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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. marfar7

    Hunger Pains

    You're only eating twice a day? That could be it. For 4 weeks after surgery, my dr told me to drink 1 oz Protein shake every waking hour (sometimes I actually forgot) + my soup 4x a day. Mentally I was starving, unlike you! I say drink more Protein shakes and more soup. Get that growling tummy under control! Marcxi
  2. marfar7

    Somebody want to explain this too me?

    You and me both, girl! Marci
  3. I will probably always have the "fat girl" staring back at me in the mirror. While I know I've lost 100 lbs, I'm now in a size 8 (vs a 22), and everyone tells me how different I look, I still can't see the difference - unless I'm looking at an old picture. I looked like the Blueberry girl from Willy Wonka. Not sure if that will ever go away. In fact, I recently bought a top from Ebay. It was a large (I used to wear a 3x). When I got it, I held it up ad there was no way that would fit me. Much too small. Bummed I made the purchase, my husband encouraged me to try it on. It fits! Yeah! Who woulda thunk it?? Marci
  4. Hey everyone, This past Monday was my consultation for a TT, under the chin lipo and back lipo (which she said I really didn't need, but it makes me uncomfortable). After about an hour, she came up with a total: TT: $8,000 (thats with the surgical center and anesthesia) Chin Lipo: $3,000 Back fat lipo: $6,000 I live in Southern Oregon and would be OP. They can't do all 3 in 1 day (she prefers not to do the back lipo anyway, saying I really don't need it). Just wondering if this is the going rate... Marci
  5. After 3 1/2 yrs, I can eat whatever I want, including fast food. Just had KFC last nite (2 chicken popper-thingies, 1/2 thing of mashed potatoes and 1/2 biscuit). The rest is for 2 more meals. Tonite I plan on having a few btes of hubbys Chinese food that we eat at poker. I would avoid fast food for a few months tho, until you actually a=have restriction (most likely 2-4 fills), you're bound to go overboard, cuz you'll still be able to eat just pre surgery. I didn't drink alcohol for about 4 mths, then I got tipsy on a few sips of wine. Now, I drink maybe once a month I'll have a margarita or glass of wine. I can process it alot better now than in the beginning. My very first REAL food after the liquid and mushy stage was a Burger King cheeseburger. I could kick myself for doing that. Hindsight is 20/20 however. I don't recommend you follow in my steps. Do as I say, not as I do! Good luck on your surgery! Marci
  6. marfar7

    Acid refluex

    Severe nightime reflux was the ONLY sign that my band had slipped. Went for months with it every single night. Some nites, I'd wake up with a pool of brown stomach acid on my pillow (sorry if tmi). I'd cough all night and my throat would burn from the acid. Nothing helped. I took RX Prilosec, OTC Zantac and chewed Tums constantly. Slept on 3 pillows, almost upright. I was afraid to go to the drs for fear he's unfill me. He did. only by 1/2 tho. It helped immediately. Yes, you need to see your dr when reflux occurs. It could be that you're just too tight, but it could also be that you have a slip. Good luck! Marci
  7. I'm the same way. It's been 3 1/2 yrs and I still can't eat a whole burger. I can eat about 2/3 of it now. I still make a whole sandwich for myself, even tho I can never eat more than 1/2. I still order pasta at Olive Garden, am full after my Soup and 1/2 breadstick, and take home the pasta. Every restaurant item is about 3-4 meals for me. In fact, I usually get sick of eating it and throw out part of it! You will still be able to enjoy food (after the initial liquid/mushy stage, of course). There's only 3 things that I've found I can't eat: pancakes, thick crust pizza, and pineapple chunks. But I can only eat a small portion of food, thank God! But pre surgery jitters are normal. In fact, I might be facing a band redo soon and I'm not looking forward to the 4 week liquid diet. Almost died the first time around. Good luck with your surgery! Marci
  8. marfar7

    1 week with Brandi

    If you go to your profile (right upper hand corner), click on "your tickers" and create a ticker there. Everytime you lose weight, you edit it. It's simple, really! Good luck to you! Marci
  9. Coming from someone who vomited for the first 2 yrs and whos band slipped last year - AVOID VOMITING AT ALL COSTS! I'd do the same thing, except had no trouble at all getting the food up. I'd vomit about 50% of my meals, including in restaurants (do you know how many times I've heard "are you ok?" coming from another stall?). I just can't seem to slow down my eating. Since my slip, I've learned to slow it down and ride thru the stuck episodes. Not to say I'm perfect (when I start sweating and my mouth starts to Water, there'd better be a toilet or a bush nearby), but it's always my own fault so I have no one to blame but myself. I'd advise you to learn how to eat like a bandster. You definately don't want a slip. It's hard to come back from (I'm still sufferring with mine). Good luck! Marci
  10. marfar7

    How I Live with the Band....

    "I feel "FULL" 24/7....I am always Full...and it has nothing to do with what or when I eat...It is because the band is there 24/7 sending the message to my brain that I am full, whether I have eaten or not..." Wow. All I can say is wow. I still get hungry at mealtime, sometimes so much so that I regret wolfing down my meal and it comes right back up. I've been at the green spot for 3 yrs now and I can honestly say that the and does help with portion control, but I still get mighty hungry. My eyes are much bigger than my tummy (like I usually make a whole sandwich still and can only eat 1/2). Good for you that you are never hungry. Wish my band worked like that! Marci
  11. " I am terribly concerned about this because I have a good fit on my band and do not consume large amounts of food." Are you sure that you have proper restriciton? I know it took me 3 fills and 4 mths before I got it right. Didn't lose anything till then. I agree, count your calories. It's pretty scientific, actually. If you burn more than you take in, you WILL lose weight. Good luck! Marci
  12. marfar7

    Love me some flavored coffee....

    LUV my coffee. Yes, I've used the flavored creamers. Right now however, I'm doing the low carb thing and they have too many carbs, so I use Torani sf syrups (most have 0 carbs) and a little heavy cream (yep, it also has no carbs). The other day I cheated and went to Dutch Bros (a drive thru coffee place in the Northwest) for a skinny caramelizer. It's got way too many carbs but only like 45 calories. I also buy flavored coffee Beans (have to grind them as I go, for the freshest flavor) Marci
  13. marfar7

    still a little confused??

    A word of advice: Avoid vomiting at all costs. For the first 2 yrs, I vomited about 1/2 of my meals (ate too fast, too big of bites, or just too much food) and my band finally had had it. It slipped about a year ago. I'm still living with the after affects and they're not good. Whatever you have to do to avoid vomiting, do so. Eat slower, smaller bites, less food. Whatever you have to do. I occasionally forget and still vomit (maybe once a month) and picture my band slipping again. Just my .02 worth! Marci
  14. marfar7

    I AM IN JEANs!

    Advice: Go thru your closet and get rid of all those 20's and higher. Except one outift. I wish I had kept one outift. If they're no longer there, you can't ever get back into them without replacing all of your clothes. Congrats! WTG! Marci
  15. marfar7


    You really need to slow down the eating and only eat until satisfied. For the 1st 2 yrs following my band, I vomited about 1/2 of my meals back up. Last year my band slipped and it's never been the same. It's not normal, I thought it was. I've had to learn to slow down. I learned to eat fast in Army basic training. If you didn't eat in 5 mins, you didn't eat. I still have trouble with it and occasionally vomit, but not often like before. My 1 word of advice: Try really hard not to bring your food back up (slow down, take smaller bites, stop before full). Your band will eventually have had it and succomb to the pressure! And you don't want that. Good luck! Marci
  16. marfar7

    Just curious....

