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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. marfar7

    Clear Liquid Diet

    There's not very much to a clear liquid diet. Anything you can see thru (juice, tea, crystal lite, sugar free popsicles, broth, and sugar free jello) are about it. How long do you have to do the clears for? Is this before or after surgery? I didn't have any kind of diet before (so glad about that!) Have fun on the clears! Marci
  2. marfar7


    Short is right. The band wasn't invented to not allow you to be hungry. If your stomach is empty, of course you're going to be hungry. The band is there to allow you to be satiated with alot less food. It's been 2 1/2 yrs since I got my band and I've lost over 100 lbs. I'm still hungry on a daily basis. But after about 6 bites, I'm full. You need to eat to allow the band to work. Good luck! Marci
  3. marfar7

    Everyone Experiences Hair Loss?

    I didn't lose any hair. But I lost my weight pretty slowly. I know I don't get in the protein intake I'm sposed to, but I never lost any hair. My doc recommends the special shampoo that you get at the hairdressers. Can't remember the name. Anyone remember? Good luck! Marci
  4. Just to let you know about yogurt: I'm 2 1/2 yrs out and I can eat practically anything (including bread, rice, and pasta), but I have yet to finish a carton of yogurt. Something about yogurt and ice cream, it get's stuck really easily - easier than bread actually. It takes me about 30 mins to eat a 1/2 carton. If I eat 2 bites ina row, it tells me I shouldn't have doe it. Congrats on starting "REAL" food. I remember that clear liquid stage and the tomato Soup I ate tasted like lobster! Good luck! Marci
  5. marfar7

    Iui W/ Clomid

    Congrats! I tried for 20 yrs to get pregnant, even went thru IVF, to no avail. I don't think the band would have anything to do with a high progesterone level, if that's what you're asking. In fact, I don't think anything in your body could have an effect on progesterone, except pregnancy. Again, congrats! That's wonderful. I hope everything works out well for you! Marci
  6. marfar7

    Sex Hang-Ups Before & After Surgery

    I was married for 19 yrs during most of my "fat yrs". My husband died 4 yrs ago unexpectedly. 2 1/2 yrs ago I got the band placed. I started dating when I had lost about 50 lbs (was still about 60 lbs overweight). Had sex for the first time in 3 yrs after losing about 70. When I met my current husband (we've now been married 5 mths) 18 mths ago, I weighed about 25 lbs more than I do now. While I thought about my body, I'm definately not one to have sex in the dark - I like to look at his face ! (Sorry if tmi). And while I do have some dimpled skin on my stomach, losing it slowly sure did help with the skin sagging! If I had an extra $8,000 lying around, I'd probably get a tummy tuck, but the only people who see it is me and my husband who doesn't care. My husband calls me "skinny mini", cuz my legs are stick thin. I think I look like a marshmallow held up by 2 toothpicks. He says to tell you that most men don't care about saggy skin either. If he's interested enough to date you, he's interested enough to sleep with you. Like you said, if he wants you in his life, he probably doesn't care. I'm so glad that real men aren't like the ones depicted on tv as only liking waif type girls. Most women wouldn't have a chance! Good luck! Marci
  7. marfar7

    Are Fills Mandatory!!?

    I've never heard of a dr telling a pt this. I think most dr's believe in the fill process, but mine waited till 6 wks to do the first one. And I had to wait 6 wks between them. I"ve heard of people losing all their weight without a fill _ but I think it's definately the exception, not the rule. Most people need a few fills to reach restriction. For me it was my 3rd that did it. So to get a fill this early may not happen, but I would be concerned if he made you wait too long. Good luck! Marci
  8. marfar7


    I had my surgery 2 1/2 yrs ago and stayed overnight. It's a requirement of Medicare I think. I had my surgery at 8 am, back to my room by 10. Slept off and on all day, up walking by 6 pm. The next morning, I had my barium swallow and was out by 9am. Good luck! Marci
  9. marfar7


    From the album: Before

  10. marfar7


    This was in the summer of 09. About 3 mths before surgery. And actually, I gained about 10 more lbs before surgery. I look like the girl that turned into a blueberry from Willie Wonka
  11. marfar7


    From the album: Before

  12. marfar7


    This was taken as I was down about 90 lbs on a cruise to Mexico in Sep 11.
  13. marfar7


    From the album: Before

    This was in the summer of 09. And I gained about 10 more lbs before my surgery! I looked like the girl that turned into a blueberry on Willie Wonka!
  14. marfar7

    Calling All Band Losers!

    Quit dieting! I waited for 4 mths to get restriciton and during that time, I didn't lose much weight. I tried to keep my portions minimal but failed miserably. But after my 3rd fill - magic happened! I felt "full" after like 6 bites of a meal. After 2 1/2 yrs, I still can only eat a half of a sandwich (yes, I eat bread, rice and Pasta still) and I'm stuffed. My eyes are still bigger than my stomach and when I fill my plate the first thing my husband says is "You're never gunna eat all that". I go out to eat often and ALWAYS bring home about 2/3 of my meal. Any meal is like 3 meals for me. Be patient. That's my biggest advise. You're not gunna lose it all overnight. I lost mine really slowly (about 75 lbs the first year, 20 lbs the 2nd, and working on the rest in the 3rd year). I still have about 10 lbs till goal, and they are BY FAR the hardest to take off. Just remember, you're probably not gunna have much restriction until your 2nd to 4th fill. You'll have to watch your portion sizes because the band won't do it for you. At 2 mths post op, I was still able to eat a large Quiznos sandwich and a bowl of broccoli cheese Soup - and still have room for some Cookies. Now, I order a small Quiznos and it lasts for 3 meals. I can eat 1 or 2 cookies and be satisfied for days. I still get hungry, almost everyday. It won't help you with hunger. It'll just help you keep your portions to a 3 yr olds portions. I get jealous sometimes, like on holidays and I see family eating so much. Sometimes I'd like to have that "stuffed" feeling again - not the sick feeling I have when I'm too full. Or when we're on a cruise and I see people ear their weight at the buffet. But I wouldn't trade my band for diamonds! Good luck to you! You can do it. Just remember, take your time. You got the band so as not to diet again. I eat EVERYTHING (cept pizza crust and pineapple chunks - they don't stay down very well) just in really small quantities. If I could keep my portions down without the band, I would've done so without the band. Keep us posted on your progress! Marci
  15. Hey everyone, I'm 2 1/2 yrs out and thought I was safe from any slips. But since I've had the worst case of reflux known to mankind over the past 4 mths, my nurse told me I may have a slip. I go in tomorrow for an xray and a possible total unfill if it slipped. The nurse emailed me last week and said if it was slipped, they would totally unfill it for 6 weeks and then fill it again. I'm wondering: Do they fill it slowly like the first time around, where it took 5 mths to get restriciton or do they do it in bigger increments since they know I can tolerate it? I'm wondering how it's gunna work, since I have to drive 3 hrs each way and pay $160 each fill. I now have 10cc in a 14cc band, but my last fill of .5cc in January the dr said that I was maxed out, as the plunger came out by itself when he injected the saline. I can't imagine that they would put a whole 10cc back at once, but I also can't imagine starting totally over again either. Thanks! Marci
  16. Congrats! I love hearing stories from those of way back when. Makes me more positive in my own future! Good job! Marci
  17. Yes, and the weight loss will definately help the depression! I used to take: Celexa 40 mg, Wellbutrin, and Abilify everyday. Starting about a year ago, my psychiatrist started weaning me off my antidepressants and now I only take a small dose of Celexa. That's the next one to go tho. I'm much happier now that I've lost the weight (and I'm remarried, that helps alot!) I was on numerous meds (for back pain, thyroid, and depression) WHEN I had my psych eval done almost 3 yrs ago. Basically they want to see that you're strong enuf mentally to not break down during the losing process. I passed. I think you would have to be hearing voices or something drastic not to pass the psych eval! GOOD LUCK TO YOU! You'll do fine! And you might be off most of your meds soon! The only thing I take now is Celexa, Syntrhoid (for my thyroid), and a lo dose pain medication for my back. It's nice to not have to take all those meds everyday! Off my high blood pressure meds too! Marci
  18. I'm with everyone else. The first week after surgery was pretty miserable. I was very happy for the liquid pain meds they gave me. I had to drive home 3 hrs 2 days after surgery and that was bad enuf. I wouldn't have had a very good time traveling had I tried to have fun. Plus I was starving - and the smell of food from restaurants would have made me angry. Good luck in your decision. Marci
  19. I've been on 3 cruises since being banded 2 1/2 yrs ago. The first one, I actually lost a couple of pounds! The dining room always has a healthy choice at every meal - and their portions aren't huge (I couldn't finish one, but I felt stupid asking for a doggy bag!). For breaskfast every morning, we went to the buffet and I ate oatmeal, eggs, and yogurt. You'll get so sick of the sight of food that it won't look that great by day 3! Good luck to you! Have fun! Marci
  20. Hey everyone, So I finally did something about the horrible reflux I've endured the past 4 mths. I saw my GP this past Monday and he advised me to talk to my surgeon about possibly being too tight. I emailed the nurse and she responded promptly. Told me it sounds like a possible slip and that I needed to come in and be seen asap. I can keep almost everything down (didn't keep last nites pineapple chunks down tho - they aren't band-friendly I guess) and the only thing I have to complain about is the severe reflux I've had for almost 4 mths. I have to sleep almost sitting up on 3 pillows. Everytime Itry to roll over and get comfortable, I wake up with my pillow filled with stomach acid (sorry if tmi) and in a lot of pain. I take a handful of meds everyday (1 RX Nexium - actually my husbands prescription - 3 RX Prilosec, and 5 OTC Zantacs + Rolaids like I own stock in the company). And this past couple of weeks, I have heartburn during the day too. I thought I might be a little too tight, but have been unwilling to be seen, for fear I will be unfilled and gain my 100 lbs back. So the nurse told me they'd do an xray and if it's slipped, they'll totally unfill for 6 weeks then start the filling again. I hope to God that it's just a little tight and they just take out a little. When he filled it in Jan, the PA told me that I was at my max fill (10cc in a 14cc band) because the plunger came out by itself when he injected the Fluid. He only put .5cc. And I'm stuck at 148 now - gained 2 lbs since my last fill. Still have about 13 lbs till goal. Anyway, I'll letcha all know what happens on Monday. I have to drive 3 hrs each way to get to the doc (another reason I haven't been really excited about going). I sure hope they just take out a little fluid and all will be right with my band again. And maybe I can actually get a full nites sleep without the taste of acid in my mouth and my throat burning and feeling like I swallowed a whole peach. Marci
  21. marfar7

    Afraid I Have Had A Band Slip

    Absolutely i feel like that. I'm 2 1/2 yrs into it and have lost 100the lbs. 4 mths ago, after my last fill, I started getting horrible reflux at nite. I thought i was a little tight and IL eventually loosen up. Didnt want an unfill for fear I'd gain all my wt back. So I saw y GP this past week and he informed me how serious extreme reflux is. It can casue canccer eventually. He advised me to call my surgeon. So I emailed the nurse and she replied promptly. She said severe relux is a sign of a slip and i needed to come in for an xray on Monday. If it is, they'll unfill me and leave it unfilled for 6fear wks before starting the fill process again. Im so scared that im gunna be a ble to eat a house. I take a prescription oatload of meds and have to sleep almost sitting up to alleviate the reflux symptoms (extreme pain, coughing, spitting up acid, and feeling like I swallowed a whole peach). Im so afraid if its a slip, i did this to myself by allowing myself to vomit about 2-3 times a wk. I hope im just too tight and theyll take a little out and I'll be fine. So yes, i know how u feel. I dont know what I'd do without my band if I possibly have to have it removed. I'm terrified of being fat again. I think if I have to have it removed, I'll probably revise to a sleeve. I like being a sz 87/8 and want to stay there. Good luck to u Marci
  22. marfar7

    Liquid Diet ?????

    I wasn't on a pre op diet of any kind. Told to eat normally till midnight the nite before surgery. But for 4 weeks afterwards I was on a liquid diet. I bought the big gallon jugs at Walmart. They're not bad. I ordered muscle milk from GNC online and Isopure. Came to over $200 for about 2 weeks worth of Protein drinks. And the Isopure, which my nurse told me tasted like Jolly Ranchers was so nasty I made it thru one of them and the rest were dumped about 18 mths later. You can buy the big jug of Protein powder that has about 30 gms of protein per serving for about $15 at Walmart. The strawberry one isn't too bad. Thank God I no longer have to drink them - I probably couldn't choke down another Protein Drink if I tried! Good luck! Marci
  23. Almost a year after my surgery, I woke up with excruciating stomach pain. After trying to get thru it, I ended up at the Urgent Care center in town. The dr then handed me a note to the ER doc saying "possibel surgical patient". Scared the crap out of me. They gave me Dilaudid in an IV (then I was fine) and did a CT. They found nothing wrong with my band - I had diverticulitis. They gave me antibiotics and pain pills and sent me home. I felt better after a couple of days. I remember bargaining with God tho that if my band had slipped, I wasn't going to throw up anymore (thought I had caused a slip by vomiting almost everyday). I know how it feels to not know if it's your band. It sucks and it's very scary. Good luck! Marci
  24. That's an awfully expensive lapband you have there. Must be pure gold! My whole surgery (including a yrs worth of fills) was $15,000. And I think that's an average cost of lapband surgery. I would call the billing dept and find out if that's what they're truly billing your insurance company and if it was a mistake. Marci
  25. When the nurse at my surgeons office asked me where I needed to lose the last 15 lbs. She thought my legs wouldn't be able to hold me up if I lost anymore weight! Marci

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