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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. marfar7

    Does anyone have the realize band?

    I have a 14cc Realize band. It took 3 fills (7 cc) to feel retriction. That said, Im revisint to the vertical sleeve in a ciy9le mths. My band herniared last week and was totally unfilled. Im hopimg the sleeve is actually what they tout out there. No choice, really. I vam either replace the band and go thru many 6 hr trio for fills and be afraid of a 2md slip (studies snlw that 2nd bacds have a higher risk of complications. Bypass. Not absorbing nutrients?(; no thanks. If I weiged 400 lbs and absoltely needed to lose alot, I mitht go for it. Too extreme. 34d option: just take the band out and do it all myswlf. Eacept that for 40 yrs I haven't been able to keep it off. So, after much research and soul searching I've chosen the vertical sleese. The only oart im dcared of is 1% develop a leak along the suture lined. Its very dangerous and will keep me I the hospiral for a long time. I guess the fear of getting fat agagin scares me even more Marci
  2. marfar7

    pre opers please consider

    "Isopuke" Good name for it! My nurse told me pre op that they taste like Jolly Ranchers. I don't know where she gets her Jolly Ranchers, cuz mine tasted nothing like em! Yuck! Spent $58 on a case on GNC.com and drank maybe 1/4 of 1. They finally expired a couple months ago so I tossed em (have trouble tossing good food. I wait till it expires then I don't feel as guilty!)
  3. marfar7

    Best walking shoes?

    I luv Ryka. You can get them at Lady Foot Locker or online. They're made just for women, so they fit your foot great. I've gone with New Balance, Nikes and Reboks, but always go back to Ryka. I have no arches and they provide beautiful support. Luv mine!
  4. My bmi is 27 and I'm revising to the sleeve after 3 1/2 yrs with th band cuz it slipped. I had the same questions: Why would I have WLS if my bmi is so close to normal? Because while I can probably eventually lose the last 30 lbs I have left, I KNOW I can't keep it off. Medicare will pay for the revision because I had complications. If you have complications from your band, I'm sure your insurance will cover it, but I don't think any insurance company out there will cover WLS with a bmi of 26. I'm waiting for the inflammation to go down before revising (so I can do it all at once) so I don't have a date yet (probably late June). I know exactly how you feel tho - have a bmi so close to normal but wanting it to stay there forever. I read somewhere that your body know when to stop losing weight and will stop before you become emaciated. I was afraid of looking like a bypass patient too. I want to be healthy - not rail thin. Good luck!
  5. I agree. Most people need from 2-4 fills before feeling any restriction. I was a 3rd filler. 4 mths and I ate just as I had previously. Lost maybe 2-3 lbs. After the 3rd fill, however, the magic started. I started eating a toddlers portion (what a toddler actually puts in their mouth, not counting whats on the floor, highchair tray and on them!). Be patient. You'll eventually get there! Marci
  6. Nada. I also had to wait 6 weeks for my first fill (which was 5cc, btw). Some drs do and some do not put Fluid in it at time of surgery Marci
  7. Or do I have to have 2 surgeries? I assumed that they'd be done all in one, but I read a post that said that someone had to wait 2 weeks between surgeries. How did you do your's? I'd rather have it done all at one. I have a slipped band with all of the Fluid taken out, debating on getting a new band or converting to a sleeve??? Comments?? Marci
  8. I had no idea the VA even paid for the sleeve! Medicare is paying for my revision, but I might just check into the VA. Maybe they would do it sooner, since I'm already banded and it's slipped. Thanks for the idea!
  9. marfar7

    Anyone with a thyroid condition?

    I've had hypothyroidism for about 8 years now. Take Synthroid everyday. I lost almost 100 lbs. I'm banded now, but I'm gunna revise to sleeve soon (slipped band). It's harder but definitely doable! Good luck!
  10. Thats a great dilemma to be in! Have a fun weekend! And have fun shopping! Marci
  11. marfar7

    The process...

    From day one, I never counted anything (calories, fat grams, carbs). I just ate till I was satisfied (after my 3rd fill and restriction was felt, of course). It's why I got the band in the first place - so I would never have to diet again! Alot of people with band do watch their carb intake however. I think it may be due to the fact that high carb items (bread, Pasta, rice) have a hard time with some banders getting down. They tend to get stuck easily. recently, however, I've been counting calories. I've gained a few lbs after some complications so I need to reel it in and get some control! Good luck! Marci
  12. marfar7

    100 lbs gone!

