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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by coastalpeach

  1. For those who've had their's done: How is the going back to work been? I'm planning on going to Dr. Ortiz at the OCC, would like to have surgery on a Friday & be back to teaching on Tuesday. Possible or not?

    I am also a teacher. What grade to you teach? I was banded on Friday, February 6th and tried to go back to work on that following Wednesday. Listen to your body and your doctor....I was supposed to be out a week. I was completely exhausted when I got home and paid for it the next day. Talk to your doctor before you plan anything!

  2. Hi everyone,

    I am 29 and live in the Coastal Georgia Area. I began my lapband process in August/September 2008. I was finally approved for surgery on January 7, 2009 and I had lapband on February 6, 2009.

    My doctor was Dr. John Angstadt from the Memorial Bariatric Group.

    I started my weight loss journey at 258 and I am currently down to 214. I have a mini goal of breaking the 200 lb. mark by March 6, 2009 which is my 30th birthday. If this happens, it will have been the smallest I have been since I was in high school:thumbup:

    I am still on the liquid diet which is killing me. I am hungry and the liquids do not seem to fill me up. I have read most of the post and will continue to fight with this until I see my nutritionist and doctor on the 23.

    I hope to hear from everyone learn more about everyone's experiences!

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