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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. marfar7

    I feel quilty not listening to NUT

    Cheating this soon into it is a slippery slope. When I was banded 3 1/2 yrs ago, I was told liquids only for 4 weeks. I made it barely 2 when I myself decided it was time to add mashed potatoes. I thought I might starve. During the 3rd week, I myself decided to add scrambled eggs, refried Beans, and a cheeseburger from Burger King. It all went down fine. 3 1/2 yrs later I can honestly say that I wished I had gone by my drs orders. My band slipped (my fault again, vomiting frequently cuz I couldn't eat slower) and now I'm having a revision. I made a vow that I would now follow my drs directions during this revision. Breaking one rule leads to breaking many. I know this from personal experience. But if you're following the advice given to you by your dr (I just re read your post), then don't feel guilty. The nutritionist is there to guide you, I think your drs orders (the one who actually did surgery on you) are more important. JMHO. Good luck!
  2. Mine is too! I've always had a little butt (compared to the rest at least), but losing 100 lbs made it even less. I have to buy junior size jans cuz womens sizes make them droopier. I tell everyone that I'm a marshmallow being held up by 2 toothpicks! What a visual, huh? Wish my butt was a little rounder. And the top part of me a little smaller...
  3. marfar7


    Well, my story is atypical (since it was 20 yrs ago and it was emergency, so they had to do an open chole) but I thought I was having a heart attack. My chest hurt and it radiated down my arm. I was 25. My husband took me to the ER where they did a CT and showed that my gallbladder was not only full of stones, it was very infected and they couldn't do it laparoscopically. I woke up with an ng tube in my nose in the worst pain imaginable. They gave me morphine in my iv every 2-3 hrs. I was in the hospital for a week. I turned yellow (jaundice) on the 3rd day so they had to up my fluids. For a year, my stomach would turn when I saw or smelled red meat. Then, after a year, I wanted a burger on day, ate one and that was all she wrote! My last meal was clam chowder before my gallbladder attack, so even the smell of it until just about 5 yrs ago made my stomach turn. Like I said, my story is atypical. most people have it done outpatient and have no problems. And you go on to resume your normal diet within a couple of weeks. Good luck to you!
  4. marfar7


    $20 for a pedi? I pay close to $40!! Then I still have to give a tip! I used to do them about every 2 months when I was single (as well as spend $90 on hair highlites), but now I'm more money consious. And my hubby does my pedis for me now. And he does a fair job! And it's free! I miss the foot massages tho! I can't believe you only pay $20!!! Lucky girl! Marci
  5. marfar7


    Popcorn is a slider for me as well. Ice cream, pudding, shakes - all aren't sliders, but popcorn is. If we get it at the movies (my fav!) I will eat 1/2 of the bucket. So lately I've been bringing almonds in baggie. Something crunchy that I can control the portion of. At home, I make it in an air popper (never use microwave - have you ever cut one of those bags open before cooking it? It's really gross!) and use real butter (not very much) and salt. Luv popcorn. I only eat it occasionally tho. It never really fills me up Marci
  6. marfar7

    "I'm praying for you!"

    Ok. I see now. I hate the "I'll pray for you" bit sometimes too. Cuz you know they will never do it. If I tell someone I'm praying for them, I actually do it right then so I don't forget. My sister's an athiest too. Each to his own. I don't get it, but you don't get why people believe. We're all different (thank God!) (Pun intended!) Marci
  7. How do you get in your nutrition? With Protein shakes? Now this surgery is scaring me. I don't want to live my life without eating or painful eating. Just curious...
  8. I'm awaiting a sleeve revision soon (been lapbanded for 3 1/2 yrs). The reason I chose the sleeve was that my BMI is only 27 and I thought GB was too extreme to lose 30 lbs. My band slipped so it's of no use anymore and I need a tool to keep off the 100 I've already lost. While I'm terrified of a leak happening with the sleeve and kinda freaked out that I'm losing 85% of my stomach, I can't see rerouting my organs, not being able to absorb most nutrients, not be able o eat sweets without regret, and having the possibility of gaining it back (the sleeve take out the stretchy part of the stomach making it nearly impossible to gain back any but a small amount) like my sister in law. She ha the RNY about 7 yrs ago at 320 lbs. She got down to 180. Today she weighs about 290-300. Your stomach can slowly stretch out if you're not eating correctly. And if we all ate correctly all the time, none of us would even need wls! Those are my personal reasons for choosing the sleeve. I chose the band 3 1/2 yrs ago because, well the sleeve wasn't even offered to me. Had it been, I probably would've been inclined to still choose the band. It's reversable, there's not cutting of anything, you can't really gain weight because it's always adjustable. But now, after having it for over 3 yrs, I'm realizing what a pain it is. All the trips 6 hrs round trip to the dr for adjustments. All the vomiting if I eat the wrong thing or eat too fast. The reflux. So, so glad my band slipped so Medicare will pay for a revision! Good luck!
  9. marfar7