    WTG!! Conrats! Keep it up, you'll get there!
  13. I had a minor slip last year that just required an unfill, then filled back up. Last week, my band herniated and I have to have revision surgery. I decided against getting another band (have had it for 3 1/2 yrs) and I'm revising to the vertical sleeve. After much research, this is the plan for me. Even tho the band has allowed me to lose 100 lbs, I'll be glad to get rid of it. It's caused nothing but problems and pain (not to mention nightime reflux) for over a year. If I had to do it over again? Yes, absolutely. Got me from a size 22 to an 8! Can't argue with that! Good luck on your new band! Marci
  14. I sent a box of clothes to someone in Houston TX about 6 mths ago. I didn't charge for the actual clothes, just shipping. She gave me her UPS shipping acct number and I just took them to UPS. If you bring them to Fed Ex, the Post Office, or UPS, they should be able to tell you exactly what shipping will cost. Or you can get a rough estimate on the postal service website by weighing and measuring the box at home. Just plug in the numbers and it will give you a price. I had a walk in closet FULL of 2x-3x clothing that I literally just gave away to different people. Had I know about the full figured consignment shop in town, I might have been able to make a buck. About 25 items still had tags on em. Oh well, live and learn. marci
  15. I had this same question. I'm only about 30 lbs from goal (BMI 27) and Medicare wouldn't have paid for it except that my band has a complication. Even if you're at goal weight, if there's a complication, I don't think it matters. Obesity is a lifelong problem - you're not cured once you've made it to goal. I have a whole lifetime to keep it off. Check out your insurance requirements. They may say the same thing. And thanks to all who replied. I'm not having the revision done until my Alaskan cruise (in 3 weeks) and my vacation to Ca are over (late June), so my tummy's inflammation should be down by then. Marci
  16. My arms aren't really too saggy (I'm 45), but I have saggy skin and backfat on the side of my bra line. Prevents me from wearing tanks. Have a whole closet full of them tho - for when I wake up one day and the skin/fat magically dissapears! Marci
  17. Like at Olive Garden, for example. It's soup or salad and breadsticks with the entree. I usually order soup (luv their chicken gnocci) and eat about 1/3 of it. I might have 2-3 bites of hubbys salad. I eat about 1/2 of a breadstick along with about 1/3 of my Pasta (take it home for 2 more meals. I'm usually sick of it by the 2nd meal however and it gets wasted). I rarely get dessert but if someone else does, I might take 1 bites of it. I do everything in moderation. Just take a couple bites of each thing and you'll be good! Marci
  18. After being banded 3 1/2 yrs ago, every food that I would see would become my want for my first "real" meal. I'd go to Albertsons 2-3x a week to stock up on tomato Soup and smell the fried chicken in the deli. Thats would be my first meal. Then, I'd drive by Olive Garden and smell the garlic. That would be my first meal. A commercial for Applebees, no THAT would be my first meal. My first "real" meal was a Burger King cheeseburger and I regret it to this day. Put me on the slippery slope to unhealthy eating. While I lost over 100 lbs, I did so eating tacos, cheeseburgers, and pizza. I just ate very little of them. Now that my band isn't working, I wish I had learned the art of healthy eating. Looking for a fresh start with the sleeve. This time I will do it right - no cheating! But yes, I know what you mean about everything looking so good!
  19. marfar7

    Fish Taco

    I've too had their fish taco (with the tortilla) and it was yummy! I luv fish tacos and was pleasantly surprised that a fast food joint can be so tasty. I also don't like the fried fish tacos (like Del Taco). Carls Jr needs a little more tartar sauce and they'll be neck in neck with Senor Frogs in Puerto Vallarta! Marci
  20. marfar7

    No more double chin!

