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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. marfar7

    Clear fluids

    I was just gunna ask u: Do u plan on eating the jelly with a spoon? Ick. Lol
  2. marfar7


    I'm constantly asking my husband if I'm trying to look like I'm 16 when I'm trying on clothing. Last summer, I bought a pair on neon (tri color, mind u) pink/orange/yellow skinny jeans. As soona as I put them on at home, I knew they were a no-go. Just becuz I can doesn't mean I should. I look like a fool. That was a wasted $30 from Penneys. I'm 46 and have to shop for my jeans in the juniors dept cuz my butt is so small that the womens jeans make my butt look even saggier. Good luck! Oh, and I LOVE Old navy!
  3. marfar7


    Maybe thats why my girls aren't "magically perky". I can finally fit into the cheap Target bras with skinny straps (I've always had to wear over-the-shoulder-boulder-holders) so I buy those now. Maybe I should go back to my $50 bras?
  4. marfar7

    Options like Syntrax Nectar

    I'm a Syntrax fan but don't like the ones u mix with Water (strawberry kiwi, roadside lemonade, etc). I like the milk ones (my fav is cappucino). Also, I wish I had known that Syntrax sells it's own samples packs. Got mine 11 ofr $15 from bj's bariatrics.com. Coulda gotten 4 for free! And u can choose all the same or mix them up from like 13 flavors...
  5. marfar7

    Trader Joes

    It's just a cheese made from yougrt instead of milk. I like the jalapeno flavored one. I don't like to eat a chunk of it (like stronger cheese) but I luv it in stuff (like eggs, on top of chili, etc). Whatever u'd use a stronger cheese on. Hint: I think swiss is too strong and sharp cheddar for eating plain. If u like eating those plain, u may like this. http://www.traderjoesfan.com/component/mtree/products/dairy_case/yogurt_cheese/
  6. marfar7

    Chipotle Mexican Grill

    I'm a Chipotle fan also. One of their burrito bowls is about 3-4 meals for me. I had it at about 10 weeks. I was on a soft diet till 8 weeks and I probly coulda eaten it without meat. My usual bowl is" Black Beans (no rice), chicken, lettuce, med salsa and pico de gallo,sour cream, cheese, and guac. Soooo yummy. Lotso Protein in em (beans, meat, and cheese). Nothing wrong with a little Chipotle. If u don't eat the whole thing (and theres no way I can eat more than 1/3)
  7. I'm an Army vet. When I joined (in 1996), I had to get a special waiver cuz I was 5 yrs post op gallbladder removal. They take any surgery (even if it doesn't affect ur health) very seriously. They don't want to be responsible for any issues arising in the future. From what I know, wls is no-go in any of the branches. Not only becuz of the anatomy alteration issue, but becuz of the special dietary issues. They can't provide future dietary specificities and they don't want to be responsible for any problems that might come up becuz of it. Imagine urself in the field for 4 weeks eating MRE's. No special dispensation for ur dietary needs. Look at : http://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/pdf/r40_501.pdf On page 5, ull see the remark: i. Other. History of any gastrointestinal procedure for the control of obesity does not meet the standard. Artificial openings, including, but not limited to ostomy (V44), do not meet the standard I think all the branches probly use the same physical requirements. The requirements are very strict. The Army makes u crab crawl in ur underwear to make sure u don't have flat feet. Picture about 30 women, all lined up in their panties and crab crawling across the floor while drs watch. I remember it well... Good luck in fighting it. The military is a tough fight for sure...If u have any questions, just ask...
  8. Medicare doesn't have a pre approval process. If u meet the qualifications (bmi of >40 with no comoribities or >35 with 1) u just take ur chances and u find out after the surgery whether they paid it or not. At least thats what my dr office insurance coordinator told me. Medicare paid for my lapband in 2009 and my sleeve revision 10 mths ago (at bmi of 28. I had a band complication that necessitated removal). Not sure what/if ur other insuance is, I'm just speaking for Medicare. Good luck! Enjoy ur vvacation
  9. marfar7

    Anyone familiar with Medicare?

