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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by beachszq

  1. beachszq

    Weight Watchers with the Band?

    HI BIGMONS23, what a great idea to pull the leader aside and let them know you were banded. I too wanted to join WW since I've been really successful in the past losing but haven't been able to keep it off. I thought it was being deceitful to the other members. But as long as they don't call attention to your weight loss and praise you in front of the group it seems like a perfect solution. I like the accountability and being weighed once a week. I'm definatley reenacting my membership after reading your entry. THANKS!!
  2. Hi Jane,

    Thanks for telling me about the site. It's very infomative, that is so cool that the rep was present during your surgery.


  3. beachszq

    Feb 10th bandsters - How's it going

    HI Jane!I was banded on FEB 10th also, I was laying next to Jane in the recovery room. Glad your son won his game, I was so tired that night all I did was sleep. Next few days had a lot of gas pains, but was only a bit sore and went to run my swim practice the next 2 days and to a swim meet on Fri, didn't go back to work though I'll go on Tues. I'm having very little if any pain sleeping, walking getting up and down. But on the other hand the eating situation is a totally differnt story. The first 2 meals after surgery I was nauseous after a bite of jello and sips of broth but since WEDS afternoon I've had no problem at all. I've actually been starving, I started on cottage cheese on Fri because I've been so hungry. I inadvertantly gulped down a drink ( old habits die hard) and Nothing!!!! no restriction, no heaviness in the chest nothing!!!I'm feeling no restriction at all. Any weight I've lost has been due to the pre-op clear liquid only and the fact that I'm struggling to only eat yogurt, poached eggs, broth and soup. I've stopped adding the protien since I don't need the extra calories since I am able to keep everything down and not be irritated. I feel no difference in my stomach or restriction. I'm hoping it's just a matter of needing to be filled. I wonder if was filled at all during surgery. I definatly can't wait 6 weeks for a fill!!!
  4. I was just banded and the first night I could only keep water down and had the worst gas pains. I was really tired after the surgery and went to bed around 8:00. The worst pain is from gas, but i did take some gas x strips and they did seem to help but I'm starving!!! I don't know if it is from being afraid to eat because I threw up broth or that the gas pains are so bad. I was up walking around after the surgery with no probelm, just felt like I had done 200 sit ups. I drove up to the the pharmacy 24 hours after the surgery with no problem. Just feeling a bit weak. I was afraid to eat anything and everytime I tried something new I had a bag next to me. I finally decided to have a protien drink and some cream of wheat that night and it made a world of difference for my hunger pains.Day two and the gas pains are getting much less and I'm not hungry.Thanks goodness!!!
  5. Thanks for the support .My doctor said I was aloud to eat cream of wheat the first week. I also had cottage cheese and yogurt on day three because I was starving. It seems to be working, I think they give you a modified diet to slowly introduce the food again but if your body can handle it your ok. I've lost 9 pounds in 4 days so I think I'm on the right track. I'm only eating about 1/2 cup a sitting and seeing how that works. and if I'm hungry after 1/2 an hour I eat again. At this point I'm just eating the minimum amount to keep away the hunger pangs. I truly thought I wouldn;t be able to keep anything down, not sure if the quick healing is a good or bad thing.

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