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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. I felt the same way after being lapbanded (2009). Hardly anyone can eat bread. I did fine with bread. I did fine with everything. The band totally did its job with portion control tho. I could only eat 1 pc of bread. I could only eat maybe 1/2 cup Pasta or rice. I could eat very little of everything. I agree with the first cooment to ur post. I really don't think its the flods u eat (unless junk is the ONLY thing u eat) but how much u actually eat. I lost 104 lbs with my band eating everything I wanted. That's the purpose of restricitve only surgeries, to control ur portions. Now u really need to watch ur slider food portions (my biggest slider was popcorn, at least with my band. Ice cream was never a slider for me) cuz those slide right thru. As long as u listen to ur body, ull do fine. Im only in the soft food stage (5 wks out) with my sleeve revisiion and not aloowed bread, rice, or pasta for another 3 weeks. I plan on enjoying those things (hopefully my sleeve will tolerate them) as soon as Im cleared Good luck
  2. marfar7

    Difficult question to ask.

    I did have foul smeeling "bathrooms" for about a week post op (make that week 2 since I didn't go for the first week). I think it was due to the fact that I hadn't gone for a whole week. No problems since. Normal bm's
  3. marfar7

    What should I pack?

    Don't forget your cell phone charger. I didn't even look at my phone till day 2 (day 1 I was so doped up, I couldn't even read the keyboard or the words!) but I used it alot on day 2. and I wish I had brought my own pillow. We're 3 hrs away so my hubby couldn't run home and get it for me. I brought my own toothbursh, but they'll give u one if u need one. The only thing they actually ended up giving me outa the welcome packet is the hairbrush. I forgot mine. And it's actually nicer than mine! Good luck!
  4. marfar7

    Choice of changing from Lapband to Sleeve

    I 4th that sentiment! I had my band for almost 4 yrs. it slipped at year 3 and I had severe nightime reflux. 5 weeks ago I had a revision and no more reflux. now I have more mild heartburn but nothing that my PPI can't handle. You get immediate restriction, where it took 3 fills (4 mths) for me to feel anything with the band. I threw up about 4-6x a week. Not once with the sleeve. I have a friend in VA who goes to a dr who does only bands (never heard of such a dr) and she is contemplating getting it. I can't stress enuf to her that more than 50% of people have some kind of complication. If that was a standard surgery (and not wls), they would probly eliminate it right away. My dr does still do band if people insist, but he tries to talk them out of it. I think the band was a fad, like Phen-Fen in the 90's. I don't think anyone will be doing them 10 yrs from now. Thats what I'm afraid of the sleeve, since it's only got 5 yrs of studies behind it vs over 30 for the RNY. But I'll take my chances. My band had to come out and I knew I'd gain back all of the 100 lbs I had lost. Good luck with ur decision. There's a Band to Sleeve forum on this board. Check it out. There's lots of us there!
  5. marfar7

    Getting sleeved in Sept

    Wonder how they get the taste of tortillas in a broth...sounds interesting. Never seen it
  6. marfar7

    Question for PostOps!

    Since I can only eat like 4-5 bites of anything, I'm hungry again 90 minutes later. I counted the calories I'd be getting if I stuck to my dr reccomendation of 3 meals a day and I'd get in about 350. So I eat numerous times. Probably 7-8 times a day.
  7. marfar7

    8 oz in 30 min

    I also never felt "full" with liquids. now that I'm on soft foods, it takes very little for me to be satiated. I've heard when I'm actually eating regular (like steak, chicken, pork chops, etc) that I'll need even less. Hope thats true cuz the last couple days I've been eating more than the first couple days
  8. marfar7

    NSV - skinny bra straps

    I'll be happy to actually buy a bra for under $10 in Target or somewhere. I've always had to buy expensive bras (comfy ones that are 40D are always expensive). I used to wear a 44DD - they were actually harder to find. And yes,a skinny strap is always welcome. Then you can wear a tank and have them not show. Altho I think showing off your bra straps is the "in" thing now!
  9. So, now I can say I "know" a celebrity! Very cool! Looking forward to reading about ur progress. Keep us updated with the link cuz I'll forget where it is!
  10. marfar7

    Getting Scared

    After surgery, ever little unexpected pain I was convinced I had a leak. it didn't help that the 5th day, my muscles started tensing up, my fingers were contracted and my face contorted. Not to mention my shoulder and back hurt really badly. didn't believe my nurse when I called her and she said it wasn't a leak. So hubby took me to the ER. On the way, I was then convinced I was having s troke. Just couldnt relax my muscles. They diagnosed me within the first 2 minutes. Asked me if I had taken Reglan or compazine. I said I was on Reglan twice a day since surgery. They gave my benadryl in my iv and I immediately felt relief. it was called a Dystonic Reaction to Reglan. Scared me to death. For some reason, after that I relaxed about every little pain I was having. It's normal to have pain after any surgery, doesn't mean there's complications. Complications are very rare (1% I believe for a leak). My dr has done many, many sleeves (not sure of the exact number) but has only had 2 leaks, and they were caused by negligence (not following the diet) But I know what you mean about stressing out and not being able to think about anything else but something going wrong. Take a Xanax and relax! You'll be fine!
  11. marfar7

    Carnation instant breakfast.

