Hey everybody,
Haven't been on site lately. Was having extreme anxiety about surgery yesterday & found myself hanging out in the areas that everyone discusses their problems , so i decided to stay off for awhile.
Anyhow went in yesterday morning at 630 and was in the car at 12:45. Wife took me to the mall because i wanted to be up moving around (was told that the more i moved ,better for getting gas out & preventing bloodclots). We got home around 5 and new Bond movie came from netflix, threw it in to watch and wife said i was asleep in 5 minutes , woke up around 11 last nite.
As i said i was having extreme anxiety before, now thinking about it : it wasnt about getting lapband but the surgery itself. I have had surgery before on my l5 21 disk, but I was in so much physical pain they couldnt do it soon enough.
I suppose all the anxiety stemmed from being that I was choosing this -vs- having to have it.
I was suprised when I came to and to now how little pain I have had. Everyone in recovery keep going on how great I was doing.
This morning I wanted something with some flavor , so I went and picked up some soups , had creamy potato and brocolli which i blended with some xtra milk, man was it good:cursing: I only ate about half of it, Felt weird eating(drinking it) I guess my stomach is just irratated.
Anyhow , juswt wanted to checkin , share and read how everyone was doing.
Best wishes for everyone here and may we soon be the people we know we really are:thumbup: