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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. marfar7

    New Sleever...

    I have a small hyper dog. We kept her at the friends house that she stayed at while I was in the hospital (drs 3 hrs from home) for 4 days follwoing my return home. I was afraid she'd jump on my tummy. She did. Ouchy...
  2. marfar7

    Oh No Dumping Is The Pits!

    My dr says sleevers don't get dumping, that it happens only with RNY and DS patients. I beg to differ with him. The only food that I can't eat is ice cream. I'm a slow learner and by the 5th time, I was literally sitting on the toilet for 2 hrs, stomach cramping so badly begging God to get me thru this and I promised I'd never eat ice cream again. Occasionally I'll take 1 bite off hubbys ice cream and I'm ok. It's the scoop that gets me. Not sure if it's true "dumping" or not but it's close enuf for me!
  3. marfar7

    Buffet By The Weight.

    Had no idea they even did that for eat in buffets. Hometown Buffet refused my bariatric card to pay the childs price. I'm a total waste of $11 there. I usually fill my plate and take 1 bite of each thing. When I'm done, it doesn't even look like I ate anything. I end up wrapping a couple Cookies in a napkin and putting them in my purse. Gotta get at least part of my moneys worth. We don't have Golden Corrals on the West Coast. Next time we're at Hometown Buffet (hubby luvs it. He's a low carber and can eat all the meat and veggies he wants) I will check on that option. Does it say on the board over the cashier where the price is or do u hafta ask?
  4. WTG! Ur doing fantastic! U must feel so good. Good luck with ur body lift. Keep us posted. Want pics!!
  5. Don't count them. Occasionally I'll punch the #'s into myfitnesspal and it usually doesn't go over 1100. Right now I'm working on not GAINING until the holidays are over. Then I will take the last 20 lbs seriously and start counting. Calorie counting sucks. Isn't that why we had wls? To stop dieting?
  6. marfar7

    I'm A Loser Now!

