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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. I'm a band to sleeve revision (slipped lapband) and I luv my sleeve. No waiting for months on the elusive "sweet spot" to allow me to eat less.Came immediately. No daily vomiting (haven't vomited but once and it was my fault for eating too fast). I've lost 18 lbs in 7 weeks (slower than most cuz I started at 174. I knew it would come off slower) and eat about the same as I did when my lapband was optimal. But now I don't have to worry about a contraption failing inside of me. Good luck with ur decision. there's very few people who regret their decision (not counting right after surgery. The few 10 days I also had buyers remorse cuz my recovery was harder that I anticipated) but since then I'm glad I did it.
  2. marfar7

    Full or Clear Liquids?

    I only did a 24 hr pre op liquid diet (up till 5 pm was full liquids, after 5 was clear) and don't think I could've survived the clear liquids pre op for much longer. Was on full liquids for 4 weeks post op (a little easier since the first 2 weeks I didn't want much anyway, after 2 weeks I was STARVING). At least I could eat cream Soups. Can't on a clear liquid diet. not sure I would do clears for very long on purpose just cuz I wanted to. Good luck!
  3. marfar7

    This is hard!

    I get u on the smell of Chinese food! I play poker in a Chinese restaurant every Wed nite and the first 4 week I was on liquids only. The smell about killed me. The 3rd week I was brave enuf to order egg flower soup and ate only the broth (was thick and goopy, like snot - I'm sure thats a great visual! Yum) and it tasted exactly like the chicken broth I was so sick of! Yeah! Since then (i'm now 7 weeks) I've enjoyed egg foo yung and more recently chicken chow mein (without the noddles, just veggies and chicken) and they were yummy. getting kind of sick of Chinese food, actually. usd to eat it about every 2 mths and now once or twice a week (there's poker there actually twice a week). Good luck with the smells. And actually, I've gotten into the Food Network just since having surgery. I watch The Travel Channels Man vs Food, which is about a guy (thats not necessarily fat, just a little chubby) who travels the US taking on food challenges. He eats like a 5 lb burger with 3 lbs of fries in an hour. Or 8 lbs of bbq ribs. He usually makes it too. Only once in a while does he not meet the challenge. I watch it and it makes me kinda sick (but of course, not sick enuf to stop watching it!) that someone can eat that much. I'm a waste of money at any buffet, if someone tried to get me to eat a 5 lbs burger? Wow.Now I'm way off topic.... Good luck to you. We've all been there. To want food, to smell it and crave it. Don't give in. It about killed m but I made it thru the 4 weeks of liquids (couldn't do it with my lapband almost 4 yrs ago. Cheated after the first 2 weeks. Now I'm married and I live with the Food Nazi! Watches everything I put in my mouth)
  4. marfar7


    My dr also said 6 weeks. I've had 2 half glasses of wine (maybe 2 oz) in the last week. Took me about 2 hrs to finish it. Tasted different. I definitely miss beer. No carbonation allowed for me, however. Ever. Guess I had my last beer. I used to have a Corona Lite about 3x a week and now I miss it. I don't really miss soda (Only drank sips of it since MY lapband almost 4 yrs ago anyway. It's a no non with any wls. Drank maybe 3 sips of hubbys soda couple times a week. Never hurt me or caused me discomfort but I didn't want to chance it by drinking my own. The wine didn't affect me any diffrently, btw
  5. It was about 10 days for me when I started feeling human again (post op pain + gas = misery). I took gas chewables about 4x a day also. They don't help much. Neither did walking, actually. I just had to ride it out I guess. What are you "eating"? I ask because I was on liquids for 4 weeks and I'm jealous if you get to "eat"! Good luck! You'll get thru it just like the rest of us. I had buyers remorse the first 2 weeks, wondering why the heck did I have this done? It was much worse then my lapband surgery almost 4 yrs ago...
  6. marfar7

    More than I expected!

