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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. marfar7

    Pb'ing After 3Rd Fill

    Wow! You've already realized how to eat slower and you're not very far into this process! I'm so excited for you! It took me 2 1/2 yrs and a slipped band to learn how to eat slower as to not PB. I was throwing up (PBing) about 2-5 times a week, because I was eating too fast. Learned that in Army basic training. If you didn't eat your meal in 5 minutes, you didn't eat. I'm so glad you learned this so early into your journey. Wish I had before my band slipped from throwing up. Good luck to you! Marci
  2. marfar7

    Birth Control

    I've never had any problems with any pills - even the big ones. I take about 9 pills a day, inlcuding a tiny birth control one. As long as I haven't just eaten, they go down fine. And I've been banded for almost 3 yrs. Good luck! Marci
  3. marfar7

    Can We Still....

    In the last almost 3 yrs, I've brought up my food about 2-4 times week. I've actually "vomited" once. Just last month when we were driving to Southern Calif from Oregon and we were stuck in traffic. Thank God I had my dogs Water bowl in the car. Made my husband sick just listening to me wretch. I don't know if I was car sick or if it was the heat. I felt nauseaous for about 30 minutes, then threw up and felt better. Actually, I stopped bringing my food back up a couple of months ago - after being treated for a slipped band. A warning for anyone who often does it.... Marci
  4. marfar7


    I've lost 104 lbs with about 9 lbs to go. I've had my band for almost 3 yrs Marci
  5. marfar7

    Breaking All The Rules

    I did exactly the same thing almost 3 yrs ago. I ate just like preband for almost 5 mths (after my 4 weeks liquids) after being banded. I could still eat a large Quiznos sandwich, a bowl of broccoli cheese Soup and still have room for Cookies. After my 3rd fill, the magic started happening. I could barely eat 1/4 of s small Quiznos sandwich! The lbs started melting off. I really didn't even try all that hard. I ate the same things - just much less. Good luck to you! Marci
  6. I've been banded for almost 3 yrs - no pre op diet required. In fact, the night before my surgery was spent at Outback eating ribs! I just had to be NPO after midnight. I guess my liver was fine - he never said anything about it. Good luck! Marci
  7. marfar7

    I Can't Figure Out Where My Port Is.

    You guys have really great doctors if you don't know where your port is! Wait till you lose some weight - it'll become very pronounced. I can see mine thru my shirt. I could always feel mine tho - even before I lost any weight. Marci
  8. marfar7

    Pizza Ordered! Ready For My Pina Colada!

    Who said you can't have alcohol after being banded? I've been banded for almost 3 yrs now and enjoy an occasional glass of wine or margarita. You just have to watch the calories. There's nothing about the band that would preclude alcohol. Except that it lowers your inhibitiions on eating crap! Enjoy one in a while! Marci
  9. marfar7

    Night Time Eating

    I've been banded for almost 3 yrs now. I can eat about double my daytime portions at nite. No clue why. Except that since my body has been up, bouncing around all day, that it "knocks" it loose somehow (I know that doesn't really make sense). I used to eat my dinner around 9 pm. The past year or so, I've been eating earlier - around 6, so it leaves alot of extra time for snacking. I notice that when I don't eat after dinner, I slowly start losing the last 12 lbs I have to left to lose (which is the hardest to lose, btw!). If I could just keep my hands outa the frig and cupboards.... Marci
  10. marfar7

    The Lapband And Dating At 60

    Thanks! Always so nice to hear! Marci
  11. marfar7

    The Lapband And Dating At 60

    I met my now-husband almost 2 yrs ago, after I had lost about 80 of my 105 lbs from the lapband. I started dating (I was widowed at 40) when I'd lost about 50 lbs. I told my now-husband about my lapband on our first date (coffee in a restaurant). He had recently also lost 80 lbs on low carb diet and I was proud that I had lost 80 lbs also. When we became intimate, I showed him where my port was - now he calls it my "contraption". He was very good when I told him about my surgery. He's very supportive and proud of my accomplishment. I'm not 60 (I'm now 45), but I think dating is dating, no matter how old you are. Now, I felt really comfy with my now-husband to tell him on our first date. Most of my dates I didn't tell them the first time. If I ate a meal with them, I usually told them. I've never had a bad reaction from telling anyone. Good luck to you! Happy dating! Marci PS: I met my husband on Plenty of Fish (the free dating site!). I paid $250 for a year of EHarmony and never met anyone. Paid $130 for 6 months of Match.com and had coffee with 2 men. Went on Plenty of Fish and had many dates! You might try it. It's a large site
  12. marfar7

    "stuck Episode" Best Thing To Do Is....

    Over the past 3 yrs, I've found the only way out of a stuck episode to to throw up the food. But...I will say that got me into trouble. After throwing up about 3-5 times a week for 3 yrs, my band slipped. Still wreaking havoc on my band. I don't advocate throwing up at all. Haven't thrown up in a couple months now. I just make sure to eat much slower. Marci
  13. marfar7

    What Would You Wear If You Lose Weight?

