizza until you get proper restriction. When you finally do - be careful. If you attempt to eat like you did, you'll regret it! Good luck! Marci
  10. I would agree with JJ above. Walking now is certainly a plus, but I don't even think I felt up to Zumba for like a month. I've only taken 1 Zumba class and it almost killed me! Talk to your doc. Marci
  11. marfar7

    Problem With My Band

    I've had reflux for months now. I think I might be too tight - even tho I can eat more now than the past 2 yrs. I take rx Nexium and OTC Pepcid. Plus I think I own stock in the Rolaid company. I wake up with gunk on my pillow from stuff that came up at night. It burns, it tastes bad, and it's truly painful. I have a dr's appt this week to see what I can do. I sleep on my back with 2 pillows under my head - it's the only way I can sleep now. The last few nites haven't been too bad - and I really don't want an unfill. Good luck! Marci
  12. Christmas of 2010 - picture this: I'm out of state at my new boyfriends (now my new husband) families house for Christmas. I'm wearing a really cute black skirt that I had to roll the waist on cuz it was too big. I'm standing in the middle of the room with about 6 other people and my legs felt a little cold. My skirt was on the floor! My boyfriend noticed and helped me pull it up - thank God everyone else was in deep conversation and no one else saw it (at least we don't think so!). I had to belt my skirt that day and the minute we got home it went in the goodwill pile. Congrats! You're doing so well! Marci
  13. marfar7

    How Many Fills To Adequate Restriction?

    I waited until my 3rd fill for restriction. About 4 mths after my surgery. I lost maybe 5 lbs during that first 4 mths. Then I got my 4th fill about 6 mths later - magic. I didn't need another one until 15 mths later. I've lost almost all my weight (sans about 10 lbs) and can hardly remember life without restriction. Altho I can eat almost anything I want (pizza crust doesn't do too well), I do eat MUCH less of it Marci
  14. marfar7

    6 Month Diet?

    Depends on your insurance. medicare doesn't require it. From the time I even thought about the band and the time I went thru surgery - it was 1 month. Marci
  15. Corrigan, where do u get ur burgers that have 3500to calories? Even the double red robin cheeseburger has 1200. A Carls Jr Famous Star with cheese has about 700. I think that's the average. 8 don't think I would touch the burger that has 3500a calories! Good grief Marci
  16. I had my band placed 2 1/2 yrs ago and I remember the first month like it was yesterday. I could have sworn that I read my post-op instructions as "clear liquid + Protein shakes for the first 4 weeks". So I starved - literally. Until the 3rd wk I had to add some tomato Soup. This whole time I thought I was cheating - but I reread my instructions last month. It says liquids to include yogurt, pudding ,cream soups, etc. I would've felt alot better if I could have had some yogurt! And that whole time I thought I was cheating and was afraid to tell my doc! Everytime I'd go to Alberstons to buy more soup, I'd smell their deli fried chicken and almost have a meltdown in the store. I promised myself when I was able to eat solid food again, that would be my first meal. It wasn't. Good luck and hang in there. I promise, it does get better! Marci
  17. marfar7

    What To Eat Before First Fill

    My doc has me eating my last meal at least 2 hrs ahead of my fill. For 24 hrs I'm instructed to drink nothing but clear liquids - then it's a normal diet. Good luck to you! Marci
  18. marfar7

    Hello Coffee Addict!

    I also drink coffee daily. My doc said forget about the fancy Dutch Bros treats - and get plain coffee with Splenda and creamer.I saw the nutritonal facts for Dutch Bros - their large frozen coffee thingy has 500 cals! Wow! Thats a meal and a 1/2! So I do still drink my small skinny hot caramelizer with an extra shot about 3x a week and make coffee at home and have about 3 cups a day. It's been 2 1/2 yrs for me and I haven't hurt my band. I also drink thru a straw, eat bread, pasta, and rice - I guess I'm a rebel. One thing I DON'T do is to drink while I eat. I can't. Make me vomit immediately. So I guess the moral of the story is: Drinking coffee is fine but try and keep clear of the calorie dense fancy ones at the coffee house. They'll suck your daily calories down in one cup. Marci
  19. I drink beer occasionally. I went 9 mths without any carbonation at all cuz I was afraid of what would happen. My first diet pepsi was heaven. I have a sip or 2 of my husbands about 2-3 times a week but I would never even dream of finishing one myself. Same with beer. I'm sure it won't hurt me - it's just I can't drink that much anymore. Good luck! Marci
  20. marfar7

    Food Commercials

    I guess I'm the odd man out. Most of the food commercials on tv make me want whatever it is that they're selling. Espcecially the MnM's. When I had my band 2 1/2 yrs ago, I remember spending the nite in the hospital watching tv. On it was an MM's commercial. I remember telling myself that that would be the first real food I'd have when my liquid diet was over in 4 weeks. It wasn't - but it was one of the firsts! The Olive Garden commericials are among the worst. Marci
  21. marfar7

    How Many Cc's In Your Band???

    I have 10cc in a 14cc band. I went in for my last fill a few months ago and my doc said I was maxed out on my fills. I wouldn't be getting anymore. And I feel I need another. I don't know how I can be maxed out with 10cc. I did see the plunger push itself out with pressure when he stuck it in my port tho. I'm wondering if I went to anothr dr (and invariably pay more) if I could get another fill? Hmmmm. Must do research.... Marci
  22. marfar7


    I wanted a bag of Cadbury eggs just last week and my husband found the single serving size ones at CVS. He bought me one. I was clearly dissapointed (I could've eaten the big bag of em) but when I was done with my single servings (about 150 calories) I was satisfied. If I get a craving for something, I try not to "eat around it" by that I mean if I want chocolate, I'm not gunna eat an apple, then a banana, then some sf pudding - just to eventually eat the chocolate anyway, I'll just get a single serving of chocolate and not feel guilty. I don't do treats everyday - but at least 3x a week. When I'm trying to maintain, I can eat more treats (almost everyday)( but when I"m trying to lose (like now) I try to cut back a little. I chew a crazy amount of gum! Good luck! Marci
  23. My clinic is 3 hrs each way. Usually I get a motel and take my dog to the beach when I'm there - we make a day of it. I only go about twice a yr now anyway. Marci
  24. marfar7


    I had no diet at all before surgery. I was told to eat or drink nothing midnight the nite before. I went to Outback for ribs the night before surgery. Even had a pc of cheesecake. But I had to be on liquids only for 4 weeks afterwards - which is very hard. Good luck! Marci
  25. Medicar required a 6 month time period before surgey? I submitted my paperwork the same day I went to my drs 3appt hr class they approved me in abot 10 days. Then the following week I had my psych eval and my RD appointment (I live 3 hrs away so we did everything in the same day). My surgery was sheduled for the week afterwards. So from the time I submotted my paperwork to Medicare it was approx 3a wks to surgery. I've heard some other things about Medicare that I didn't exerience. You'd think that since its a federal plan it would be the same everywhere they also didn't require me to lose weight in beforehand. My dr didn't even require a pre op diet. I ate normally till midnite before surgery. Have a great wkd!! Marci

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