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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. I've always taken all of my pills normally. When I first had surgery 3 1/2 yrs ago, I was taking about 16 pills a day (about 10 meds, some of them several times a day). Except that when I take like 8 pills at once, I would swallow maybe 2-4 of them at a time(depending on the size), wait for 5 mins and then continue. I got a handful of pills stuck once. Never again. Never had a problem with pills. Even my dr didn't have a problem with me taking them. Good luck! Marci
  2. marfar7

    too dang hot

    What part of WA do you live in? We were up there in May (Seattle) taking a cruise to Alaska. My stepson and his gf live in the Tacoma area. It's absolutely beautiful up there. Even prettier than Oregon (where I live)
  3. About stretching your sleeve: My dr explained it to me like this: They take out 85% of your stomach, including the part that makes Ghrelin (the hunger hormone, about 75% of it is made by a part of our stomach, the other 25% comes from the pancreas) and also the stretchy part of our stomach. At the time of surgery, they leave you with a stomach thats capable of holding about 2 oz. Over the next year, you can stretch it to about 8oz, but thats it. The elasticity stops there. I think thats the beauty of the sleeve vs gastric bypass. Gastric bypass pts still have the stretchy part of their stomach, thus making it a little easier to gain back what they've lost. So rest assured, even if you've stretched it out a little (and I doubt that happened already), it's not enuf to worry about. If anyone has contradicting info out there, I'd luv to hear it. I'm always open to any and all info out there!
  4. My bmi is 28. Im scheduled for band revision on July 16th cuz of a slipped band. My insurance is covering it cuz its a complication and obesity is a lifelong disease. I've already proven I NEED a tooo, as I've gained back 30 of my 104 lbs lost. I want to lose those 30 + an extra 14 to get me to my new 130 goal (it was 135, I changed it). So only 44. However when I was banded 3 1/2 yrs ago, my bmi was 41 (248 lbs). While Im only in the overweight category now, I still need a lifelong tool to help me get to my goal, just as much as someone with a bmi of 50. Goodnluck to u
  5. Im terrified of waaking up in recovery being told I have no sleeve. My drs plan is to do it all at once, but I know he can't guarantee that. I hope so cuz I can't afford sleev plcmt without insurance and insurance wont pay for a 2nd surgery since my bmi is 28. Im pretty much screwed if he cants do it at once. My band Is herniated, not sure how much damagge it can do in 3 mths time. Please send positive thoughts my way...
  6. I like he and his staff too. The drive (6 hrs roundtrip) does suck tho. Especially when u have th maintenance of a band. Im looking forward to normal aftercare, not every 6 wk trips. I didn't know he was lower cost than others tho. My co pay is $5400 and I just came up with it a few days ago (my wonderful in laws that worry about my stomach). Dr T isn't really personable, but u usually see AJ (the PA) and he's very friendly and knowledgable. Altho at times I got sick of listening to the lo carb/hi Protein lectures!!! Good luck with ur procedure! Maybe we'll meet I. The waiting room (another downside. I always wait more than an hour)
  7. After 3 1/2 yrs with my band (which I lost 104 lbs with, btw), we're about to part ways. Good. Causes much reflux and stomach pain. Last year, I was at my all time lowest (144) when I got a minor slip. After much unfilling/filling/tweaking, it was shown to not have changed. So I was left with whatever fill was there that didn't cause major nightime reflux. My band worked at about 50%. Sometimes it didn't feel like I even had a band. I gained 18 lbs. 2 mths ago, after 4 days of increasing stomach pain, the ER diagnosed me with a herniated band from a CT. Not only had it slipped but my stomach was protruding up over the band. I was totally unfilled and told it needed to come out. Another 12 lbs. A total of 30 gained in 18 mths. Last month, after my appt with my surgeon about a sleeve revision, I was so excited I was getting this done. he showed me how he folds over the excess skin of the cut part of my stomach over itself reducing the chance of a leak.. Yeah. Then I went to talk to the insurance coordinator and schedule a surgery date. I found out that because I cancelled my Part B Medicare 2 yrs ago (I was paying $110 a mth for something I never used once in 12 yrs), I had to pay a $5400 drs charges in cash. Wow. I don't have $5400 lying around the house. By the time I can resign up for my Part B (July 2014) my stomach is likely to be so damaged by my band that I will have no choice but to just take it out and not revise. What to do, what to do... We have poor credit so no loans for us. We don't own a house so no mortgage for us. We make a decent income, but it would take YEARS to save that much. A friend offered us her 0% interest for 16 mths credit card. Making 450.00 a month payments are not something that sounded good to us (we luv to travel so we'd have nothing left to travel) and we couldn't ask a friend to do that, But it's nice to fall back on if we HAD to. The last 2 weeks, we've been in Ca vacationing with my inlaws and my mom (we're from OR). My inlaws are so concerned about my bad band causing me pain. Today they offered to pay for it. Wow. Couldn't believe it. They told us there was no need to pay them back, by hubby and I talked about it today and we will eventually pay them off, little by little. Goodbye good friend that allowed me to have more confidence in myself while losing 104 lbs. You allowed me to enjoy single digit clothing sizes, allowed me to cross my legs, polish my toe nails, and say no to seconds. I loved my band. However, it's hard to be perfect all the time and maintenance with the band is crucial. Did I follow all the rules? Nope. I ate whatever I wanted, just much less of it. So happy that my new tool will take little maintenance and will start working right away (not waiting for proper adjustment and keeping it there forever) so happy that they cut out the part of the stomach that has the ghrelin, so I won't be so hungry. Also, the part they removed is the least stretchy part keeping a stretch to a minimum. I've heard that it starts out at 2 oz and over a year can stretch to 4-8 oz, but nothing more than 8 oz. I've heard so many stories about RNY patients gaining all the weight they lost back. Anyway, I'm so relieved. I have the best in laws in the world. My mother in law loves me so much and is so happy I married her son (we've only been married 18 mths). I think they offered me the $$ cuz she doesn't want me to get too fat so he leaves me...hubby disagrees! They've noticed my weight gain but are the most concerned about the damage the band is doing right now. I have raging nightime reflux and occasional stomach pain. Now hopefully my stomach is good and unswollen now so they can do both surgeries at the same time.A whole new set of worries if they get in there and can only removed my band. Prayers that I wake up without most of my stomach. Can't wait to be satiated with 1/4 of a sandwich or 1/2 carton of yogurt (like I did with my new band). Please wish me luck!
  8. marfar7

