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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by beachgirl

  1. beachgirl

    Fill Doctor For Kentucky Girl

    OMG, I can't believe no one has mentioned Dr. Trace Curry to you. He is the surgeon that answers all of the complications threads on here and he is fabulous. I went to Monterrey Mexico and had surgery with the world reknown Dr. Sanchez/ Dr. Zapata, they were fabulous. Anywho, Dr. Curry is in Cinci, has done thousands of these and is known all over the world. I live in Paducah Kentucky and drive 5 hours each way to see him and there are doctors who do fills as close as 45 min.s from me but after paying cash for my band I'm very picky about who I let do my fills. Give him a look. You can search him on here, there are bunches and bunches of us who use him and he honestly is the best in my opinion. Here is his website. Trace W. Curry, M.D. Lap Band Surgeon :: Home Keep me informed, I'm not to far from you, I just seen him last week.
  2. Congrats, Way to go for sticking in there and not giving up. You will be banded before you know it and then the next thing you know you will be at goal and wonder when all of this happened. Keep us updated and wishing you the best, Hugs,
  3. beachgirl

    Scared/Nervous/Anxious/and Obese

    We are close to the same age and I have one granddaughter who is 2 and a grandson due in 6 weeks. No, it's not normal to vomit after eating. Congrats on her being at goal but she does need to get her fill reduced and make sure she doesn't have a slipped band. You should be able to eat healthy foods and not vomit afterwards. You will do great and you will love your band. I've had mine for 12 months this month and have lost slow which can be good because I don't have any extra saggy skin and still lost 80 pounds. I have about 40 more to go and it was the best decision I've ever made in my life. Congrats on your decision and you will do great. Welcome as well.
  4. beachgirl

    Question (a bit TMI!)

    make sure and drink enough, I didn't and ended up in the hospital with kidney stones for 9 days, 4 days first time and 5 days 2nd time in December. I finally passed them, one was 5 mm. and it was a doozey. They told me banded patients have them more because they tend to not want to drink as much.
  5. beachgirl

    Im Looking for a Mexico Buddy

    I can't help you with that but I have been to Mexico for my surgery, Dr. Sanchez, Dr. Zapata in Monterrey and had a fabulous expereience and would be glad to talk with you if you ever have any questions. I loved going there for my surgery. It was great and only 8500.00 for everything but can get you a 1000.00 off of that price if you decide to use them. I also have pics of while I was there to give you some ideas if you would like to see. You will love your experience there and even more you will love your band. They are wonderful tools. You'll do great. Hugs,
  6. beachgirl

    Down to 4

    You didn't mention Dr. Zapata who started these in 1985 with Dr. Sanchez. That's who I went with and they've done more than any surgeon and proctored many US surgeons and do surgery out of a huge hospital in Monterrey and not a clinic. Santa Agracias, same hospital our US President would go to if needed medical while in Mexico. It was a fabulous wonderful experience. Myself, Funny and another girl went together last July and I've lost 80 pounds so far and 40 more to go. My price was 7500.00 for absolutely everything. Transportation, food, lodging, preop, postop, free fills for life, everything. You ought to check into him. PM me if you have any questions. ø Lap Band Mexico ø They are great.
  7. beachgirl

    Self Payers

    Mine was 7500 but had to go to Mexico. I wanted a surgeon who'd done over 7000 of these instead of less than 100, lol. Mine was was total for everything. Housing, food, transportation, all hospital, doctor's fee's, preop, postop, and free fills for life. Check into Dr. Trace Curry for in the states. He is fabulous. He's my fill doctor and he answers all the complications questions on here. He sure is good. I just seen him on Wednesday. He's a sweetie for sure.
  8. beachgirl

    It doesn't seem possible

    I agree 100 percent, you can and will do this. I was dissappointed because this month was my bandiversary and I had a total of 120 pounds to loose and after 12 months I had only lost 80. Dr. Curry told me that the first year to expect to loose 40 percent of your overweightness, which would be for me right on and then loose the rest the 2nd year. There are lots of other people that come to mine like jachunt and Edie and they've done much better than me but just keep in mind, we're all different and loose different so don't get down if someone you know who has been banded looses faster than you. One other good thing, I've lost slow but have no extra skin so losing slow isnt' all that bad. I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever than you can't do this because with the band whether it takes you one year or 5 years it will keep working for you that's it's job. You will loose it and you will look hot once again and wear itty bitty clothes, I promise you you will. Good luck and stay on here for support. This is the best group of people I've ever and met and try out band2gether.net too, there's good people there too. We're all in this together and have to stick together. Hugs, Sherri
  9. beachgirl

    Post your worst symptom here!!!!!

