Good morning,
My name is Christy and I was banded about a year and a half ago. I have lost 95 pounds so far. It has been great! Since my last fill, I have not been able to drink coffee anymore. I love coffee but, it was making me really bloated and I was just feeling bad. Does anyone else have this problem? I have actually have started taking Nexium but, some foods just do not react well. I thought my band was too tight until I stumbled on the forum- Too Tight or Just Right. It was really nice to know that other people are experiencing the same things. I was really being hard on myself for still being dissapointed when I could not eat someting I really like. I thought that after a year, I should have the behaviour down. It is good to know that other people struggle with this as well. All in all it has been a very good experiance. I would not trade it!:thumbup: