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About donnajo2325

  • Rank
  • Birthday 07/18/1958
  1. Happy 55th Birthday donnajo2325!

  2. Happy 54th Birthday donnajo2325!

  3. OK, I had surgery almost 5 years ago, never thought about checking out a web site such as this for help, but here I am, and glad I found this place. Live in a small town, Dr over an hour away, and just thought this was the way my life was going to be from now on. Participated in support group following surgery for about a year, but after that, I have been on my own and very frustrated. As are my family members...I have lost 107 pounds, but still have about 30 or 40 to go, fills were always tough for me, my stomach must fluctuate on an hourly basis, and I would go days after a fill without being able to even swallow water, eventual, things would change and I could begin eating. I never have been able to eat regularly, (ie three times a day), nothing goes in in the AM, usually I do better mid day, and very little to nothing in the evenings, I am uncomfortable drinking even water, when my band is tight so needless to say, my health has got to be in jeopardy, or will be over time. Now, I do not eat anything, that doesn't make me uncomfortable for about an hour, then eventually, things will loosen up and I can get something in. For the first couple of years, the only way I could eat anything was to do so standing up, I make several trips to the restroom to "stretch" things out during a meal, just a short walk most times will help, but sometimes it's the slime time, once that takes places 2-3 times per meal, I can eat (during mid day). Nothing works other times. I know I need to get more in on a consistant basis, but hate to go through the discomfort associated with trying to do so. Even with all this, I am not loosing any weight. When I do eat, it is protein related, so not much in veggies, do try to drink grape and cranberry juice. I know, I know, the Dr's want you to stay way because of high sugar...I need to go back to the Dr, but that is not an option right now. Anyone have any suggetions? In my mind, I have envisioned scar tissue or something blocking the opening, and after a few bouts with sliming, (which for me IS not pleasant, almost like vomitting, same feeling in the stomach just nothing but slime comes up)maybe something is shifting around to allow me to eat?? I don't know...

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