    I always lose in my butt and legs first. I look like a marshmallow held up with 2 toothpicks. My face is always last. My dad had a fat face and was never overweight. After losing over 100 lbs, I still had a sack of fat under my chin/neck area. I wouldn't really call it a double chin, I call it a blob of fat. When I went to the cosmetic surgeon a couple months ago to get an estimate on a TT and lipo on my chin, she said I'd had it for so long that it might end up looking like a turkey neck (the fat stretched it out so long that sucking it out might cause saggy skin). My mom says it won't be "me" without it. I'll probly live with it forever. You are all lucky who lose it in the face first! Marci
  21. My card is paper also, not laminated. The only place I'd tried to use it is Hometown Buffet (where I was hoping to get a kids price, since I'm a wasted of $ there), but they no longer take it. I also usually just order off the regular menu and take home about 2/3 of whatever it is. Alot of restaurant also have senior meals, which would probly be healthier than the kids menu Marci Marci
  22. After almost a week of researching and talking to my dr's nurse, I think I'm about 98% sure I'm going to revise to a sleeve (last week I was in the ER with a herniated band - totally unfilled). I'd prefer to wait until after my upcoming Alaskan cruise (3 weeks from today) so I don't have to be on a liquid diet and that fits perfectly with my nurses recommendations. She said if I want to have the revision all in 1 surgery (take out my band and replace with the sleeve at the same time), I have to wait for at least 6 weeks for the inflammation to go down, otherwise I will have to wait between the time they take it out and the time they replace it with the sleeve. But until then, I can actually feel everything that I eat. With an unfilled band, I can actually FEEL my band for the first time ever. No pain, I can just feel it. Even Soup. I've done much research on this and found that most people who have had a slipped band and replaced it with another band, have problems with the placement in the future. I'm tired of driving the 6 hr round trip journey for tweaks of my band anyway (not to mention the $160 for every adjustment). I want something permanent. Now, if I could just get a little more support. My husband is very supportive, however my mom, sister, and best friend think I should just leave it out and do it on my own. While I only have about 30 lbs to goal and I could probably (eventually do it on my own) I know I could never keep it off forever. I don't want to risk it to find out. Medicare will pay for a revision now (even tho my bmi is only 27) because of complications. I don't think they'd pay if I gained a few lbs back having it completely taken out. I know myself. In a few years, I'd be 250 again. Never again! So wish me luck! I'll still be on this board till the actual revision (no actual date yet), and will probably check in from time to time to see how everyone doing! Marci
  23. marfar7

    Jenny Craig & the Lapband?

    Agreed, it's the calories not the carbs. Why Jenny Craig and Nutri System work (temporarily) is because of portion control. I don't know about you but thats why I got the band - so to never diet again, but lower my portions. I think Jenny Craig and the like would be good for a while, just to teach you portion control. My band actually does this for me tho. I eat whatever I want, just in really small portions. While unhealthy carbs (white breads, sugars, etc) aren't good for you (because they tend to be higher in calories), it's actually the calories that matter, not the carb content. Fruit has a high carb content but is very healthy. People who lose weight on Atkins do so because lowering their carbs automatically lower their calories. Good luck with your decision. My decision when I got the band was that I was thru with diets, measuring, counting anything. Worked for me - till my band slipped. Now I'm counting calories with My Fitness Pal . I've found that 1200 is too high for me (gained a lb this past week), so I'm lowering them to 1000 this week and see what happens. Marci
  24. I've read alot of entries that said that they use myfitnesspal on their phone, but since I've been totally against counting anything, I've avoided it. It now requires me to be more diligent in my weight loss Quest so I finally gave in to the hype. What a great app! They had every food I put in there (including my homemade Swedish meatbals - surprising), give a graph for me calories in/out, exercise, goals, etc. I've been playing with it the better part of the day. It does have a spot to add friends. I know there's alot of you on here (I've invited people from my facebook too), so I thought maybe you could add me? my name is "marfar7" I spent a better part of my adult counting calories, WW points, fat grams, and more recently - carbs. The reason I had the lapband was to avoid a diet - or counting anything. But, life happens, I've gained 21 lbs over the past year (a minor slip) and have found it necessary to start something. All of Feb was spent on Atkins.I didn't cheat for 4 weeks and lost 14 lbs - only to gain 10 of those back this past month when I started eating carbs again. I knew that would happen. And I luv carbs to much to avoid them. So, I figure counting calories would be my best bet. If I want a piece of pie that worth 300 calories, I just will eat 300 calories less. It's pretty simple really. Wish I had found it sooner. So friend me, pleez! Marci

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