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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. I cheated on week 2 after my lapband 4 yrs ago. I ate a Burger King cheesburger. The fear of a staple line leak after my revision 6 mths ago was enuf to keep me on 4 weeks of full liquids and 4 weeks of soft. In fact, the nurse had to talk me into eating Jello the first week cuz I thought it was too solid. Plus my husband is the food Nazi and I know he woulda tattled on me to my dr... Good luck with ur surgery!
  2. I've had a hard time sleeping for years. I can't fall asleep and when I do, I hafta pee every 90 mins throughout the nite and can take as long as 10 mins to empty my bladder (currently in process of an MS diagnosis) so by then I'm wide awake. I used to take Ambien ( a strong sleeping pills) until I got into a fender bender and didn't remember it (amnesia is a side effect). I was then put on Temazapam (a milder pill) + I took OTC Melatonin (at least 20 mg) + 100mg of Benadryl (a cocktail that would hibernate a 500lb bear). After my sleeve revision 6 mths ago, I quit taking unnecessary pills and I now just take Temazapam and it's usually fine to get me to sleep but I continually wake up to pee and then I have a hard time getting back to sleep Not sure what to do about it anymore. Being tested for MS currently and hoping if it's positive, they can give me something for my bladder symptoms. I can't remember the last time I slept more than 3 hrs straight. Hubby sleeps 8-10 hrs in 1 position the whole night, never waking up once. Wow. lucky dog. Good luck to u. I would recommend OTC Melatonin. U can get it at Walmart (near the vitamins). Comes in 3mg, 5mg, and 10mg. I'd start with the lowest dose and work up from there. It's dangerous to take more than 20mg (which I did regularly)
  3. Thanx everyone. I feel so much better. Went from a size 22 to an 8 (still XL on top tho) These last 20 lbs are a b****. I've heard stories but now I'm living it. I'm now happy with 1 lb a week.
  4. marfar7

    They over sedated me!

    What did u have done? I've read some of ur stories. You've really been thru alot. So sorry. Hope ur feeling better now and that u continue on the road to healing. Being skinny and unhealthy is not good. Good luck to u!
  5. marfar7

    me after.jpg

    From the album: marfar7

  6. marfar7


    From the album: marfar7

  7. Every meal that I have out makes 3-4 extra meals at home. Most of the time by the 3rd day, I'm so sick of my leftovers that they get tossed. I waste so much food nowadays! Congrats on ur first meal out. Mine was blended clam chowder at Red Robin. I was still on full liquids (for 4 weeks) so it was truly yummy. If I never saw another cup of cream Soup (espcially split pea) it'll be too soon!
  8. marfar7

    Walden Farms Foods

    I bought a jar of "Peanut spread" last week for hubby who is on Atkins Induction (thought since it was 0 carbs, he could snack on it with celery). Blech. Couldn't even get past the spongy consistency. $5 wasted. I've also tried their pancake syrup. It's also icky.
  9. marfar7

    Does anyone use a crockpot for meats?

    Luv my crockpot. Just made pot roast (roast, potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, mushrooms, and pot roast seasoning) yesterday. Turned it on hi at 8 am, low at noon and dinner was ready at 5. I make chili in it at least once a month. chicken cacciatore is really easy too. And ur right, it does make meats tender and juicy. Haven't tried pork chops yet but I'm dabbling in new recipes so I'm going to try it soon (with cream of mushroom soup). Seems like it would need some additional seasoning but I hear that pork chops and the Soup is all it needs. Crock pots are great, especially for wls...Good lucki!
  10. Hey, I just moved to Glendora about 3 mths ago from Oregon. Is that close enuf for ya?
  11. marfar7

    Can you still eat in restaurants?

