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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. Off weightloss topic (but still birth control topic): How long does the shot actually last? I'm on birth control pills (had to stop them a month before surgery to avoid blood clots) and I'm so sick of forgetting 1. I'm 46 and not in the mood to get pregnant and not into the IUD and condoms. Just curious about it. However, after reading about the weight gain, I'm having 2nd thoughts. But they say that with BCP's too and I've never noticed any gain myself. Just curious how long they last...
  2. I'm 6 weeks and so sick of them too. I can now gag about 1/2 one down a day. Now that I'm eating soft foods, it's easier to get Protein in. But I'm still not getting enuf so I really do need at least 2 shakes a day but can't manage that. Oh well. Thought about putting some unflavored protein in some of my foods but I tried it once in ice tea and it was nasty. Definitely not unflavored. Good luck!
  3. I wouldn't even worry about it. Just have fun. I've been on 4 cruises in the past 3 yrs (was banded for almost 4 yrs) and never gained a pound. We ate in the dining room every morning and nite and the buffet for lunch. They have healthy choices in both (fish, chicken, salad bar, Soup, steak, fresh fruit, eggs, etc). They also have a gym (we looked at it once! )if you'd like to work out. What line r u going on? We always go on Carnival and luv it. Never been to the East Coast cruises (have done 3 to Mexico -2 different areas - and the most recent in May to Alaska). We'd luv to do a Carribean or Bahama one, but alas the airfaire to Miami is daunting. Have fun and don't worry about tracking. You'll stress yourself out. Your body will tell you when it's had enuf. Our first cruise I actually lost 2 lbs. Didn't know I got seasick till it was too late...hint: Ask your doc for a behind the ear Scopolamine patch (same stuff drs use the night before surgery for post surgery nausea) Have fun!
  4. marfar7

    So damn hungry...

    I started getting hungry at 10 days. I'm 5 1/2 weeks now and I'm constantly hungry. I'm now on soft foods so my meals actually fill me up right away (unlike the liquid diet) but I'm hungry again within 90 minutes. SO I've been eating like 7-8 times a day. Some people will try to convince me it's acid but I take a PPI 2x a day and I know what hunger feels like. So, it may not get better. I've heard that until I'm eating solid Proteins (like chicken, beef, etc) I may not be relieved of the hunger. Soft food goes thru much quicker. Good luck!
  5. Very normal. Before sleeving, I had raging nightime reflux from a slipped lapband. After surgery, it totally went away. But after my first week, I had almost constant heartburn I'd never experienced before. Went almost a week with it (was put on Pepcid 3x a day following surgery). I gave my old rx of Prilosec a shot 2x a day and no more heartburn. Obviously the Pepcid wasn't working for me. No heartburn in about 3 weeks now. Sometimes you need a different PPI. Not all of them work the same for all people. Give it a try. Can't hurt to ask ur dr.
  6. marfar7

    how do you know when to stop eating?

    It's funny cuz since being banded for almost 4 yrs prior to my revision 5 1/2 weeks ago, my stop signal was always "I got tired of eating". was never really "full", just couldn't eat anymore cuz I didn't want to. Now, I feel like I've swallowed a plum that sitting right at the top of my stomach. It doesn't hurt, but feels like if I take one more bite I might vomit. So I stop. Haven't vomited yet with the slveev (unlike my frequent vomiting with my band). Since first getting the band in 2009, I have yet to feel that "Thanksgiving full" I used to feel. It's more like ucomfortableness.
  7. marfar7

    What am i doing wrong?

    I'm with you on the stall. I lost 17 lbs the first 4 weeks after surgery (started at 174 so I know I'm gunna lose slower) and this past week and a half, have lost and gained the same 1 lb. Got on the scale this morning and I gained 2 lbs! Must've been that 1/2 glass of wine I had yesterday! How do people burn 600 calories at the gym? Do you spend 3 hrs there? I do 45 minutes on the treadmill at 3.8 mph at a 3% incline and burn maybe 200 calories. Then I do 20-25 minutes of crunches, and weights. I know I can't possibly burn 400 there, maybe 100. How do people do that. I estimate burning maybe 300 calories in an hour and 15 minutes. I'd like to know what everyone does to burn 600??
  8. marfar7


    Yes, mints are fine. I asked my dr at my 4 weeks post op visit if I could have gum. He said as long as I don't swallow it. I don't think I've ever (even as a kid) swallowed a pc of gum, so no problem. I chew gum all the time so it was missed that first 4 weeks. It all depends on your dr. Some say absolutely not, some say it's ok. It's like the straw thing (which my dr permits too)
  9. marfar7

    Sight of food

    I get nauseous when I'm not getting enuf calories, or when I'm dehydrated. Are you getting enuf calories and Fluid? Not sure birth control pills would cause that. I went back on mine a couple weeks ago after being off them for 2 mths (drs orders for my surgery). Nausea from anesthesia should be over by 5 weeks (I'm also 5 1/2 weeks out). Maybe a stomach bug? My dr said that it's so rare to get a leak after the first week that it's almost unheard of. I know theres a few people on this board that have had leaks up to 6 mths later (and I told him that) but he still sticks by his stats. It's most likely not a leak. Good luck! Make sure you're getting enuf fluid in. The day before I was to start soft foods from liquids I woke up nauseous. I was dehydrated. At 7 pm that nite I realized all I had that day was 3oz of Protein shake. So I forced myself to drink some Propel. Thats what sucks with dehydration. You're nauseous cuz you can't drink but you can't drink cuz ur nauseous. it's a vicious circle.
  10. Wow, your insurance is covering a revision when "you don't like your band". Most will only cover it if you have a complication. I don't have any little ones but I know I couldn't have lifted a 14 mth old (about 20 lbs, right?) the first week or so. In fact, my dr had a lifting limit of 20 lbs for the first 6 weeks. In fact, we kept our dog at some friends (a little, energetic one) for 4 days after getting home for fear she'd jump on my tummy. I would definitely have some help there for at least the first week. Then you should be able to do it alone. Good luck to you. I'm happy with my decision to revise. Oops, just noticed you wrote his weight on there. I would definitely get some help if he's over 20 lbs. I know he's walking but I also know how toddlers want their mommy's to pick them up often, especially when they're cranky!
  11. marfar7

    I HATE working out!

    Haven't been to the gym that we pay for for 3 months. Hubby used to luv working out, used to beg me to go. now he uses every excuse to not go. Hate going without him so I've just been walking my dog in my neighborhood. Now that I will be released for weight training next week (had to wait 6 weeks) I guess I'll go without him. I HATE wasting money. And it's open 24/7. And there's batting cages he likes to use, but just getting him motivated to go is a pain. I know, I know I need to go myself... Good luck to u!
  12. marfar7

    Sleeved 7/31 whats everyone eating?

    I'm 5 1/2 weeks out and on soft foods (after a long 4 weeks of liquids). I eat alot of chili, mashed potatoes, eggs, oatmeal, yogurt, turkey deli meat, and cottage cheese. I'm also bored. I want a big (make that little!) juicy steak, a salad, grilled chicken, and bread. I know, I don't want much, right? LOL You're doing great. I've lost 17 lbs, gaining and losing the same 1 lb over the past week. I started at 174 on july 16th so I know it'll come off lsower than say someone who started at 250 (which was my orginial weight when banded 4 yrs ago). I had the same dr also. 3 hrs away. Thats sucks but I really luv my dr so it's fine. The dr in my town doesn't take my insurance (Medicare, they only cover Centers of Excellence). Good luck to you. Expand ur eating so ur not so bored. I luv me some chili with a little melted sharp cheddar on top! Dip some melba toast in it...yummo
  13. marfar7

    pain medication

    Same. Loved my liquid Lortab (Vicodin)! Got a 2nd bottle for the 2nd week (was on it for 12 days.) Still have about 1/2 a bottle left tho. not gunna toss it. What if I need it again someday? It'll probly sit there for years till it get crusty and is no longer any good before I toss it!
  14. I'm jealous. You've lost 30 lbs from July 25th and I've lost 17 from July 16th. I started at a lower weight (174) but still. I think I should have lost more. I've been losing and gaining the same 1 lb this whole week Congrats on ur success so far. I'm sure it feels wonderful!
  15. marfar7


