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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. I actually bought most of my 3x's from J Jill online. They have a fabulous selection of cute and trendy womens clothing. I hate places like Penneys and Khols womens sections. Its like all of us wants to wear mumus? Not me. They r pretty pricey and I realized just how pricey when I boxed up several hundred dollars worth of 3xs and 2xs with tags still on them for my sister in law. Last month I went into Old Navy (once upon a time off limits to me) to browse their clearance rack. Found a pair of white skinny jeans for $8. Took the 10s and 8s into try them on, knowing it would probly be the 10. Walked outa the store with my very first pair of size 6 skinny jeans. Needless to say they're my fav pants now. They had to have been mistagged. I've never worn a 6 in my life, nor can I get into a 6 anywhere else. Looking forward to getting rid of the 10s and 8s in my closet. I'm also on about my 3rd or 4th wardrobe since starting out before my lapband 4 yrs ago at 250. So thankful I don't have to pay the extra $10 it costs for the extra material to order the plus sizes
  2. marfar7

    low bmi loss.... 10 weeks out.

    My bmi was 29 13 wks ago (band revision) and I lost about 16 lbs the 1st 10 wks. The lower u weigh, the slower u will lose. Not sure 39 is considered a lo bmi, btw. Btw, I'm now 13 wks and have lost 18 total lbs. Wow. I'm embarrassed to even write that, seeing the massice amts people lose on this site.
  3. Ull be 5 mths post op by then and have worked out all the kinks in what u can and can't eat. I eat everything in small amts. There's no "bad" foods to me. I'm only 13 wks post op and would be ready for a vacation. Actually, just arriving home today from a visit out of state (not a vacation, my mil had some health issues) so I've been traveling for 3 wks. I focussed on not gaining. Ate out a lot (almost everyday) so that doesn't help. I managed to stay the same for 3 wks. Am I bummed I didn't lose? A little. But its why I got wls in the first place, so id never again obsess about the food I put in my mouth. Plan ur trip, don't get too hungry (keep some almonds or jerky in ur purse), and have fun. I wouldn't worry about it. There's so many other things to worry about than what ur gunnna put in ur mouth 8 mths from now. Have fun!! Luv New Orleans
  4. marfar7


    About 50% were NOT lucky enuf to lose their hunger. I lasted 10 days before mine reappeared. And I too know the difference between acid and hunger. Its truly hunger. I can only eat a few bites at a meal so the same meal will last me 1/2 the day. At 13 wks I'm sposed to be eating only 3 meals a day, no Snacks. I worked out the calories that I actually eat and including a Protein shake (which I rarely drink anymore) it comes to a little over 400. So I eat when I'm hungry. I ate breakfast at 9 am and was hungry again at noon. My husband says "ur always hungry" or "ur hungry AGAIN?" Why yes, yes I am. Now pass the fries...(just kiddin. Seeing if anyone is paying attention)
  5. marfar7

    Regretting surgery

    Most of us had "buyers remorse" the first couple wks. There r a few people here that had an easy surgery, easy recovery, and the lbs r melting off. The rest of us were in pain for a while, depressed about the liquid diet, and fight for every lb we lose. I'm in the latter group too. I had a band revision and my dr took an extra 30. Ins to dig my band outa my stomach, making my recovery worse than usual. I regretted it the 1st 10 days or so. But as my husband reminded me I had to have my band out anyway so what's the big deal with adding something else? When ur able to eat actual food again, ur post op pain is gone and ur seeing results on the scale, ull feel better about it. Whether u do or don't, its over. U can't get back most of ur stomach. U might as well embrace it and move on Hope ur feeling differently soon. Not too many people a yr out regret their decision
  6. marfar7

    still feel "fat"

