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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bsb_eagle

  1. I work in retail and I am around all kinds of people all the time. The thing that crushes me is when I'm working on something, minding my own business, and a child in a cart with a parent will roll by and I'll hear "Wow! She's really fat!" I know they are children, but you would think that the parent would immediately correct the behavior. No... Every single time the parent shushes them and hurries by me without saying a word. It just kills me that parents will at least not tell a child to say such things about people. Am I wrong for feeling this way?:frown:
  2. bsb_eagle

    I worry..

    Sometimes I worry that I will let the people down around me after having this surgery. The first 50 pounds came off fast, but now it's starting to come off slower. Even though I do exactly what my doctor says, I worry that the weight loss is going to stop and I'll be back to square one. I just really hope this works like they told me it will work.
  3. bsb_eagle

    Something that crushes me...

    Wow, had I realized this was going to be such an issue to bring up I would not have. It's just something that happened today at work and happens consistently and it just made me a little sad. Just thought this was a place where I could be open with my feelings. No worries... I will never make my own thread again.
  4. bsb_eagle

    I worry..

    Sometimes I worry that I will let the people down around me after having this surgery. The first 50 pounds came off fast, but now it's starting to come off slower. Even though I do exactly what my doctor says, I worry that the weight loss is going to stop and I'll be back to square one. I just really hope this works like they told me it will work. :thumbup:
  5. bsb_eagle

    Girls Like Boys

    It's good to know I am not alone in this department. I often feel sad sometimes because I've never really had a serious relationship with a guy as old as I am. I do hear though that good things come to those who wait, so we will see.. :biggrin:
  6. bsb_eagle

    Where is everyone from????

    Lewisville, TX
  7. bsb_eagle

    DFW Area Bandsters

    Thank you Miss Melissa! :thumbdown:
  8. bsb_eagle

    Hair loss!!

    I was starting to think I was going a little nuts. I've been noticing I've been shedding too more than usual and I'm nearly 6 weeks post op. Good to know I'm not the only one.
  9. bsb_eagle

    Post fill diet

    Mine is 1 day clear liquid, 7 days full liquids, then back to solids...
  10. bsb_eagle


  11. bsb_eagle

    DFW Area Bandsters

    Hi everyone! I live in Lewisville and I was banded on 12/30/2008 by Dr. Jayaseelan at the Prestonwood Surgery Center in Plano. I went through TLC Edge in Plano for my surgery. The staff is wonderful. Pretty much everyone working are lap band patients. One woman that was totally calming for me when things were rough, Cynthia, had the surgery when it was in FDA trials in the US. I had my first fill on 02/8/2009 at 2cc and have lost around 50 pounds so far. Good luck to everyone!:thumbdown:

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