    I love my band and wouldn't won't to ever loose it and haven't had any problems to speak of so I guess just getting to your sweet spot fill wise would be the only thing I've not liked, but I'm there now and it's heavenly.
  10. beachgirl

    Pretend Banding

    Good luck, you can do it. I agree with everyone else. My surgeon didn't require any preop diet of any kind so they are all different.
  11. beachgirl

    Doctor Hornbostel says no!!

    I agree, I call Dr. Zapata in Mexico, who's done over 7000 of these and in 2 weeks was having my surgery. Total cost for absolutely everything including travel, food, hotel stay, all hospital costs, and free fills for life, 7500.00.
  12. beachgirl

    Kentucky, "who's your Doctor"

    I didn't have to have any preop diet.
  13. I would hope noone would get that far and back out. It was easier than having my root canal done. I'm so glad that 12 months ago, knowing I was going to Mexico that I didn't back out 80 pounds lighter. I would have gained 80 since then without my band.
  14. beachgirl

    I hit my Goal after almost 3 years

    You guys look amazing. Kudos to you. You both look like such a inlove couple. I would be patting myself on the back about now if I were either one of you. Way to go. Keep up the great work.
  15. beachgirl

    What can you eat after a fill?

    My doctor is Dr. Trace Curry who is on these boards alot. I drive 5 hours each way to see him so after a fill I stay overnight just in case of being too tight or something. So, as soon as I leave his office he says liquid the remainder of the day then the next morning he wants me to do mushies before I leave Cinci to make sure they go down okay and the next day regular foods. So 48 hours later I'm on regular foods. Hope your doing great. I've never had any problems and been banded one year this month and lost about 80 pounds. Slow loser but I've noticed losing it slow I don't have any excess skin.
  16. beachgirl

    Mexico Doctor

    How did you miss Dr. Zapata who's done more than anyone. He's done over 7000 and speaks English as well as I do. He proctored many lapband surgeons in Houston and in the states. I've called him 3 times, once at 10:00pm and talk to him not an asst. on his cell phone if I had questions. He pratices out of Santa Agracias, the hospital, not clinic, the our President would go to if needed medical attention while in Mexico. Just wanted to make sure you were aware of him. Bunches on here have used him. I sent my sisterinlaw, brother, and brotherinaw in Oct.06 and 2 of them are at goal. He's someone you could also consider. He charges 7500.00 which includes everything. Good luck whoever you choose. You'll do great and you will love your band. It is a wonderful, wonderful tool that I hope I never have to go without. Hugs.
  17. beachgirl

    Bandster Heaven?

    I agree with Harley, People with problems are on here more trying to figure out what to do next and people who are doing great are out living they're new life. I am not a fast loser but it's been 12 months since I was banded and I've lost 80 pounds. The 80 pounds itself isn't a whole lot but the nsv's have been great. I was wearing 26's and 3x shirts. I'm 5'8". Now I go into Old Navy and buy 16's or XL pants and they're a little baggy. I wear large shirts, I can paint my own toenails, I don't worry about food or when I'm going to eat because I am very seldom hungry. I can run on the treadmill, I can get in the floor and play with my 2 year old granddaughter and I have a grandson due in 2 months. Life is great once again. I still have another 40 pounds to go but I'll get there and knock on wood, not the first problem with my band. You'll do great and the band is the best tool in the shed by far.
  18. beachgirl

