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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. marfar7

    Mushy diet egg salad?

    Egg salad is one of my most fav foods, actually. I use real mayo tho (only Best Foods!), not the lite stuff. And yes, it's on the mushy list, along with tuna and chicken salad. Marci
  2. marfar7

    No Pre op diet????

    I also didn't have a pre op diet. My dr just told me to eat a light dinner the night before. Went to Outback and had a slab of ribs, baked potato, and a salad (oh, and a pc of cheesecake). Guess I considered that light at the time! However, my dr had me on a 4week liquid only diet post op. So I guess I made up for it! Good luck! Marci
  3. marfar7

    Traveling after surgery?

    I also live 3 hrs away from my clinic. I spent the night at the hospital and the following night in a hotel, as my brother in law was too scared to take me so far away from the clinic if something went wrong. I was told to stop every hour and walk around the car (I think thats where the embolisms come in, from sitting for too long). Definately bring a pillow to put on your tummy, cuz every bump will be felt! Good luck on your surgery! Marci
  4. marfar7


    Popcorn is definately a slider for me. Ice cream isn't (I can only eat 1 scoop) but I can eat a whole tub of popcorn at the movies!!! I do occasionally eat it tho for a treat. Maybe it's the fibrous part of it that they don't reccommend? My dr never said anything about it, so I assumed it was ok in moderation. Marci
  5. marfar7

    Banded Today

    Welcome! Hope you're feeling better soon! Marci
  6. marfar7

    my journey has come to an end :(

    Thats good to hear, that you had the plication added for your replacement surgery. I'm debating whether or not to get my band replaced (it's had a minimal slip for 10 mths now) or to suffer with a broken band that doesn't work correctly, but I have no more symptoms. I'd like to have plication added, since it wasn't available in 2009. Nice to know that they do this now. Marci
  7. marfar7

    How long did your port hurt?

    Honestly, I don't remember my port ever hurting after a few days. For a few days after fills, it's bruised and a little sore, but it's never really hurt. 6 wks is a long time. I'd get it checked out. Marci
  8. marfar7

    To weigh or not to weigh?

    I must confess, when I'm actively trying to lose (like the month of Feb when I was on Atkins) I weighed every single day. When I'm not doing very well nutritionally (like now), I don't. I really don't want to see what the number says. I've always been an advocate of weighing once a week (yu can make or break your day by weighing everyday), but I like to know if I've gone up by even just 1 lb. That way you can work on it sooner. I've read a study recently that said that people who weigh everyday tend to be slimmer. You can get your gains under control sooner, not letting it get out of control Marci
  9. marfar7

    Is something wrong ?

    She attempted to take out your fill and couldn't get anything out and sent you home without doing an xray? I would call and demand someone to see me. They should be able to get out 100% of your fill. I'm wondering if you have any fill at all. Marci
  10. marfar7


    I never did have problems with taking pills. I take about 10 pills a day (about 7 of them before bed) and took them from day 1. The dr did give me liquid Vicodin for after surgery, but I could've taken pills anyway. I used to take a whole handful of them and wash them down all at once. Now I have to swallow 2 at a time, about 3 minutes between each swallow. Marci
  11. marfar7

    last appt before surgery

    One thing: Your gut "dragging on the floor" isn't about how quickly you lose weight. It's genetics, how much you've lost, and your age. I think it's mainly genetics and how much you have to lose. I've lost over 100 lbs and have minimal sagging skin (altho if I could afford a tt, I would probly have one!). While I lost mine over a period of 2 yrs, if I'd have lost it alot quicker, it'd still be the same. Sorry to tell you that losing it slowly doesn't mean you won't have any saggy skin. While exercise is good for you, burns calories, and tightens muscles, it also won't help with preventing saggy skin. You can thank your parents for that! Oh, and welcome to lapbandtalk! Hope your surgery goes smoothly. I also spent the night (I think the majority of people are outpatient) because it was a requirement of Medicare at the time (2009). I'm glad I did cuz not only did I get the good pain meds via IV, but I also had a 3 hr drive home. Would've been mighty uncomfortable. Marci
  12. marfar7

    Port moving?

    How much weight have you lost? I noticed mine "moved" after losing about 50 lbs. It didn't really move, it's just that my skin got a little looser and it seemed to move. If you've lost alot of weight, it may be that. It's stitched to the muscle, so I don't think it can actually move. After you lose more weight, it'll become more pronounced also. Mine looks like a little alien coming out of my tummy. My husband calls it my "contraption". Marci
  13. marfar7

    What to eat?