    Also have to go with sleeveless dresses and tops. I CAN wear them now, but I still have some back fat. Since I have a 7" belly scar from an open chole in 1993, I don't think I'd ever be seen in public in a bikini (plus I just don't feel comfortable in them, whether I looked good or not). I have lots of tanks that I wear a short sleeve jacket or sweater over - but wouldn't wear them out in public alone. I have less than 10 lbs till goal, so not sure if I'll ever even get there. I guess they look ok, I just don't feel comfotable in them. Good luck! Marci
  14. marfar7

    Pancreatic Disease/issues

    I've had pancreatitis before - it's EXTREMELY painful. I think that if you hd something wrong with your pancreas, you'd know it FOR SURE. In 1994, I had my gallbladder out. For 2 yrs following, I experienced tummy pain when eating meat or anything really. They did the scope and found nothing. Finally got an ERCP (an xray that they put s scope down your throat and shoot die into your bile duct) and spilling of the dye onto my pancreas caused pancreatitis. I remember writhing in pain in the ER begging for pain meds. They had to wait till my labs were back to see if that was the cause. Spent 6 days in the hospital, NPO, on major pain meds. They told me that once you have it, you'll have a chronic pancreatitis forever. About 5 yrs later when I was stationed in Germany (Army), I came down with severe stomach pain that was exactly the same. After a nite spent in the hospital, I was fine. I've never had any other problems with it. Just wanted to let you know that if you have pancreas problems, the doctor probably wouldn't have let you go home. You'd be in a lot of pain also! Just an FYI... Marci
  15. Why wouldn't you be able to sleep on your side? I think I slept on my side the night I spent in the hospital after surgery. I don't do well on my back either - but when you have severe reflux you have no choice... Marci
  16. marfar7

    I'm Making Lists. . .

    I don't think I've ever heard of no popcorn or gum from my dr. I chew gum daily, and I LUV popcorn. Don't eat it very often cuz it's a slider for me. I can eat a huge tub of it without feeling a tad bit full. Ugh. I don't think I've ever accidently swallowed a piece of gum either - even as a kid. Unless you chew like 10 pc's of gum at a time, I don't think the wad would be big enuf to not slide thru. But follow your dr's orders! Might I add: BE PATIENT! Thats my biggest word of wisdom. You didn't gain your weight overnite and it's gunna take a long time to get it all off. I went into my band journey thinking that it would just start falling off right away. Didn't happen. Didn't start losing anything till 5 mths post op when I actually got restriction. I guess I could've white knuckled it and weighed and measured my intake during that time and lost, but the reason why I got the band in the first place was so that I wouldn't have to diet again. And I don't. Good luck! Marci
  17. marfar7


    I cross my legs all the time too. For years, I was too fat to cross my legs -so now that I can, I DO! Marci
  18. I haven't had a Protein shake since I was able to eat real food. I didn't like them either. I know I probably don't get enuf protein in my diet, and I really drink them occasionally, but like u, I can't gaga them down So no, if u get enuf protein in ur diet, u shouldn't have to drink the shakes. Marci
  19. marfar7

    Almost 2 Weeks & Not Full

    I have to agree. You probably wont feel much restriction after your first fill. It also took me 33 fills (about 5 mths) before I felt restriction. I lost maybe 4 lbs during that time. I didn't measure my food or count calories and I ate just as much as before my band. The 3rd one did the trick for me tho. The lbs startingmelting off.. Good luck Marci
  20. marfar7

    New Bras?

    I WISH I would have lost my boobs first! I've lost over 100 lbs and only lost 1 cup size (started at 248 and a 44$DD. Down to 146 and 40DK). Im still top heavy. I wear an 7/8 on the bottom and an XL on top. I wish Id lose more of these boulders! Marci
  21. marfar7

    Torani Sugar Free Syrup ?'s

    U se Torani all the time. Right now I have sf coconut. The only place I've found this particular flavor is at food 4every Less. The stats r: Serving sz: 2 TB Calories: 0 Fat: 0 Sodium: 5mg Carbs: 0 Sugarts: 0 Protein: 0 Really its like adding splenda to ur coffee. I luv the syrups! Especially sf coconut and sf caramel Marci
  22. marfar7

    2Nd Fill

    It also took me 3 fills to feel any differrence. Good luck! Marci
  23. marfar7

    New To This

    About the port visibility: At first, when I weighed 250, you couldn't see my port. I could just feel it on the left side of my stomach. As I started losing weight, however, the port stuck out more and more. Now that I weigh about 150, the port sticks out - you can even see it through clothing. It doesn't bother me a bit. My husband calls it my "contraption". Unless you're looking for it tho, you can't really notice it. Good luck to you! Marci
  24. Hey everyone, Well, had my appt yesterday for the slip I STILL HAVE from May. It never changed. Even with the unfill and refill. I had 8cc in my 14cc band and since I'm able to keep down food and liquid, he didn't see a reason to empty my entire band. He said he's treating my symtoms, not my xray. So he took out the last 1cc fill I got about 5 weeks ago - the one that took me back to the horrible nightly reflux. Anyone else with a slight slip who's dr just unfilled a little, hoping it'll go back into place? Last nite, I was able to eat ALOT of dinner, thinking I'd lost all my restriction. But today at lunch, my restriciton was back. Thank God. And I slept like a baby last nite. But I just don't see how it's gunna move back into place by itself. It hasn't moved at all since my May xray. I'm a little paranoid, but feeling so blessed that I'm not losing my band. Anyone out there with a dr like mine? Who doesn't really freak out at slips (unless they're bad ones that cause me to not be able to keep anything down)? He seems to think it'll pop back into place on it's own. Marci
  25. marfar7

    Update On My Slip....

    I started having severe nightime reflux at Christmastime. I let it go for 5 mths before seeing my dr cuz I was afraid he'd take it out and I'd gain all my weight back! In May, I went in a they found a minor slip (instead of resting on it's side, mine was flattened out). They took out 1/2 of my fill and let me rest for 4 weeks. The reflux went away. In June, he put in 1cc without doing another xray. 2 weeks later, upon my complaint that I didn't have enuf restrcition, he put another 1cc in. I then went out of the state on vacation. About 3 nites later, I started the severe reflux again. I just saw my dr again yesterday and they found it the same as May on the xray. He took the 1cc that he gave me last time out. And I'm fine now. I guess that 1cc just brought me to where I had symptoms. He treats the symptoms, not the xray. I hope your band is fine. What are your symptoms? Marci

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
