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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. marfar7

    Overseas Travel

    Some drs believe that you have to have the Fluid taken out just to fly - mine thinks it's unnecessary. I don't think the altitude will have any effect on your band. Now, when it comes to the food in Africa, I might just have it removed to be on the safew side, as elcee said, if something happens there, they might not know what to do. I hate the thought of emptying out my band only to slowly have it filled again. Good luck! Marci
  2. marfar7

    1St Lap Band Fill.

    I can't imagine a dr doing that. Giving you as much as possible for your first fill. They probably give you the most during the first fill only because they're starting from zero, but you want to go slowly. And yes, almost everyone has to "rest their stomach" as much as possible after a fill. My dr tells me Clear liquids for 24 hrs then diet as tolerated. Some people do 3 days of full liquids. Just depends on your dr. Good luck! Marci
  3. A few docs put a little fill in when they place it - but not many. They feel that this isn't the time for restriction, it's time for healing. You'll lose a little the first month with no fills cuz you'll most likely be on a very restrictive diet (mine was liquids for 4 weeks, then soft for a week, then regular). It's kinda hard to gain weight drinking broth, cream Soups, and crystal lite. But after the restrictive part is over, you'll most likely need fills. There's a few people I've heard of that never ned a fill, but I think it's a very small %. I needed 3 to feel any restriction at all - it took about 4 mths. I thought I had failed yet another "diet". I could eat just as much as I did before - and if I could limit my food on my own, I would've never needed surgery! But the 3rd one was magic! Pounds started melting off. It's now been 2 1/2 yrs and I've kept off 100 lbs. I still have about 15 lbs to go, it's coming off mighty slowly. Most of my weight came off the first year, then the 2nd yr about 20 lbs and this past 6 mths or so another 5 lbs. The closer you get to goal, the harder it is to take off! Now I know what my friends would talk about when they'd complain that they had to lose a WHOLE 20 lbs! My 4th fill lasted 17 months. I now have 10cc in a 14cc band. I think I'm good now - altho I fight my husband over whether or not I need another fill (he says I don't, I say I do) Good luck to you. Be patient. It'll happen. It'll just take some time. Marci
  4. marfar7

    Drinking With The Band

    Stephanie is right. It makws the food wash thru ur band quicker, not letting u get as full. But I'm 2 1/2 yrs out and physically CAN'T drink for at least 30-60 mins after eating. I'll throw up. I read a lapband book about a yr ago and found its called the "cork effect". The food lodges in my esophagus making a cork and if u drink, it'll all come back up. I drink right up till the time I eat then I can't for about an hour. Marci
  5. marfar7

    Food Dehydrator Suggestions?

    We got a Ronco 5 layer dehydrator from eaby for about $30. It makes about 1 1/2 lbs of jerky at a time. Works well. Done in about 12-18 hrs. Also I've made carrot chips and zuccchini chips. Just cut them, spray with a little olive oil and salt and voila - a yummy lo cal snack. Good luck Marci
  6. marfar7

    Why No More Protein Shakes?!

    MMine actually tells me to drink more Protein shakes even 2 1/2 yrs out. I haven't drinken one since I was off the liquid diet at 4the wks tho. Couldn't even swallow them anymore. I gave my father in lkaw 2 big jugs of Protein powder. I eat enuf real food to get my protein in. I don't count calories, protein,fat, or carb. I just eat what I want until im full. And that worked for almost 1002 lbs. I can imagine tho ur dr advising u to eat rather than drink ur calories. Good luck to u Marci
  7. I was stationed near Wurzburg Germany from 97-2000. I really miss the bread and yogurt in Germany. And the Turkish donors. Yummy. I had IVF at the University hospital in Wurzburg and had to stay 3in nites. Its done op in the US. And they had nuns for nurses. And they barely understood spoke any english and my medical German was limited. No advice for u. Just reminiscing about living in Germany....enjoy while ur still there. Id love to go back someday but at $1700least per plane ticket to Frankfurt, I don't think ill make it anytime soon. Good luck to u.. oh was it cheapee on the economy than in the US. IVF costs us $3,000 instead of about $18,000.. Marci
  8. marfar7

    Helllpp Im Starvin!!!