    Wow! Congrats! I wish my insurance paid for my TT and lipo. My apron isn't big enuf to cause any medical problems however. And the lipo is just for show, I guess. I got an estimate from a cosmetic surgeon about 9 mths ago when I was about 25 lbs from goal (now I'm 26 lbs again from goal, have lost 18 lbs since my band to sleeve revision) and she estimated: $6,500 for the TT, $2500 for the under the chin lip (I have a blob of fat that never goes away), and $4000 for back fat lip. If I get 2 in the same day (she won't do all 3), I can get 50% off the cheaper one. I can't even dream of the day when I'll have that kind of money... Good luck and again, congrats!
  7. While I'm only 6 1/2 weeks out and I've only lost 18 lbs, I've gone from 174 to 156 and down from a 10 to a 6 (in the bottom at least!) and not one person has even noticed. While I'm open about what I've done (everyone knew my lapband had slipped and I was getting it revised to a new surgery), I'm wondering if thats the reason. Like they're expecting me to lose faster and be skinnier faster. Hubby and I play poker 3 nites a week with about 30 other people, some of whom I'm pretty close with and no one has said a word. Whats the deal? When I had my lapband almost 4 yrs ago, People gasped at 20 lbs (at 250 lbs, 20 lbs is nothing compared to 18 on a 174 lb person, in my opinion). I even wore my size 6 (couldn't believe they fit. Must've been mismarked or something) skinny jeans last nite, was feeling pretty good about myself and no one said anything. At what point did people start noticing that you're losin weight? Or is it that I see these people 3x a week and they don't notice (like I don't notice seeing myself in the mirror everyday). Hubby is back to calling me "Skinny Minnie" - what he used to call me when my lapband was premium and I lost 104 lbs. He quit calling me that about 18 mths ago when I started gaining the 30 lbs I gained. He says he can tell. How? He sees me everyday?
  8. Amen! While I occasionally track my calories on MFP, I don't do it regularly cuz thats too much like a diet and thats why I got wls in the first place. I went from band to sleeve almost 7 weeks ago and have only lost 17 lbs (I started at 174 so I knew it would go slower but this is ridiclous). I'm going to hafta rexamine my way of doing this cuz I keep losing and gaining the same 1 lb (going from 156-157) for the past 2 weeks. I'm probly eating too much and not working out long enuf. I swore I wouldn't count anything after being banded almost 4 yrs ago. Lost 104 lbs eating whatever I wanted (including bread, rice, Pasta, potatoes, ice cream, Cookies, etc) just in very small quantities. It's not working as well this time around. Last nite I went to KFC. I ordered the 1 pc breast meal, with mashed potatoes, coleslaw, and a biscuit. I ate maybe 3 bits of chicken (without skin), 2 bites of coleslaw, 2 bites of potatoes and about 1/4 of the biscuit. I was hungry again 2 hrs later so I ate about the same. I still have about 1/2 of my meal in the frig. So I eat very little - of the WRONG things. I think I may have to tweak what I'm doing to get to goal. I may count calories or lower my carbs a little. Or just stay away from fast food, bread, rice, pasta, etc to get to goal. not sure what I'm going to do to break my stall. Maybe I just need to up my cardio a little. that would be nice if that would work...
  9. I feel ur pain. I'm almost 7 weeks out and lost 17 lbs. been losing and gaining the same 1-2 lbs for the past 2 weeks. it's getting old really fast. I started at 174 (band revision) so I knew I would lose it slower, but this is ridiculous. I'm almost 2 mths out with only 17 lbs lost. Wish I was 30. Count your blessings. I could cut my calories even more than they are but then I'd be miserable and on a diet. Thats why I got the sleeve in the first place, so I would never diet again. I've already lost a size in clothing and that feels good. Good luck!
  10. I was worried about losing too much also. I wondered how, when I get to my goal I was gunna not go below that. I started at 174 also and my goal is 130. I've lost 17 lbs in the past almost 7 weeks (I know, slow) so I have about 26 lbs left. When I went to the sleeve support group a couple weeks ago, I asked this very question. I learned that even if you do nothing different (some people just add a couple extra 100 calories a day, like a handful of almonds or something) your body usually "sets itself" at the weight it's comfy at. it may be 5 lbs above or below your goal weight but it's very rare (like 3%) of someone getting too skinny after any wls. So I expect my body to set itself around 130. If it's 135, I'll be happy there too. If it's 125, I'll be happy. Hopefully the answer is true and I won't have to worry about getting too skinny! Hope that helps your question a little!
  11. I got the surgery at 174 lbs cuz my lapband slipped (started at 248 lbs almost 4 yrs ago) and I knew I'd gain every lb back that I had lost without anything. I probly wouldn't have gotten wls for 44 lbs. There's quite a few of us here that revised to sleeve from band at a lower bmi (mine was 28) but we still needed it.
  12. Wow! Wtg! Keep it up. You're doing so great!
  13. marfar7


    Guilty of weighing myself everyday. It used to be fun, when I was losing a lb everyday the first 4 weeks. Now I'm at 6 1/2 weeks and I've gone up and down by 1 lb for almost 2 weeks. Its definitely frustrating. I know I should only weight once a week but it calls my name every morning. No mood swings. Sorry, can't help you there. Good luck!
  14. I had to drink 2 drinks (1 a Nyquil type drink - 2 sips - and the chalky barium stuff - just 1 gulp). As soon as I got back to my room they had to give me Zofran in my IV for the nausea, the only time I got it. My dr was there waiting for me to look at my leak test on the computer thats always planted in my room (wow, hospitals sure have changed since I was a nurse in 1990-1999) and I couldn't even talk to him for about 15 minutes till the meds kicked in. I think everyone gets the leak test. It's not looking for lapband damage, it's looking for staple line leaks.
  15. "Have you heard about the neighbors, cousins, friends, sister who had the surgery and died?" My moms husbands 2nd wife actually did die from RNY complications (blood clot) about 8 yrs ago. Didn't deter me tho. It might if I was considering the RNY however!
  16. marfar7

    Size 20 now wearing a size 4!