    I have back issue also. Had 1 major back surgery in 2000 and 3 smaller ones since (to clean up scar tissue in my spine). I also take meds for nerve damage. Maybe that's why I gained so much weight over the years? Had no clue they caused weight gain. I think it was because I ate too much, but the meds also could have an effect. I didn't have to wait for my surgery. I was approved in 2 weeks and my surgery was scheduled for 2 more weeks. No pre op diet required either. If I had that much time to think about it, I might have changed my mind. Thank God I didn't - the band literally saved my life. My biggest advice to newbies: Have patience. It's not gunna happen overnight. It took me 4 mths and 3 fills to get proper restriction. I lost maybe 2 lbs during that first 4 mths. After my 3rd fill, however, the magic started. So have patience. You didn't put the weight on overnight and you won't get it off that quickly either! Good luck! Marci
  17. Severe nightime reflux was my only sign of a slipped band. Sufferred with it for about 4 mths before having it diagnosed. Have u had a recent xray? Marci
  18. 1st of all, I'm so sorry for the loss of your husband and dad. 5 yrs ago, I also lost my husband at age 46 (I was 40), so I know the depression and weight gain that it causes. Please try to find a support group for widows - it helped me tremendously. Ok, you want the top ten things? Here you go: 1. Don't drink while you're eating or for 30-45 minutes afterwards. They say it's because you wash down whats in your tummy before the fullness feeling. I can't drink while eating because it caused me to vomit. 2. Make sure you only eat the amount directed by your dr. Some say 1 cup, some 3/4 of a cup. Follow your drs advisments. Snack only if directed by your dr 3. AVOID VOMITING AT ALL COSTS! For 2 yrs, I ate way too fast and caused myself to vomit (not really pb'ing, as it's much more violent but only food comes up) about 4-6x a week. My band finally had it last year and slipped. I'm still paying for that decision. 4. Exercise. Looks like you're already doing that tho! 5. Don't drink your calories. Like grape juice has like 100 calories a cup, Water has 0. 6. Get your Protein in. If you have a choice between protein and carbs, choose the protein first 7. Make sure you get fills when necessary. The band doesn't work if you're not adjusted properly 8.Watch your calories. With only eating 1 cup per meal, the calories should be fine and you probably won't need to count them, but I do in my head anyway. 9. I don't do this but keep a journal of everything you eat. Studies say that people who write down everything they eat, lose more weight. 10. Don't drink soda! Whether it's diet or not. The carbonation wreaks havoc with your band. Hope that helps a little. I'm sure there's more "rules" but I'm not one for many rules and break them all the time! You shouldn't need to "diet" while the band is actually working, but until you get proper restriction, you may need to. Good luck to you! And you will be happy again someday. I promise. I thought I'd never be happy again after losing my husband. 5 yrs later, I'm remarried and loving my new life. I still thik about Kevin with fond memories, but I'm so happy now I could burst! Marci
  19. marfar7

    Another fill thread

    If they don't automatically do it, ask for lidocaine. It's a small needle that numbs the area before they put the big one in. I don't feel a thing once it's in there. Afterwards, when the numbness wears off, I'm sore and bruised for a couple of days...Good luck! Marci
  20. marfar7


    I told everyone - including my neighbor! My mom tried to talk me out of it saying I didn't need surgery. "Just do it the old fashioned way". Had it anyway and now she's so proud of me! I will tell anyone who will listen abut my band and how it saved my life... Marci
  21. Isn't it fun to shop now? I wear an 8, but at one store and one brand (Eddie Bauer) I can wear a 6. The only 6 I can fit into, but hey, it's a 6 somehwhere! Congrats! Enjoy your new shopping experiences... Marci
  22. marfar7

    My mom is out of control

    My very first vomiting episode ever was eating a salad at a restaurant. I had attempted to eat 2 bites of pancakes. Bad idea. After 2 yrs of routinely vomiting (3-6x a wk), my band had finally had it and slipped a year ago. Its still got a minor slip and doesn't work like it once did. Advice: eat slower and avoid throwing up. I learned to eat fast in Army basic training. If u didn't eat in 5 mins, u didn't eat. It took over 2 yrs and a slipped band to teach me to slow down. 1 thing u should do is not wait till ur starved, that will speed upur eating. Whatever u have to do to prevent vomiting (while its violent like vomting, its just food like pbing) u have to do. U don't want to slip ur band. I promise u its not a good idea. Good lcuk to u Marci
  23. marfar7

    new bandster

    Unlike you, I had no fear progressing in my diet! I was literally starving on liquids only. However, I had to stay on liquids for 4 weeks. Those first bites of mashed potatoes were heaven. And the refried Beans? Like they were waiting for me their entire life! And the yogurt....need I go on? Part of being banded is trying new things to see what you can tolerate. This is one of those times you have to be open minded and move on from what you're comfortable in. Start really slowly, with maybe 6 little bites, then stop. Next meal, add another bite. 1 can of tomato Soup lasted me 5 meals a day. And a cup of mashed potatoes lasted about 4 meals also. Are you scared it will hurt or that you'll gain what you've lost back? Marci
  24. marfar7

    Woo Hoo! Pizza Tonight!

    I luv pizza too. Only thin crust for me now, tho. Thick doesn't do well going down! Happy Birthday Mrs 2muchfun! Marci

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