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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. Medicare will pay for the revision, no matter what your bmi is (mine is 28) if there are complications with your band. Your dr could say that you have a band intolerance, excessive vomiting both of which are true. Mine slipped (have had it for 3 1/2 yrs) and was totally unfilled last month. Waiting till all the inflammation to go down so I can have the revision all in 1 surgery. Like I said, my insurance covers it with complications, even with my bmi at 28. I only need to lose 30 lbs but I know I caould never keep off the 100 I've already lost without a tool. Good luck!
  2. We're leaving for a 7 day Alaskan cruise on Monday! Already have my snack bag packed for the 8 hr drive to Seattle (almonds, Cheerios, jerky and a cooler for yogurt and water). Our last 3 cruises, I was banded and never gained any weight. This time tho I'm totally unfilled (slipped last month, awaiting a revision to sleeve in late June) and I've gained a few lbs since being unfilled. I've noticed tho that my stomach hurts really bad for about 24 hrs and I have to be on liquids for 2-3 days when I overdo (like I did 1 day last week) so I'm hoping that will deter me from eating too much. Anyone who's been on a cruise probably know what I'm talking about! Access to food 24 hrs a day. I plan on going to the gym everyday tho! And walking around in all the ports. Hoping that I don't gain. If I come back to my drs appt on May 22nd without having gained 10 lbs since the last time I was at the drs a few months ago, I'll be happy! Being totally unfilled for months and having gained only 10 lbs is a feat in itself, I think! Wish me luck! Marci
  3. When my band slipped last month, I started feeling the band with everything I ate. For about a week. Don't feel it anymore, but for a short time, I swear I could feel it. No pain, just I knew it was there Marci
  4. marfar7

    Port location?

    Mine is the upper left side of my stomach, about 3" ABOVE the belly button. And after losing almost 100 lbs, it's very pronounced, like a little alien coming outa my tummy! You can't really see it thru clothes, but can definitely feel it. Marci
  5. marfar7

    Food for Road Trip

    I'm going on a road trip (8 hr to Seattle to take an Alaskan cruise) this coming Monday! I've already got packed: almonds, jerky, yogurt covered pretzels (a bit of a treat!), Cheerios, and a cooler with yogurt and water. I almost always have a pkt of almonds in my purse for emergencies.
  6. marfar7

    Pills in the hospital?

    I actually brought my own sleeping pills to the hospital, too afraid they wouldn't give them to me. But everything else (blood pressure meds, thyroid meds, antidepessants) they provided to me from their supply. I'm sure I was sposed to tell someone I actually took a sleeping pill, but it was only 1 nite, so I never told them!
  7. marfar7

    Best peanut butter?

    Myself, I like Trader Joes. I like my PB extra crunchy too!
  8. marfar7

    Hungry after surgery

    I was literally starving to death within 48 hrs of surgery! I thought the first 4 weeks of liquids was excruciating...it's totally normal to be hungry or not to be. What's "normal" for one isn't necessarily for another. Marci
  9. marfar7


    Originally, 3 1/2 yrs ago, I wore a 22 or 3x. I had an entire walk in closet full of clothes - including about 30 items with tags still on em. I gave them ALL away, little by little when they started hanging off of me. I bought a few things but waited until I could buy a 14 and a 1x before really shopping. I was so excited to get into a 14 at Old Navy. Then I went right over a 12 and into a 10 in a couple months. When I was an 8, I knew I had arrived! Single digits. Now I'm back in a 10 - but I'm keeping all my 7/8s cuz I WILL wear them again! There's a clothing exchange forum where you can find good deals from people ungrowing (not outgrowing!) their clothes. I sent a box to NE and 1 to Houston, TX for just shipping. Also ebay's a great place to find good deals. Make sure you read the measurements as the sizes are all different. Good luck!
  10. I used to hate cooking. My late husband commented to my family once that he actually asked for meatloaf for his birthday meal. Just meatloaf. Something so simple, but since he ate Cereal, PBJ's, and hot dogs everynite, meatloaf was a special thing to him. He was lucky if I cooked twice a month. And never homemade. I always used prepackaged foods. My mom is an avid cook and cookbook collector. She started buying me cookbooks (that I never opened). Why do I need to cook when Lean Cuisine, Kraft, Hamburger Helper all did a fine job at it for me? When I lost my husband almost 6 yrs ago, I weighed about 200 (always overweight me whole life). But then over a 2 yrs span, I gained another 50 lbs. I moved 3,000 miles away (from VA to OR) to start my life over again 4 yrs ago. I still hated to cook. I ate fast food, sandwiches, frozen stuff, deli stuff, you name it. When I got my band 3 1/2 yrs ago, I STILL hated cooking. I still ate crap. Over this past year, I've discovered my inner cook. Pinterest recipes is my very fav website. I scour cookbooks at nite while watching tv. My husband is a carb-a-phobe, so he basically eats meat and veggies. Not too difficult. Every Saturdy nite we play poker at a friends and have a potluck. This is my night to shine! I practice my skills on them - and they LOVE it! i usually make a main course and a dessert. Last Saturday nite I made chicken enchiladas and Mexican sopapillas. So many compliments. Now I can't cook enuf! I wish my husband would eat a more variety of foods. I hate cooking just for myself! I try out low carb recipes that fit his taste, and those are good for me too! And baking....I'm even more fond of making homemade cakes than opening the package of Duncan Hines! Now is the time I wish I had 4 kids to cook for! I'm part of a group at my church that brings meals to people that are sick, just had a baby, or in the hospital. I can create masterpieces there also! Just wanted to share how getting healthier has affected my cooking skills! The only things in my freezer now are meats and veggies. No frozen meals, burritos, pizzas, etc. Love to cook! Marci
  11. marfar7

