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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. marfar7

    Plateau over!

    WTG!! Congrats! Thats amazing! Keep it up! Marci
  2. Thank God I had NO pre op diet whatsoever. My dr said just to have a light dinner the night before and nothing after midnight. So, my "light" dinner consisted of a slab of ribs, a baked potato, salad and cheesecake from Outback. I considered that light at the time. I barely made it on the 4 weeks liquid diet afterwards. If it weren't for tomato Soup I probly would've starved to death. Good luck to you. It WILL be over soon and you'll be on your way to a new you! I promise you it will be worth it! Marci
  3. Just out of curiousity, befre they started refilling you, did they do a follow-up xray to make sure that your slip was fixed? This is EXACTLY what my dr did with a slip, took out 1/2 of my fill (instead of all of it like most do) and then gave me 4 weeks to rest. Then started filling me again without doing another xray. By the time we found out that I was still slipped was months later, 2 fills and my severe reflux back with a vengeance. It's now been almost a year and I still have a minor slip (not enuf for surgery, apparently). I can't trransfer drs, however, cuz the 1 I go to is a Center of Excellence and the only one that Medicare will pay for. I found out (I drive a 6 hr round trip to get to my drs) that the local dr will see me but they want $1100 just to transfer me + $300 each fill/unfill. My dr only charges me $160, so it's worth it to me to continue. Just wondering if you had a follow-up xray before they started filling u again before starting the fill process. Good luck! Marci
  4. marfar7

    Really stuck last night

    The very first time I slimed, I coughed and the jellyfish ended up on the front of my tee shirt. It was gross. Now, if I PB (very rarely) it always waits till I'm near a toilet and there's not so much "goo" it's mainly just food that comes up. Ah, the good ole days.... Marci
  5. marfar7

    People who are at or near goal

    Do you ever watch The BIggest Loser? Luv that show! The first week, the contestants always lose 10-30 lbs. Then as they get smaller, the weight starts coming off slower and slower and slower. When the (especially women) are under 200, they start tapering off alot. It's so much harder to lose that last 20. The first 100 are easier! Except it's more daunting to say you have to lose more than 100 lbs! Last year I was within 9 lbs of my goal of 135 and had a slip, which I then gained 24 lbs in the past year. I'm starting to lose again (thru Atkins- which isn't really pleasant). I've lost 11 lbs in the past 3 weeks. So I'm still about 20 lbs from goal and I don't anticipate losing it really fast! And last year, when I was only 9 lbs from goal, I still felt really fat (had to wear a shawl with my sleeveless wedding dress cuz of my back fat!) so I may have to alter my goal when I get to 135. Just can't imagine gowing lower than that. I think I was BORN weighing more than that! You have to be patient. It WILL come off eventually! Marci
  6. marfar7

    just a question

    I used to be able to eat an entire box of Kraft Mac and cheese in about 5 minutes. No sharing for me! I've eaten it maybe 3x since my surgery 3 1/2 yrs ago. I can eat about 6-10 bites and then I'm done. No problem with Pasta, just can't eat very much of it. I usually mix a little cheddar to it after mixing the powder. Makes it cheesier. Yummo! Marci
  7. marfar7


    When I'm stuk, it's a pressure in my chest, I start sweating and salivating. They only way I've found to relieve it is to put my finger down my throat and vomit it up (I say vomit, but it's really only food, no stomach acid). But I don't recommend that often. My band slipped last year from frequent vomiting. Since my slip, I've learned to eat much slower and not get stuck in the first place. I very rarely vomit anymore. Took me 3 yrs and a slipped band to learn! Wow! I must be a slow learner! Oh, and I can't drink anything when stuck - otherwise it's like a volcano erupting! My nurse calls it the "cork effect" where if food is stuck in ur esophagus and you add liquid, it has no where to go but back up. And its not pretty - especially in a public place! Good luck! Marci
  8. When my husband is done with his meal (and he eats really fast), he starts eyeing mine! Altho he's a low carber, so if it's like 1/2 of a burger I give him, he pulls the bun off, so I guess thats ok. In fact, I started eating faster so I could get more of my meal - thats backfired on me, for sure! Immediatly to the bathroom! Marci
  9. marfar7

