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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. 4 wks ago we drove down to Ca to help out with my MIL. I knew she had Parkinsons right away. The following 2 weeks, we took care of her. My FIL asked us to move in to help with her, him (he's 90) and the house. We agreed. We'll move our whole lives 16 hrs away and move into hubbys old bedroom. Then MIL was in the hospital with a colon infection. Afer a week, we drove home to pack and move. She seemed to be getting better. She was talking and asking to go home. We spent a week at home (Oregon) and left yesterday, 4 days before we were scheduled to leave. Hubby had a feeling we should go early. Stopped 1/2 way there for the nite. Got a call this am that she had died. Hubbys dad was with her. Hubbys upset cuz we didn't make it in time. And I already had 1/2 donut wirh coffee this am. I'm sure there's gunna food galore for the next week. Not even gunna worry about what I eat this week. Since I can eat so little I don't think it'll make much of a difference in the long run. Hubbys never ever lost anyone. My dad died when I was 20 and my husband died when I was 40. I'm a pro at this now. I know what FIL is feeling right now. But being on the other side, I don't know what to say to him... Just wanted to vent. Riding in a 22 ft truck with our car on the back. Gives me something to do...
  2. marfar7

    I ate an egg...

    The first time I ate an egg (4 wks out) yes, I got full on about 3/4 of an egg. Then I was hungry again 90 mins later. Now that I'm 3 mths out, I can eat a whole egg and 1 pc of bacon and be full for about 3 hrs. I think id be mighty cranky if I could only have 3 meals a day.
  3. marfar7


    Every am I have either 1 pc of bacon or 1 sausage link. My choesterol is perfect and it keeps me full for hours. Plus an egg, of course. I do sausage just fine
  4. marfar7

    No butt

    I hafta wear junior size jeans cuz the womens size 8 r too baggy in the butt.. I still need to lose 25 more lbs and I'm hoping they don't come off my butt and legs. I already look like a marshmallow being held up with 2 toothpicks. When I look at pics of myself it amazes me how skinny my legs r. I have ni figure at all. My hips and waist r the same measurment (or pretty close anyway) Id like to know if the butt undergarments r any good. Let us know where u got em and how u llike em...
  5. marfar7

    Leasons Learned

    I'm right there with u in the eating not so healthy lately. Were in the middle of moving 800 miles away (MIL just died and were moving in to take care of FIL) so I've been using that as an excuse. I wish, however, that I would not feel well after eating. The only thing I can't eat is ice cream (gives me major tummy cramps). Haven't tried pizza yet (3 mths out) but I've eaten burgers, fries, chinese, Pasta, sanwiches, u name it I've tried it. All goes down well. I can eat only a tiny portion, thank God. I told my hubby (who's gained aboit 10 lns due to stress) that once we move (in the moving truck on our way as I type this), were joining a gym and I'm getting serious about losing this last 25 lbs. I'm not gunna say that Ill never eat crap again cuz I will. But I'm gunna make sure its not a staple in my diet. Good luck
  6. I eat out often and haven't had a problem (sleeved for 3 mths, banded for 4 yrs previously). I was banded for 4 yrs tho and have had lotso practice.I never order off the kids menu (who wants chicken nuggets or pizza) and I always end up taking 2/3 to 3/4 of my food home. If I order a salad, I alwasy order the dressing on the sidde cuz I end up taking most of it home and it'll get soggy with dressing. I guess I'm a different kind of sleever cuz I eat whatever I want, just a few bites of it. I eat sandwiches, burgers, corndogs, pizza, tacos, etc. 1 Taco Bell taco is a meal and a snack for me. I had wls so I wouldn't have to diet again. So no, I don't find it awkward to go out to eat.
  7. Wow. My NUT is full of facts. I saw him after 2 mths. He's not a part of my bariatric team (3 hrs away) and I'm the 1st sleeve he's ever seen. So I'm like his pet project. He's constantly emailing me, leaving voicemails and send little tidbits of info in my snail mail. He's really interested so he's learning right along with me. He also thinks I'm starving if I eat lower than 1200 cals a day. I had to inform him that sleevers regularly eat less than 1000 cals a day. He's constantly doing more research on my vitamin/mineral//supplement needs. I guess I appreciate the interest in my situation but my hubby is starting to think something ia going on (not really)!!! I could never go without coffee. I drink at least 2 cups a day (with sf syrup in it). And if someone told me I could never eat a certain food, id be upset. I had wls so id never have to diet again.
  8. Luv me some Chipotle! I get the chicken burrito bowl with brown rice, pintos, lettuce, cheese, pico de gallo, sour cream, and guac. I eat maybe 6 bites and the rest becomes about 6 more meals for me (which I eat maybe 2 more of before I'm sick of it and toss it). Hubby is a low carber and luvs Chipotle too. he gets extra meat, no rice, no beans, lettuce, pico de gallo, sour cream, cheese, and guac. But he'll eat his whole bowl in 1 sitting. Even before I had wls I couldn't eat a whole burrito bowl from Chipotle...
  9. "I order whatever looks good and plan to just eat a couple of bites. You might as well take advantage of the restaurant’s good cooking!" Thats me. I go out to eat about once a week and enjoy everything in small amounts. I'm of the school of thought that I'm no longer dieting so why should I diet at a restaurant? I know I'm probly gunna hear about my way of thinking (usually do), but there's got to be more of us out there (those that don't count anything, measure anything, just listen to our bodies). And I never order off the kids menu (who wants chicken nuggets or pizza?). I ALWAYS bring home about 3/4 of my meal. I enjoy my leftovers till I'm sick of them and toss them. Last nite my in laws took us to Hometown Buffet (who refuse to honor my wls restaurant card) and I ate 1 bite of about 8 different items. I had a lot of food on my plate but when I was done, it looked like I hadn't even touched it. I'm such a waste of $$ at a buffet...
  10. Every dr is different. mine said at 6 weeks, I could have a small amt of alcohol. I drink about 3oz of red wine about 4-6x a week. Had a sip off hubbys beer a few days ago (3 mths out) and that was enuf for me. I do miss a Corona Light on a hot day. Yes, we're not sposed to have beer ever again. That being said, as I said I had a sip of hubbys. had a sip of his diet Coke last week and the world didn't come to an end. I would never drink more than a sip tho. Too scared of what would happen.... Not sure he should be drinking to excess however, no matter how far out he is...
  11. marfar7

    My Husband Must Be Crazy ...

    My hubby would never make it. He's very weight aware too, but he's more into overdoing the Atkins Induction (read little to no carbs - including healthy fruit) than portion control. In fact, he's mentioned thats why he luvs Atkins - he can eat all he wants, just no carbs. I think it's great he's showing enuf interest in how u eat to copy u. Better make healthy choices for the next month!
  12. First, congrats on ur success! 200 lbs is a huge deal! I was gunna say the same thing about upping ur calories, especially if ur doing bootcamp. It's pretty strenuous. Also, u might just be at a plateau. If this is ur first one, congrats. Thats amazing uve gone for 2 yrs without one. Onederland is right around the corner. It'll be amazing when u get there!
  13. Wow. I couldn't even see the letters on my keyboard to type on day 2, I was so gorked. Congrats! Welcome to the "other side"
  14. marfar7

    How many calories while losing?

    I aim for less than 1000. About 1/2 the time I go over (especially lately, family stress going on and we're in the middle of moving), especially lately. Haven't lost a lb in over a month. Haven't gained either tho.
  15. WTG! Congrats on ur success!
  16. Wow. 20%. Thats pretty high. I also don't think I'd go with that surgeon. I've never heard of such a high rate of complication, whether it's a revision or not. It took my dr an extra 30 mins to dig my band outa my stomach 3 mths ago. The recovery was harder than I imagined becuz of this fact. Had it all done in 1 surgery, however. I would definitely investigate that complication rate. I've NEVER heard of such a high rate. It shouldn't be more than 2% (1% being someone who had never had wls before) and my drs rates are about 1/4 of that. Good luck!
  17. marfar7

    Last Minute Question

    Don't forget ur phone charger. The first day I was so doped up I coudln't even see the letters on my keyboard but by the 2nd day, I was texting away. Good luck!
  18. marfar7

    Height, weight and loss

    Wow. Unbelievable! Congrats on ur loss. Thought that might be a typo but I guess not...
  19. marfar7

    Chronic lower back pain

    Unfortunately, it didn't go away for me. I injured my back in the Army in 2000. I've had 1 major back surgery and 3 minor ones (to clean out scar tissue buildup) and I take Talwin + Gabapentin 2-3x a day. I also thought when I lost a large amount of weight the pain would lessen. 2 yrs ago I got within 9 lbs of my goal weight (lapband) and my back pain was still there. Now I'm 25 lbs from goal and still frustrated with back pain. Gues I'll have it forever. Wish I had better news for u
  20. marfar7

    Confused. Feel the same?

    Be very thankful. I had a horrible recovery (lots of pain, gas, medication snafu on day 5 - had to go to the ER cuz of bad reaction - apin upon drinking anything too cold or too hot, etc). Ur 1 lucky girl. Count ur lucky stars and keep on drinking!
  21. I wore elastic waist skirts out of the house the 1st 2 wks. My belly looked like I was 5 mths pregnant. Good thing it was summer...
  22. I wore elastic waist skirts out of the house the 1st 2 wks. My belly looked like I was 5 mths pregnant. Good thing it was summer...
  23. I was on full liquids for 4 weeks then soft for 4 weeks. I'm now 13 weeks out and eating regular food. Was a lonnnnggg 8 weeks to get there....
  24. "getting stuck" is definitely a lapband term. When I was banded, I got stuck often. Meaning the band was in the way and the food got "stuck" going down. Now that theres no obstruction, not sure how food "gets stuck" literally. But I know exactly how u feel. If I eat too fast, I get a pain in my chest. Not quite as high as with my band but it sure feels stuck to me. My dr tells me otherwise however, since there's no obstruction, no food can "get stuck" When I got stuck with the band, if I added liquid, it would immediately come back up, like a volcano. The only thing that worked was sticking my toothbursh down my throat - hence my slipped band. Now when I feel "stuck", the only thing I can do is wait it out. I'm always afraid of adding liquid for fear it will also come back up. Good luck!
  25. Me too. I think 16 lbs in 4 weeks (which is what counts, not the week to week totals) is great. I'm 13 weeks and have lost 19 lbs. I know I'm losing slower cuz I started lower (174 - was a band revision) but it's getting ridiculous. I could speed it up, I spose, by watching every morsel I put in my mouth. But its why I got wls in the first place - so I didn't have to watch every single thing I put in my mouth. So I say stick with it. Ur bound to see results soon. Yes, 3-6 weeks is notorious for a stall. Again, I say WOW. Ur doing amazingly!! Keep it up...

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