    6 Months :)

    Wow! WTG! Looking great!
  12. marfar7

    Cream Soup on liquids post-op

    My very fav soup of all time! Found them at food 4 Less yesterday for .98 cents a can! Bought about 16 of em! They're usually $1.88! Marci
  13. marfar7

    Loving That There's An LGBTQ Place :)

    Ok, you stumped me. What is LGBTQ?
  14. marfar7

    First fill question

    I also thought that I would automatically wake up from surgery not ever hungry again. Guess I didn't read the part of manual that talk about finding the "sweet spot". It took until my 3rd fill (4 mths post op) to find that spot. The it was like magic, the weight started melting off. Before that, I ate just as I had before surgery. Must be the reason why I didn't lose any weight the first 4 mths! And yes, I got a fill on the first appt. He put 5cc in my 14cc band. My doc wait 6 weeks between, so my 3rd fill was like 4 mths post op. Good luck! Marci
  15. Also no pre op diet here. My doc said a "lite" dinner the nite before. So I went to Outback. A slab of ribs, a baked potato, a salad with blue cheese dressing and a pc of cheesecake was what I considered "lite"!! I sure did enjoy it. Marci
  16. marfar7

    LBT Banner Ads...WRONG!!!

    I asked this same question a couple weeks ago! I saw an ad for Pizza Hut and couldn't figure out why. Then I had to confess that I had ordered pizza online the week before. It's based on your search history. Marci
  17. marfar7


    I bought a case of the fruit flavored Isopures from gnc.com before my band surgery 3 1/2 yrs ago. $58 and the worst thing I'd ever tasted! My nurse told me they tasted like Jolly Ranchers. Not sure where she gets her Jolly Ranchers but they didn't taste like em. I finsished maybe 1/4 of one and then I had to dump it. Yuck.
  18. marfar7

    Getting into exercise

    I was 29 and overweight when I was in Army basic training. Everyone around me was a fit 18 or 19. I didn't pass my PT test till the very last one, a few days before graduation. In fact, if I hadn't passed it, they would have held me back. And my husband was already enroute to Missouri from Calif to see me - so I basically HAD to pass. Barely, but I did it. I was in the Army for 4 yrs and managed to pass my PT every year I was in. Barely. Now, I HATE running. Refuse to run. I walk on the treadmill for 45 mins 3x a week and do weight machines for 20-25 mins. I go with my husband so he keeps me motivated. Altho he runs while I walk. Just start a 10 minute walk and add 5 minutes each week till you've reached your desired goal. Walking is great exercise. But you do need to break a little sweat, so go at a pace that is challenging, but not hard. Good luck! Marci
  19. marfar7


    Now you guys have scared me. I'm going from being banded for 3 1/2 yrs to sleeve revision cuz of a slip. Isn't the sleeve sposed to cut the amt of food you can hold? If you're stomach is 15% of what it used to be and they take the stretchy part out, how can you even fit that much food in your tiny tummy? I'm terrified of a 2nd surgery not working for me. I lost 104 lbs with the band (9 lbs from my goal of 135) before it started with complications. I've gained up to 168 as of this morning. My bmi is 28 and I'm going with the sleeve cuz I know I can't do it all by myself. I've experienced the positive with wls, so I'm optimistic. However, when I read posts like this it scares me. What if I can't lose the extra 33 lbs I have to lose? What if it stretches? Does it stretch? And if it doesn't stretch over time (like RNY) how can anyone fail with the sleeve? Seems to me that ur tummy can only hold so much - whether its junk or healthy. Advise plz...
  20. I'm 3 1/2 yrs post lapband. No soda is allowed with the lapband because it can cause band erosion or slippage. I occasionally will have a sip of hubbys soda if we're out to eat, but basically don't drink it anymore. My band is slipped now (thanks to my frequent vomiting) and I'm revising to a sleeve soon. From what I've been reading, they say no to soda because of discomfort. banders are sposed to have discomfort with soda too, but I have none. So is it medically ok to drink soda but it's up to the individual on whether it causes pain - or is it across the board a no-no? Just curious....
  21. marfar7

    size 14 and hopefully going down

    I knew I had finally made it when I was able to buy a size 14 jeans at Old Navy! I was in them for about 5 minutes. I don't even remember being in a 12, I think I jumped right to a 10. Do some advice: Don't buy too many size 14's! You're likely to be down sooner than you think! WTG, btw!!! Congrats! Marci
  22. Do you know what Victorias secret is? It's that they don't carry anything over a size 4! Even after losing over 100 lbs and getting into a size 8, I still couldn't find anything in there that fit me! Yeah for getting rid of the granny panties! used to buy the 6 pack of Hanes Her Way at Walmart (cotton briefs). No more. I buy the single panties (luv boy shorts the most) at Penneys or Khols (usually I'll hit a sale like 5 for $20). They're more expensive that the 6 pack at Walmart, but they make you feel so much better about yourself!
  23. marfar7

    barbeque season arriving

    My hubby BBQ's almost everyday! I don't always eat what he makes, but most of the time I can. Make sure that the chicken, steak, pork chop or whatever you BBQ is moist (I usually put BBQ sauce on chicken), dip my steak in salsa or horseradish and pork chop in salsa. Don't overcook the meat. You should be able to eat everything in moderation. There's really nothing I can't eat (don't do really well with pizza crust or pancakes, however). Try a couple bites of whatever you cook, wait a few minutes and see how it feels. If it feels fine, keep going. Eat really slowly. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to register when you've had enuf. If you eat faster, you run the risk of eating too much and then you WILL pay for it (either pain or vomiting, or both) Happy BBQ'ing! Marci
  24. marfar7

    One year out and at GOAL!

    Wow! What a transformation! You should be very proud! WTG!

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