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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. marfar7

    Inpatient vs outpatient

    I stayed overnight, not because my dr requested but because my insurance insisted. Medicare makes you spend 1 nite. Glad I did so. I live 3 hrs away and I didn't want any surprises happening that first nite. Plue the pain meds they give you via your iv are worth the stay! Check and see if it's a must for your insurance... Marci
  2. Since each of the little sample packets of Sytrax nectar I got were about $2 per pkt, I hate to waste any of it. It says to mix with either Water or milk. I can see mixing the fruit flavored ones with water, but don't the choc/vanilla/cappucino flavors need a little thicker of a mix to make them taste good? To be honest, I haven't even tried them yet. Still waiting to get a little smoothie machine from WalMart so they don't come out clumpy. Just curious. What's your preference?
  3. It's my #1 concern. It's why I've decided not to cheat on my 4 wk liquid diet (as I did during the 3rd week with my lapband. Thought i might starve so I added mashed potatoes ad oatmeal). But I'm wondering if my stomach will be healed by 4 weeks when I do start adding real food in. I'm scheduled fr a revision on July 16th and it's the only thing I'm worried about. When can I start relaxing about getting a leak? Can it happen anytime forever? Or just the first 4-12 weeks? Can't imagine going longer than 4 wks on liquids, but if there's a chance of leaking after that, I'm probly gunna be too paranoid to start eating again!
  4. marfar7

    Gained 30 Pounds 3 Years Out

    Here's what I was told by my dr: "We take out the stretchy part of the stomach (why bypass pts gains back so much) and make it a 2oz pouch. Over a period of the first year, you CAN stretch it a little, but to no more than 8 oz. That's its stretch capabilities. It's why less sleevers gain back weight than bypass pts" I sure hope this is true...
  5. Just an fyi: Theres a battery powered blender out called The Tornado (http://www.ebay.com/itm/181163931672?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2648) Very interesting...
  6. I'm pre op (scheduled for 7/16) so I have no real life experience with the sleeve, however, I'm 3 1/2 yrs post op with the lapband. I had the same concerns. Will I ever be able to eat at Olive Garden again? Will I ever be able to enjoy a cheeseburger? Or a glass of wine? Or beer? Here's the answer: You won't know till you're there. I was told I could eat whatever I could tolerate (and most banders can't eat bread, rice, or pasta). And after the first 6 mths of trial and error, I could go to Olive Garden and eat Pasta again (about 1/4 of a serving). I can still eat a good cheeseburger (I can eat 1/3 of a Red Robin burger), and still eat bread (about 1/2 to 1 pc a day). I had to slow down my eating and stop when my body says to stop. Most lapbanders say no to carbonation. I didn't drink any soda for about a yr post op. Was afraid my stomach would blow up. The first sip I had of Diet Pepsi was heavenly. Still to this day, I can only have 2-3 sips of soda (I never order my own, will sip on hubbys). Same with beer. I'm a rebel, a rule breaker- you might not want to take my advice. I don't count calories or measure anything. I eat till my stomach tells me to stop (or I did until my band slipped). There's nothing I can't tolerate. In the early days, pancakes were a bit hard for me, but over time, I tolerated them well. So, your question: Am I gunna be able to enjoy the things I enjoy now? Absolutely. Just not nearly as much as you're used to enjoying. And since you can't eat but a few bites, you want to enjoy those bites as much as possible (at least thats what I'm figuring). Remember, I don't have a sleeve yet, so take my words with a grain of salt. I am post band so I do know a little about what I'm saying. Good luck!!!
  7. I thought about just buying one of those cups with the spiral ball in it. Since they run about $8 and the little 1 serving blender costs about $14, I think I may get a better value with the blender. And I can blend ice with it, something you can't do very well in a cup. Thankx for the idea tho!
  8. I heard this once. "I've forgotten my mothers maiden name, I've forgotten my car keys. But I've never forgotten to eat. It takes a special kind of stupid to forget to eat". This is true for me. I'd have to totally change my whole personality to forget to eat. I had the lapband 3 1/2 yrs ago and managed to lose 104 lbs (mostly from frequent vomiting), I was within 9 lbs of my 135 goal. I never changed how my brain felt about food however. I'd be planning my next meal whil eating (very little) my current meal. I thought about food all the time. The grocery store, to me, is better than the mall! Even tho I could eat very little with the band (because of the actual structure), I was often hungry. And at night, that equalled alot of nightime snacking. For those of you already with the sleeve, does the removal of most of the Ghrelin help satiate your hunger after eating a small amt? Just curious (please don't lecture, I'm not planning on doing it, just wondering) if I eat 1 bite too much, does the overflow have to go somewhere (like vomiting) or does it stay like a lump and just hurt until it finally passes? I've never been much of a rule abider. Probly the reason my band slipped after almost 3 yrs. I do plan on not cheating on my post op diet (at week 3, I started mashed potatoes 2 wks early cuz I thought I might starve with the band). Mainly cuz I will now have a huge staple line that can leak if it's not healed properly. And I really don't want that. But if I tell someone on the lapband board that I ate 1/2 sandwich, I will get 25 negative responses to the fact that I ate bread. GASP. If I could say no to all those things out there that are "bad", I wouldn't need wls in the first place. But I guarantee it won't happen the first couple months, while my stomach is still healing Just curious as to if the removal of Ghrelin actually works on physical hunger. I know I need brain surgery to actually make me not WANT food, just curious if the sleeve actually works by limiting the amt I can eat + reducing hunger....
  9. I had the exact same question. When I had my band done in 2009, you rarely heard of complications. Now, seems like 50% of people with band (just my guess, no actual proof of the 50%!) have had some kind of problem with the band. Bypass haas been around so long there is more info on it. But the sleeve is still pretty new (wasn't even offered to me in 2009) and there's not alot of long term data out there. The thing I worry about are what if something happens to the 15% of stomach I still have? I'm up a creek without a paddle. It's like donating a kidney. If something happens to the 1 u have left, you're screwed. No amount of complications shown will change my mind, however. I AM going to get my sleeve. Not sure why I chose something that wasn't meant to be permanent when I NEED a permanent solution. Good luck to you!
  10. marfar7