    "I'm praying for you!"

    Why does it make you grimace? Just curious...
  10. Wow! WTG!! congrats!!!
  11. I've also had my band for 3 1/2 yrs! Oct 1, 2009 was my date. Last year I had a minor slip, which caused my dr to unfill my band by 1/2 (from 10cc to 5cc). In the process I gained 24 lbs. 2 weeks ago, I was in agony with abdominal pain and went to the ER. After the CT they determined that my band was herniated. They totally unfilled me and I have to have a revision. I decided against a 2nd band because: *Stats show that when your band slips once, it's more likely to slip again *I'm tired of vomiting all the time! *Tired of reflux *Tired of maintenance Have to drie 6 hrs round trip to get a fill/unfill and pay $160 each time I'm so ready to have it done, but if I want it done in 1 surgery, I have to wait till the swelling goes down. So it'll probably be late June. So now I'm totally unfilled and grazing constantly. I have a 27 BMI (need to lose 30 more lbs) but know I can't do it on my own. Since it's a complication, Medicare is paying for it. Can't wait to have it done. So ot looking forward to the post op liquids only. Didn't do so well on it after my band. Cheated after a week. This time I'm determined that it's gunna work and I don't want to mess it up and get a leak, just because I couldn't follow the rules. Good luck to you! Keep in touch. I'd like to find out how you're doing afterwards!
  12. marfar7

    1st purge of the wardrobe!

    Instead of giving them to the Goodwill (which charges way too much for FREE items that they get), have you thought of donating them to someone on this site? I shipped clothes to Houston, TX and to Nebraska. They just paid for shipping. I know it's easier to pack them up and drop them off at the Goodwill, but know that people in need have to pay like $8 for a pair of jeans that they got for free. There's a clothing exhange forum on the general forums list. Just a suggestion...
  13. I hope I can still take my pills after being sleeved! I take alot of pills everyday (pain, sleep, reflux, thyroid, depression) and continued to take them with no problem after being banded 3 1/2 yrs ago. You might want to be careful with emptying a pill into something. Some pills have to be taken whole, not crushed or it can either increase the effect or decrease it. Good luck!
  14. marfar7

    confession :(

    I'm so terrified that I'm going to be writing this exact post in a couple months. I was definitely a rule breaker when I was banded, 3 1/2 yrs ago. I was sposed to be on liquids for 4 weeks. I made it thru week 2 and I added mashed potatoes cuz I thought I was gunna starve. Week 3 I had a Burger King cheeseburger, and wished I had bought 2 of em when I had finished. I still occasionally have a sip of hubbys soda when we go out to eat (a big no no with the band), I don't count carbs, calories, fat grams, or measure my food. I've been fairly successful, despite my harming myself (until after 2 1/2 yrs of frequent vomiting, caused by my inability to eat slowly) my band finally slipped. This time, when I'm getting the sleeve, I plan on keeping all my promises to my dr. I will not eat food when I'm not sposed to. A leak terrifies me. More than a slipped band. This time around I have someone else in the house eating in front of me (got married last year, was single when banded) so it's gunna be hard. But doable. And I'm NOT gunna cause myself to get a leak just because I couldn't follow rules for a few weeks.
  15. Wow! What a difference. no offense, but you looked pregnant on the lower left pic! Congrats! WTG!
  16. marfar7