    Congrats! Keep us posted on ur progress. Enjoy the IV pain meds while u can. They'll be over soon
  7. My dr instructed me to take whatever pills I hafta take as soon as I was able. I cut back on my pills the first few weeks (also PPI in capsule form, but I just take the whole capsule) but had to resume taking my Gabapentin ( a HUGE horse pill) after 3 weeks cuz my back was KILLING me. Now, I take whatever pills I needs to take (Chewable vit, b12, Calcium, 2 different pain pills, pill for my thyroid, PPI, and birth control. Oh and my nightly sleeping pill). I've had absolutely no problems taking pills. I used to pop about 8-10 of them at once, but I've vut that back to 2. Then 5 minutes later, another 2 And so on
  8. I've been on every diet known to man. Thats why I was banded, so I wouldn't have to diet again. I lost 104 lbs eating whatever I wanted, just much less of it. That being said: Last year my band slipped (what happens when u eat too fast and vomit almost every meal). After many unfills/fills/tweaks, it herniated. I had a sleeve revision 4 mths ago. I kept my philosphy about dieting. I eat everything (bread, potatoes, Pasta, Cookies, etc) but a very small amt. Now, THAT being said: I'm now stuck at 153. The scale hasn't budged in 2 mths. Haven't gained (thank God). I've been reevaluating my diet, trying to figure out how to get to the elusive "GOAL". Guess I'm gunna have to start counting something (be calories, carbs, whatever) and eat my words of wisdom "Eat everything, just a few bites of it" cuz it's not working anymore. My goal is to maintain until after the holidays. The, I will start counting calories and watching the crap I put into my mouth. Sample of my food intake (yesterday) 8:30 am: 1/4 pumpkin bagel with whipped cream cheese and coffee with sf creamer 12:00: Handful of chocolate covered almonds 1:00: About 10 pineapple chunks (guestimate since I didn't measure it) 3:00: 1/3 of an In and Out cheeseburger (without onions, that might save 4 calories!), maybe 12 fries 6:30: About 5 bites of shake and Bake chicken breast, about 8 bites of mashed potatoes and maybe 5 bites of cooked carrots 9:00: About 10 bites of reheated mashed potatoes from dinner (with chicken gravy) 10:00: A handful of Cheese Its and a small handful of Cinnamon Life Cereal Did I mention the glass of red wine I have everynite also? Far from healthy. But it's also probly under 1200 calories (I occasionally will count on my fitnesspal and I rarely go over 1200). Ok, where was I going with this? Oh yeah. My philosophy: It WAS eat everything, just small amounts. Now that it's ceasing to work, I guess I'm gunna have to step up my game and actually count everything that goes into my mouth if I want to reach goal.
  9. Luv cruising thru Trader Joes or Costco on a Sat and eating "lunch" at the sample booths. Last wknd, at Trader Joes, I had almost a Thanksgiving Day meal: Turkey pot pie, cranberry sauce, carrots/green beans with almonds and olive oil, pumpkin pudding, and a tiny little cup of coffee. I was good till dinner...
  10. Almost reminiscent of when my lapband had slipped last year. I'm now 4 mths post op and take 20mg of RX Prilosec 2x a day. I literally ate 1/2 bottle of Tums last nite. Also had to take 150mg of OTC Zantac to be able to even lie down. Had to wait for it to kick in before lying down. This is absolutely the worst my reflux/heartburn (I had both the last couple nites. Usually it's either/or) has been since getting sleeved. I plan on taking my PPI forever (if thats what I have to do to prevent being obese again, I will) but will I also have to add several Extra Strength OTC Zantacs also? That was my "before surgery" pill ratio. Thought that was over. And yes, I know I shouldn't eat before going to bed. I can eat very little and to keep from starving at 2 am, I usually eat 1/4 of a PB and banana sandwich before bed. I will try and cut that out tonite and see if that makes a difference. Thought this was 1 of the reasons I had sleeve revision (besides the fact that the slipped band HAD to come out anyway!)
  11. It amazes me at how it fails to make me vomit daily. With the band, I became a very proficient vomiter. I've done it on the side of the fwy (with my head hanging out the car door), in bushes at a poker party (didn't want anyone to hear me in the bathroom), at various restaurants (I've heard "r u ok?" so many times), and of course in a hot tub. Cuz who hasn't barfed in a hot tub? In the last 4 mths, I've vomited once. My fault for eating too much. 1 bad thing that amazes me is the amount of food I can now eat, 4 mths out. When I started eating actual food 3 mths ago, I was stuffed at about 4-6 bites. Now it takes many more bites. Still tremendously lower than pre wls, but I'm starting to wonder if there's actually 85% of my stomach actually missing or did they just reposition it? I've been tossing the same 2 lbs back for the last 6 weeks. I know I could lose faster by counting every single calorie that goes into my mouth but thats too much like dieting and thats why I had wls in the 1st place - to stop dieting. I can eat about as much now as when my band was at it's premium (months 4-18) but I'm not losing like I did in the beginning. I'm within 23 lbs of my goal of 130 so thats probly the reason. The less u weigh, the slower u lose. But until Jan 2nd, I will try not to gain. After the holidays, I will take my weightloss more seriously. I'm a realist. I know trying to lose during the holidays is crazy. Unless ur good at dieting. If u were good at counting every morsel of food that goes past ur lips and stop at any given amt (like 1,000), then u had no business having wls to begin with. Good luck with ur decision. The sleeve is a tool, just like the band. It will work if u work it (sounds like an AA meeting, huh?) but if u fail it, it will fail u. Just like the lapband. I feel it's a much better tool, if for nothing more than the fact that I'm no longer bulemic...
  12. marfar7


