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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. Hi everyone! Hope everyone had great holidays. Remember me? The one who's band slipped like 9 mths ago, was unfilled, refilled and it's still slipped? After a gain of 18 lbs, I thought I was doomed. I still had restriciton until about 6pm when I could eat the side of a house. And I did. My husband and I left OR to Ca for the holidays 3 wks ago. While gone, I tended to have more restriction at night. I thought for sure I gained about 5 lbs the past 3 wks. Got home on Wed and lost 2 lbs! Hubby gained 5 lbs and he's mad that I lost. Went grocery shopping yesterday and bouoght NO JUNK food. A first for me in about 2 yrs. I'm on a mission to get to my goal (I was about 9 lbs away a year ago) this year. I don't make New Years resolutions, but I am promising to lost what I gained this past year and the additional 9 lbs (a total of 28 lbs). I'm not a fan of low carbing it, but I might try it. Now that Atkins has frozen meals (me and my microwave have a love affair goin on!) Anyway, I managed to lose 2 lbs over the holidays!! I'm happy about it! Maybe someday I'll actually get my band fixed. I'd like it to work like it used to be. But I'm working with it right now. 3 yrs later, I've GOT to learn how to do it on my own instead of relying on my band to do 100% of the work. Sitting in a ski lodge right now while my hubby and stepdaughter ski (had a skiing accidnet last year. Needless to say, I'm scared of trying it again!) and just finished about 1/4 of a chicken salad sandwich and about 12 almonds. Resisting the chili cheese fries at the bar! Marci
  2. marfar7


    If you have a proxy server, you can download books for your kindle or nook on piratebay.org. for free. Not sure how many lapband books r there, but it's worth checking out. Now if you're part of the FBI and r gunna bust me for getting free books...I never wrote this post.... Marci
  3. marfar7

    My band seems to be working again!

    Yes, they r at Super WalMart and Safeway that I've seen so far. There's a limited variey and they cost $4-$5 each. Double of a Lean Cuisine. Bought the Beef and Broccoli to try and it's actually very yummy! And I could only eat about 1/2 of it Marci
  4. marfar7

    I DID IT

    Why no beef? My dr pushes beef. I think he was a cattle farmer in his former life.... Congrats! You're on your way! Marci
  5. marfar7

    Where Is Your Port Placement?

    Mine is on the left side, about 2" higher than my belly button. I could barely feel it and couldn't see it in the beginning. Now that I've lost almost 100 lb, it's very pronounced and I can feel it thru clothes. Looks like an alien is emerging! Marci
  6. Medicare doesn't require any pre-op diet. I have Medicare and was approved quickly. They also require an overnight stay in the hospital. And....just an fyi: Medicare only covers fills for 1 yr. Then it's out of your pocket. I don't know what the Medicaid rules say, just Medicare. They also require a BMI of 40 or >35 with at least 1 comorbidity. Good luck! Marci
  7. marfar7

    Lapband Just Did Not Work For Me

    ". I recently went to the my main doctor for a 3 month check up and saw my weight at it was 232 pounds and something just clicked...that I need to continue losing weight and get rid of all the negativity and let go of the past. There was a time when I thought of revision to gastric bypass or gastric sleeve but I don't think that I could do this all over again." All of this happened in just 3 mths? You're giving up on the band after just 3 months? The biggest thing I wished someone had told me before getting banded was to HAVE PATIENCE. You didn't put the weight on overnight, you're not going to take it off overnight either. It was 4 months and 3 fills later when I started losing weight. The first 4 mths, I lost maybe 3 lbs. I ate whatever I wanted to, however much I wanted to. Thought I had failed yet another diet. Till that 3rd fill. Then the magic happened. Your dr does sound like an ass. But you need to have a little more patience and take your time losing this weight. The band, while not working for very few people, works for most people who give it an honest try. I'm not a poster girl for the lapband - I don't follow all of the rules 100% of the time. But I do love my lapband and attribute it to losing almost 100 lbs. In fact, I'm probably one of the most lax lapbanders out there (I eat carbs, drink soda, and eat plenty of sugar) and it worked for me. For someone who follows the rules, I'm sure it's an even better tool. Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone, there's people here you can vent to. Also, just to remind you to have patience. I promise you, it WILL work eventually. AS soon as you get the perfect adjustment, eat within the tiny portions you can eat, exercise, and have faith YOU WILL LOSE. I also have hypothyroidism and take Synthroid (have for about 10 yrs now), but I know that it makes little difference to my weight. I lost about 4 lbs when I started taking the thyroid pills. I knew that my 250 lbs wasn't because of my thyroid, it was because I ate too much! Good luck to you. Keep us posted! Marci
  8. My band slipped about 6 mths ago. I had really bad nightime reflux. My only symptom. Dr took our 1/2 my fill (5cc) and let it rest for 4 wks. The reflux went away. Yeah! He then put a 1cc fill to start slowly filling me back up. Felt like I had no band. Ate alot. Went back and got a 1cc fill. Then the reflux started again. He finally xrayed me {should have been done before putting in the first 1cc. My band was still slipped. So he too out the previous 1cc out and told me that if my symptoms went away, Im fine. He treats symptoms, not xrays. Great. Now I still have a slipped band. I have occasional reflux now when I sleep on my right side, but its tolerable. I have much lessened restriction. Im ok until about 6pm. Then I feel like I have no band. I can eat the side of a barn. I've now officially gained 10 lbs since the slip, 18 since last Dec when I got marrid. My 8 jeans don't fit anymore. Had to buy a few pairs of 10s. Im so bummed. I know I need to buckle down and control my weight. I've had my band for 3 yrs and its done its job. Now I have to do mine. Good luckk! Marci
  9. marfar7