    Medicaid differs state to state but medicare is federal and one set of rules nationally. That said I don't know the regs but lots of folks on this forum were covered by medicare That was what I said when I first read that. But, I'm sure it was Medicare everyone was talking about. I mean, I knew it was what I had, and I don't have Medicaid. I thought it was weird that it being a federally funded insurance that it was different...
  10. marfar7

    Trader Joes

    Almond butter, yogurt cheese, TJ's spicy guacamole, coffee Beans (I use the grey can of Joes Dark Roast - $4.99 for 12 oz), and dark chocolate (Yes, indeedee, I do eat dark chocolate). While I go there weekly and get more than that there, those r the must haves that u can't get anywhere else (u can always get coffee elsewhere but I'm a coffee snob who can't afford to be a coffee snob. So this is the best for me) Have fun! U might want to bring along a small cooler in case u get stuff that has to be refigerated...
  11. marfar7

    Anyone familiar with Medicare?

    Not sure if it's a good idea to post ur moms number on a public board. It's one thing to post ur own, but not someone elses...
  12. marfar7

    GERD vs Sleeve

    Well, my pre op sleeve GERD was caused by my slipped lapband, so not sure my dr even thought ongoing reflux would ever be a problem with my sleeve. And while post op, it's much, much better - it's still there. Not sure if it's caused by the sleeve or just damage from my band. Not sure if the RNY would helped me if it's actually caused by damage. I wouldn't even think of having a 3rd surgery. My reflux is manageable. I take 40mg of Rx Prilosec 2x a day, OTC Zantac, and chew Tums as needed (usually 2x a week or so in the middle of the nite). There's no way I would go thru another surgery if popping a few pills makes it bearable... Good luck!
  13. marfar7

    Anyone familiar with Medicare?

    I think Medicare differs from to state to state (or so I've heard). My lapband was covered in 2009 and more recently (10 mths ago) my sleeve revision was also covered. I think my requirements were a bmi of >40 with no co morbidities or >35 with at least 1. My bmi was 40.2 plus I had hypertension. After 3 yrs and losing over 100 lbs, my lapband slipped. After a yr of conservative treatment (unfills/fills/tweaks) it finally herniated. During this year I gained 30 lbs, making my bmi 28. hey approved my revision becuz I guess Medicare recognizes that obesity is a lifelong disease and had I just had my band removed, I was most likely going to gain it all back. The insurance coordinator at my drs office told me that medicare doesn't preauthorize, however. If u meet the requirements, it's safe to say they will cover it, but I wouldn't know for sure till afterwards, when they were billed. I was pretty nervous about having to pay for it but they came thru for me. Had to pay 10%. Oh,, and I lived in Or at the time of both of my wls's. Not sure why a Federally run program varies from state to state, thats just what I've heard on this board... Good luck!
  14. marfar7

    My story to date

    WTG! Congrats!
  15. I hafta ask: We're u a revision surgery or did ur dr do the sleeve on u being a 29 bmi? I'm just curious. I get this question all the time cuz at the time of my revision, my bmi was 28. But since I had complications from my band (a slip), my insurance covered it and my dr did it. Or did u have major surgery and remove most of ur stomach to lose 40 lbs? Wow. I guess everyones entitled to lose whatever way they want, but really? Good luck to u!
  16. Wow. Amazing! Y have done a fabulous job! Congrats!
  17. I also had glue, no stitches. Had a catheter for 24hrs (thank God cuz with the IV fluids, I was up to the bathroom every 20 minutes that 2nd day). Pain pumps r a no-no with my dr. He prefers that the nurse come in and check on me everytime I complain of pain. Had the compression boots while in the hospital, but not at home. Had no gallbladder so that wasn't an issue. I had no pre op diet (cept 24 hrs of liquds) but my post op was 4 weeks of full liquids and 4 weeks of soft foods. I didn't start vitamins for about 4 weeks as I was afraid they were too "solid" for me (hubby wouldn't even let me eat Jello that first week. Was afraid it wasn't liquid enuf). It's been 10 mths and I RARELY drink Protein Shakes (maybe once every 2 weeks if I'm in a hurry for bfast). I take RX multivits (Can't stand the chewables), Ca+, and B12 subling 2x a week. Blood tests showed my Vit D levels were low so my dr added that also. Other than that, my vit levels are perfect, as was my protein. I basically eat whatever I want (hence the slow weightloss) but the scale is still moving and I'm happy with my size 8 jeans. My goal was to get to the single digits so anything beyond that is gravy (and yes, I still eat gravy! LOL). Guess I need to step it up (and I'm working on it. I've increased my Water and protein and thats caused me to lose a lb this week!) Good luck! I had a rough recovery (it took my dr an extra 30 mins to dig my lapband outa my stomach so it caused more pain than usual) so at 1 week, I still felt like I was hit by a train. My liquid Vicodin was my best friend for about 12 days. I would look at this site and it amazed me that I seemed like the only one that wasn't running a marathon on day 3 (I've since found out that more people were like me than not!) I wish u a speedy recovery! And stick to ur drs orders. U don't want to run the risk of a leak...
  18. marfar7