    I also loved my band the 1st 2 yrs. Until the constant barfing caused a slip. Couldn't take the nightime reflux so I got an unfill to try to fix it. Didn't work and the barfing continued even without Fluid in my band. The slip eventually became a herniated. Had a revision 4 mths ago. While im losing slower than I would like, im eating everything I want, just about 6-8 bites of a meal. I've only vomited once (my fault, ate too much) vs almost daily with the band. I've been maintaining 153-155 for 2 mths so I feel that when I finally do get serious about losing the last 23 lbs, I will be easily able to maintain it. And it feels good not to have a port (my "alien") sticking out of my clothes. Altho there is scar tissue where it used to be. No more pain when eating either. The sleeve just prevents u from overeating. Good luck to u
  13. Ok, let me start by saying: I followed my drs orders strcitly during the time of healing (1st 8 wks). I didn't cheat once. I was so scared that my starting food too early would cause a leak. I was afraid to eat Jello for fear it was too solid. That said.... Im now 4 mths post op and I eat whatever I want, just literally only 6-8 bites. I eat bread, potatoes, Pasta, Cookies, candy, etc. I dind im cranky when counting anything. Seems too much like a diet to me and that's what I had wls to begin with. To stop all the dieitng. Im proud of the fact that I've lost almost 100 lbs (most of it lost from the lapband. Revision 4 mths ago) eating everything. I still eat burgers (I can eat about 1/3 of an In and Out burger), tacos (1 Del Taco small taco), pizza (1/2 regular pc), fries (about 4-6), and cookies (2 small or 1 med). Gone is the day where I could devour 1/2 batch of cookie dough, 2 burgers, 5 tacos, and 1/2 pizza. And gone r my ice cream days. Im a slow learner cuz everytime I try ice cream I get severe cramping and diarrhea. I think I've now learned my lesson. I may get bashed for posting that I eat whatever I want, as we r sposed to be teaching the newbies the importance of healthy eating. I do round out my melas with plenty of Protein, I eat lotso veggies and drink tons of wtaer. If im steadily (slowly, very slowly) and im happy with my progress (im now in a sz 8 and if I never lost another lb id be happy) why should I count every calorie that goes into my body? Only my opinion. If I could only eat protein/veggies, count religiously, stay away from all carbs I would've never even eeded wls in the 1st place. Good luck to u.
  14. Ok, let me start by saying: I followed my drs orders strcitly during the time of healing (1st 8 wks). I didn't cheat once. I was so scared that my starting food too early would cause a leak. I was afraid to eat Jello for fear it was too solid. That said.... Im now 4 mths post op and I eat whatever I want, just literally only 6-8 bites. I eat bread, potatoes, Pasta, Cookies, candy, etc. I dind im cranky when counting anything. Seems too much like a diet to me and that's what I had wls to begin with. To stop all the dieitng. Im proud of the fact that I've lost almost 100 lbs (most of it lost from the lapband. Revision 4 mths ago) eating everything. I still eat burgers (I can eat about 1/3 of an In and Out burger), tacos (1 Del Taco small taco), pizza (1/2 regular pc), fries (about 4-6), and cookies (2 small or 1 med). Gone is the day where I could devour 1/2 batch of cookie dough, 2 burgers, 5 tacos, and 1/2 pizza. And gone r my ice cream days. Im a slow learner cuz everytime I try ice cream I get severe cramping and diarrhea. I think I've now learned my lesson. I may get bashed for posting that I eat whatever I want, as we r sposed to be teaching the newbies the importance of healthy eating. I do round out my melas with plenty of Protein, I eat lotso veggies and drink tons of wtaer. If im steadily (slowly, very slowly) and im happy with my progress (im now in a sz 8 and if I never lost another lb id be happy) why should I count every calorie that goes into my body? Only my opinion. If I could only eat protein/veggies, count religiously, stay away from all carbs I would've never even eeded wls in the 1st place. Good luck to u.
  15. Im afraid when I lose the last 22 lbs (goal is 130) I will be in a 2. I don't lose at the same rate on top (now an xl on top, 6/8 on bottom). I will look really stupid with an xl on top and a 2 on bottom. Hope the top part catches up with the bottom. Not sure if my legs will be able to hold me up...
  16. Im afraid when I lose the last 22 lbs (goal is 130) I will be in a 2. I don't lose at the same rate on top (now an xl on top, 6/8 on bottom). I will look really stupid with an xl on top and a 2 on bottom. Hope the top part catches up with the bottom. Not sure if my legs will be able to hold me up...
  17. I'm 4 mths post op and I'm hot/sweaty all the time. I thought when u got skinnier (since being banded 4 yrs ago I've lost almost 100 lbs. Was a band revision) u got cold. opposite for me. Hubby and I disagree on the thermostat every single day. He sleeps in sweats and I sleep in shorts/tank. When getting ready in the am, I have to wipe my face numerous times to keep my makeup from running down my sweaty face. Not sure why. If u find out, let me know. Please
  18. marfar7

