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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. marfar7

    Post op complications

    I've had pancreatitis (in 1995) and it was PAINFUL. Whenever a nurse asks me to rate my pain from 1-10, I never use a 10 cuz that ones saved for pancreatitis! Hang in there. I think I got a popsicle on day 4. I was out and feeling great day 6. Dr gave me 6 weeks off work but was feeling fine and went back after 2 weeks (nurse) Pancreatitis is so rare for non-alcoholics. I'd had a procedure the day before to retrieve stones from my bile duct and the dye irriatated my pancreas causing it. ugh. it's so painful. I remember lying on the gurney in the ER literally hanging out the side of it crying/begging for pain meds. They couldn't give me anything till my labs came back. Ass oon as it was confirmed, you betcha I got some meds in my IV!! Good luck!
  2. marfar7

    Glad i changed my mind!

    My dr actually drew on a pc of paper how he would do my "sleeve + Plication". he folds over the skin on the staple line. I guess it lowers the chances of a leak. Never heard it talked about on here. anyone else?
  3. If you find any studies, please share. I'm interested also. Having my revision at once on July 16th (if my stomach isn't too damaged). Hope I'm making the right decision. I wasn't really offered a choice. My dr just said he was gunna do it that way
  4. I couldn't eat pizza crust for almost 4 yrs. Got my band totally unfilled (slip) 3 mths ago and I've eaten lostso pizza (actually, I can still only eat 1 pc) I guess I just meant that I've eaten it often (at least 5x). The only 3 things my and wouldn't tolerate was pizza crust, pancakes, and pineapple chunks. Everything else I could eat. Yes, the first bite of pizza was heaven!
  5. marfar7

    Under active thyroid

    I've been on .025mg of Synthroid for about 12 yrs now. Not sure what affect it had on my loss cuz there's nothing to compare it to! I was told by my surgeon that I would probly have to lower my dose as I lost weight, but that never happened. My thyroid tests have all be perfect. Good luck!
  6. WTG! You must be feeling great!
  7. marfar7


    I HATE all Protein powders. I decided this time around (had band surgery almost 4 yrs ago) that instead of investing $180 (like last time) on yucky stuff, I would sample a few brands/flavors. I've tried Premier chocolate, unjury strawberry, Syntrax nectar cappucino, SN chocolate truffle, SN strawberry kiwi, and SN vanilla torte. The verdict is in: The Syntrax Nectar line was the best brand I tried, with each of the flavors very good, the cappucino ESPECIALLY yummy. Bought some unflavored powder as well from them (Amazon, since I get free shipping) but haven't tired that yet. The chocolate truffle one was pretty good too. The strawberry kiwi was nothing special but something I could definitely do if I had to. The premiers were just like their Walmart counterparts- chalky and icky. The Unjury was ok. I guess I could down it if I had to. So I'm sticking with Syntrax Nectar. Just bought 2 lbs of cappucino from Amazon for $35.00. They may be $2 less elsewhere, but I get free shipping on Amazon do it works out in the wash. Good luck sampling. Like the above post said, you can order sample packets of different brands (I ordered my SN from bjsbariatrics.com). Came with 11 flavors, $12.50'ishThey sent me a coupon for $5 off my next $50 order. Holding on to that one!
  8. I've never heard that about the pill. I'm off the pill a month before my surgery, to prevent blood clots. I'm assuming I can return to them as soon as I've had surgery, never heard any differently. I'll definitely ask. For the last 2 weeks we've been using condoms
  9. I'm having band to sleeve revision on July 16th - my band failure was 100% MY fault. Yes, I will take the blame. I never slowed down my eating and ended up vomiting about 50% of my meals. Even with my band totally unfilled now, I vomit occasionally. Need to learn to slow down my eating. Thank God the drs don't tell the insurance company who's fault it is. They may make an exclusion if they knew it was our fault. So, I take responsibility for my band failure. I'm determined to make my sleeve work, however. For the rest of my life, not just 4 yrs.
  10. Sorry, no help here. No pre op diet for me. Just 24 hrs of Clear Liquids beforehand. Even tho I've been holding food funerals the last couple weeks, I've lost 2 lbs. Even tho my band is slipped, it still helps somewhat, at least on portion sizes. Sometimes. Sometimes it's like it's not even there. Congrats on your loss. I'm secretly glad that my doc didn't require a pre op diet. For my band almost 4 yrs ago, I didn't even have 24 hrs of clear liquids. Just a lite dinner the nite before and nothing after midnight. Good luck. I'm the day after you, July 16th. See u on the other side!
  11. So, I'm understanding that you had a leak? Thats my biggest fear. My biggest fear going into the lapband almost 4 yrs ago was a slip. Well, my fears were realized. Do they know what caused the leak? How far in were you before realizing that something was wrong? What were your symptoms? I know, alot of questions. I'm truly interested and truly wanting to avoid it at all costs. When I had my lapband in 2009, I was sposed to be on liquids only for 4 weeks. I cheated during the beginning of my 3rd week and started eating mashed potatoes. I could've bought stock in KFC. While it didn't cause any harm, this time I'm determined to stay on the recommended diet, especially the first couple months, when my staple line is healing. If I deter from the recommended foods, I could start a leak that could cause catastrophic events. No thank you. Just curious how it all happened for you. How long were you in the hospital? Glad you're doing much better and are able to eat a little real food. Thats progress
  12. marfar7

