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Everything posted by Lordessofthering

  1. My surgery date is March 24th and I started my pre-op diet on Friday, which consists of 6 Optifast products a day. I don't get to have one meal a day. I can have a combination of shakes, tomato soup (no more than 2) and chocolate bars (no more than 2). I will be on this diet atleast until a week after my surgery. I'm not really hungery, but I would like something different. Only 23 more days until surgery.
  2. I teach fourth grade and I am having my surgery on 3/24 (Tuesday) and I am returning to work on 3/30 (the following (Monday). I thought about doing it over Spring Break but who wants to waste the time you already have off. So I will be off a 6 days return to work for 5 days and then I will enjoy my Spring Break. From talking to other teachers that are in the support group I attend they said that they did just fine in returning to work in just a week, and yes I know that everyone is different. :tt2:

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