    WTG! Thats awesome! I myself can't wait to be in a 4...
  17. I thought the sme thing my 1st 4 wks on liquids. Thought Id never again enjoy food. Especially my first few days of soft foods when everything made me nauseous. Im now 6 1/2 weeks out and enjoy food once again. Ive eaten out many times and enjoy my food again. And all the leftovers I have! Give it some time. You'll enjoy food again...
  18. I revised from band to sleeve 6 1/2 weeks ago. So glad I made the decision. My lapband slipped however. I did well with it, losing 104 lbs, within 14 lbs of goal. Had it about 3 1/2 yrs. Vomited almost everyday, causing my slip last year. My dr took an extra 30 minutes digging my band out of my stomach, it had embedded itself. I like the sleeve because I got restriction immediately, instead of waiting for the elusive "sweet spot" which took 3 fills and 4 mths for me. I haven't vomited once. I've only lost 18 lbs but I started at 174 so I knew I would lose slower than someone starting at say, 250. I'm 26 lbs from my goal of 130. You need to check to see if your insurance will pay for it just because it isn't working. My insurance only paid cuz there was a complication. They wouldn't have paid otherwise. I like that there's nothing in my body that can cause future complications. I think the lapband was a fad, like Phen-Fen was in the 90's. My dr still does them to those who insist but doesn't recommend them anymore. Good luck with your decision. There's alot of us on this forum who luv their sleeve. I actually loved my band until it slipped and started causing severe nightime reflux. Then it actually herniated, I was totally unfilled and everything I ate hurt. I'm on soft food now and can eat anything without any pain. Again, good luck!
  19. Hi all, I'm 6 weeks out from band to sleeve revision. I started the day before surgery at 174 and I've now lost 17 lbs. The past 10 days or so (yes, I weight everyday. I know, I know) the scale has bounced between 156-158-156-157-156-157-156-157 on and on.I can't really cut back on calories, I'm already under about 700 - 800. I'm thinking it's because I only have 26 lbs left to lose so it's going really slowly. At this rate I won't hit my goal for like a year! I thought it was last 10 lbs that were the hardest to lose. Seems it's the last 26! What to do? Besides be patient...
  20. marfar7

    Can you eat salads?

    I've been craving salads since my first week post op (while on 4 weeks of liwuids). I'm now on soft foods, not sposed to have raw veggies for another week. A few days ago I cheated tho. Went to Red Robin and ordered an Avo Cobbo salad (my fav) and chewed really well. Managed about 8 bites of it and took it home for another 4 meals (another 2 at least were left but I got sick of it and the lettuce was wilty - even tho I have the dressing on the side). It's got grilled chicken, lettuce, tomato, bacon, avocado, boiled egg, and olives. No cheese but that would make it even more divine. First time I've "cheated" since my surgery. Hey, at least it wasn't a double bacon cheeseburger!
  21. marfar7

    How to use tofu.....

    My mom cooked with tofu (that is before her major stroke almost 2 yrs ago which landed her in a nursing home that doesn't do tofu) frequently. You're right, it picks up the flavors of whatever it's cooked with (like a sponge) and to me, it actually tastes like a sponge. I don't like soybeans in any way shape or form. Including the elusively "yummy" hummus. Tastes like cat food to me. But I know many a vegetarian that would starve without it. Good luck cooking!
  22. Not sure if they even make a decaf coffee that tastes as good as the real thing. I'm sure Starbucks is pretty close tho, especially the darker roasts. My dr allowed coffee from day 1 (didn't drink the stuff they gave me in the hospital however, it was NASTY) in moderation. he said no one ever died from drinking a cup or 2 of regular coffee. If I haven't had a cup of real coffee by noon, I'm cranky pants. My husband will notice and beg for me to drink some coffee. I never get a headache from withdrawal tho, thank God. Not sure how to answer this question. Every decaf I've tried (at a coffee shop at midnight and still wanting to sleep in an hour) wasn't good. Buy a premium coffee (lie Seattles Best or Starbucks) and give it a try. Wouldn't waste my money on Folgers or Yuban tho. Oh, ran across the way they actually take the caffeine out of coffee. Its not with formaldehyde like once thought: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decaffeination
  23. marfar7


    Absolutely. I'm only 6 1/2 weeks out and barely getting 1 whole 8oz shake in a day. They're really starting to gross me out. I'm only getting about 1/2 the my Protein requirements as is, so I really need 2 of em but can't seem to gag it down. I think most people have problems with them, especially after starting real food. And they don't quench my hunger 1 bit.
  24. marfar7

    The difference between fat vs muscle

    Thanx for the chuckle this am!
  25. I'm a control freak tho. I hafta control everything! Guess I got to let go and let God on this one, huh? I knew I'd lose it a little slower, starting at a lower weight, I jusy thought I'd be at 130 by 6 mths. Not looking like it now tho. Bummer...

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