    Food Questions

    Wow. I thought just 4 weeks of liquids (also no yogurt or pudding, just liquids) before going into soft foods was harsh. Geez Louise. So for 6 mths, no salads? luv salads. And no mashed potatoes? They're on my soft food list (even tho the PA in my office HATES any carbs, the MD suggests potatoes as one of the first soft foods we eat). Good luck! I really mean that, not to sound sarcastic or anything. I hope it doesn't sound sarcastic??? Does your dr give reasons why you have to wait 6 mths for certain items? I'm under the understanding that your staples are totally healed after 2 mths - that you should be able to tolerate any food then. At least I'm praying that I can!!!
  13. Luv luv luv the cappucino. Its almost like a frappacino (milk and ice). Im thinking of adding cold coffee to it to make it even better (Im allowed 1 cup of coffee a day post op). The strawberry kiwi is so so. Tastes like a watery crystal lite. The vailla torte is amazing too. So from a very picky Protein drinker, nextar has a thumbs up. Now I will invest in a couple big containers. Didn't want to spend $36 on something I hate. Been there, done that 4 yrs ago when banded. Spent $180 on GNC.com and hated it all. That was before I foudn out that gnc.com has a taste guarantee.
  14. marfar7

    Too much?

    And I was counting on these 2 things: They'd remove the stretchy part (so I'm not like a gastric bypass patient and weight more in 5 yrs than I do now) and removal of the Ghrelin. Now I'm bummed. Do you feel hunger like you did in the beginning and can you eat more now than when you started eating solid food again? Just curious...
  15. Thats where I ordered mine also. But I got my big container of unflavored Nectar from Amazon. I will get my big cappucino one I'm ordering today from Amazon too. I have 30 days of free shipping with Amazon Prime so I'm taking advantage of it! I ordered my unflavored Monday nite at 11 pm and got it on Wed morning. barely 24 hrs! Wow!
  16. I just reread my post op diet instructions. It says I need to be on liquids only the first 4 weeks. Says I can have broth, sf popsicles, sf Jello, diluted juice, crystal lite, and 3 oz of Protein shake every hour. It also says for once a day "treats" I can eat the sf pudding (with protein added) or cream Soups (protein added) bought from my drs office ONLY. Not understanding why I can't have store bought pudding/cream soups/ They're the same consistency. And if I'm getting enuf protein in and low calories, whats the difference? I've never been pushed to buy products from my dr before but this is something new. 4 yrs ago when I was only the 4 week liquid diet (lapband), I was allowed sf pudding, cream soups, and drinkable yogurt. What gives? I bought some Syntrax nectar unflavored Protein powder so I can doctor up everything I eat/drink. If the cream soups have just as much protein and nutrients that my drs office sells, whats the difference?
  17. marfar7

    What if I die?