    Really stuck last night

    It's when the food you just ate comes back up - no stomach acid involved, so it's not really vomit. Some people just burp and it comes up, other are more violent (like me, it's just like vomiting except it's just food). The first year or so after surgery for me it would be accompanied by major gobs of "goo" (saliva built up in your esophagus. Looks like a jellyfish in the toilet (sorry if tmi). Hope that helps. Oh, and PB stands for Productive Burp Marci
  10. Everytime I make bacon and eggs (about 2x a week), I cook myself 2 pcs - even tho for the past 3 yrs I've only been ever able to eat 1 pc. Always give it to my dog (I know, I know, she really doesn't need it either!). My eyes are ALWAYS bigger than my stomach. Thank goodness I have a husband that likes my leftovers! Marci
  11. About 2 weeks post op, I could barely walk cuz my leg was swollen and hurt really, really badly. I remember talking to my mom about 1,000 miles away and her telling me to go to the ER. I didn't, I sufferred thru it, thinking for a mili second that it might be a clot. Took a pain pill and went to bed and by morning, it was fine. No clue what it was, but it did scare me (obviously not enuf to take me to the ER -I have to be truly dying to go to the ER). Thats too bad. And it does have to do with the lapband - surgery at least! Marci
  12. I started Atkins about 2 1/2 weeks ago (I've now lost about 12 lbs) and thank God for Atkins bars and sf jello! I haven't cheated once and I'm now in the pocess of adding more carbs into my diet (almonds, avocados, etc). However, I was wondering if any of you Atkins bars fans have a rumbly tummy and gas and diarrhea after eating them? This past week or so, my tummy has been upset, not nauseous or anything, just upset. I've cut down to 1 Atkins bars a day and I still have tummy problems. Is it caused by having no carbs or the bars? Love the bars (they have 1 that tastes just like a Payday -yummo) but can't stand the tummy ache anymore. What do you low carbers enjoy for sweets (beside sf Jello - I eat that daily also)?? Marci
  13. marfar7

    NOT Drinking While Eating...SO TOUGH!!!

    It's probly the #1 rule of the lapband - never drink while eating and up to 30-60 minutes afterwards. It's on page 1 of the rule book, I believe! It's sposed to wash the food out of your tummy quicker, making you not full as quickly. As for me (as I wrote above) I can't drink while eating and up to 45 minutes afterwards cuz it brings everything back up. My nurse calls it the Cork Effect. When the food is sitting in my esophagus and you add water to it, it has no where to go but back up. I would stongly advise you to stop drinking with your meals. I'm not the perfect bandster (by far, I break many, many rules!), but this is 1 I follow (and I have no choice in the matter, really!) Good luck! Marci
  14. I wouldn't expect any miracles with the first fill. Most people need 2+ fills to get there. After my 2nd fill, I felt like I had failed yet another weight loss attempt. After my 3rd fill, however, the magic started. My first real meal was about 1/6 of a chicken breast, 1/4 of a baked potato, and a couple bites of green Beans and I was stuffed. Actually, I wouldn't say "stuff" cuz it didn't feel the same as being stuffed, I just knew that if I ate one more bite, I would probly vomit. Be patient. It WILL come. It may take a few fills to feel a difference! Good luck! Marci
  15. marfar7


    Over 3 yrs post op and I still burp alot after eating. It's quite embarrassing. At least I don't make gurgling noises I used to make for the first year or so. That was really emabarassing. Now I just gurgle occasionall before falling asleep. My hubby says it lulls him to sleep! Glad I can be of service! Marci
  16. I'm anxious to here replies to this also. My band slipped about 10 mths ago and even with unfills/fills/tweaks, it's still slipped. Since I have no symptoms now (I only have about 6 cc in a 14cc band now), my dr is leaving it alone, but I'm getting tired of dieting to prevent weight gain when I have a tool inside not doing it's job. Thinking about having it replaced sometime in the future and I was wondering these same things. I hate to start ALL OVER again, with all of the fills and whatnot, but I'm almost at goal and wish to stay there forever and I know without it I'll gain all the weight back. This time, however, I will follow all of the rules and NOT VOMIT everyday! So I'm also interested in hearing from people that have had a revision done.... Marci
  17. marfar7

    NOT Drinking While Eating...SO TOUGH!!!

    I physically CAN'T drink while eating - I will throw it all up. I've learned the hard way, especially with soda (yes, I KNOW I'm not sposed to drink it but I occasionally have sips of my hubbys). If I eat food and then drink a sip of anything, I'm immediately in the bathroom. So it's never really been a problem for me. But, when I go out to Mexican or something spicy, I sure do miss a swig of water! Just drink a big glass before you eat (I can drink right up till the time I eat) and get it out of the way. Good luck to u! Marci
  18. marfar7

    Nervous rant

    I used to work at a hospital in Lake Arrowhead, Ca where it can snow 4-6 ft in 24 hrs period. In March 1994, we had our "March Miracle" dumping about 4 ft of snow in 1 day. The roads were all closed and the nurses were all stuck working for 3 straight days (sleeping in between shifts, of course). But can you believe that women in labor made it to the hospital? ABout 6 of them came in. They were the only ones out and about. Where there's a will, theres a way. I know that NOTHING could have stopped me from getting my band on the appointed day. Snow, Blow....if the roads are open and it's safe, I'd say go anyway. Thats where having a Jeep comes in handy! Marci
  19. marfar7

    Before and After Pictures

    Wow! Fantastic! You're doing really well! Keep it up! Marci
  20. I chew gum all the time. I do this thing with my lower lip (my husband referes to me as "wiggles") all the time I'm idle and not doing anything, so popping a piece of gum helps with my wiggling. I chew until my jaw feels like it's gunna lock up! I've never asked my dr about it and he's never mentioned it. I don't think I've EVER swallowed a pc of gum in my entire life, however so I don't see that it would be a problem. My favorite: Orbit. It's sf and it POPS - something that is a must in gum I chew. Usually sf gum doesn't pop very well but ORbit does. Don't get the strawberry, however. My husband and I both notice that within an hour, it dissolves like dirt in your mouth. Nasty! I don't think there'd be a problem with chewing gum right after eating. U don't make that much saliva to worry about it. Good luck! Marci
  21. SOME peoples bands work immediately. I guess you were one of the blessed to have this true. A few people (very few) don't ever need fills. My 3rd fill was the magic one for me. Before that, I tae exactly as I had previously and didn't lose a lb. After my 3rd fill, I felt satisfied on about 8 bites of food. And it pretty much stayed that way till last year when I had my slip. Now I have so-so restriction. I'm actually on Atkins right now losing what I've gained since my slip and I swore I'd never diet again. I guess I'm doomed to a life of dieting again. But at least it's not the daunting over 100 lbs loss. I only have to lose about 19 more lbs. Good luck to you. You're doing fantastic! Marci
  22. I had my 1st (of 4) back surgeries in 2000, weighing over 220. My dr never said a word to me about my weight. Maybe its cuz they were so surprised to see a 35 yr old female in the VA hospital. (Injured on active duty). More recntly however, my dr did blame my hypertension on my fatness. And once I lost over 100 lbs, that stopped also. Most drs skip the part in mecial school where they learn bedside manner and handwriting skills. Ur doing well with ur loss. Forget what he says. U know ur doing well. Keep it up. Marci
  23. marfar7

    sweetener and meatballs-weird combo

    I can't stand Stevia. I think it tastes bitter. My dr recommends Splenda, as it's actually made from natural sugar (unlike Equal or Sweet and Low). And you can bake with it (also unlike Equal and Sweet n Low, and Stevia). "While the process to make sucralose begins with sucrose, or table sugar, the final product is different from sugar. Sucralose is made by replacing three select hydrogen-oxygen groups on the sugar molecule with three chlorine atoms, resulting in an intensely sweet, no-calorie sweetener. Unlike sugar, the body does not break down sucralose into calories for energy. Yet, both sugar and sucralose activate the same taste buds on your tongue. " (Taken from The International food Information Council) Recently, however, I've found that Splenda does have 1 gm of carbs per packetm and since I'm watching carbs now, I've cut down on it tremendously. I used the sugar free coffee syrups in my coffee (which I drink alot of daily). They have 0 carbs. Good luck to you! Marci PS: Now clue why it won't take off the green background that I got when I cut and pasted the info! Anyone know how to remove the green background? lol
  24. marfar7

    Thinking about Lap Band surgery

    I had to spend 1 nite (Medicare requires it). WHich was good cuz I got the good pain meds! I was home by 2 pm the next day (after a barium swallow to make sure placement was correct) eating Jello and broth. I don't work, but I guess I could've gone back to a sitting job in maybe 5-7 days, a more active 1 maybe 2 weeks later. Good luck in your decision. Best decision I ever made! Marci
  25. marfar7

    Restaurant Card

    If u ask ur drs office for the card, they will give it ti u. I've only tried to use it once, at {ometown Buffet (cuz im definately a waste of money there) and they wouldn't accept it. I don't usually like what the kids menu has on it. But u can also ask for the senior menu at some restaurants. I luv brining 2/3 of my dinner home. My husband and I usually share my Avo Cobbo salad from Red Robin the next day. So it makes 3 meals. Just ask ur drs office for 1. I just emailed my nurxe and she sent me 1 in the mail. Its up to the rextaurant whetner tthey will accept the m or not. Marci

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
