lucky you after my 2nd fill total4.5cc in a 10 cc band i stared to be unable to eat and tolerate a lot of foods.i was ok with that because i had already given up rice,bread,pasta b/c of diabetes control.than with each sequencial fill of .2cc i would be able to tolerate liquids and after 2 days would go into a bout of emesis which usually would be on a friday night or saturday night getting no sleep,cold water go down cold and come up cold.monday morning i would call my md. office and would have to go in for an unfill of .2cc.i went in 2wks ago and got the .3ccs that was taken out in oct. on that monday i called and let her know that i severally hungry,stomach growling,finally got in last thursday got an additional .2cc /finally making it up to 7.8cc after 2 years.again did well on liquids on thursday,friday, but true to form on saturday night the emesis started for 24/hours.scared to eat only sipping liquids only holding down for a few minutes,called my md.she did a total unfill.the first time.i now have to have an upper afraid of gaining a pound.but the first 2 days felt good to eat have a complete meal,a whole piece of fried cat fish fries and bread and 2nd day a sandwich.but now i have to force myself too eat like my band is there.truly
afraid to gain the weight back.i still feel like i look like the back of a hippopotamus a$$.i now realize that i am addicticed too food.