    Foods that make you barf! Literally.

    Funny u should mention barf. 30 minutes ago I just vomited a chicken salad (leftovers from dinner last nite). Not sure why. I can usually eat everything.Vomiting was a normal part of my eating when I was banded (sleeve revision 10 mths ago) but in the last 10 mths, this was like my 3rd time vomiting. It's usually a long, drawn out, painful process since being sleeved, but tonite was like in remembrance of band days. Hope this isn't my future. I'm now drinking chamomile tea to calm my tummy...And I LUV cobb salads...
  19. I agree. U the exceptional spouse in a supportive role. While my husband is extremely supportive of my weightloss journey, not sure he would ever even think of posting on a support board. Ur a very rare one! And I love it! Just know that it's a long road and u and he need to have patience. It doesn't happen overnight. At least for most of us it doesn't. And plx be patient with his new eating habits (and lack of eating habits). I about bit hubbys head off the first month when I was only allowed full liquids. He ate real food and I was jealous. So I let him know that. And he sucked it up! Ur husband might be cranky, especially in the beginning when his diet is so limited. He'll probably be hungry (many of us never lose that hunger) and want real food. Good luck! Hope to hear more from u as he progresses...
  20. marfar7

    Goal weight

    Actually, I don't think my dr ever even mentioned a goal weight. A healthy bmi was more his goal. But my personal trainer (that I had for about 10 mths) wanted me to be realistic - she gave me a goal of 160. My personal goal is 140 (as I've already surpassed my trainers goal and I'm still "fat"). I have about 13 lbs to go...
  21. marfar7

    My very first bikini!

    Amazing! And ur suit is sooo cute! Have fun showing off...
  22. marfar7


    I'm 10 mths out and I've been ravenous lately. My hunger came back on day 10. But I could always keep it under control with very little food. Now I can eat about twice as much as I could mth 3. I'm really trying to make good choices but it's hard when ur eating almost nothing but Protein and healthy foods - and ur starving an hour later. I recently gained 5 lbs but more recently (the last week since I've been logging my food, upping my Water, and upping my protein) lost 3.5 lbs. And I've been eating between 1000-1200 calories a day, which is almost unheard of with a sleever. So I can still c my 11 lbs 13 lbs goal in my reach... I'm interested in the advice also. I'm pretty sure what everyone will say: Log what u eat, eat protein first, veggies next and carbs last. Exercise regularly, drink lotso water, etc, etc. Listen to ur dr and ull do fine!!! Good luck!
  23. FFS? Never heard that one before! Lol...
  24. It absolutely gets better. I thought my recovery was long. By 3 weeks I was feeling much better, but those first 2 weeks, I felt like I was hit by a semi. I'd come on here and see a bunch of people out running marathons at 3 days. Used to bum me out. Felt I was the only one whose recovery sucked. I wasn't. Anyday now you'll wake up feeling better. I promise. This can't last forever. and once u start eating real food, ull get ur energy back. I rpmise... Good luck
  25. marfar7

    What is your advice?

    Take advantage of the "Honeymoon period" (like the first 6 mths or so). It's much harder to stick to small portions when ur hunger returns and u find u can eat much more at 8 mths than at 3 mths (I'm 10 mths out and can eat about 2x as much as 6 mths ago). And please don't follow my advice on the way I lost my weight. I eat everything - just a few bites of it (including burgers, fries, tacos, pizza, and sandwiches). I have found myself stuck, 13 lbs from goal, almost a year out becuz of my philosopy. Trying to get it straight now but I think it's much harder now. Good luck to u

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