    July 2013 sleevers

    Just got my date today. July 16th. Im band revision and my worst nightmare is ill wake up in recovery to be told my stomach was too damaged from my herniated band to do the sleeve at the same time. Can't afford 2 surgeries and since my bmi is only 28, my insurance wont pay for a 2nd surgery. So Im praying ill wake up without a band and sleeved... Getting it done in Coos Bay, Or.
  9. Now Im nervous. Scared to death of waking up in the recovery room to find out they couldn't do the sleeve. My dr said the plan was to do it at once but no guarantees. My insurance wont cover the sleeve afterwards cuz my bmi is 28. They'll only cover it if its done because of a complication and with my band removed, its no longer a complication. So im a little worried. I can't afford to pay cash for a sleeve and there's no way im gaining up to 35 bmi to qualify again. Thanks for warning me...appreciate the info
  10. Well, today I got my surgery date. July 16 is my day for my band to sleeve revision. It totally herniated about 2 mths ago. Since I went thru the 4 hr class about wls 3 1/2 yrs ago before my band, I wasn't really given any info. I'm out of state right now and my nurse said she'd email me instructions about where and when to be at the hospital the day before for labs and an ekg. I have the old binder with my lapband instructions (no pre op diet, 4 weeks of liquid following surgery, etc). I have no instructions for this. Are they the same instructions? I'm hoping she won't assume I know all this and email me the protocol too. I'm guessing that since they're taking 85% of my stomach out that I would have to be on a pre op diet for a few days at least. And I'm hoping he changed his post op protocol a little and I'll be able to eat real food sooner than 4 weeks. Last time I cheated, eating mashed potatoes at 3 weeks, but this time (since there's a risk of leakage), I will not cheat at all. Did you all have a pre op diet or did some of you not have one? I know on the lapband board, about 75% had one, the rest were like me, no diet at all. I'm just wondering if since it's a different type of surgery, that across the board is a pre op diet. I will find out from my clinic, but the're closed now and I'm curious right now! Oh, and I ordered an 11 sample pack from bj's bariatrics of Syntrax nectar, since I heard they were the best. I paid $14.95 + $5.00 shipping. Does anyone know of a cheaper place to get them?
  11. I live 3 hrs away from my drs office and I saw him last month for my pre op. We didn't think I'd be getting it done this soon cuz I had to come up with $5400 cash. I came up with it so I called the coordinator today and she told me I didn't have to go thru the class again (since I've already done it), nor see the nutritionist. She's trying to do everything so I just show up to the hospital the day before (we're gunna have to stay in a hotel that night and my hubby the following 2 nites) for my pre ops and have my surgery. I sure hope I don't have to drive the 6 hrs round trip just to be given instructions that she can email. Just talked to her today, so I am expecting her to send info. Just wanted to find out before that if everyone HAS to be on a pre op diet. About 75% of lapbanders do, but I didn't. Wanted to know if this was true for sleevers too. I'm hoping that over the last 3 1/2 yrs, they have changed their post op diet, since I was on liquids only for 4 weeks. My stomach is protruded up over my band too. I had a minor slip for a year that my symptoms were controlled with a partial unfill. It totally herniated 2 mths ago and it can't be fixed. I'm really hoping it hasn't done any damage so that I can get both surgeries done at once. I will be really bummed if I wake up and they tell me they couldn't do y sleeve. Can't really afford a 2nd surgery any time soon. Thanks for your response!
  12. I live in Medford (farthest South you can go in Or). I go to Dr Tersigni in Coos Bay. It's 3 hrs away but my insurance won't pay for the local dr - it has to be a Center of Excellence. Who do you go to?
  13. marfar7

