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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. marfar7

    Calories A Day

    400-500 sounds a bit low to me. Even on the liquid only phase. Even my Protein shakes has at least 200 calories in them. Since the band, I've never counted calories, fat, carbs, or even protein. I eat what I want until I'm satisfied (about a toddlers portion). That's why I had the lapband - so I wouldn't have to count anything that went into my mouth ever again. But I know where you're coming from. You're in the beginning stage and just want to find out if what you're doing is "normal". I'm not a dr (I did major in nutrition in college, only have 6 classes left to become an RD) but to me, 400-500 calories sounds like starvation mode. You won't be able to function on that for very long. If it's that low just because of the very few things you can have, I'd sneak in an extra Protein shake or extra Soup. Good luck! Marci
  2. marfar7

    Did You Keep Your Surgery A Secret?

    I was very open about it. My mom tried to talk me out of it. Thought I could do it the "old fashioned way" - like she did. If that actually worked for me - I'd have done it the first 100 times I tried! I was a widow at the time (alone) so a significant other wasn't in the picture. Since then, I've married. I've told everyone who will listen, actually! Last week was the first time I showed my new mother in law a before pic of me. She couldn't believe the difference. I'm very proud of that. Marci
  3. marfar7

    Port Pain Six Months Post-Surgery

    Sorry. The only time my port hurts is for a couple of days following a fill. My last fill, he stuck me about 15 times so I was quite sore for about a week. And bruised. Did you maybe bump it or something? Marci
  4. marfar7

    A New Guy....

    Welcome! I'm sure we'll be reading your success story about this time next year! Good luck! Marci
  5. i guess I'm the rule breaker. After 6 mths of no sodas, I went thru the Carls Jr drive thru and got a Diet Coke. Best 1 sip I ever had! In the last 2 yrs (had my band almost 3 yrs ago), I drink a sip or 2 of soda about 3-4 times a week. I've never ordered one for myself (cept that first one thru the drive thru!) and I just take a sip or 2 from hubbys. And I drink coffee daily. I notice if I take more than 2 sips of soda, it does hurt tho. Marci
  6. marfar7

    Staying Full

    Sorry to tell you this, but honestly, nothing worked for my hunger the first 4 weeks I was on liquids. Not even the Protein drinks. I ate 1 can of tomato Soup (into 4 meals) a day and that filled me for a good 30 mins. I just suffered till I was ready for soft food. That first bite of mashed potatoes was like heaven! Good luck! Marci
  7. marfar7

    Nsv Smaller Bra Size

    Ive lost over 100 lbs and went from sz 22 to an 8. My bra size went down from a 42$DD to a 40D. Something just isnt right here! I only lost 1 bra size? I still wear XL tops. On a size 8 bottom Im definately top heavy. You lucky women! Marci
  8. I was on liquids for 4me wks. After the first wk, i was soooo over them. Everytime I'd go to Albertsons to stock up on tomato Soup, I would smell the deli fried chicken and almost cave. Hang in there. It''ll get easier. It really doesn't and I'm glad its ove!!!! marci
  9. marfar7

    Any Vets? Sound Off!

    US Army 96-2000. Got out before the fightng began Marci
  10. marfar7

    Sleeve Vs. Lap Band

    It'll be 3 years Oct 1. I don't regret my decision at all. Altho I wish I had researched it a little bettr before having it done. I had no clue about "bandster hell" and when I was in it, I thought I had failed yet another diet. I've now lost 104 lbs with about 16 left (was at only 11 to go, but my band slipped, I was unfilled and gained a few back). Even with a few complications, I'm glad I was banded. I'm also glad that I gave away every last piece of #x clothing I had, Good incentive not to gain back my weight. Can't afford yet another new wardrobe! Good luck! Marci
  11. marfar7


    I started gurgling after drinking anything after my 3rd fill - when I hit the green zone. Stopped gurgling about 6 mths later (even tho I've been filled/unfilled several times since then. My husband kinda misses it. Lulled him to sleep! I know I wasnn't too tight. I remembering asking on here about the gurgling and found out it was perfectly normal. GOOD LUCK Marci
  12. marfar7

    Fluids During A Meal......

    You just might get lucky and end up like me: I physically can't drink while eating until the food is into my stomach (about an hr). As soon as I take a sip, up comes what I just ate. Its called the "cork effect". When food sits plugging up ur esophagus and u add liquid, it has nowhere to go. Its been almost 3 yrs for me and Im finally comfortable with it. Do I WANT something to drink while eating? Sure. Especially when I eat spicy foods. But it isnt worth it to me. I can tell now when the food is settled and I can drink. I dri. Nk all the way up to the minute I eat also. good luck Marci
  13. marfar7

    Third Fill Hell!!!

    I learned my fast eating in the Army. In basic training, if u didnt eat in 5 mins, u didnt eat. 12 yrs later i still have trouble slwoing doqn. Especially when Im starving. Dont let urself get too hungry that u wolf it down Good luck Marci
  14. marfar7

    Cruise Update!!

    Ur welcome. I love chocolate. And this is so rich, u literally need only a few bites. But must have vanilla ice cream with it
  15. I'm almost 3 yrs out from my surgery (Medicare coverage) but I'm also a vet. When I ad my surgery in 2009, the VA only covered gastric bypass. I've heard that they now cover lapband as well. My uncle (who only has the VA insurance) is actively seeking information on this. If anyone is in the know, I'd appreciate it! Marci
  16. Niterun, Thank u for the reply. Unfortunately mu uncle doesn't have Tricare. Hes a disabled vet, not retired, so he has to us the basic VA system (which in my view is excellent medical care). The VA covers bypass. You'd think they'd cover the cheaper surgery too. Again, thanks Marci
  17. I also could've written most of this. I never realized how much I was abusing my band the last 2 1/2 yrs. I eat whatever I want (albeit in very small quantities) but I never eat truly healthy. I've been able to lose over 100 lbs basically because I eat like a bird and vomit frequently (or PB as most people here call it). Sometimes up to 6-8 x a week. I really feel that I turned into a bulimic. Traded one eating disorder for another. Until 5 mths ago when I began experiencing severe reflux at nite. I would be up all nite, coughing and choking up stomach acid. I took 2 rx drugs and 1 OTC drug to keep it to a minimum (I'd hate to experience it without anything). I slept propped up on 3 pillows. My husband complains that he cant even snuggle with me cuz I have to sleep sitting up. All day long, I fight heartburn with tums. About 2 mths ago, I finally went to the dr (was afraid they' d take out my band and I'd be fat again but I couldnt live like that anymore). They did an xray and found my band had slipped. Mr PA said its most likely from frquent vomiting. They took out 1/2 of my 9cc Fluid and let me rest 4 wks. The reflux stopped the very first nite! I was amazed. 4 wks later, he gave me 1cc. No restriciton whatsoever. So 2 wks later, he gave me another 1cc fill. I threw up my pills that nite. I had perfect restriction within a week -doing but the reflux is back with a vengeance. I never had a follow up xray to make sure it was corrected before I started getting filled again. So either the slip was never corrected or vomiting up my pills slipped it again. Im out of state till this Tues, so I emailed my nurse. She said to come in when I got home and theyd figure something out. The clinic is 6 hrs round trip and $160 each time I go (not counting the xrays). My insurance only covered 1 yr of fills. No clue whats going to happen. Whether they can unfill me, get it positioned good and start the fills over again (and I already gained 5 lbs last mth when I was unfilled), or if I have to have surgery again. I look forward to the nite that I can sleep thru without gagging on acid. So i know where ur coming from with the vomiting. Whatever it took to keep the weight off, I would tell myself. I know that when I eventually get this all sgraightened out, I' going to start treating my band with the care it deserves. I JUST HOPE I dont gain 20 lbs in the process. Good luck to u starting over. Know that theres someone else here in similar circumstances. Message me if u want and we can track each others progress. I wish u the best. You deserve it. Marci
  18. marfar7

    Cruise Update!!

    I'm out of state right now and the recipe is on my frig. But I found one online and it's exactly the same: 7 ounces semisweet chocolate 7 ounces butter 6 eggs 3 ounces sugar 4 ounces flour Directions: 1 Melt chocolate and butter together. 2 Mix half of eggs and sugar and whisk for a few minutes. Add flour. Then add rest of the eggs. 3 Add egg mix to the melted chocolate mix. 4 Pour mixture in individual ramekin cups. 5 Bake in oven at 390 degrees (200 celsius) for 15-20 minutes. 6 To serve, sprinkle top with powdered sugar and serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side. You need to use good quality chocolate (I got some at Trader Joes) and room temp eggs. If you can find a way to do a lower calorie version and taste the same, hats off to you! This turned out just like Carnivals the very first time I made it a couple months ago. Good luck! Marci
  19. marfar7

    1St Fill

    I can tell you what my dr does: After getting my vitals checked, they ave me sign a fill form, stating that I agree to follow the rules of the band. They then have me lie on the table, he finds my port, and he injects some lidocaine to my port area to numb it. Then he injects whatever amt he's going to give me in there. Sometimes he removes all my Fluid to keep an accurate count as to how much is actually in there. While the needle is still in, he'll have me sit up to drink a cup of Water. Thats so if I'm too tight, he can pull some fluid out without having to restick me. If all is fine, he takes the needle out, puts on a bandage, and I'm on my way home - with instructions to keep it to liquids only for 24 hrs, then a regular diet. Tat's all there is to it. I've never had a fill under fluoro like some people do. They may be able to add something I can't. It's very easy and painless. The worst pain is the slight burning from the lidocaine. Good luck! Marci
  20. marfar7

    Is Something Wrong With My Band?

    NOT EVERYTHING IS RELATED TO YOUR BAND This is so true. Almost a year post op, I woke up in the am with excruciating abdominal pain. I knew I had slipped my band. I vomited up my morning coffee and any Water that I drank. I panicked thinking that I needed surgery and I was all by myself with 2 cats and a dog to care for - knowing not a soul in the new state I lived in. At noon, I decided to head to the Urgent Care. The dr in there agreed with my "diagnosis" and sent me to the ER with a note that said "possible surgical candidate". After 3 very painful hours in the waiting room, they started an IV and gave me pain meds. Got my CT scan and waited to hear that my band had indeed slipped and I'd need surgery. I was suprised to hear that my band was fine - I had a bad case of Diverticulitis. I was sposed to take pain meds and eat clear liquids for the next 3 days + antibiotics. Whew. What a relief. ad to call an aquaintance I barely knew to take me ome cuz they wouldn't let me drive all gorked out on pain meds. I swore ever since then to take care of my band and not let it slip. I didn't do a very good job cuz a few months ago, I finally had a slip (after 2 1/2 yrs post op). So, you're right that everything doesn't have to do with the band. Some things would have happened whether or not we ave a band. Marci
  21. I saw my dr the day before surgery. I was 3 hrs away tho so they tried to make it easy on my travel. Good luck with your surgery! Marci
  22. marfar7

    Leg Pain/numbness After Surgery?

    My doc told me to watch for painful legs for a month after surgery. U could have an embolism. Not trying to scare u but its pretty serious. Did u have the compression stockings on after ur surgery? Mine were kept on all nite in the hospital. Good luck Marci
  23. marfar7


    I drink coffee everyday too. whether it be brewed at home or an iced americano from the coffee house. Can't give up my coffee marci
  24. marfar7


    I can eat anything I want -(including just very small amts. My eyes r bigger than my stomach. I usually make a whole sandwiich but always only eat 1/2. The only type of food I've tried many times and it never works is thick pizza crust and pineapple chunks. I can eat 1 pc of pizza as long as its thin crust and eaten very slowly. No clue why I cant eat pineapple. Its my fav fruit too. So yes, I eat bread. Almost daily. Been stuck many times (always becasue I either ate too fast or took too big of bites) but I dont think its ever been on bread. Good luck! Marci
  25. marfar7

    Cruise Update!!

    My mom actually went to the Chefs dinner (where they sit with about 25 others at the Chefs table and tour the galley, learn some of Carnivals dishes, etc) and got the recipe for Chocolate Melting Cake. I made it for a poker party a couple mths ago. Turned out fantastic. There's only like 5 ingredients - pretty easy to make. If you want it, I can email it to you! Marci

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