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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. marfar7

    Cruise Update!!

    I've been on 3 cruises since being banded. The first one was only 4 days. I stayed the same. The 2nd one was 7 days and I lost a lb - cuz I got so seasick I didn't eat very much. The 3rd one (my honeymoon) I gained 4. Not too bad for 24/7 availability of wonderful food. One day they had a chocolate buffet. Everything chocolate. I ate 1 bite of each thing. Cruises are easy to find healthy food. I think at least. Every morning, we'd do the buffet - I'd eat oatmeal, yogurt, maybe a 1/4 of a bagel. lunch (if we weren't in a port) was usually the buffet also. Whatever special they had that day. And the dining room for dinner was always awesome. And every single nite, I'd have the chocolate melting cake (Carnival Cruise) for dessert. Best thing I've ever eaten. Can't wait to go on another cruise! You have me dreaming! Marci
  2. About 5 mths ago, I began having bad nightly reflux. I took 2 rx meds and 1 otc med and slept propped up on 33sat pillows. I finally went to my doc and got an xray. I had a slip. The dr took out about half of my 10cc fill and let it rest for 4 wks. He then put in 1cc. I still had no restriction so he added another 1cc. I threw up my pills that nite. I finally had restriction again, the problem is the reflux is also back. Im out of the state right now visiting family, so I emailed my nurse yesterday telling her about my severe reflux. Either the slip was never corrected (I shouldve insisted on another xray before they started filling it) or the pill vomiting slipped it again. I have no clue whats going to happen. Its a 6 hr round trip and $160 for each visit, so I'm hoping they figure it out soon. So yes, i know how you're feeling. Ive never heard, however, that once you have a slip you're more prone to slips in the future. Ill hafta look into that one. Good luck Marci
  3. marfar7

    Do Not Want Protein Shakes

    Im also a disliker of Protein shakes. Even in my 4mirror wks poast op almost 3 yrs ago, when I was sposed to drink 3 a day, I could barely gag down 8 oz in a day. Havent had one since I could eat real food. In fact, I just threw out 3 cans of Protein powder that expired in my cupboard. Until you can eat real food tho, its really your only option to get e nough protein. I suggest you gag them down, bide your time, and stop drinking them when you can eat real food. Good luck Marci
  4. marfar7

    Carb Intake

    To be perfectly honest (and I'm sure someone wii talk to me about it), I've never counted anything. Not protein, calories, carbs, or fat. I know I"m eating much less than before my band cuz I've lost over 100 lbs. I refuse to count anything. I got my band so I wouldn't have to diet anymore. Counting sounds too much like dieting to me. If I want a cookie, I eat 1 or 2. Dont have to eat a dozen anymore cuz 1 or 2 satisfies me. I eat anything I want (including bread, rice, and pastaa). My eyes are still bigger than my stomach. Evrytime I fill my plate, my husband comments "you'll never eatt all of that!" And he's right. I havent finished a plate of food in over 2her yrs. I still go to buffets too. Its not worth the money tho and I cant bring home my uneaten portion so its not my first choice. I guess you can say Im truly a rule breaker. I think theres many of us here. Most people just wont admit it. I admit I never did the hang of eating healthy. I still eat fast food, sweets, and processed food. Thank God for my band. It stops me at only a few bites of said food! My husband loves my band too. After he finishes his, he finishes mine. Hes a low car ber tho so hes always complaining that I eat too much junk. Anyway, to answer your question: I have no idea how many carbs we"re sposed to have everyday. My ears close up when my PA starts talking about what my diet is sposed to consist of! I want to tell him not to waste his time with the lecturing, but I"m too ppolite. Good luck Marci
  5. marfar7

    What's The Norm?