    Actually ended up in the hospital 2 wks ago (totally wls unrelated) and talked to the social worker. Im only 46 but made out an advance directive just in case. My 46 yr old 1st husband died 6 yrs ago without 1 and I had to make the decision. I don't want to put my husband thru that same thing. I think the mortality rate for the sleeve is less than .25%. U have a better chance of dying in a car accidnet than having the sleeve done. Everyone knows someone who knows someone who died after bypass. I understand how u feel. But I think we have a better chance of dying from weight related issues than the surgery itself. Good luck
  18. marfar7

    Does insurance paid for revision?

    My insurance (Medicare, I'm a disabled vet - not 65) will pay for revision if there's a complication with the band. and they will only pay for it if it's done AS a complication, meaning at the same time as they remove the band, they do the sleeve. If they get in there and my stomach is too damaged to do the sleeve and I have to wait, they won't pay for it cuz my bmi is only 29. I'd have to gain another 50 lbs to be eligible for revision. And I'm not gunna do that. I'm praying to wake up sleeved in the recovery room on July 16th. otherwise I guess it's a future of dieting, and we all know how that turns out...
  19. Oops, my math was off. Main reason I didn't become a pharmacist - too much math! I added the .50 cents for 3 whole cups of milk, not per serving. I guess I'd save alot of $ making it myself, vs buying it. And it's probly better tasting too
  20. It's about $16 for an 8 pack of 2oz of chocolate pudding. I can make about 12 servings (2 oz each) with a box of sf pudding (about $1.20 or .10 cents per serving), 2 scoops of unflavored protein (about .80 cents), and 3 cups of 1% milk (about .50 cents)= $1.40 per servings Ok, so I don't really save THAT much money when I add it up. I save about .60 cents per serving. It's just the thought of the icky taste in those medical puddings that really turn me off. I will email my nurse and ask her
  21. Not sure I understand why your doc left the band if wanted it out? Did you ask him to save it and in the back of your mind secretly want it out? Good luck! Marci
  22. I had financial issues as well. I cancelled my medicare part b 2 yrs ago (I'm a disabled vet and always use the va clinic for drs visits) to save $110 a mth. Come to find out, thats what covers my drs charges for the surgery. I had to come up with $5400 before they would cut me. No clue how I was gunna do it. We don't have great credit so there goes several ways of getting the money. in the end, after mentioning it to my in laws while on vacation a few weeks ago, they gave me the money. They're so worried that my slipped band will cause more damage. I'm so sorry. I know it's tough, especially when you've already started the pre op diet. So sorry
  23. I'm also a lapband survivor. Loved my band. Allowed me to lose over 100 lbs. Had it in 2009 and it finally slipped (my fault, frequent vomiting). I'm now 2 weeks away from my sleeve surgery. They're doing the removal at the same time. I chose the sleeve over bypass cuz I think bypass is a little extreme for my needs (my bmi is 28 and I want to lose 40 lbs) but also can't do this on my own (I've proven that, gaining 30 lbs over the last year), so I chose the sleeve. It wasn't offered to me 4 yrs ago. While I'm scared to lose 85% of my stomach, I know I can't do this on my own. PM me if you want to know more about the band. Like I said, I LOVED my band. If you're a true rule follower and never, ever break them, it may be a good idea. If not, you run the risk of a slip (like me). I thin the band was a fad, like Phen-Fen in the 90's. Good luck with your decision!
  24. marfar7

    Gym etiquette.....is it just me......

    At our gym, you must re-rack your weights after EACH use. Not just after you're done for the day. When you leave, you forfeit your right to those weights until they're free again. Lucky thing I go to a very small and un-busy gym. Never had to worry about this!
  25. marfar7

    Protein powder

    Btw, its Syntrax Nectar. My spellcheck on my phone is working overtime lately. Hopefully it actually comes out with an x at the end, not Syntra

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