    everyone is different

    It took 3 for me. No difference at all until the 3rd (4 mths). I ate just as I had previously (hence the no weight loss). Then the magic started..... Good luck to you! Marci
  17. If you go up top to SETTINGS, then GOALS, then at the bottom CHANGE GOALS you can change the amount of calories they give you. I think they stick to 1200 generically when you sign up, then you can tweak it if you want. When I was actively losing, I didn't count or measure anything. I ate till I was satisfied. Now that I've gained a few lbs and I'm trying to prevent more gain, I'm counting calories on MFP. Good luck! Marci
  18. marfar7

    Gallbladder removed today

    I had an open gallbladder surgery 20 yrs ago (at age 25). It was really infected so they couldn't do it laprascopically. I woke up with an ng tube in my nose and in unbearable pain. I was constantly asking for morphine every 4 hrs. Spent 6 days in the hospital. So....my lapband was a piece of cake! I've had foot surgery, knee surgery, 3 laparoscopys for infertility - and the band was by far the easiest. Good luck! The uncomfortable stage is over quickly and your life will be back to normal soon Marci
  19. 3 1/2 yrs post lapband and I still vomit about 3-4x a week from eating too fast. Not sure why I can't control my eating rate. I learned to eat fast in Army basic training. If you didn't eat in 5 mins, u didn't eat. Plus my husband is a fast eater and I notice him eyeing my food after he's done. So I feel like I need to "protect" my food, so I eat fast also. Not good with a band. Now that I'm revising to sleeve soon, I'm hoping to follow the rules better. I'm so afraid of leaks...
  20. marfar7

    vacation and eating

    I'm going on an Alaskan cruise on May 7th. This will be the 4th cruise I've taken with my lapband, the 1st totally unfilled. The last 3 cruises, I ate small amts of everything, as usual. Now I'm almost "excited" to go on the cruise unfilled. I plan on hitting up the chocolate buffet bigtime! I also plan on going to the gym while there. I'm not trying to lose weight while waiting on my revision, but I don't want to gain either. I'll try to be good...
  21. My doc says 1 nite. I spent 1 nite 3 1/2 yrs ago when banded and most people are outpatient. I assumed I'd stay more than when banded, but I guess it's the same. My insurance required a 1 nite stay with the band. I haven't checked to see if they require more time than my doc recommendations. Maybe I should ask?
  22. marfar7

    problem taking meds

    I also had liquid Vicodin. I even ordered 1 refill on that bad boy! But, I also take many other meds, so swallowing pills wasn't really a problem with me... Marci
  23. marfar7

    Anxiety mental issue etc.

    I was diagnosed with Major Depression when my husband died 6 yrs ago. I was on 4 different antidepressants when I saw the psych. I was approved immediately. Now, 3 12 yrs later, I'm down to 1/2 of 1 of my pills! Yeah! Life couldn't be any better (well, I could get down to my goal weight, which would make it better!) Good luck! Marci
  24. marfar7

    Fresh Fruit Smoothies!

    I always use frozen fruit (I even freeze my orange juice in ice cube trays) and no ice. Ice reminds me of a Slurpee, no a healthy smoothie. I use: OJ, pineapple chunks, 1/2 banana, and a handful of frozen strawberries. Add in a carton of yogurt and with or without Protein powder - whalla!! ( or however you spell it!) My homemade smoothies make Jamba Juice look like a novice!
  25. Where r u going on ur cruise? I'm also going to Alaska on Carnival on May 7th out of Seattle. This will be my 4th cruise since being banded (ever, for that matter!). This will be the first 1 that I haven't had restriction, however (had all my Fluid removed 2 weeks ago following a slip - revising soon) and I'm a little happy and a little scared at that thought. I'm not trying to lose while waiting for my reivison (most likely late June), but I'm trying not to gain also. Have a fun trip! Looking forward to pics!

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