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LAP-BAND Patients
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About blackangel

  • Rank
  • Birthday 07/06/1957

About Me

  • Biography
    busy grandmother raising a 6 year old grandson, work fulltime and am a cancer survivor
  • Interests
    camping, walking
  • Occupation
    motor vehicle clerk
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  1. Happy 56th Birthday blackangel!

  2. Happy 55th Birthday blackangel!

  3. blackangel

    Changes in Restriction

    I have had the band initially in October of 2004. I have had so many problems that I wish I never had it done. In July of 2007, I had to have it replaced due to slippage and since then have been afraid to go for adjustments. I have the first fill of 5cc and still am unable to eat much but I have not lost any weight because I am so hungry that I eat the wrong things. Ice Cream goes down really well, so does chocolate which melts, many soups I try to eat do not go down and if and when I do eat, I have to follow that with very hot coffee or tea to make it go down. I make my own trying to keep it very thin because I seem to have trouble keeping that down. to say the least, I have not lost any weight because the foods that I can eat are the foods that are not good for me. I am also a cancer survivor and am concerned about calcium due to the fact that my body no longer creates it and osteoporosis runs in my family. I talked to my doctor and he keeps telling me that it is because I eat to fast and I eat the wrong things. I can't even keep yogurt or shakes down, the consistency is too thick.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
