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Ladybug 3

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Ladybug 3

  1. Hi there :w00t:

    I'm 7 days post op and feeling pretty good. The first 4 days were tough. I was constantly feeling so icky. But then one of my friends told me that I need to eat more substancial Soups. (I was living on cup-of-soup, and yogurt). Right when I started to make my own home made soups I started to feel much better. (Even before I got the band, if I was really hungry I would feel very sick, so it's normal for me) I have been out to eat and had Soup as my meal. I really enjoyed myself. Getting out of the house made me feel much better. I'm back to my normal routine and feeling great.

    I am having some strange aches all around my rib cage (front and back). Not sure what that's all about. I also had my gall bladder and many many stones removed during the same surgery 7 days ago so it could be something to do with that too. Or the anesthesia. I have my post op tomorrow so I will ask the doctor.

    I'm eating pureed food now and so far doing ok with that. I just puree the meal I cook for the family and eat it. (But a tiny amount of course; approx 60ml) I feel satified for a while. When I feel hungry again I have some yogurt until the next meal. Works for me :) I'm having lots of cravings. Like salad! I love salad and I can't wait to eat it again! I'm going to miss steak! Unless I'm lucky and have no problem eating it.

    Anyway, I really feel great and I'm looking forward to 6 weeks post op when I can eat normal food again :thumbup:

    I love this website and I have learned alot from it. Thanks for those that commented on my blog that I just started. You made me feel great!


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