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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. The first weeks after my band surgery (I'm revising soon due to a slip) 3 1/2 yrs ago, I would go into Alberstons 2-3x a week to stock up on tomato soup, jello, popsicles, etc. Everytime I'd walk thru the door, the smell of the deli fried chicken would get me. I swore every single time I walked in that very chicken would be my first "real" meal. It wasn't. Know your pain!
  2. Can't see any of the pics! Says " Oops! Google Chrome could not find i1277.photobu...zps4b476e83.jpg Bummer...
  3. Yep! When they first came out in 2000, I tried them for about a month (it was all I could afford, since insurance didn't cover em!). Yep, yellow, oily stuff. Yuck. The OTC version (same drug, Orlistat) is called Alli. It has about 25% of the RX version. Sposed to make you poop out the fat instead of absorbing it into your gut. You'd think out of something on this earth, something short of surgery would actually work. Thats what we all think, that is. Why American spend over a billion $ a year trying to lose weight. I've heard that 95% of people fail. Thats alot. Thank God for WLS!!!
  4. marfar7

    Closet Eater....and I'm coming out!

    I've been banded (revision to sleeve soon due to a slip) for 3 1/2 yrs and can tell you this: They did surgery on my tummy, not on my brain. Oh how I wished they could take the part of the brain out that thinks about food constantly. Even after losing almost 100 lbs, I think about what I'm gunna eat my next meal, during that meal. My husband doesn't even think about food till he's hungry. We can be totally out of...say...eggs. He won't notice until he goes to make one and they're not there. I keep track of the food in my frig and cupboards constantly. Just to make sure theres enuf! Since my band slipped and I've been unfilled, I will admit I've been eating much more than normal. And I will admit to doing something I hadn't done since getting proper restriciton (on my 3rd fill, 4 mths post op): Middle of the night snacking. I get up about every 90 minutes to pee at nite and once during the nite I'll creep out to the kitchen and grab a cookie that I've been hiding (my husband HATES carbs and can't stand looking at them, so I hide food. I know, a no-no) or an ice cream sandwich that I've managed to keep discreet at the back of the freezer. If no one sees us eat it, then it doesn't count, right? I've been a rule breaker from day 1 of having this band. Always pushing the limits. My first real food was a Burger King cheeseburger. not a good choice. Now that I'm having a revision, I'm gunna do things right this time. Especially cuz there's a chance of it leaking during the first months of healing. No more closet eating!!! How come no one has a problem with closet eating carrots or broccoli?
  5. marfar7

    Learning how to eat with the band

    Exactly! I learned to eat fast in Army basic training. If you didn't eat in 5 minutes u didn't eat! Marci
  6. it needed fresh batteries! Darn it all. First time I've EVER seen that number before (and probably the last). I kept getting on and off the scale - it would read 135, 143, 145). Then I replaced the batteries. Bummer Marci
  7. marfar7

    Does anyone take ambien to sleep?

    Once in the middle of the day, I went to the store. Had no clue until the phone call I received 3 days later that I had backed into a guy in the parking lot. The guy put my bumper into the back of my car. I had no memory of it until he called for my insurance info. I told my mom about it. She said I had already told her the nite it happened. Don't recall a thing. My dr told me that was a frequent complaint of ambien. He gave me an rx for Temazapam. Doesn't quite work as well, but Im not forgetting major life events anymore I don't think thered be a problem with taking it with ur band. Marci
  8. marfar7


    After being banded, I thought after I'd lost the over 100 lbs I needed to lose then I'd unfill all my Fluid and maintain. Now I'm unfilled (not because I made it to goal but becuz it slipped) and I'm slowly GAINING. I NEED a tool to help me. I'm defeated.... My whole family is encouraging me to just take out the band and leave it alone and do the last 30 lbs by myself. I know myself too well to ever let that happen! At least my hubbys in my corner...
  9. marfar7

    What I can eat at Subway 4 months out

    I learned about this on The Biggest Loser! They tell contestants to do this. I haven't been to a Subway in a long time (I think their meat is fake - I know it's "real" but it's pressed). I'd much rather go to Quiznos (much more fattening, btw!). Pre band, I could eat a whole (large, about 12") + a bowl of broccoli cheese Soup and still have room for dessert. Now, 3 1/2 yrs post band, I can eat about 1/3 of a small and a cup of broccoli cheese soup (which btw is fantastic!) and be satisfied. I don't see anything wrong with Subway or any other restaurant. If the majority of your meals are out, I can see a problem, but if it's occasional, all in moderation!
  10. I was scared of the same thing. I was on 4 different antidepressants and see a Phychiatrist once every 2-3 mths. They just want to know that you'll be able to handle all of the challenges that come with weight loss surgery. Mine only lasted about 60 mins and there was no test involved. I'm happy to report that 4 yrs and almost 100 lbs later (I was banded 3 1/2 yrs ago, moving to revision soon cuz of a slip), I only take 1/2 dose of 1 antidepressant now. No more depression for me! I agree. Don't lie on the test (if there is one). They can immediately tell. Marci
  11. marfar7

    Full liquid question

    I never measured my liquids either. I'd eat 1 small can of Cambells tomato Soup (with 1% milk) a day, broken up into 4 meals. I drank a 1oz medicine cup of Protein shake every hour (or actually whenever I remembered was more like it) and all the Water, crystal lite, Jello, and sf popsicles I wanted. To this day, I can't eat tomato soup. Thank God I found Progresso Tomato Basil Soup, cuz I'm gunna be back on the liquids for 3-4 weeks after my sleeve revision surgery in June. Luv me some Tomato Basil Soup! I would probably break 1 can (2 cups) into 4 meals also (1/2 cup each meal). Nothing like tomato soup for breakfast! Good luck! You'll be happy when you can add mashed potatoes (at least I was. Could've bought stock in KFC!) Marci
  12. marfar7

