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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by deleki

  1. I'm looking for persons in Houston or San Antonio area who have had gastric sleeve surgery for support group to answers questions and express what have been upsides and downsides, exchange recipes etc--
  2. I have been researching lap band doctors in Mexico and was wanting testimonials from anyone who has used Dr Zapata. Please respond with good or bad experiences. I cannot find anything negative but I want to be on the safe side as I am a little nervous. Thanks for any info anyone can share....
  3. deleki

    Gastric Sleeve

    I'm trying to learn everything I can about GS surgery-do you have any regrets?
  4. deleki

    Any Deaths due to lap band

    I read somewhere she had surgery in TJ-- think it was Ortiz but apparently she did not call clinic and inform of any problems..was on her way to Colo 3 weeks after surgery and was not feeling well. Article about her in Conroe Courier Newspaper last Nov, 2008 but does not say what findings were. We are all vulnerable to problems and I think if you feel the slight bit uncomfortable please follow up with doctor to be on the safe side.
  5. deleki

    Any Deaths due to lap band

    Google Dr Leslie Parks, Woodlands, Tx--she died last Nov, 2008
  6. I have BMI (under 32) and I was wondering about results? I have 50 lbs to lose that I can't for the life of me shed so I want LB surgery--lots of diabetes in my family--I'm not there yet but worried its a matter of time. Is it a much slower process to lose weight if you have lower BMI to start?
  7. Just received news of a doctor in Laredo for lap band named Dr Schwartz was wondering if anyone has used him?
  8. Thanks emurphy--I live in Houston not that far--I'll check to see if they have sister location here also
  9. I live in Houston and am wondering who the closest and best Dr in Mexico is? Also I weigh 182 and want to lose 50 lbs. Which surgery is best for me-- my BMI is 30.4. I understand I can use Fills USA b/cause they coordinate with Mexican Drs. I have also been told my BMI is not high enough for surgery--I have alot of diabetes in my family on both sides--my blood sugar is ok now but I worry in future years. I would love any/all responses(good or bad) with info to make decision Thanks!! Debbie queendeb811@yahoo.com
  10. Hello, I think I will be using Dr Zapata--how long did it take you to get back to a normal schedule after surgery?
  11. deleki

    Fills in Houston

    I will be having lap band surgery in Mexico soon and will need fills in Houston, Tx area--please help--who should I use? I'd like to hear from others who have used Mexican doctors and who you are currently using that's good and reasonable.
  12. I would be a self pay with no insurance--does anyone know what he charges?
  13. Hello,


    I'm trying to decide what sugeon to use in Mexico and have been impressed with Dr Rumbaut's reviews--are you doing ok and did everything go well for you? I'm one of those people that needs to loose 50lbs and just can't seem to do it on my own--I have diabetes on both sides of my family so I need to get this wt off--did you like his facility?

    Thanks for any info you can provide

    Debbie King

    Houston, Tx


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