    Where do you live? You said here on the west coast we don't have Golden Corral! But we actually do! I live in So Ca. I've never seen a Golden Corral on the west coast. I moved 4 yrs ago from Va where they were abundant. Where r u and where r the Golden Corrals?
  12. WARNING: After losing 100 lbs, I also went off my 3 blood pressure pills - all at once. 6 mths later, I felt the telltale HBP headache and went to the store to take my bp (was on vacation at my in laws in Ca). It was 170/110. I decided to take a few of my MIL bp pills for 3 days. Kept an eye on my bp. 3 days later, I called my dr in Oregon and he advised me to go to the ER (especially when I mentioned that the left side of my face was tingly). By the time I went about my day and decided to go to the ER, my bp was 215/144 and I had weakness on my left side. I'm 46 and had a TIA (a "pre stroke") from uncontrolled hypertension. I had no idea my bp was mloving up slowly. The cardiologist told me to never stop taking the meds for the rest of my life, even if I'm at goal weight and my bp is normal. I hafta take it forever. Not trying to scare anyone, just warning u about going off bp meds cold turkey. They really should taper u off. Some people have heriditary hypertension and no matter how much weight we lose, it continues. My case. Good luck! Congrats on the loss, btw! WTG!!!
  13. Not gaining but having a difficult time losing the last 20 lbs. I'm hungrier than usual for sure. Thought it was just me...
  14. I lived in Wytheville (about an hour west of Roanoke) from 2000-2009. Roanoke was the BIG city! I'm now in So Ca (hubby got a job near Wytheville). While I miss the biscuits and gravy, I don't miss the snow!
  15. I never even thought about bcp's making me hungry. I've been on bcp's for almost 3 yrs now, went off for a month prior to my revision 6 mths ago. Been back on them ever since. I've noticed lately being more hungry than usual, and same with me, I can't eat much but I eat often. Maybe I should look into this nugget of info??
  16. marfar7

    Are you COLD?

    You lucky dogs! I wish I was cold all the time. I'm sposed to be - I have hypothryroidism. I just moved to So Ca 2 mths ago (from Or) and it's averages the last month have been 75-80. I sleep with the window open too (88 yr old FIL keeps the thermostat at 83) and shorts. Wish I was cold....
  17. Day 10 is also when my hunger came back. I was on liquds for 4 weeks. Longest 4 weeks of my life. But ull be able to eat soon enuf, I promise! Hnag in there...
  18. Fantastic! Ull be at goal in no time! I'm right there with u, about 20 to go. Keep it up and ull do great! WTG
  19. marfar7

    clothing dilemma

    Where in Or r u? I just recently moved to So Ca from Medford, Or (2 mths ago). I sure miss not paying sales tax and having someone pump my gas! Who was ur surgeon? I went to Dr Tersigni in Coos Bay
  20. marfar7

    Tried soft foods... Totally bummed

    It makes me sad when I read that people r having to give up whole food groups forever. Never dieting again is the reason I had wls in the first place. I must have a sleeve of steel cuz I can eat EVERYTHING. The first few months ice cream gave me tummy cramps and diarrhea but now I can eat it just fine (5 1/2 mths post band revision). I would be very sad if someone told me that after surgery I could never have beef, pork, or chicken again. Good luck!
  21. marfar7

    Social Events

    Eat! Enjoy yourself! I can only eat about 1 bite of numerous things (like a buffet or something). Luv my sleeve. Never had to explain my lack of pigging out!
  22. marfar7

    Last 20 pounds...

    I'm also planning on losing the last 20 lbs. I've maintained for a few months now and am now ready to work on the last 20. My plan is to bad food from my bedroom. About 50% of my daily calories are eaten in bed, watching tv past 7 pm. If I forbid food in the bedroom, I'm likely to lose the last 20! I HATE dieting. It's why I had wls in the first place. I count my calories occasionally on MFP (maybe 2-4 x a month) and rarely go above 1200. Now I'm likely to drop below 800! And I'm giving up my nightly g;lass of wine. That should keep my snacking in check too. Find those easily ignored calories (a Hersheys kiss, a bucket of popcorn at the movies, a latte at Starbucks) and try to remove those. we all have those little calories that slip in unoticed. Good luck to us both!
  23. My New Years resolution (and this is the 1st year EVER that I've made what I think are silly resolution) is defintely #4. I think I get about 50% of my daily calories in bed watching tv after 8 pm. If I ban food from the bedroom I'm likely to lose the last 20 lbs I have!
  24. I have to post this: I have to laugh. As I'm reading this post, there's an ad on the right side of the screen for Bosley hair restoration system. LOL

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
