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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. My dr told me my new stomach was only 2oz, but could stretch to 4 oz over a year or so. Don't want it any smaller than it already is. Plus thats adding a whole new set of problems (was a lapband patient, had complications and was revised). I'd defintely do my homework on that before having it done. Sounds scary to me... You need to be able to eat something...
  2. I had them for about a week after. Those and getting out of bed were the worst. I think u need to just ride them out. Hubby tried scaring me. Was more painful to jump in fear! Good luck
  3. marfar7

    Not eating enough

    I saw a NUT last week for the 1st time. I was his very first sleeve so I'm his little pet project. He think I'm starving also. When I told him that most wls patients are eating way less than me (1,000 calories a day), he shook his head. He's called me about 6x since then with some "new ideas" of things I could try, supplement I should take, ways to get Protein in. Guess he's staying busy now that he's got a project!
  4. marfar7

    All you can eat

    I must add an addendum to my honesty post. After bowling today, hubby and I enjoyed Bunch O lunch at Shakeys (for those of u who don't know what Shakeys is it's a pizza/chicken/mojo potatoes place that does all u can eat buffet 11-2). I'm such a waste at a buffet (1st 1 I've been to since being sleeved 8 weeks ago but have been a waste since my lapband almost 4 yrs ago), but it was yummy. Had my wls card the dr gave me out ready to present to see if I could get childs price, but hubby wouldn't let me. He was embarrassed to ask for a discount. I ate: 1 bite of pizza, 2 bites of a roasted chicken drumstick, 2 small mojo potatoes dipped in ranch. Wanted so badly to eat more. I was mourning the loss of food when I saw people (hubby included) piled high with Pasta, chicken, mashed pots, mojos, pizza, salad, and dessert pizzas. Made me a little sad. Not too sad. When I got back to my in laws I got on the scale. Lost 2 lbs since we've been traveling in 1 week.
  5. marfar7

    Discouraged :(

    I've only lost 18 lbs in the past 8 weeks. I knew I'd lose slower cuz I started lower (slipped lapband) but it's getting ridiculous. I know I could could kick the weightloss off by doing difrferent things (working out more, cutting more calories, etc) but I don't mind losing slowly and enjoying my life while getting there. I'm no longer on a diet and enjoying that greatly. 5 lbs a week is fantastic! Can't ask for much better! The first few months and if u have a great deal of weight to lose and ull lose much faster. The closer you get to goal (it's creeping off me now) the harder it is to lose. Good luck. Oh, and my scale calls my name out every morning. There's some that like weighing themselves everyday and some that don't. I tend to be in the former group
  6. My dr said whevever I was up to it. I gave my husband a "special treat" at day 6 and waited for sex until about 2 weeks. Good luck! And have fun!
  7. Have you been totally unfilled or do u still have some Fluid? I was totally unfilled for about 2 mths previously to my revision (8 weeks out) and that relieved most of my band related food pain. While I still noticed that I had a band (couldn't eat copious amt of anything) I could eat more than before I had my unfill. I had many as "Last Supper" before my revision. Does everything give you pain? Or just tough foods? You may have to be on a soft food/liquids for the next 2 weeks (refried Beans, mashed potatoes, yogurt, soft fish, etc) until ur revision. If you're not unfilled totally, I'd do that 1st. Good luck to u. I was unbanded and sleeved at once, thank God. It took him an extra 30 mins to dig my band outa my stomach. Glad I was asleep and didn't have to watch!
  8. marfar7


    Hubby ordered a pepperoni pizza during my soft food stage. Since I was scared of eating the crust I took a fingerful of cheese and pepperoni off the top. Purred pizza sounds gross to me. And I went straight from full liquids (4 weeks) to soft foods (4 weeks). Anything that shouldn't be pureed (pizza, tacos, etc) I didn't eat. Stuff like mashed potatoes, refried Beans, yogurt, etc I ate in the soft food stage. But that scoopful of cheese and meat sure were yummy!
  9. marfar7

    All you can eat

    I'm all about being honest: Since we're traveling in a different state right now, in the past week I've eaten: *a cheeseburger from In and out Burger (took me all day to nibble on 1) * a fish taco (1) from Del Taco *Homemade beef stroganoff *Chili cheese fries from Carls Jr (about 1/5th - can't reheat fries so the rest went in the trash) *a homemade grilled cheese sandwich * a chicken buritto bowl from Chipotle (still eating the leftovers 3 days later) Tonite I'm actually having grilled tilapia and fresh asparagus. Gotta have a healthy meal in there somewhere. I'm of the school of thought that I can eat whatever I want just in really small portions. It worked with my lapband (lost 104 lbs) till it slipped. I'm losing slowly (20 lbs in 8 weeks) and I could be losing faster but hey, I fit into Old Navy size 6 skinny jeans last week and if I want a Del Taco fish taco then by God I'm gunna have 1. Just 1. Just being honest... (which I doubt all posters on this board all the time are..I mean we had surgery on our stomachs, not our heads)
  10. Isn't it amazing on how we can actually LIVE on so little food? Following my lapband almost 4 yrs ago, my portions got so tiny people were amazed I could actually survive on so little. Now I look at others portions and am amazed on how much they can eat. I can however eat more frequently nowadays!
  11. Haven't saved much on groceries yet. I waste alot of food, however. If I just cooked what we needed, we'd probly be rich. Since I eat more high quality stuff now, it all comes out in the wash. However, I'm definitely a cheap date. Since hubby tends to get stuff I would rather pass on, I order 1 item and take most of it home. If he ate what I liked, I'd just have 4-6 bites of his and call it a day. And the kids menu tends to be grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, pizza and the like. I'd rather order off the regular menu and take home lotso leftovers.
  12. I'm 8 weeks out and on a regular diet (yes, including those dastardly carbs). I can toterate everything cept ice cream (gives me hours of stomach cramps. Just not worth it). I'm now sposed to be eating just 3 meals a day. I think I'd starve on 3 meals a day. I can only eat maybe 6 bites and I'm done. I figured out my calories and even with a Protein shake I'd only be getting less than 450. So I'm eating much more often. I wasn't one of u lucky ones to lose their appetite. Mines been there since day #10. In fact, since I eat so little, I'm hungry more often. I'm traveling right now in another state and on our way down last week we stopped at In and Out Burger (something we don't have in OR - thank God!) and I ordered a cheeseburger. I was able to eat about 5 bites. Went in the cooler for later. I nibbled on it all day till it was gone. I don't think I'm sposed to be able to eat a whole cheeseburger even over the course of a whole day, am I? Please don't tell me that cheeseburgers are what got me here and be all preachy. I know all this. I was lapbanded for almost 4 yrs prior to this and am still trying to figure out how to eat. I also know that I got wls in the first place because I was tired of dieting. And for the most part, I haven't "dieted" since getting my lapband. Until now...I'm watching my calories on MFP. Trying to stay under 1,000. My NUT thinks thats starvation (I'm the 1st sleeve he's worked with and he's tickled to have a "pet project") and I've told him that most wls patients actually eat much lower than 1,000 calories. The past few days I've averaged about 900 calories a day (with traveling, I think thats a start!) and I've bounced between the same 2 lbs the past 4 weeks. I see everyones incredible weightloss (some are going over 40 lbs in 4 weeks!) and I see my 18 lbs loss in 8 weeks (which I started at 174 so I new I'd lose slower, but this is ridiculous) and gasp. I guess I have no questions. Just wanted to point out that not all of us enjoy the "no hunger" part of being sleeved. I had 1/2 of a fish taco about 2 hrs ago and I'm starving. I'm now eyeing the other 1/2. If I ate everytime I'm hungry, I could eat about as much as I did previously. So those of you who have no hunger, consider yourself lucky!
  13. While I'm "watching" carbs ( as in I will eat a wrap instead of a pc of bread), I'm not eating "Low carb". My husband takes low carb eating to the next level. He's scared of all carbs - including some veggies and fruit. He found out that there's 1 gm of carb in cheese and won't eat that anymore either. Tries to eat less than 10 a day. Thats too drastic for me. It's why I had wls in the first place. So, no I'm not eating low carb. But thanks for the ideas...
  14. marfar7

    Medication, Vitamins after sleeve?

    I take (I'm 8 weeks out) a bariatric chewable mutivitamin every day, Calcium + Vit D daily and B 12 2x a week. I'm not sposed to take NSAIDS ever again (including Ibuprofin) but I do occasiaonlly (shhh, don't tell) And yes, the Vitamins are forever. And you'll need your Vitamin levels checked like 2x a year forever also. Good luck!
  15. marfar7

    Discuraged & Depressed!

    Wow. Urs (and others) loss is awesome. Im 8 wks out and have lost 18 lbs. I started at 174 (band to sleeve revision) so I knew it would go slower but this is ridiculous. This am I realizwd I've been tossing the same 2 lbs back and forth for 4 weeks. I know I need to get back to basics too. Im eating whatever I want (Less than 1,000 calories on MFP) just in smaller portions. I drink a Protein shake about 3x a week (hate them 2). I need to do something differently. Im traveling now in a different state so Im eating out alot. In fact im munching on almonds as I type this... Ur doing fantastic!! Keep it up...
  16. marfar7

    What are you eating?

