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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jodi73

  1. Jodi73

    Submitted to Aetna...

    I got my approval letter in the mail yesterday! Just two weeks after they submitted my info! Keep the faith, it will happen! Jodi
  2. My docs office submitted to Aetna a week ago yesterday. I called yesterday afternoon, and they said that it was "sent to the Medical Director". She said that if I didn't hear anything by next Tuesday, to call back and to see whats up. I am so nervous about this whole thing! Really, if they say no, then I will just need to complete the 6 month diet regimine instead of the three. At this point, I am well into the 4th month, so I guess if that's the case, its just 2 more months , right!? WELL, I just would like to know one way or the other! I am so impatient. OK, I just had to vent!:thumbup: Have a great weekend all! Jodi
  3. Jodi73

    Anyone with Aetna Insurance ???

    Aetna really is one of the best insurance companies to have! I did the 3 month diet, jumped thru all the hoops required by my doc and their policy, then boom. My doc submitted, and I got the approval in one week and a day. Got my official letter today in the mail WHOOHOOO! If you do what they ask, its seems like they are quick to approve. Scroll down and look thru some of the other posts on here. Yu will see tons about Aetna and their policies. Good luck! Jodi
  4. Jodi73


    I wondered about the gum myself...I just wanted to add DRINK WATER! I add Crystal Light to mine, but I dillute it down by using double the water. My doc says drinking the sweet in low, or splenda, etc. can stimulate hunger, but I have found that dilluting really works for me. You can do it! Keep us posted! Jodi
  5. Hey, I was just approved with Aetna ! Just wanted to tell you to keep your chin up, it will happen! I really cant help with the band differences, only thing I know of specificaly SP? is that that the Realize Band has a really good website. There are tons of neat tools and helpful ideas on it. Good luck on your journey! Jodi
  6. It only took a week and one day to get approved! I am amazed, excited, scared, and relieved all at one time! I did the three month multi program, and I guess I jumped thru enough hoops for them! Now, I need to get that surgery date! HAve a great day all! Jodi:thumbup:
  7. Thanks to all the congrats guys! Gracie Mae....I only had to do the two psych evals because my surgeon requires that. I really wouldn't of had to do any, according to Aetna. And yes, I did call, a total of three times I think. I wouldn't even know now if I hadn't called yesterday. The ins rep at the docs office is on vacation this week, so no one from my docs office has even called me! Hmmm....seems like they would check her messages, I think I will call them today. OK, I have to get ready for work! Grrrr, I want a stay at home job! If I could just go to work in my jammies....hehehe Have a great day all! Jodi
  8. Jodi73

    Got approved today

    THATS AWESOME! Congrats! Let the journey begin!
  9. I am looking at mid month , if all goes well :-) Lets keep each other up to date!
  10. Jodi73


    My insurance coordinator and I read and re-read the bulletin on Aetna's website. We finally determined that as long as my PCP noted excercise on each visit, along with behavior modification, etc...that that would suffice. I do not have approval yet, they just submitted today I believe. As for the nutritioninst, I went to one official appointment with her, then also had 3 classes that she was present at/taught at as well. We sent a letter documenting all of the "visits" with her. Some people go to 3 visits with all three entites (nutr, excercise ther, and pcp). My coordinator just did not read the bulletin that way, and neither did I . We will see if we are correct I suppose. Let me know how yours goes! Good luck! Jodi
  11. Jodi73


    CONGRATS I just finished the 3 month multi program. We are submitting this week ! Hope mine is as easy as yours! Jodi
  12. Jodi73