    Carnation Instant Breakfast and Slim Fast were on my "Not to drink" list. They only have 5gms of protein (+ 8 for the milk, reg, low fat or non fat r the same). So thats 13 gms. My protein (I use Syntrax Nectar) has 23 gms + 8 gms= 31 gms per 8 oz. Packs more of a punch. Altho I think the more protein is in something, the more it tastes like protein is added!
  12. I asked my dr last week about leaks. He said most happen in the first 72 hrs. It's very, very rare to have one after the first 3 months. In fact, the latest he's ever seen (and he's a Center of Excellence and has done many sleeves, not sure the number) was 1 week. He's only had 3 leaks.
  13. Im 5 weeks post op and just went from liquids to soft foods a week ago. Up till yesterday, I was only able to eat maybe 5 bites of chili, 1 oz of cheese, 1 egg, etc. Went to Red Robin last Fri and managed to eat 2 bites of turkey from the sandwich insides and 4 fries. Was afraid of taking 1 more bite for fear I might vomit. Could only eat a few bites but was hungry again in. 90 minutes, forcing me to eat 7 to 8 x a day. Yesterday I played poker at a Chinese restaurant and I was hungry. Within an hour I managed to eat a whole egg foo yung patty (maybe 4 oz) and wasn't necessarily full. This morning I ate 1egg, 2 pc of melba toast and a pc of sausage. Then I started eyeing hubbys plate. What the heck is going on? Is this normal? Wi.l I be hungry like this from now on? Im making myself avoid his leftover sausage or I could probly eat another.
  14. marfar7

    Any regrets?

    I too had buyers remorse the first wee my dr spent 30 minutes cutting my lapband out of my stomach, making my recovery harder. My lapband surgery 4 yrs ago was easy peasy compared to this. Now that Im 5 wks out, im so happy I did it. I've only lost 17 lbs, but my bmi staarted at only 28 so im sure Ill lose the last 27 lbs really slowly. The last 10 will probly take forever I promise this time will pass. I was on liquids (altho it wasn't clear, it was full so I could eat cream soups) for 4 weeks. So happy im now into week 2 of soft foods. Im actually getting full. I stayed hungry for the last 2 wk of liquids. Felt no hunger tha frist 2 wks. Im not 1 of the lucky ones who doesn't feel hunger. And no one can convince me that its acid, not true hunger Hang in there. Soon ull be eating and be happy u did this...
  15. 700 calories. Listen to what ur saying. In any other world (besides the wls commmunity) 700 calories is starvation. Im making sure to get at least 800 to 900 calories a day, since sooner or later Ill be eating more and I don't want to gain because I went 100 calories more. Ur doing fine. Don't sweat the 2 calories. Ur wont gain because of 2 calories. Good luck
  16. Yes, I take 20mg of Prilosec 2x a day. I can't be convinced that this isn't true hunger, btw. I know what hunger feels like! LOL...
  17. marfar7


    My program allowed 1 cup of regular coffee a day starting with the 1st day post op. I waited for a week cuz I was afraid of the extreme hot (and iced drinks) and stuck with room temp drinks. My coffee has to either be piping hot or iced cold
  18. marfar7

    why do people hide it?

    I think the husband of this wife will know somethings up when he sees the 5 incision scars on her tummy! Why would anyone try and hide this from their spouse? Silly really...
  19. They advised me not to use straws post op but when I went to my 4 weeks post op visit last week, the PA told me I could. And chew gum too. The only things thats off my list is soda. Forever. I asked him where her was on the whole "sleeve stretching" thought. He said that he thought it DID stretch the sleeve. But yes, I use straws. Been using them since like week 2
  20. Wow. I'm 5 weeks out and can eat maybe 1/4 cup of chili (I've eaten so much of it the last week I'm getting kinda sick of it). I was on full liquids for 4 weeks. With the chili I can eat a little more of it than say, turkey lunchmeat. I ate 2 bites of that the other day and was stuffed. I'm hungry again 90 minutes later tho. 6.5 oz does seem like alot, especially the 1st 2 weeks. R u eating slowly, allowing the food to settle before eating another bite? I'm fearful of the "one bite too much" thing and stop right when my stomach does that full signal. Haven't vomited once, and it was a daily occurrance my almost 4 yrs of lapband.
  21. marfar7

    rebanding after erosion?

    The statistics of something happening to a 2nd band once theres complications from the first are really high. I wouldn't risk it. My band slipped last year and 5 weeks ago I had a sleeve revision. Lost 18 lbs of the 30 I gained over the last year that it was slipped. Only about 26 lbs left to goal. Glad to be rid of my contraption (as my hubby called it!). Took my dr 30 minutes to dig it out of my stomach. It was totally embedded. Good luck to you!
  22. marfar7

    My husband is killing me!

    Can you say YUCK? Can't stand the thought of bacon flavored anything. I luv bacon but don't like it ON anything (like a burger. It's like meat on meat, yuck) And bacon in my coffee? Nooooo...
  23. marfar7

    foamies question

    Yogurt was on my full liquids list also. And pudding. I guess if I sucked really hard enuf, I could get it thru a straw!
  24. marfar7


    I wondered the same thing the other day while eating eggs at a restaraunt. Hubby wouldn't let me have it cuz it was more like pico di gallo and Im not sposed to have fresh veggies for another 3 weeks (8 weeks). I really wanted it too. I sure miss salads...
  25. marfar7

    Fresh fruits and veggies post-op

    I would definitely miss salads. My dr requires no fresh fruits or veggies for 8 weeks. Then as tolerated. Im 5 wks in and looking forward to my Red Robin avo cobbo salad in 3 wks...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