    I've lost close to 100 lbs and wear an 8. To me I haven't changed a bit. I went from a 22 to an 8 and I just don't see it. I'm still self consience. I still need to lose a little over 20 lbs and I'm sure ill still see myself as "fat". At 5't' and 130 I know in my head that's not fat but can't see myself any differently. Hope that changes over time. I do use the terms "bck when I was fat" a lot, I guess meaning that's my history, but still feel fat
  7. My husband starts asking me if I'm full yet after my 1st bite (he's usually looking to nab my leftovers) and by my 5th bite, he's saying "I think ur eating too much. Ur gunna stretch ur sleeve". While I eat small portions of everything (there is no right or wrong food in my diet), I guess it would make my husband feel better if I ate 2 bites of my meal. He's not really the food police but it does make me feel guilty, like I'm eating too much. For instance this morning we met a friend I hadn't seen in over 20 yrs at IHOP for Breakfast. I ordered the childs rooty tooty (1 egg, 1 pc of bacon, 1 pumpkin pancake). I ate about 1/2 of my eggs, 1/3 of my bacon, and maybe 4 bites of a pancake. He was ready to take over my breakfast in 3 mi utes howver...
  8. marfar7

    Liquid diet for after surgery

    I was on full liquids for 4 wks. Longest 4 wks of my life. Ull get thru it and be chewing in no time...
  9. marfar7

    Going on a date. Do I tell?

    I was banded about 9 mths before I started dating (widowed for 3 yrs before). I never told my coffee dates but the few meal dates I had I told them. Basically just to make conversation. I met my now husband over coffee and actually told him. He had recently lost 80 lbs so we had something in common. At this point I wouldn't say anything unless ur so proud of urself u need to share ur story (as I was). But if it looks like it might form into a relationship, I would say something. I never had a bad reaction from any guy I told. And ur so busy talking that I bet he won't even notice the amt u eat Have fun!
  10. Back when I was banded, I had the same rule, to wait so I don't wash my food thru too soon. I physically couldn't drink for about 30-45 mins after eating cuz it would cause me to vomit. I got used to waiting a while to drink Now that I'm sleeved, food doesn't cause a plug in my esophagus and I can sip with meals. I attempted to take a guzzle last week after just a couple bites and it felt like it was gunna come. Back up. Not sure why but if I stick to sips now and then I'm fine. About 50% of drs nowadays say its ok, some don't. My dr said its whatever I'm comfortable with. So I take small sips...
  11. You're right, it is a myht. Hanging skin has all to do with heredity and age rather than how fast u lose it. Most of us with over 100 lbs to lose will have some hanging skin (thankfully mine is minimal, thank you mom and dad). There's no magic potions, lotions, or exercises that will decrease it. It is what it is.
  12. marfar7

    Ughh! So mad at myself!

    Popcorn is my #1 slider. Was when I was banded also. I can eat a whole tub of movie popcorn. And don't get me started on air popped with real butter at home....damn... I think everyone here had been where u r (whether they admit it or not). No one can eat healthy 100% of the time, otherwise we wouldn't have needed wls. Justt watch ur portions and listen to ur body. Ur little tummy can only hold so much so if u fill it with Protein and veggies, there's not much room for anything else (btw, I don't always follow my own advice) Good luck. And ull be fine. We all vear from our goal occasionally
  13. marfar7

    9 Months Today

    Just out of curiosity, ur joining the Air Force 15 lbs from now? I'm an Army Vet and they scrutinized my gallbladder surgery I had like 10 yrs prior before joining. I didn't think they accepted bariatric patients. Wow. Congrats!
  14. marfar7

    amusement park

    WOW! I hadn't ever noticed that I wouldn't fit in a roller coaster cuz up until about 2 yrs ago, I was deathly afraid of them. NEVER went on them. I was the jacket holder for my first husband. He loved them. Now I'm on my 2nd husband (1st one died) and he's a coaster fan too. He started me on the coasters at DLand 2 yrs ago, Knotts berry Farm 2 yrs ago and I graduated to Magic Mountain last summer. They still terrify me but I also get an exhilaration from them. Congrats on being able to do one of the little joys in life that we used to miss out on. It's those that make all we go thru worth it!
  15. marfar7