    Question About Fills

    My dr always used lidocaine ( a shot of numbing medicine) first, so I don't feel the bigger needle at all. If they don't automatically do this, just ask. Some drs use a numbing gel too. Good luck! Marci
  10. Have patience. It took me until my 3rd fill, 4 mths in until I got any retsriction whatsoever. I wished someone had told me that in the beginning. Good luck Marci
  11. well said! Thank You! Marci
  12. My husband says I eat crap. I'm more than 3 yrs post op, have lost over 100 lbs and still eat crap. Not very much of it, I will admit, but I still eat like crap. I wish I had learned how to eat healthier, as now that I'm 45, I'm thinking not just of weight loss but of my general health (diabetes, etc). It's best if you learn how to eat healthy right off the bat. I don't eat very much at any given time, but I could improve my diet a little! Marci
  13. We're taking my in laws to Hometown Buffet. I'm gunna try and use my lapband card to get the kids price! Went there last year (waited for over an hour). Bummer there won't be any leftovers tho. I eat a couple bites of everything - including pumpkin pie. Anything with the word "pumpkin" in it and I love it! Marci
  14. marfar7

    Flourless Pizza

    My husband is a low carber (I'm not, I eat them all the time!), but I think I might just try this tomorrow nite! I need to pick up some cream cheese and pizza sauce. I'll letcha know how it turns out! Marci
  15. Yes, I'm from a Swedish family - always bigger on top than bottom. Makes for a hard time finding pajamas that fit! I have to mix and match (a med pants and xl top). FYI: The Hanes/Playtex outlet won't let you do it. They check the sizes to make sure they match upon checkout. Oops.
  16. I wish that was true for everyone. I've gone from size 22 pants to size 8 - but only from a 3x to an xl on top. When I was fitted for my wedding dress over a year ago, they measured me for a size 16 on top and a 4 on bottom. I've lost over 100 lbs and only lost on top from 44DD to a 40D. I definately have a harder time losing on top. Makes me look like a marshmallow being held up by 2 toothpicks! Marci
  17. Too numerous to list! Luv a new recipe for Mushroom Sage chicken. Made it 3x this past month and it tastes even better the next day. I think I'm addicted to the Pinterest recipes site! Marci
  18. marfar7

    *my Journey*

    You're staying away from the German brotchen? Good girl! I served in Germany in 1997-2000 (near Wurzburg) and have been to K - Town. Enjoy your time in Europe. You'll always want to go back once you're gone! Congrats on the loss! WTG! Marci Oh, and the German bread, yogurt, and the donor kebabs (those little devilish Turkish sandwiches) were all to die for!
  19. marfar7


    WTG! Keep it up! Marci
  20. marfar7

    Butterfinger Protein Shake

    Where do you find sugar free/fat free pudding? I've seen either/or, but not both. Is it Jello brand? Thanks! Marci PS: Do you notice that when you use a mixer with sf pudding, it whips it up so airy it's like mousse? I LUV pudding. It's my middle of the night treat. A spoonful of pudding...yeah, I take a bite or 2 in the middle of the night. I know, a bad habit to get into
  21. marfar7

    Who Knew......????

    So, so very happy for you! I know exactly how it feels...not to have to shop in the Plus Size dept anymore! I recommend, however that you keep at least one of your old outfits. I didn't keep any of mine and I wish I had. Marci
  22. marfar7

    Why Greek Yogurt?

    I don't really like Greek yogurt either. Reminds me of eating sour cream outa the container. It's got double the proteiin tho. Marci
  23. We hardly get any trick or treaters at our apt, but we bought one bag of Reeses last nite, just in case. As I was lying in bed watching tv last nite, I was thinking about nothing else but those Reeses! I thought about them everytime I got up to pee in the middle of the night. I thought about them when I woke up in the morning. I thought about them while on the treadmill at the gym. I'm thinking about them right now. The first kid that comes to my door tonite is gunna score - they're getting the whole dang bag of Reeses! I don't wanna risk having any leftover! Marci
  24. marfar7

    What Do You Guys Eat After A Fill ?

    When I got an unfill, my dr said that I could eat normal afterwards. Not like an actual fill where i have to do liquids for 24 hrs. Marci
  25. Not to change the subject, but pudding sounds mighty good right now! Might have to get some today! Marci

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