    Im 2 1/2 yrs out but remember that first month like it was yesterday. Everytime Id go to Albertsons to pick up my cans of tomato Soup, I"d smell the deli fried chicken and almost die from hunger. Swore that would be my first solid food. It wasn't. To tell u the truth, I don't even remember what it was! Hang in there. When ur able to eat again and when u finally get restriction, it'll be worth it. I promise. Be patient. Its a long process to actually losing. Marci
  9. The first 5 mths and 3 fills I felt nothing. I could still eat as much as I did pre-band. My 3rd fill is what did it for me. Didn't your doc explain to you the fill process? My dr has a model of the stomach with a lapband around it and explained it to me. It's like an inflatable balloon. The more liquid that goes in with fills, the tighter the band gets. I have a 14cc band ad it took 7.5 cc to feel any restriction at all (most drs don't put any liquid in during surgery). Some people don't need any fills (very rare) while some people need 4+ fills to feel any restriction. It's now been 2 1/2 yrs and I've lost over 100 lbs. I do remember feeling like I was a failure that first 5 mths tho - thinking I've done every diet known to man, gave up and had surgery - now I've failed at that too. I didn't, you just have to be patient and wait for the fills to kick in. When is your first one scheduled? Good luck! Marci
  10. marfar7

    Im At 10 Ccs In A 14Cc Band.

    I also have 10cc in a 14cc band. I got my last fill about 4 mths ago and my doc informed me that it would be my last. He said I was maxed out on my fluid. I couldn't believe it. I feel that I need another one already. I still have about 15 lbs to lose before my goal of 135. I was in the "green zone" for about 18 mths - then POW, I'm out. The last fill didn't really do anything. Hang in there. You'll get there. I know what the "green zone" feels like and it's great! Marci
  11. marfar7

    Loose Skin - Does It Happen To Everyone?

    I've lost 100 lbs over a 2yr yr period, most coming off the first year. I work out 3x a week. While id love to be able to afford a tummy tuck, I really don't have much excess skin. I lost it slowly and worked out. I probably will live with the small amt of sag I do have. Good luck Marci
  12. It took until my 3rd fill and 4 mths to get proper restriction. I exercise 3x a week (I walk on the treadmill for an hour and then do weights for about 20 mins). I have 15 lbs till goal of 135. Good luck Marci
  13. marfar7

    Sugar Free Water Flavoring

    I belive that Crystal Light is sugar free. At least I've Always thought it was. Yes, Jello and popsicles are considered a clear liquid. If ur on a full liquid diet then milk is ok, but if its a clear liquid diet its a no go. Milk has lactase which is a milk sugar and totally healthy. If ur dr says sugar free, im sure s/he doesn't mean milk. U need to look on the ingredient list for ur Protein powder cuz alot of them have sugar.. Good luck Marci I belive that Crystal Light is sugar free. At least I've Always thought it was. Yes, jello and popsicles are considered a clear liquid. If ur on a full liquid diet then milk is ok, but if its a clear liquid diet its a no go. Milk has lactase which is a milk sugar and totally healthy. If ur dr says sugar free, im sure s/he doesn't mean milk. U need to look on the ingredient list for ur Protein Powder cuz alot of them have sugar.. Good luck Marci
  14. Absolutely. Sometimes I feel I could eat my right arm. Other times it feels like the band is doing it's job. I've had my band for 2 1/2 yrs now and I WAS about 9 lbs from goal. Now I'm 15 - I've gained 6 lbs. Since my last fill (about 4 mths ago), it's seems like I could eat MORE than I could before it. And I have 10cc in a 14 cc band now. My doc says I'm "maxed out" on fills. He said the rest is up to me. I didn't do such a great job before the band what makes him think I can do a good job after the band? Sometimes I feel that I could eat a house, sometimes I feel like I could eat like a bird. I guess that's normal. Marci
  15. marfar7

    Can You See The Port?

    You couldn't see or really feel mine when I weighed 250 - but 100 lbs later, I can definitely see and feel it, especially when I lie down. It looks like an alien coming out of the side of my tummy. It's definitely prominent now. It actually hurts once in a while - like the soreness after a fill. Hope that helps a little. Marci
  16. marfar7

    Severe Acid Reflux (Gerd)

    I know exactly how you feel. The past 4 months or so I've had bad reflux too. To where I have to prop 3 pillows under my head and lie on my back to sleep. I'm awake half the nite tasting acid and coughing. I'm not too tight either. I never get stuck but I do vomit about 2x a week. At least I don't feel too tight. I've been too tight before and it doesn't feel like this. I finally went to the doctor last week and he gave me Prilosec. I take that and 4 OTC 150 mg Zantac's before bed. I know that's alot, but it really helps. I pop Rolaids like they're going out of business. Good luck to you. I know how it feels - you're miserable when you can't sleep. Marci
  17. marfar7


    I wasn't put on any specific diet either. In fact, I wasn't told to lose any weight either - but told not to GAIN weight. I went to Outback the nite before surgery for my "last supper". Yummy ribs. 4 weeks of liquids after my surgery were long enuf on liquids, thank you very much. Not everyone is on a pre op diet. Marci
  18. marfar7

    So Surprised!

    Congrats! Wait till you get into the single digits! Make sure you get rid of ALL but one outfit (so you can compare yourself to the old one) so you're not tempted to gain the weight back and still have clothes that fit you. I literally can't afford to gain my weight back! Good job! Keep it up! Marci
  19. marfar7

    Losing Schedule

    I was banded 2 1/2 yrs ago and lost pretty slowly. The first 4to mths I loast nothing till my 3rddr fill. Then I started dropping 7-8 lbs a mth. In 1the yr I had lost 75 lbs. The 2nd year I lost an additional 28 lbs for a total of 103. The last few mths I've gained a out 6to lbs back but I realized what im doing and ill take the 6first off plus the last couple lbs 8a have to goal of 135. Good luck to u. PSN I don't have alot of saggy skin because I lost so slowly. Its worth it if u have patience Marci
  20. marfar7

    I Used To Be 'fat'

    Congrats! I finally hit normal BMI after 2 yrs. Now I think dince I've gained about 6 lbs, I'm back up to the overweight category too. Keep it up! Marci
  21. Congrats! Good job! Keep up the good work! Marci
  22. marfar7

    Advice For The Sick

    I would at least try to drink a smoothie or something frozen. When I had strep years ago, I ended up losing like 10 lbs (before banding) cuz all I could eat for like 10 days was popsicles. Strep throat hurts to eat anything that isn't frozen. Can you make or buy a smoothie? Good luck! Marci
  23. I was banded Oct 2009 ( 2 1/2 yrs ago) and I was starved the day after surgery. I read my post op instruction wrong - thought it said Clear liquids + Protein shakes for 4 weeks. I thought I was cheating a week into it when I added tomato Soup. Come to find out, cream Soups, yogurt and pudding were fine! I literally thought I'd starve that first 4 weeks. Everytime I went to Albertsons for my soup, I smelled their deli fried chicken. I would've killed someone for it then. I've now lost over 100 lbs and I'm soooo glad that I was so hungry that first 4 weeks! It will get a little better each day (not much, but some!) and if you add pudding and yogurt to your diet, it'll make it even better, I'm sure! Good luck! Marci
  24. Mine wasn't too noticeable when I weighed 250 - but it looks like an alien now. I'm afraid people can see it thru my clothes (even tho my husband assures me you can't!). It's gotten much bigger the more weight I lose. It's very normal! Marci
  25. marfar7

    Gluttony Party Scheduled

    You won't necessarily have to give up Olive Garden breadsticks. I eat them occasionally. About 1/2 one with my bowl of chicken gnocci Soup (love that stuff). I haven't given up anything and I'm so close to goal I can taste it. I do confess I don't enjoy pizza anymore, but everything else (including bread, rice and pasta) is no problem for me. I could give them up and probably lose a little faster, but why? I enjoy them. If I wanted to give up certain foods, I would've gone on another diet instead of having lapband surgery. No clue about the pre op diet. I didn't have to do one. I was told to eat normally until dinner the nite before and to make that light. I was on the liquid diet for 4 weeks tho afterward tho. And boy does that suck! But I did it and have lost more than 100 lbs in the past 2 yrs. Good luck to you! Enjoy your dinner! Marci

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