    preop diet...

    For me, I'm glad that my dr doesn't require anything but a 1 day liquid diet the day before. 4 weeks on a liquid diet (post) is long enuf for me. This time, however (I had a lapband 3 1/2 yrs ago) I plan on NOT CHEATING post op. After my lapband, I was sure I would starve to death, being on liquids only for 4 weeks. I started mashed potatoes at week 3. However, this time I will have more than 1/2 of my stomach stapled and have the chance of leaking if I cheat. I so don't want that. And this time (I'm recently married- 18 mths) I have someone to actually watch eat food, intstead of being by myself with my chicken broth. I have to argue with wanting to start earlier on the pre op diet. I guarantee at about 14 days post op you may be so hungry (and I'm just going by lapbanding, not sleeving, so it may not be accurate.) you'll regret those extra days of liquids. JMHO, btw! If you want to start early, kudos to you! Wish I could be so good!
  11. marfar7

    I feel completely lost!

    I agree with Ms Band... If the band stays in and continues to do damage to your stomach, they may not be able to do your revision in once surgery. My revision (have had my band for 3 1/2 yrs) is scheduled for July 16th. The PLAN is to do it all at once. With all of the xrays and tests availaiable, there's no way to ssee how much damage has been done till they actually get in there. My problem is if I don't get it during this surgery, my insurance won't pay for a future sleeve (my bmi is only 28 now). They will only pay for a revision cuz it's a band complication. After it's not "comlicating" anymore, they won't pay till my bmi goes back up to >35 with 1 comoribity (and there's no way I'm gunna gain another about 50 lbs to allow that to happen). I've proven that I can't be trusted to do this on my own. I've gained back 30 of the 104 lbs I had lost since my slip about 16 mths ago. I NEED this sleeve. I'm just praying that when I wake up in the recovery room, I actually have a sleeve in my possession. I know what you mean about having it emptied and still acting up. In the almost 3 mths since mines been totally emptied, I've vomited a few times (which is silly, seeing as it doesn't work at all anymore) - but not as much as I vomited (about 3-5x a week) pre slip and it still causes occasional pain. As much as I loved my band (and it did help me to lose all but 9 lbs of my weight), I think the band was a fad, much like Phen-Fen was in the 90's. Alot of people (not sure the %'s) are having trouble with their band. Now I can't wait to have something that starts working right away (instead of traveling 6 hr round trip and paying $160 for fills every 6 weeks) and that I don't need much follow up for. I'm GLAD it's permanent - I need something permanent. Not quite understanding people choice being that it's not permanent when choosing the band. I believe obesity is permanent and needs lifelong help, not something that once you get down to a size 6 can be taken out and you can do it all on your own. I'm proof that doesn't work. Good luck with your journey!
  12. marfar7

    New to the site..

    I chose the lapband 3 1/2 yrs ago. Loved my band. I lost 104 lbs with it and was within 9 lbs of my goal. Then it slips. I have some of the Fluid taken out. I gain 20 lbs over a yr. Then 2 mths ago my band actually herniated and it had to totally unfilled. I've gained another 10 lbs. Now im 40 lbs from goal... My revision is scheduled for July 16th. Im praying that all goes as planned and he can do it all at once. My insurance wont pay for a sleeve (my bmi is only 28) unless its done at the same time as the removal. Then its counted as a complication and is covered. I wont know if my band caused too much damage till I wake up in recovery... The sleeve is a good choice. It wasn't offerred to me in 2009 and I didn't want bypass. I think the band was a fad, like PhenFen in the 90's. I need a permanent tool to keep my weight off. I've alrready proven I can't be trusted with it! Good luck to u
  13. 3 1/2 yrs ago I didn't have a pre op diet for my lapband. He told me to eat a lite dinner the nite before (went to outback and had a slab or ribs, potato, salad, and cheesecake - I guess thats what I thought lite was!). This time I thought for sure since he's taking out most of my stomach, however that I'd have to have it completely empty and have a pre op diet. Just got an email from my nurse this morning. No pre op diet! Just liquids the day before surgery! And 4 weeks of high Protein liquids afterwards (he's very strict on the post op diet). Last time I cheated druing week 3 with mashed potatoes. I'm NOT GUNNA CHEAT this time tho cuz I'm terrified of a leak. Yeah! I don't have to suffer for an extra 2 weeks!
  14. I'm exactly opposite. I'm going into this thinking "How can I NOT lose? I'm losing 85% of my stomach?" I never had any question whether I would lose with the band either - till 4 mths afterwards, still no restrction and eating just as I had pre surgery. I eventually got the proper adjustment and lost pretty well, but I'm wondering if I'm too cocky going into the sleeve?!?! Just keep telling yourself that there's no way you can fail. It's not like you need adjustments to make the sleeve work. it just WORKS. Yeah! Can't wait till July 16th!
  15. I'm praying for 1 surgery on July 16th, but I won't know for sure till I wake up in the recovery room. The plan is to do it all at once. Not only is it easier, but it's the only way I can afford it. I cancelled my Medicare Part B 2 yrs ago, cuz I never, ever useed it and it cost $110 mth. I'm a disabled vet and see a dr at the VA Clinic. So I'm in the insurance coordinators office last month scheduling my surgery when she informs me that Medicare Part B covers the drs charges - all $5400 of it. So I'm now responsible for that. I guess 3 1/2 yrs ago I did once use my Part B - to cover my drs charges on my lapband. I had no clue. So panicking, I worried how I was gunna pay for it. I can sign up for it again (in Jan) and it will take effect next July. By that time, my stomach will be too damaged by my band to even do a sleeve. And Medicare won't pay for a 2nd surgery when my stomach is healed cuz my bmi is only 28 now. So if I don't get sleeved at the same time, I'm SOL. I'm praying hard! Oh, and my in laws were so worried about me they gave me the $5400. I have the very best in laws anyone can ask for! So surgery is scheduled for July 16th.
  16. marfar7

    Any VSGers with MS

    I'm curious about who answers this too. Last week, while on vacation in CA (I'm from Or), I landed in the hospital. Come to find out from the neurologist, I have what MAY be multiple sclerosis on my mri. I have to follow up with a neuro at home for a spinal tap to make sure. I'm due to get my sleeve on July 16th. I've "heard" from another discussion board that ms doesn't prevent anyone from getting wls. Especially since the weighloss can lower the symptoms in ms. No clue what the insight is to this, but I'm also eager to know. Needless to say, I'm a little freaked out now. Trying not to worry, but still am.
  17. marfar7


    Before I had my lapband, my nurse told me it tasted like Jolly Ranchers. So I bought $70 for 12 of them from GNC.com. not sure whaere she gets her Jolly Ranchers cuz I've never tasted 1 like that. They were AWFUL. I mean want to vomit awful. Had I known back then that gnc does a money back guarantee if u don't like something, I'd have been happier. In my world Isopure=Isopuke. Blech But ot each his own...
  18. Hey everyone, Well, my "slight slipped" band turned into a full blown major slip over the weekend. They unfilled me totally and will let the swelling go down.Talked to the insurance girl in my drs office today to make sure that Medicare will cover a new band and if they would cover plication. They will cover a revision (but not plication, bummer) even tho my BMI is ony 27 because of complications. They will also cover the sleeve. I'm researching it right now. There's a whole forum on verticalsleevetalk.com about band to sleeve revision. Everyone there is so much happier with their sleeve than with their band. But everyone on this website is happy with their band and against any type of permanent surgery. I'm scared cuz it is permanent, but also less maintenence ( I have to travel 6 hrs roundtrip and pay $160 for any adjustment) and no chances of slippage in the future. What should I do? Marci
  19. So im in the hospital (not band related but nervous it may prevent my July 16th revision) and the RN comes onto nite shift to introduce herself and take my vitals. Her name is Olga. She's from Russia. She lifted up my gown becaue she read I had a "slipped lapband" and she wanted to see it. She actually thought she could see it. She was amazed when I had her touch my port. Shed never heard of such a thing. Bless her little Russian heart!!! Pleaase pray that this isn't a glitch in my revision plans. My bp is really high (this am it was 206/116), my head is poinding and the left side of my fave is tingly. So far, all of the tests have said no stroke, but Im waiting for a concult with the neuro guy and an mri. Been here 24 hrs. Hoping to go nome tomorrow. Bp is slowly going down some. Im a little worried. I know, don't stress. It adds to my hi bp
  20. My revision is July 16th. I'm praying that they can do it all at once. Otherwise my insurance won't pay for it (my bmi is only 28). And I can't pay that much cash, even for Mexico. Thanks for thinking of me!
  21. marfar7

    Look out world, here I come in a bikini

    Good for you! No matter how much I lose tho I can't wear a bikini. I have too many belly scars (I keloid, so every one of the about 8 scars I have are ugly). I have worn tankinis tho and am almost comfortable in them. My legs are nice enuf but I have a problem with backfat. Even at my lowest 144 last year, I had to wear a shawl with my sleeveless wedding dress cuz of backfat. It's what prevents me from wearing tank tops. I should be like you tho and wear it proudly! I luv tanks, I just feel so self conscious in them. WTG!
  22. marfar7

    Syntrax Nectar so far...

    I just got my shipment of 11 samplers of nectar. When I had my lapband 3 1/2 yrs ago, I blindly ordered about $180 worth of Protein drinks from GNC.com. Hated them all. Especially the Isopures. Yuck. This time I decided to try a few before my July 16th surgery. The $15 ones from Walmart are ok, not great but ok. So if I don't like the Nectars (haven't tried them yet), I think I'll stick to the Walmart choc and strawberry ones. They're decent for 4 weeks worth of eating! Looking forward to the Roadside Lemonade! Got cherry too!
  23. It's also nice to give them (or sell for really cheap) to someone on this site. I gave away boxes and boxes of clothing for shipping only to people on lapbandtalk.com. They could truly use them and appreciated them (much more than overpriced Goodwill, who's owner makes over a billion $ a yr). I just went to UPS and got a price for shipping and the people either gave their credit card info straight to UPS or paypal-ed me. I wish there were people willing to give their size 6 and 8's away! Not too many people here that can do that, however. There's a clothing exchange forum on this board. Check it out!
  24. marfar7

    i am such a hypocrite!

    I HOPE I become that conscientious post surgery! My husband is the same way. Constantly telling me how many carbs are in stuff, how many I need (and his version and my own version are totally opposite). He can't wait till I get my surgery so I'm NOT bringing junk into the house. Even after my band, I ate crap. Just much, much less of it. The first time when I had my band, I was single and didn't have to watch anyone else eat. But when I started dating (after a yr and loss of about 80 lbs) and going out to eat, I noticed how much everyone else ate. I was eating the same thing, but like I said - much less of it. Now that I'm married (to an Atkins wannabe carb phobe) (he lost 80 lbs from eating Atkins, whatever works for him), I have to watch him eat after surgery. Thank God he doesn't eat much junk (just meats, cheeses and veggies) or I'd be bummed! I just hope I look at junk and say "ewe"!!!
  25. I'm scheduled for band removal and sleeving at the same time on July 16th. My dr told me this was the PLAN. Plans may change once he gets in there, but so far I'm the perfect candidate for a revision at once. I'm praying he can do it at the same time cuz my insurance will only pay for the sleeve if my band has complications. Once my band is out (my bmi is only 28), they won't pay for any future surgeries unless my bmi is >35 + 1 comorbidity (hypertension). And I can't afford cash pay for the sleeve. I'm truly scared that I'm gunna wake up in the recovery room and they're gunna tell me "sorry but we couldn't do it". My dr is Board Certified and is also a Center of Excellence (which is where I have to go for my insurance to pay. Even tho it's a 6 hr round trip) so I'm fairly confident that he's not out to do me harm or doesn't know what he's doing. If I were you, I'd go ahead and get another dr.If he's so pro band and anti everything else, he won't be much of a support system. My dr does all 3 surgeries (I think he even does the duodenal switch) with good results. His RN promotes all of them equally. Depends on your situation and preference. I'm not having the bypass done cuz I feel it's too extreme for someone who wants to lose 40 lbs. Actually, cutting out 85% of your stomach seems pretty extreme for that also, but I know unless I have a tool, I will go back to 250 lbs (I've already gained 30 since my slip). I was 9 lbs from my goal of 135 18 mths ago. I could taste it. However, my NEW goal is now 130 (I still felt fat and looked fat at 144, so 9 lbs wouldn't have made that big of a difference) so I now have 40 lbs to lose. If I wake up and they tell me they couldn't do it, I guess I hafta suck it up and diet for the rest of my life. And I HATE dieting. Dieting is what got me to 250 lbs. I was an expert dieter. Good luck to you!

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