    I had 1 nylon stitch that stuck out about 1/3 of an inch outside of my clothes. Had it till my 4th weeks post op appt. When the nurse saw it, she apologized. They were sposed to take it out when they took my drian out before discharge. Oopy. Drove my crazy. Was always sticking my arm.
  16. I know there's a new post on post op hunger everyday. Thought Id add my little whine. Im 5 1/2 weeks post op and on soft foods. I can eat maybe 4-6 bites and can't eat 1 more bited. But then Im hungry again 90 minutes later. I try to go at least 3-4 hrs between meals but Im starving (and plz don't recommend a PPI. Im already on 20mg Prilosec 2x a day and I know what hunger feels like). Seems like Im eating all the time. The Protein shakes (Syntra nectar 23gms +8gms in milk) 2x a day don't fill me at all. Neither does Water. Not sure what to do. Im constantly hungry, making it difficult to make wise food choices. What to do, what to do...
  17. About once a month I make a meal for a family in our church (just had a baby, death in the family, etc). I luv doing it cuz I actually get to cook a whole meal (hubby is a low carber so he's no fun to cook for). So I'm making cheese tortellini, salad, garlic bread, and choc chip Cookies. I bought the tub of Nestle Tollhouse batter cuz I'm much too lazy to make it from scratch! I just made 2 dozen and have about half the batter left. Should I make the rest and send them lotso cookies, try and freeze the rest (not sure you can freeze cookie dough) or what? I've already eaten 2 spoonfuls (they went and stayed down fine ) so I really don't want access to it. Or should I just toss it (hate wasting food) What would YOU do?
  18. Wow. that IS a physical job. I don't work anymore (but in my past life I was an Army soldier - pretty physical at times and an RN) but with my rough recovery, I'd probly take a couple months off if I did the same things that u do. Most people bounce back quicker. Guess I'm a big baby. Also, my dr took an extra 30 minutes to dig my band outa my stomach, making for a more painful recovery. Good luck with ur surgery!
  19. And I have a really SKINNY next door neighbor. I think she's actually anorexic! I actually made the rest and the family I'm making the meal for will have lots of Cookies - 5 dozen to be exact! Fit into 2 gallon ziplocs! Now to get them to last until 6 pm when I deliver them
  20. It took about 12 days before I could prop a pillow between me and the bed and lie on my side. I'm not a tummy sleeper but I'm 5 1/2 weeks out now and hubby gave me a great massage last nite and I was lying on my tummy. It was fine. Probly could've done it at maybe 3 weeks or so. My boobs are too big to lie on my tummy!
  21. marfar7

    Protein powder

    My dr recommends whey for my Protein supplements. I use Syntrax nectar products (have vanilla torte, cappucino, and unflavored). I've only tried the unflavored once, in a glass of ice tea. Made it gritty, like drinking sand and there's a bit of an aftertaste. I've heard that unflavored doesn't mean "no flavor", just means they haven't added a specific flavor. Good luck! Oh, btw, you can order Syntrax Nectar on Amazon for $32.99 + I have Amazon Prime so - free shipping. otherwise it's about $35.00 at Bjsbariatrics.com or $39.00 at The Vitamin Shoppe
  22. marfar7

    is something wrong

    I'm 5 1/2 weeks out and haven't tried tough meats, bread, rice, or Pasta yet but so far the only thing that has made me sick is ice cream. What a bummer. not sure I want to go on... Following my lapband 4 yrs ago I could eat ANYTHING. Most people with bands can't eat bread, rice, or pasta. I could easily. I'm guessing it'll be that way with the sleeve also. It's easier to live in this world of ours not getting sick from certain foods.
  23. That does seem a bit low. My 300 page instruction binder says nothing about how many calories to get in and my dr said not worry about them. That I'll probly get less than 1,000 a day because of eating very little. I don't think it's necessary to count calories at this point. Not until ur able to eat more. And I do think 400-600 calories is much too low. I get almost 400 calories just from my Protein shakes! Are you sure thats not a typo? Good luck with that! Especially long term...
  24. marfar7

    how does this play out?

    I'm 5 1/2 weeks out and started getting hungry on day 10. No one can convince me that it's acid. I take 20 mg of Prilosec daily and I know what hunger pangs feel like. After about 4-6 bites, I'm done. However, I'm hungry again 90 minutes later. I'm eating about 7-8 meals a day of just a few bites. When I'm able to eat Jerky and almonds (another 3 weeks) I will carry them in my purse to snack on. Sorry, just reread your post that said you wanted to hear from long term sleevers. I am not. Just thought I'd chime in!
  25. Its NICE to have someone supportive with u afterwards. If I dopped somehting, hubby was there to pick it. He hauled the laundry cuz I couldn't lift, kept the sog occupied so she wasn't jumping all over me, and even did the dishes the first week. 4 yrs ago following my lapband, my brother in law (before getting married 20 mths ago) stayed with me for s aweek. If nothing else its nice to have someone else to whine to about the pain! But Im sure ull do fine by urself. Its just a bonus if u have another body there

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