    Almost 3 months post op

    Wow. You're only a week ahead of me (July 16th) and I've only lost 18 lbs. I knew I'd lose slower cuz I started at 174 (band revision) but this is embarrassing. I know I could speed things along by watching everything I put in my mouth and only making healthy choice, but I'm happy eating small amt of ANYTHING I want and losing slowly. But reading your post inspires me to maybe start losing again? I havent lost a lb in about a month. Haven't gained either (and we're away from home right now, MIL is having health problems so we're at the inlaws taking care of her out of state. Not the healthiest eating when ur away from home) WTG!!! Keep it up!
  16. Absolutely. The loweru weigh the slower ull lose. I started at 174 (bmi of 29) 12 wks ago and have lost only 18 lbs. I spose I could speed up my loss by actually dieting but that's why I had wls to begin with, so I never have to diet again. I guess it'll take forever to lose the last 26 but I'm not going anywhere.... If I stayed the same and didn't lose 1 more lb, @I'm happy to have lost almost 100lbs. I wear a size 8. Id luv to bw a 4 someday, but if that never happens, I'm ok being an 8 (rather than a 22)
  17. My dr said the majority of leaks r within the first 3 days. They CAN happen later, but ur chances r minimal. That's just MY drs opinion tho. I've read on here at least 1 person who had a leak at like a month post op. Its very rare tho
  18. Last nite I was miserable. I ate Breakfast about 10 am then spent the whole day at the hospital (MIL in the ICU). I said no to the cafeteria food, thinking I was doing something noble. At 6 pm I went to in laws house to make dinner. At 7 pm, I scarfed down 3/4 of a homemade soft taco in about 5 mins. Misery. Wanted to vomit but avoided it. Today I brought a baggy with almonds with me. Never will I be starving again.
  19. marfar7

    1 week 18lbs !

    Wow. I'm 12 weeks and have also lost 18 lbs. Almost embarrassing... Wtg! Keep it up. At this rate ull be to goal in no time...
  20. Wow. Had no idea I wasn't sposed to bu using Pepto Bismol. Wonder why? I need to know the "why" behind everything!
  21. marfar7

    Veggie haters how did you do?

    Wow. A 90 day pre op? Never heard of one that long. I had a 24 hr pre op diet. none with my lapband 4 yrs ago. If I could do a 90 day diet, why would I even need wls? You may try disguising them in V8 Splash (veggie juice and fruit). I know ur spose to eat ur veggies and fruit but it's better than nothing. Don't have that problem, luv almost every veggie (cept brussel sprouts and onions). Hubby eats veggies at every meal, including Breakfast (something about eggs, bacon and a side of broccoli doesn't seem normal to me?) Good luck with the veggies. Hopefully ull be one of the ones who's taste changes after surgery (mine didn't) and u actually start LIKING veggies! here's hoping...
  22. I took 2 20mg Prilosec pre op (reflux from slipped lapband) but after surgery my dr also put me on Pepcid. By the 2nd wk, I had horrible heartburn, unrelated to food, time, position. So I went back to my Prilosec and it works like a charm. PPIs worj differently on diffferent people. Maybe u just need a different 1. Pre op I also take OTC Zantac and Tums. Yep, I was a walking pharmacy. The surgery helped my nightime reflux but now I have heartburn (actually, not as long as I take my meds). I pop an occasioanl Tums, but for the most part the Prilosec does the trick. Id call ur dr to try a different PPI. Good luck
  23. marfar7

    Fall cravings

    I luv it that pumpkin season is in full force. Luv pumpkin anything. And its healthy (if u make it right, of course). Hate, hate, hate summer. Can't stand the heat. U can always put a sweater on but u can't normally get naked to cool off
  24. Wtg!! I'm 12 wks and have lost 18 lbs. Whoopty doo. I now feel embarrassed...

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