    Im 8 wks out and eat everything, just in small portions. The only thing I've found my sleeve doesn't like is ice cream. I get stomach cramps whenever I eat it (Im a slow learner). For example, yesterday I ate: BF: I egg, 1 pc bacon Lunch: 1/2 tuna sandwich with a 1/2 pickle spear Dinner: about 1/2 cup homemade beef stroganoff, a few bites of broccoli, and 1/2 biscuit w/butter. Snack (9 pm): maybe 6 bites of ice cream. I should know by now (about the 4th time I've tried it) its a no go. Stomach camps for about 2 hrs Everyday is different. We're vsiting in laws in a different state now so im eating out alot right now. I can usually eat about 1/3 of an In and Out cheeseburger, 1 taco from Taco Bell, or a few bites of Chinese. I got weighloss surgery so I wouldn't have to diet again. Im losing slowly (only 18 lbs in 8 wks, but I started at 174 cuz of band to sleeve so I knew Id lose slower) but as long as I can eat whatever I want (I do keep track of calories on MFP) Im happy losing slower. Good luck...
  17. Got my band to sleeve revision on July 16, 2013 (8 weeks ago). The day before it I asked my dr what the chances would be that I would wake up non sleeved He said "nil". He prefers to do them all at once, whether there's damage or not. It took him an extra 30 mins to dig my band outa my stomach but he did it without problem. I would've been bummed because my insurance only covered the revision cuz I had a complication. If they had taken out my band and waited, I probly would've had a problem getting it paid for cuz my bmi was 28. So, so, so glad I had it done at once. Only 1 recovery (was harder than getting my band almost 4 yrs ago) instead of 2 different procedures. So sorry you woke up non sleeved. Good luck with ur upcoming procedure...
  18. Sweat pants probly would've been more comfy but I forgot and brought a pair of jeans (one that were a bit on the bigger side, thank Go). I'm 3 hrs away from from home so hubby can't run home and get me something else. Live and learn. The only reclining chair I have is attached to my reclining sofa in the living room where we have no tv. I'd rather watch tv than be comfy, I guess! I was in bed alot the first few days. It was uncomfortable, but I managed! First time I wished we had a tv in the living room (I just think it's tacky to have company with a tv in the room)
  19. marfar7


    I had a drain (2 days in the hospital) and I had a rougher than average recovery. Didn't help that it took my dr an extra 30 mins to dig my lapband out of my stomach. There's much more to post op pain than having a drain/not having one. I'm not usually a big baby (my lapband 4 yrs ago was easy peasy) but I was on my liquid Vicodin for 12 days.
  20. I tried Spanx once when I was 248 lbs. They made a huge roll over the top. Guess the fats gotta go somewhere... Don't like em...
  21. marfar7

    I lost what?

    I've lost a dolphins brain!
  22. I think ur crazy to put urself thru this early. I only had a 24 hr liquid diet pre op and that was enuf for me. Afterwards I was on liquids for 4 weeks. Can't imagine going 1 more day if I didn't have to. The post op diet is strict enuf. Ur gunna get sick of liquids really quick. JMHO
  23. marfar7

    Diet plans. I need help :(

    I just broke a 2 1/2 weeks stall by tracking on MFP. I'm trying to stay between 800-1000 calories and it's working. I've lost another 3 lbs the past 2 days. I only have 25 to goal too and I've heard the last 20 are a b**** to get off. Almost there. The past 2 1/2 weeks I was wondering if my body was just comfy at 158. Glad it's not. Check out myfitnesspal.com. They have almost every food imaginable in their database...
  24. marfar7

    Diet plans. I need help :(

    I just broke a 2 1/2 weeks stall by tracking on MFP. I'm trying to stay between 800-1000 calories and it's working. I've lost another 3 lbs the past 2 days. I only have 25 to goal too and I've heard the last 20 are a b**** to get off. Almost there. The past 2 1/2 weeks I was wondering if my body was just comfy at 158. Glad it's not. Check out myfitnesspal.com. They have almost every food imaginable in their database...
  25. marfar7

    Diet plans. I need help :(

    I just broke a 2 1/2 weeks stall by tracking on MFP. I'm trying to stay between 800-1000 calories and it's working. I've lost another 3 lbs the past 2 days. I only have 25 to goal too and I've heard the last 20 are a b**** to get off. Almost there. The past 2 1/2 weeks I was wondering if my body was just comfy at 158. Glad it's not. Check out myfitnesspal.com. They have almost every food imaginable in their database...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