    Mind you, I am not banded yet, but I know from reading on here and what my doc and nutritionist have told me, you can definately eat around the band. Things like chips, cookies, candy, etc will slip right thru. If you are a big sweets eater, or a big junk food eater, maybe its not right for you. If, like me, you tend to eat too much at one sitting, a huge piece of meat, plus all the sides, then want more in just a little while, then the band may be just what you need to help get your eating under control. I am of the mindset that the band will only help those that help themselves! Like I said before, I am not even banded yet, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt! I have researched both GB and LB to the nth degree though, and I think the band is the better of the two for me. It all comes down to you and your particular struggles!Good luck with your decision! Jodi
  13. I had my final weigh in today, and am down another 2 lbs. over a 4 week period. I am just glad I was down some, I have not done as good as I could of in the last week or so! Its TOM, it makes it hard on me, I know TMI! I go for my final psych eval tomorrow, then they will submit to Aetna. ! I am so nervous, but I really think I have all my ducks in a row! I have two more classes to attend, one next week, then one more after I am scheduled for surgery. We get a 3 month membership to a local gym, and three visits with a personal trainer with our prgram fee, so I am pumped up about using that. We can start as soon as the surgery is scheduled. Hopefully, that will help get a few more lbs off before surgery. I can't wait for a new me! I'm think I'm on my way!Jodi
  14. Jodi73

    Insurance hell....

    Find out exactly where she is sending it! Ask your ins. for the fax number to them directly, then give it to your docs office. Sounds like the lines are crossed somwhere! Good luck! Jodi
  15. Well, everything will be submitted to insurance on July 22nd. I am nervous already! I go for a pre-op class on the 22nd, and then another on Aug. 12th. They will schedule surgery after insurance approval comes in, I just have to have those classes under my belt before the actual surgery happens. I have Aetna, and have heard good things, we will see I suppose! In reality, I might be a September bandster. I can hope though!
  16. Jodi73

    In Mushie Heaven

    I cant wait to be in your shoes ! Congrats!
  17. Jodi73

    Approved--- YAH!

    Congrats !!!
  18. Jodi73

    Aetna PPO help!!

    Look on Aetna.com at the Clinical Policy Bulletins. That will give you details about their policy. Some companies DO exclude weight loss surgery, so check that with your workplace HR office. I cant quite tell, but it sounds like your policy will cover as long as a doc deems it necessary. But, you cant really tell since it does mention the "death" part. Yikes, thats sounds bad! Talk to your PCP, check out the website, and by all means pursue this if you really want to! Aetna is really good to approve, so keep your head up! Good luck! Jodi
  19. Hi Becky, just checking in on you! I go next Thurs. formy Nutrition consult, then I have two classes in early July. Let me know how you're doin! Jodi

  20. YESSSS!!!! I have aetna too, I can only dream of that quick of an answer! Good Luck!
  21. You made me laugh out loud! Keep'm coming!
  22. We are on the same track! I did my first visit with my PCP on April 22, my next will be June 1, then one more I have not scheduled yet. I also have to see a nutritionist and excersise ther. Do you? Let me know how things go for you! Jodi
  23. Congrats! Let the games begin!!!!
  24. Jodi73

    Food Log

    I have been journaling on sparkpeople.com, it gives you %'s of exactly what you eat, when you eat, calorie count, etc. It has really opened my eyes to to my habits, my weak points, and my real problem areas! I to have a habit of doing really well thru the work day, then crash and burn at night. Weekends are really hard too. It seems the structure of the day is blown, so there goes my ability to make healthy choices and not go overboard with portions. One thing I am trying to do, like a previous poster said, is to change my routine when I get home. Replace my snacking as soon as I get home with playing with my daughter, or doing a little housework. Anything to delay that urge to eat. I have found that if I wait 30 mins. or so, that extreme urge to eat has really dissipated. It really is head hunger. :lol:My dad used to tell me to "live off the lay of the land" He was right! Weekends, well lets just say I am still a work in progress!
  25. Jodi73

    AETNA denial

    I would make absolutly positive you do not have any co- morbidities. Have a sleep study, make sure your BP isn't slightly high, or see if it has been in the past two years, check your cholesterol levels. Have your PCP check any and everything, maybe you are less healthy than you think! Congrats, right?! Its terrible to think we would welcome one of those conditoins! If you do have any of those conditions, get your PCP to document, and add a letter of necessity, then resubmit. Also, Aetna is a stickler for documentation, be sure your PCP is VERY thourough in the notes!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