    While your whole life has changed because of the band, you can still enjoy all your favorites post band - to a degree. 3 1/2 yrs later, I can eat almost anything I want, just in really small quantities (the exceptions are pancakes, pineapple - no clue why - and pizza crust - altho I can eat really thin crust). all the P's!!) I was really stupid when it came to trying new fooda to test my band. I ate all the foods I had done previously just to test the waters. My first "real food" after my 4 weeks liquid/mushy diet was a Burger King cheeseburger. I could kick myself now, cuz I then learned that I could eat them! Wish I would have followed the rules more. Maybe now I wouldn't be dealing with a slipped band (caused after 2 1/2 yrs of frequent vomiting from eating too fast/too much). Alot of people have problems with fibrous foods (like raw veggies, asparagus), bread, Pasta, rice, and red meat. Some people just choose NOT to eat those things. I never wanted to diet again, so I don't eliminate anything from my diet, I just eat micro amounts of everything. I dream about warm pancakes with real maple syrup on them tho! Stupid me keeps trying them and trying them just to see if after 3 1/2 yrs I can tolerate them. Send me to the bathroom every single time. So this is a warning: Try new items at home, just in case your band is being fickle. You won't end up in the public ladies room with someone in the next stall asking if you're ok!!! I've heard that MANY times. I wish I had followed the band rules from the beginning. I'm a rule breaker and I started mashed potatoes a week before I was sposed to. I thought I was gunna starve to death. Good luck trying out new foods. I do fine with everything on your DON'T list (including corn, broccoli, and soups). No clue why I can't tolerate pineapple. And it's my fav fruit! Or it WAS!! Good luck! Marci
  14. marfar7

    No appetite

    Consider yourself lucky. I was literally starving the first couple week after surgery - even at day #2. Thought I'd never make it on so little calories. I wouldn't worry about it yet. By week 4 tho, if you haven't gotten back any appetite whatsoever, I would talk to my dr. The band isn't there to keep you from getting hungry, it's there to keep you from eating too much. Good luck! Marci
  15. I know that I need a fill when I can eat more. I don't weigh/measure anything nor count calories. I just eat till I'm satisfied. When I notice I can eat alot more (or I gain a couple lbs), it might be time for a fill. Haven't had a fill in about 9 mths, however, cuz if I get more, I get really bad nightime reflux. Not quite as restricted as I once was, but the reflux is really bad. Marci
  16. marfar7

    Lapband Mini-port 2008/2009 defect

    Got my band in Oct 2009. I don't have those symptoms, but it's nice to know. Thanks for sharing! Marci
  17. marfar7

    Band slips?

    Mine slipped after 2 1/2 yrs of frequent vomiting. The only symptom I had was severe nightime reflux. No abdominal pain, vomting, nothing but the reflux. They're right, they aren't common. But I would advise you NOT to vomit. Marci
  18. 3 1/2 yrs post op for me, and I can only NOT eat 3 things (all p's): pancakes, pizza crust and pineapple chunks (my fav). I can do everything else Marci
  19. marfar7

    I finally did it. I've lost 200 pounds

    WOW!!! All I can say is WOWWWW!!! Marci
  20. I really don't think you'd have to worry about Communion wafers. They're very thin and tiny. If you get stuck on those, than you're wayyyy toooo tight! Happy Easter! Marci
  21. marfar7

    First Fill Tomorrow

    Even 3 1/2 yrs later, everytime I get a fill/unfill, I'm bruised and sore for a few days. It's really not that bad. They use lidocaine on me before sticking in the needle. You may want to ask for it. Marci
  22. I never had problem with pills. Took them normally (at the time, I was on about 11 different meds), in like increments of 3-4 pills, not the whole 11 at 1 time. I even take Gabapentin, which is a horse pill. Now, 3 1/2 yrs later, I only take 4. So I guess thats progress. Take it slow. You'll get there! Marci
  23. I must be a big baby cuz at 4 day, I was still on my liquid Vicodin! Was for an entire week. In fact, I got 1 refill of the stuff! Rest, rest, rest. And walk, walk, walk. I had a treadmill in front of my tv that I used about 6x a day, for like 5 minutes at a time, very slowly. Helps with the gas. Glad to hear your mother in law is coming soon, she can help with the kiddos. Good luck! Marci
  24. marfar7

    Question. Fluro

    I think you're getting mixed up on the wording: The Fluro is an abbreviated form of Fluoroscopy. Hop that helps! Marci
  25. So, was it a slip or not? Thats awfully soon to have a slip. I went thru 2 1/2 yrs of vomiting about 50% of my meals before my band had finally had it and slipped. I don't think crunches would have anything to do with it. Good luck! Marci

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