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About Jodi73

  • Rank
    Guru in Training
  • Birthday 10/09/1973

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a 35 year old chick way too young to be this fat!!
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Hiking and biking, when thinner, reading, playing with my DD, love my Lost
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  1. lej

    Hi there, I have Aetna insurance and I have my consultation with the Dr. on Friday. If you don't mind, could you tell me how your weight was in the previous two years before consulting a Dr? Was it at a pretty constant amount over your healthy weight? The reason I ask is that I have always been overweight, but it's gone from 185 in 2007 up to 250 currently. So it's been a steady increase over the past two years but it's not been at a constant 40 BMI, which concerns me that I will not be approved.

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