    Almost Woke Up Without A Sleeve!

    Me too! Happy for u that it all worked out. Did u just learn this info today or did u know right after surgery? I would worry if my surgeon didn't tell me this sooner...
  19. marfar7

    Hidradenitis Suppurrativa

    I'm a nurse and I've honestly never heard of this before. had to google it. Not sure that a skin disease would prevent u from having the sleeve unless they were worried about an infection spreading during surgery. That might be Good luck and thanks for the education today. U learn something new everyday
  20. marfar7

    One Year Later

    WTG! Wow..Isnt that last 20 a b**** to get off? Workin on those myself U look fantastic!
  21. At 7 weeks I had lost the exact amt Ive lost in the last 4 mths - 22 lbs. I started lower (174. Band revision) so I knew Id lose slower but it's getting ridiculous. I know I could lose faster (been stalled for 2 mths) if I counted everything that went into my mouth but Ive prided myself on losing almost 100 lbs eating whatever I want - just much, much less of them. Counting seems so much dieting to me and thats why I got wls in the 1st place... So I'm the one that breaks the curve for everyone else....22 lbs to goal of 130 seems like a huge task now. Now I know what my skinnyg friends used to b**** about when they complained they had to lose "20 lbs". I used to roll my eyes (at 250, I had MUCH more than 20 lbs to lose) Now I know how hard those last 20 r...
  22. marfar7


    I agree. It's like saying saccharin give u cancer. If u give an 8oz mouse 2 lbs of saccharin and they get cancer, well.... My program also says no NSAIDS ever again. That being said (and I dont recommend going against ur drs orders) I take ibuprofin about once a week. Tylenol does nothing for me. I still take aspirin for headaches also I guess I'm a rule breaker....
  23. Has anyone heard of The Heart Attack Grill in Vegas? It boasts the worlds most unhealthy foods. The Quadruple Bypass Burger with 9,982 calories has been identified as one of the "world's worst junk foods". It consists of four half-pound beef patties, twenty strips of bacon, eight slices of American cheese, a whole tomato and half an onion served in a bun coated with lard. Their fries are fried in pure lard. Their shakes are made with total butterfat cream. And they have candy cigarettes for dessert. They even give free food to those who weight more than 350 lbs. Definitely something to be proud of... Comments?
  24. marfar7

    Love the hospital

    My hospital stay was also ideal. Can I boast about my hospital too? Bay Area Hospital in Coos Bay Oregon. Every single nurse was kind and punctual and even bending over backwards to make sure I was comfortable at all time. And they had a "window seat" that converted into a bed (bedding and pillows were underneath) so I could have someone stay with me. Had we known that, we probly could've forgone the motel my hubby stayed in (hospital was 3 hrs away). He even took a very comfy nap on 1 of the days! The bariatric floor at the hospital doesn't use pain pumps either. They want to know exactly when ur in pain so they can check u out every single time. And the nurses would give me 1/2 a dose every 2 hrs instead of the every 4 it was ordered to keep me comfy. And they were so nice when they had to hook my compression stockings back up every single time I had to go pee (which with IV fluids was every 15 minutes, literally). Hubby finally learned how to do it allowing the nurses to actually help others instead of just me!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