    Gurgling with liquid 2nd fill

    As soon as I got proper restriction (3rd fill), I started gurgling with everything I ate or drank. It started becoming amusing when I went out in public. I stopped gurgling when I lost about 100 lbs and stopped having perfect restriction. Wish I had it back now! Was a sign that it was working to me! But I had no discomfort with eating or drinking. I would call him about the discomfort, not necessarily the gurgling - cuz that is soooo normal. Most people gurgle in the beginning. My husband missed my noises. Said it lulled him to sleep everynite! Marci
  13. marfar7

    Gurgle Gurgle

    I started gurgling (chest/throat are) after reaching restriction at my 3rd fill. Its truly embarrasing. Its been about a year since I gurgled routenly. It lulled my hubby to sleep! He misses it Marci
  14. I wasn't able to choose. My dr chose for me during surgery. Btw, my 14cc Realize band DID slip (now I need revision surgery. Id ask my dr what would s/he do? I truly think its the choice of the dr after seeing ur anatomy. Marci
  15. marfar7

    Seat belt extenders on plane

    I just wrote this on the Lapbandtalk.com board the other day (the topic was "Your most embarrasing fat gril moment": About 4 yrs ago, I had flown from Roanoke, VA to Medford, OR to look for a new house (was moving 3,000 mi away to start my life over after losing my husband). On the return flight, I had to take an 8 seater puddle jumper from Medford to San Fransisco. I guess their seatbelts were smaller on this smaller plane. I couldn't buckle it. I was horrified. Instead of asking for an extender, I just pretended that my seatbelt was belted. Then the attendant came around to check all of our seatbelts. They've NEVER done that before - until the one time mine was unbuckled. She offered my an extension. By that time, I was so red and embarrassed. I think she could tell cuz she kept apologizing. That flight couldn't have ended any sooner.
  16. marfar7

    Dumb move

    Are you telling me that I will no longer be able to chug water (like after working out)? I'm banded now and can still chug water (goes right thru the band). That'll be a real feat - trying to not chug water!
  17. marfar7

    100 pounds down today!

    Wow! WTG! Keep it up!
  18. marfar7

    Too much weight loss

    My drs goal for me was 150. I exceeded that last year (down to 144), but my personal goal was 135. I've since gained a few lbs (what happens when you have band complications) so I'm that much further from my goal. I think I will shoot for 130 after my sleeve is done so I can have a 5 lb cushion. Seems cozy!!!
  19. Amen to that! I hate going to garage sales (which I rarely do, except with a friend who luvs em) and seeing things like books for $3 (something from 1990 that they themselves probably paid $4 for), clothing for $5, and toys for $10. Why do people think their junk is worth so much? The Goodwill is way overpriced also. For someone who gets all of their donations for free, to charge $8 for a pair of jeans is ridiculous. I agree on the consignment thing. Recently, I found a new store opening that offerred cash for "trendy" clothing. Most of my stuff is from J Jill, Eddie Bauer, JC Penney, and the like, so I think it's pretty trendy. Out of about 30 items, they kept 2. My husband and I watched them go thru the stuff, laughing to each other. I guess if you don't have rhinestones on the butt of your jeans, they're not trendy! I guess they're a "trendy for teens" type of store. Great... Marci
  20. The last thing I shipped was mainly workout clothes and pj's (light stuff). There was probably about 30 items in the box. It costs about $15 to ship UPS from Southern Oregon to Houston, TX. A couple years ago, I sent a huge box (about 50 items) to Northern Oregon and it cost about $40 (USPS). It was much, much heavier clothing. Oh, and a couple years ago I also sent a box of clothing to Sacramento, Ca and that was about medium (maybe 25 regular clothes items) and it was like $25 (USPS). The only reason I used UPS for the last 1 was that the person I was shipping it to had a UPS frequent user number and gave it to me. Marci
  21. marfar7

    Question about MFP

    I noticed that too (started MFP about 2 weeks ago). I HATE that they add your exercise calories in so you can have more calories. If you go to the top of the home page and hit food, then SETTING, then GOALS, you can change your calories goal to be lesser. Hope that helps! Marci
  22. marfar7

    Help Please

    Yes, thats what they call "sliming". Definitely call your dr on Monday. It should be an occasional thing, not at every single meal. I call it a jellyfish swimming in the toilet (I know, tmi) Marci
  23. marfar7

    just an observation

    WTG! Congrats! I get like that too, if I'm starving. I eat really fast then I'm in the bathroom vomiting it up. Don't know why, after 3 1/2 yrs, I haven't learned to eat slower! Good job! Marci
  24. About 4 yrs ago, I had flown from Roanoke, VA to Medford, OR to look for a new house (was moving 3,000 mi away to start my life over after losing my husband). On the return flight, I had to take an 8 seater puddle jumper from Medford to San Fransisco. I guess their seatbelts were smaller on this smaller plane. I couldn't buckle it. I was horrified. Instead of asking for an extender, I just pretended that my seatbelt was belted. Then the attendant came around to check all of our seatbelts. They've NEVER done that before - until the one time mine was unbuckled. She offered my an extension. By that time, I was so red and embarrassed. I think she could tell cuz she kept apologizing. That flight couldn't have ended any sooner. Marci

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