    Acid reflux

    Reflux is my biggest worry going into my band to sleeve revision. Ive been dealing with svere reflux for over a year now and I've heard it doesn't get better with the sleeve. Im hoping that's a falacy.
  14. marfar7

    Post op: time between fills

    My dr requires a 6 wk waiting period between fills. Once, last year, the nurse got me in at 3 wks cuz I was going on vacation. And it was like my 8th fill and over 2 yrs in. Marci
  15. marfar7

    relief when you do mess up!!??

    Im sure my answer will be met with strict criticism (as it should be cuz after 2 1/2 yrs of doing so caused my band to slip): the only thing I've found to relieve the pain of being stuck is to somehow bring the food back up (fi ger, toothbrush, etc). Now that's not permission to go willy nilly and vomit frequently. As I said, after 2 1/2 yrs of vomiting 3-5x a wk, my band slipped. Im soon to be revising to a sleeve cuz I ruined my band. Maybe I shouldn't have even answered, but I thought it might help in knowing how it does cause damage long term. I never found anything to relieve that stuck feeling. I would break out in a sweat, start shaking, and would HAVE to bring it back up. Never thought of actually preventing being stuck in the first place. That's actually the best way to relieve it. Avoid it Good luck Marci
  16. marfar7

    Restaurant Advice

    I agree that you can go anywhere and find healthy choices. If you're really wanting something healthy, even Mc D's has sometthing (totally not my fav place). I go to Red Robin about 3x a month. Most of the time I order the avo-cobbo salad, but occasionally will enjoy a buger with garlic fries (I can eat about 5 fries and about 1/3 of my burger). I luv taking home leftovers. I aslo luv Quiznos broccoli cheddar soup. A few months ago I stole their recipe and made it in my crock pot. Many compliments from our poker buddies! I enjoy eating out and would be really bummed if my band prevented that. Good luck and have fun finding out what you still enjoy... Marci
  17. About 2 mths ago, my lapband herniated. They totally unfilled me and told me it needed to come out. I saw my band dr who agreed. however, since I cancelled my Part B Medicare 2 yrs ago (cuz never once in 12 yrs did I ever use it and it was costing $110 mth), I'd have to pay $5400 for the drs charges. My reflux is out of control and I have stomach pain often. Wondered how I was gunna come up with the money to do it. We've been in Ca for 2 weeks now, on vacation from Or. We're staying with my in laws right now. They offered to give it to me! They are the greatest! Now I can get my sleeve revision before my stomach is too damaged to do anything but take out my band. Thats my problem. I could wait for a year for my Medicare Part B to take effect again, but the damage to my stomach in that amount of time may be a hinderance in doing a sleeve. I'm so relieved. We'd have a hard time saving over $5,000 any time soon. A prayer has been answered! When we get home on July 2, I will schedule the surgery. Sleeve, here I come!
  18. marfar7

