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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by THE BALD GUY

  1. Hi Everyone, This is The Bald Guy's wife. I was banded in August 08, and was told by my Dr. (from Mexico) that I probably wouldn't need a fill. So, I went about life, and food gradually got easier to eat. I went to a Dr in UT, and had not been informed that I would need to do it by floroscopy, so I had him put in a 1 1/2 cc, which of course did nothing, and made ANOTHER appt two weeks later with the floroscopy. He filled it just before reflux. This made a difference for a few days, but I have lost 5 lbs total, since August. He said to come back if I felt I needed more, so I called a few weeks later, but had not been told that it was a two week cut off... so now I will need to make another appointment... just money, right? My husband has lost 25 lbs in just over a week ( I hope it's not just his bleeding...) just kidding. So we have an appointment for him tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes.

  2. Hey Everyone... It's been about a week and a half since I was banded. I have had some bleeding from the port inscision, that won't stop. Any suggestions? I was banded in Mexico, and the Dr said to apply pressure. Which works if I don't move, get up or turn on my side.

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