    I lost nothing the first 4 mths. I didnt follow the rules and ate just like before my band. It wasn't till my 3rd fill that I felt the band was doing its job. I dont think theres really a "norm" cuz all of us are so different. After my 3rd fill tho I lost about 7-10 lbs a month. Good luck Marci
  6. I'm so impatient. After about 2 minutes of being stuck, I'm in the bathroom with my toothbrush down my throat to get it back up. Im here to tell you: Don't do this. My band slipped a couple mths ago from excessive vomiting. After being unfilled for a few wks and then slowly refilled, I got used to having no restriction again and ate too fast or too much. So finally when I got my good restriction back, I went to fast and ended up stuck. I was having dinner last week my in laws and I was finally patient. I sat there sweating, salivating, and miserable for about 5$50 minutes and it passed. Now I make double sure to slow down. Moral of the story: try really hard not to self induce vomit. Causes many problems in the long run. It will eventually pass and all will get be right with the world again. Good luck Marci
  7. I'm with Jean. After my 3rd fill, I could'nt physically drink for sometimes an hour after meals - otherwise I vomit. I read in a lapband book that it's called the "cork effect". I do drink right up to the time I eat (8I figure since the fluid goes right thru my band, theres no food and fluid in there together). I can take a sip or two on hot liquids while I"m eating tho. No clue why. It sucks when you eat spicy foods. I would sometimes give my right arm for a glass of water! I can tell when I'm ready to drink. Its usually about an hour after . I canwas feel whenbad the foodtime has madeto it tobeen my stomach. Last month when I was unfilled from a slip, I enjoyed drinking with my meals. It felt like a treat. I gained 5 lbs. Not from drinking with my meals, but from overeating. Good luck to u Marci
  8. marfar7

    Ice Coffee?

    I will admit I drink my Dutch Brothers skinny caramalizer about 3-4 times a week. In addition to my morning 2to cups of home brewed coffee. I think they,re not worried about the caffeine as much as the calories. The frozen Frapps are too much like dessert for me, but iced coffee is great. If u get an iced Americano with ff milk and splenda, its not any different than hot coffee. I wouldnt make it a meal. But enjoy your life! Lifes too short to never have something that u love. Its why i was banded in the first place Good luck Marci
  9. marfar7

    Guys Don't Hate Me......

    Youll get there. I promise. It took almost a year for me to get from a 22 to a 14. Couldnt wait to go shopping in the normal sizes again. It doesnt seem like it took that long before they were too big. I only wore my 14's for a couple months. I'm now in an 8 but long to be a 6senior (actually, a 6 at Eddie Bauer fit perfectly, but its the only place ) you'll probably whiz past those 14's faster than u realize. Good luck and have fun shopping Marci
  10. And I can't wait! I wrote just the other day that I hadn't gained a lb. Yeah right! Got on the scale this morning and I gained 5. I never want to be without my band again. This time, I'm following instructions to the nose so I don't continually throw up (like I have been for 2 1/2 yrs) and slip my band again. He told me when I got emptied (they only took out 1/2 of my fill) that he would put all of it back in in 3 weeks. I'm hoping they put it all back in instead of going slowly like I read most people on here do. I had 9.5 cc in a 14cc band. I told my husband tonite that I'd been lying for 3 weeks telling him I was full - when I was starving all the time! reminds me of the old days...Oh how I DON'T want those back again! Marci
  11. Mine didnt require a pre op diet either. Actually, i could eat normally till midnight the night before surgery. Guess my liver was fine. He doesnt do that across the board, I guess just case by case. Personally if it were me, i wouldnt go on a liquid diet before. I was on a liquid diet for 4the lllooonnggg week following and it wasnt fun. Plus i got to get my 'last supper" in the night before surgery. Had ribs at Outback. Topped it off with cheesecake. Again, if it would help u keep on track after ur surgery, then go ahead. But personally I wouldnt be on the liquid diet a day longer than I had to. Good luck Marci
  12. marfar7

    Pain Pills

    too stayed overnight and had IV pain meds the first 24 hrs. Then they gave me liquid Vicodin. But when I got home, I resumed taking all of my other pills, just one at a time, about 5 minutes apart. My doctor told me as long as they went down, there was no problem taking them. I took so many pills, I doubt they could get them all in liquid. Can't believe they gave you pills while still in the hospital. When they have access to so many other ways of delivery. Good luck with your recovery! Marci
  13. marfar7

    Really Scared To Get Stuck

    It feels like a bowling ball is stuck in your chest! Over the past almost 3 yrs, I've had a "stuck episode" about 3-4 times a week. I ALWAYS stick my toothbrush down my throat and bring it back up. It sucks in a pyblic bathroom cuz I hafta use my finger which doesn't work as well. PLEASE DON'T DO THIS. Let me tell you why: About 5 mths ago, I started having the worst nighttime reflux ever known to man. I had to take 3 different pills and sleep propped up on 3 pillows and was still up coughing and spitting up stomach acid. I went in about 8 weeks ago to check for a slip. Yep, it was slipped. My dr said it was probably caused by my frequent vomiting (or PBing as most people call it). So I got about 1/2 of my fill out and left for 3 weeks to correct it. Went back in about 4 weeks ago to start the fill process again. I didn't request a follow up xray to make sure the slip was corrected. He put 1cc in. I was ravenous all the time. Usually my dr makes you wait 4-6 weeks in between fills, but he gave me another 1cc last week. I threw up my nightly pills tat same night. Then I threw up a couple days later from being stuck. A few nites ago, the reflux returned with vengeance. I wish I had insisted on another xray to make sure my band was positioned right before starting to refill. I ave a feeling that either it was corrected in the first place, or the 2 times I vomited casued yet another slip. I'm now 1,000 miles away from home for the next 2 weeks suffering. Will probably have to have a complete unfill when I get home and go from there. Moral of the story: try really hard to not get stuck. Tonite at dinner, I ate way too fast (as is the norm for me when I've waited all day to eat and I'm starving) and I got stuck. My husband gets really upset with me when I purposely vomit so I sat there and suffered until it passed - about 20 minutes. I broke out in a sweat and started shaking. But I made it without throwing up. Good luck! Marci
  14. I've had over 8 fills in the last almost 3 yrs and after every single one of them, my port area is sore and bruised for about 4-5 days. After my fill 3 weeks ago, they had a hard time finding my port and stuck me about 6x and that resulted in a very bruised and painful area. Since it happens to me every single time, I'd say it was normal. Good luck! Marci
  15. Hey everyone, I'm so upset. The last 3 nites, I've had acid reflux AGAIN. ABout 5 mths ago, I started having it nightly, really badly. Had to take 3 different meds and sleep propped up on pillows. Still up most of the night coughing and spitting up acid. About 8 weeks ago, I went in for an xray - my band had slipped. So the PA unfilled me about halfway (took out 6 cc out of my 10cc) and let me go for 3 weeks. The reflux stopped immediately. I slept like a baby during this time. About 3 weeks ago, I went back to the doc, expecting to get my whole fill again but he wants to start it slowly, so he put 1cc in. 2 weeks later, still no reflux, went back in cuz I had no restriction whatsoever. My doc put in another 1cc. Yeah. Finally had some restriction. Starting on Sat nite, I woke up with major heartburn. Took rolaids and rolled over. Nope. Had to take a Nexium. Same with Sun nite. Was up part of the night coughing up acid. Last nite, I took Nexium x 2 and Prilosec. I didn't cough, but my chest was burning big time. Almost woke my husband up to take me to the ER. Could I have slipped my band yet again? I should have insisted on an xray to confirm that my band was corrected before they started filling, but I didn't. No clue if it even was. I vomited ONCE since I got my fill last week. Once couldn't have caused another slip, could it? I'm so miserable. I'm about 1,000 miles from home now for the next 2 weeks (I live in OR but we're vacationing in CA now) so I can't really do anything about it. I can't believe I didn't insist that they xray me before they started filling again. It's a 3 hr each way drive and $160 each visit. So now it looks like I'm suffering for another 2 weeks, driving a 6 hr drive, paying another $160 to get my band unfilled again and start all over yet again. I guess I'm learning the hard way: DON'T VOMIT. Avoid it at all costs. It's what caused my first slip (altho I got 2 1/2 yrs out of it first!) and it's looking like it might have caused a 2nd (if it's indeed slipped). Anyone got any tips for reflux besides drugs and sleeping sitting up? And yes, I try to stop eating after 7. Marci
  16. marfar7

    Reflux Yet Again (Yet Another Slip?)

    Thanks ladies! Appreciate your comments!! Marci
  17. marfar7


    I felt the exact same way over 2 1/2 yrs ago. It took 5 mths and 3 fills for me to get any restriction and start losing. I thought I had failed yet another diet. After my 4 week restrictive diet, I ate whatever and however much I wanted - until my 3rd fill. After the 24 hrs of iquids, I was so excited when I ate 5 bites of chicken breast, 3 bites of a baked potato, and a couple bites of peas - and was so full! My weight loss finally started. It's been almost 3 yrs now and over 100 lbs down. You WILL do this! You have to have patience. I didn't do much research before my band. Wish I had. I thought I'd wake up after surgery and not ever be hungry again. Wrong. Wish I had read my patient instructions a little better when it said "Be patient. It may take a while to get restricition" Good luck sweety! Marci
  18. marfar7

    What Did You Eat For The Fourth?

    I had about 6 bites of New York steak, a TB of chili Beans, 1/3 of an ear of corn (the best I've had all year!) and about 4 bites of garlic bread. I'm saving my Drumstick ice cream for later on. Now, I'm almost 3 yrs out - not on the liquid only diet. Thank God! I'm also enjoying a cold Coors Lite right now (more than 2 hrs after dinner). Not instructing anyone to eat like I do tho. It seems to work for me tho Marci
  19. After i was got restriction after my 3rdmom fill, i coasted too. Never counted anything. I ate about just as poorly as I did pre band, just much less. That got me to the first 100 lbs. Havent lost anymore on this current regimen. My band slipped a couple mths ago and had to unfill. Had my 2ndmom fill last week and im starting to feel i n control again. Ive noti ced myeslef havving tow atch my calories in the interim. Good luck to u Marci
  20. marfar7

    Has Anyone Tried Alcohol?

    I'm such a rule breaker. I drink about 2 beers a week. And when I go out to Mexican, I usually have a margarita. I didn't drink for a few months following my surgery, and when I did, I had a glass of wine. Didn't affect me any differently. I would check with your dr too. Enjoy! Marci
  21. marfar7

    Whats Causes Band Slips?

    Avoid vomiting. I vomit (more than just a pb) 3-4x a week for the last over 2 yrs. Mine slipped (my doc said it's from forceful vomiting) last month. Also, chew your food really well and don't eat too fast. Those are both what caused me to vomit frequently. You probably don't have to worry about it till you get a couple/few fills - till you get restriction. GOOD LUCK! Marci
  22. marfar7

    Have You Tried???

    Depends od the person. Some people cant tolerate certain foods. Period. I for one, am able to eat almost everything (except pizza crust and pineapple chunks) in moderation. Including tamales, enchiladas, and pancakes ( I can only eat maybe 5the bites of pancakes or waffles). So the sanswe is: depends on the person. Were all different. Ggod luck Marci
  23. Cordelia, I PB'd about 3-4 times a week also, for the last 2 1/2 yrs. A couple of months ago, my band slipped. Now I've gained about 8 lbs after they had to unfill me. My doc says it's from "vomiting". So, it is that easy to do sometimes. Granted I made it 2 1/2 yrs, I wish I could have gone forever! Good luck to you! Marci
  24. marfar7

    Pre Fill Diet

    My doc recommends not eating anything solid for 2 hrs pre-fill. I can drink up till the appt time tho! Good luck! Marci
  25. My brother in law drove 6 hrs to take me to and from the hospital. I also spent one night, then the next in a motel (I live 3 hrs away and my brother in law was hesitant about taking me that far away from my dr so soon). He stayed a total of a week. I was fine to do it myself after about a day tho. But it was nice to visit with him! I also have 1 dog and had 2 cats. No problems bending over Good luck! Marci

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