    Crossing the border

    I think ur only allowed to use your birth cert on cruises that go from 1 US city to the same US city (regardless of countries visited). I think a passport is required to physically go across any border (whether it be Canana or Mexico). Good luck! Did u put a rush on it?
  19. marfar7


    My band slipped last year. Since it wasn't a severe slip, my dr unfilled me by 1/2 (5cc out of a 10cc band) and let it rest for 4 wks, hoping it would go back into place. 4 weeks later, after telling my dr that my reflux had stopped, he gave me a 1cc fill (without doing another xray). Well, I still didn't relux, but also no restriction. So 3 wks later, he put in another 1cc. That night the reflux started again. So, he did another xray. My band had not moved from the last xray! So, he told me that he "treats the symptoms, not the xray" and took out the previous 1cc that had put me over the edge. Told me that I had to do most of the work from now on. I took that as tho he was done fooling around with my band, that since my reflux was gone, I would be fine. After going 10 mths with a sub standard band, I managed to gain about 18 lbs. Had SOME restriction, just not like I once had. After 6 pm it was like my band didn't exist. However, a couple mths ago I began having stomach pain. Not nausea, but actual pain. After 4 days of increasing pain, I couldn't take it anymore and my hubby took me to the ER at 3 am. After a ct, it was shown that my band had totally herniated. They unfilled me totally and told me it had to come out. So here I sit waiting for my sleeve revision with an unfilled band and size 8 shorts that don't even come close to buttoning anymore. Not to mention the nightime reflux is back with a vengeance even tho I have no Fluid in my band. In the past 2 ths, I've managed to gain another 12 lbs - for a grand total of 30 in the last 18 mths (I count that as my lowest weight, 144). I've read some people gain much more, so I guess I'm "relieved" (??). I had no actual pain with my slip. Just less restriction and severe nightime reflux. Such it was a slight slip, my dr was hopeful it would go back into place by itself. Where the mistake was made (in my opinion, no medical knowledge here) was not doing a followup xray before filling my band some more. Had they found that it was still slipped before, maybe deciding to unfill totally would have had a better outcome. So, no. I have no clue if there's pain with the correction itself cuz mine never corrected itself...I'm guessing tho that if it corrects itself your band may work better. Just a guess tho Good luck! Marci
  20. marfar7

    100 pounds down

    WTG! You look fantastic!
  21. marfar7

    Old habits ....

    Yeah, I always order off the regular menu too. Never have used my WLS restaurant card they gave me. The kids menu has crap on it usually (cept Olive Garden - there it's wonderful!). I usually eat 1/4 to 1/3 of the meal and save the rest for the next 2-3 meals. I usually get sick of it by the 3rd day tho and toss it. I am wrapping up the other halves now. My dog was diagnosed with severe food allergies so she can't have scraps anymore. Now she actually eats her dog food! I don't usually enjoy refrigerated bread tho. Thats why the dog got it most of the time.
  22. marfar7

    Old habits ....

    After 3 1/2 yrs with my lapband, I usually make a whole sandwich, even tho I've NEVER been able to eat more than half. Why don't I just make a half? Old Habits, you're right! Thank goodness my dog luvs people food!
  23. I've seen that at Target. I think it was like $6 for 2 servings! Wow! Have you tried it at the actual Panera Bread store? I've only had their broccoli cheddar (and I think Quiznos is better- luv their soups!) never the potato. But now that I've gotten a recommendation for it, I'll give it a try.
  24. marfar7

    Antacids & tummy pain

    Actually, the otc Zantac (150mg x strength) works better for me than my rx Prilosec. I ran out of Zantac last week and was up all night choking on stomach acid. As soon as I took the Zantac, it stopped. I use alot of antacids (2 20mg rx Prilosec, 4-6 150mg otc Zantac, and a handful of Tums every night. And that with no Fluid in my slipped band! I think it really needs to come out soon. Still trying to find the co pay to pay for my revision tho. Can't wait for it to be out! Afraid my reflux will be worse however with the sleeve. I've read horror stories about reflux and the sleeve. Hope it helps.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