    so up set and fed up

    Try sparkpeople.com or fitday.com. I was having the same problem as you for 3 months I didn't loose any weight so had a slight unfill and then started losing. I wasn't eating enough and getting enough Protein and my body just stop losing. Our bands and bodies are so finicky. Try logging what you eat too, that might help. Good luck and hope things start going better for you. Don't give up.
  19. Yep, They had prescribed me loritab 10's, 120 of them for after surgery and I had no clue how much that was in liquid form so I went and exchanged it from my pharmicist and it was 5 huge bottles of liquid loritab which I never even needed. I finally threw it out it went out of date, but you do need to either crush or quarter larger pills or use liquid. I felt what you are feeling after surgery for about 3 weeks and then I guess after the swelling went down I got hungry again so I got my first fill at 3 1/2 weeks. To get really good restriction it took me 2 fills but it feels the same as what your feeling and it stays that way when you keep your fills right. You know it when you get there. I don't ever sit and think, hum, what do I want for lunch or supper, you just don't sit and think about food anymore and usually after 1 cup your like, God, I'm so full. You stay full too until next meal and I forget to eat alot of the time. It's a great feeling.
  20. beachgirl

    Help!!! Talk me through

    Think of it this way, it will help the time pass quicker and think I will be a year from now one hot mama. There's a saying here where we live and it's not a very nice one but my son is 20 and a lot of his buddies now that I've lost 80 pounds, now they're kidding of course but you'll here them say, Wow, your a mif?????? I ask my son what it meant and I won't be vulgar but in the older guys he said it means, Mom I'd _ _ _ _ . I know tacky but humorous none the less. Your do fine and just think how good your going to look and I promise you this time next year there will be days when you forget to eat because food is just not something I think about anymore. Good luck.
  21. I went for a slight unfill Wednesday as my losing as been really good and didn't want to mess it up and last fill was a horror story. His asst. tried my last fill and she normally is great buy my port is very very deep in the muscle and it's the lowprofile mini port too but he says that is good once your at goal and it won't stick out, anywho, last time after 8 sticks and I was literally in tears and trying to pass out I was in so much pain well she goes and gets him and naturally he hits it first time. Well, I had put off a fill because of the scary fill last time but I wanted just a little boost as I was starting to get a little hungry sooner than I wanted so I went into his new office which is fabulous. Right by the malls and all the great shopping areas and the nice hotels and it's this huge office the size of a clinic with all of his same help that are fabulous and with some new great help. I forget the nurses name but she had lost 180 pounds and looked great. Well Dr. Curry, looking as handsome as ever I might add, suit and tie, (it helps so much to not only have a great fill doc but one that is so kind and patient friendly and the looks are just a topper offer, lol) and he sticks me one time and bam, hits it. I just love him. His wife was banded in Dec. 06 and is already at goal, I seen a picture of her and she's a very beautiful lady. I know she must be proud of herself. She wasn't fat to begin with just wanted to be tiny I guess. Anyway, I didn't mean to rant but I guess I'm just so proud my fill went so good and wanted to tell all of his patients that haven't seen the new office yet how nice it is and everyone needing the best fill doc or looking for a band surgeon, he is the tops. Go to him. He's worth the drive. I drive 10 hours round trip to see him but it also gets me away for 3 days and get to shop which is always nice. I was afraid I was doing badly with my band as I started off losing so fast then I hit a 3 month plateau, really 3 months, then all of a sudden it started up losing like at the beginning but he said I had lost about 50 percent of my excess weight and it's been 12 months and that 40 percent is about normal for first year so that was encouraging. hugs everyone, Sherri:scared:
  22. Jack is a hoot morning, noon or night, lol. If I get down and out I just go read some of his threads and then my day always goes better. That's one guy I would love to meet and smart too.
  23. I'm close, 43, had surgery one year ago this month and have lost 80 pounds. Not the fastest in the world but I'm getting there. Good luck.
  24. beachgirl

    Large band VS Small Band

    Yep, I asked Dr. Curry and he said it depends on your stomach size and how big you are overall. I have the small, lowprofile mini port and Funny had surgery the same day with me in Mexico and she had the larger band. He said if a small person was given the larger band it would take longer to get a tight fit and you might never get it tight enough. and the same thing for the smaller. If you put it on a larger stomach they would have restriction without anyfill and may be too tight right off. Hope this helps.
  25. beachgirl

    Kentucky, "who's your Doctor"

    I live in Paducah and have Anthem BC/BS PPO and they wouldn't pay a dime. So, I went to Monterrey Mexico and had the surgeon who had done 7000 of these to do mine and just paid cash. I use Dr. Curry in Cinci for my fills.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
