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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. marfar7

    When Did You Start To Feel Restriction?

    I'm 2 1/2 yrs out and it took me 3 fills and 4 1/2 mths to get restriction. I felt like I failed yet another diet. I lost maybe 5 lbs that first 4 mths - only because I stepped up my exercise. I could still eat like a cow - and I did. Then, my first meal after my 3rd fill was like magic. I ate like 3 bites of chicken, 3 bites of baked potatoe and 3 bites of peas. And I was soooo full. I thought "Finally!" You'll get there. I know, everybody has told you to be patient, but you really have no choice. I've lost everything but about 10 lbs (those are the HARDEST to get off) Good luck! Marci
  2. marfar7

    50 Lbs Down

    Congrats! Doesn't it feel good?! keep it up - you're off to a beautiful start! Marci
  3. I actually applied for life insurance about 9 mths after having the band placed. They doubled my premium because I guess I have a greater chance of dying now that I'm no longer obese! Doesn't make sense. I could see a medical insurance saying that nothing related to the band would be covered, but not denied. I guess we're being punichsed for getting healthier! Marci
  4. I think beans and legumes are a great choice! Lotso protein and they're complex carbs - meaning they won't be used as sugar right off the bat. They'll give you energy first. I love beans and legumes. I love making a big pot of lentils and eating them for days. Good luck to you! Marci
  5. For the first 2 weeks after my liquid stage, I lived on mashed potatoes and gravy. It's been 2 1/2 yrs and I still eat carbs - albeit small amts. My husband is so anti - carbs - he lost 80 lbs on a lo carb diet over the past 3 yrs so he won't eat bread, rice, Pasta, Beans, even fruit is a no no. The reason I got the band was so that I wouldn't have to diet again. And I don't. I eat whatever I want - just in very small quantities. My dr is anti carb also. But he keeps telling me to keep up whatever it is I'm doing, so I do! Good luck! Marci
  6. marfar7

    Scared To Gain Weight....

    I agree - THROW THEM AWAY!!! Or better yet, give them away to another bandster. I gave away all of my 3x clothes over a yr ago and my 12/14's just last month to someone on here. I plan on never wearing those sizes again. I fit into a 7/8 bottoms now and have some size 10's that are cute - that I just wear a belt with. Those are fine but anything bigger and I get rid of it. I should have kept a size 22 jeans and 3x tops tho - just so I can compare how far I've come - but I forgot and got rid of all of them. keep one or 2 outfits so u can do the before and after pics with them. Marci
  7. marfar7

    Over-Eating With Good Restriction?

    Agreed. I get really uncomfortable and if I try to stuff in one more bite, I will have to throw up. I don't do it very often unless I'm feeling like a rebel. But if I don't have good restriction (about 2-3 days of month I feel like I'm not even banded) I can stuff myself. I don't know why it allows me to eat more on certain days??? Marci
  8. marfar7

    Drinking & Meals

    I physically CAN'T drink while eating - I'll throw it all back up immediately. I drink right up to the point of eating and always wait at least 45 minutes to an hour (or whenever I feel that the food is lower) to drink. I've had this since I've had restriction 5 mths after getting the band (I'm 2 1/2 yrs into it). Now, I can sip coffee or hot liquids while eating but not enuf to even count it as drinking. But the first time I tried to wash down my salad with diet coke (I know, also a no no but I drink it occasionally) - out it came ijmmediately in the public restroom. Good luck! Marci
  9. marfar7

    Family Dinners

    My husband asks me from the time I take my first bite "are you full yet". I know it's because he wants to finish whatever I'm eating! He also watches for signs of me getting sick. I get kind of tired of it too. Hang in there, it's got to get better! Marci
  10. marfar7

    5'4 Whats Your Goal Weight?

    Im 5'5" and my initial goal by my doc was 150. The more i lost tho the lower my goal got. 2nd goal for myself was 140. I now weigh 147it and my newest goal is 135. I cant imagine my life without having some weight to lose. So when i eventually get to my goal (which is the hardest 12 lbs I've ever lost) i wont know what to do. My husband thinks that I'm at the weight I'm sposed to be, that its the reason i cant seem to lose anmore. I still wear an xl on the top and i would be much more comfy in a large. I now wear sz 7/8 in pants tho. I've never in my life fit into single digits. I think i went straight from "pretty plus" sizes straight to the "fat lady section"
  11. I'm 2 1/2 yrs post op and have recently begun having acid reflux also. About 5 mths ago, I started nite coughing really bad. I found that if I sleep comfortably on my side (like I normally sleep) I wake up with my pillow all full of **** (sorry if tmi) and tasting acid in my mouth. I lie on my back while propped up with 3 pillows. I also take OTC Zantac and prescription Nexium. IT helps some but it doesn't totally alleviate it. I have a dr's appt this Monday for a barium swallow to see if my band is too tight (I don't think it is) and have Fluid taken out if neccessary. So yes, there's others with this problem. It's called GERD (Gastro esophageal reflux disorder) and my dr told me that eventually it can erode the esophagus so much that it may cause cancer. I need to good nites sleep without all the pain, spitting up, and acid taste in my mouth so I'm willing to take some fluid out if neccessary. Hope you get some reflief soon. It totally sucks! Marci
  12. marfar7

    Spaghetti Sauce?

    I make 2 kids of spaghetti at my house: One normal for me and one without noodles for my lo-carbing-it husband. He just likes a plate of sauce with meat, mushrooms, and peppers with parmesan on top. I like it with noodles. I can't eat but maybe 5 bites of it - but it helps the Pasta cravings! If I were you, I'd try it before I resigned myself to not eating it forever. I can eat almost anything (sans pizza crust) if I take small bites and chew it very well. Good luck! Marci
  13. marfar7

    Nash Fatty Liver

    I was diagnosed with NASH about 10 yrs ago after my liver panels kept coming out really high. Had a ct scan done and was diagnosed. I never had any other problems with it. Since I lost over 100 lbs, I've gotten rid of the NASH, hypertension, and severe depression. Thank God for my band! Marci
  14. marfar7

    Bandster Hell

    Here's some hope for u: I got my band 2 1/2 yrs ago Nd the first 5time mths (till my 3rdlast fill) I lost about 5the lbs. I could eat like I could before the band. After the 3rd fill, I literally started melting the pounds off. I've now lost 102 lbs with about 10 left I thought I had failed yet another weight loss attempt and regretted my decision to even have it. Then it started working and I couldn't be happier with my decision. Yes, there's lots of us out there that it took a while to see results. Good luck to u Marci
  15. marfar7

    Is It Really Bad To Eat Right After A Fill?

    My dr orders liquids for 24hrsthe after a fill. Ut in the last 2 1/2 yrs, I've followed his orders once. My last fill (I think it was the 6thlast fill). In fact, after my 3rd fill, I finally got restriction. I ate about 3the bites of chicken, 2 bites of baked potatoe, and a coupla bites of salad and I was totally full. It was like magic. The last fill I got in Jan was. 5 cc's and maxed my band out at my current weight. I still need to lose about 10 lbs so to hear I was maxed out was a bummer. I would advise tho to follow ur drs orders. If s/he tells u to only do liquids for a certain amt of time, do it. I guess im not a very good patient as I rarely follow drs orders. Good luck Marci
  16. I excuse myself and head to the bathroom. I've gotten pretty good at quietly vomiting whatever is stuck (usually from eating to fast). I still get the occasional "are u ok" coming from another stall. After 2the 1/2 yrs of doing this, Im pretty proficient. My husband always teases me that Im just making room for dessert. Good luck Marci
  17. marfar7

    How Do I Get Unstuck

    I stick my toothbrush down my throat and make myself throw whatever is stuck up. NOTHING else works for me. I'll break out into a cold sweat till I get it out. Marci
  18. Well, I've had my gallbladder out for almost 18 yrs now and had to have an open chole (cuz it was really infected). Stayed in the hospital for 6 days. The band was MUCH easier! Easiest surgery I've ever had, as a matter of fact! Good luck to you! Marci
  19. marfar7

    Third Bandiversary

    You look amazing! Congrats and have fun in London! Marci
  20. Im 2 1/2 yrs out and my hair never changed. My dcos office recommended Nizoral shampoo (u get it at the hair salon) to use after the surgery. I never used it and never had any problems. About 4the yrs ago, I lost 30 lbs after my husband died and my hair came out in clumps. Its definatelt true that u need to watch ur Protein intake. Just wanted u to know that hair thinning doesn't happen to everyone. Good luck with ur surgery Marci
  21. marfar7

    Barrium Swallow?

    They let you eat tuna salad and cranberry sauce the day after your surgery? Lucky dog! I was liquids for 4 wks! Marci
  22. I use the sugar free flavored creamers. They're about 10 calories per tbs. If I go to Dutch Brothers or Starbucks, I get a skinny latte (made with Splenda and non fat milk). I can't stand black coffee either. You have to work your favorite foods into your daily diet otherwise you'll start feeling ripped off and go overboard. Are you on Clear liquids, is this why s/he said no milk or sugar? Marci
  23. I say : DRINK A CUP OF COFFEE!! Why are you not having it? Are you giving it up cuz your doc says you can't have it? That's fine - I don't see where the problem is, but if you're following dr's instructions, so be it. But if you're giving it up cuz you don't think it's good for your band - hooey. A cup or 2 of coffee isn't going to hurt it. Now what hurts your weight loss is to get one of the fancy cappucino drinks at the coffee house everyday. Those have sometimes 500 calories in them. I've been drinking coffee since I was on the liquid diet 2 1/2 yrs ago. It actualy heps my band lossen a little so I can eat Breakfast. Good luck! Marci
  24. marfar7


    I'm 2 1/2 yrs out and I can eat a very small portion of Pasta. Olive Garden is my fav restaurant and I was afriad I'd never be able to eat there again. I eat about 1/2 bowl of chicken gnocci Soup, 1/2 breadstick, and about 6 bites of pasta. I also make spagetti occasionaly at home and can eat a very small portion. Good luck! Marci
  25. marfar7

    Taking Pills

    I take numerous (by numerous I mean over 12 a day) mostly at night. I'm 2 1/2 yrs out and have no problem taking them. Including a couple of huge ones. I find tho if I don't wait at least an hour after eating anything, they come back up. So my mantra "don't drink or take pills for at least an hour". Sometimes I forget, take them, throw them up and up comes every single pill. What a waste of pills! Besides that, I have no problems taking them. Marci

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