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Posts posted by keepingfaith08

  1. Does anyone else do DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) for exercise? It's on the playstation video game console, and it's really fun, and depending on the difficulty, it really gets your heart pumping! I find it fun, and I was just wondering if anyone does this for exercise as well.

  2. It's almost the end of day 2, and things are going really well! I actually forgot about eating after I had some Soup for lunch around 12:30p, and I haven't eaten since then, but I really haven't been hungry! I think that this is making me more aware of whether I'm actually hungry, or just head hungry. I'm going to eat some soup right now because I'm actually hungry, and it makes me feel good to know the difference.

  3. Thank you so much, everyone! I'm glad I posted on here, and I'm glad I didn't act before I talked to you guys. I guess I've just been under a lot of stress lately, and it was wearing down on me. I plan on starting an exercise plan this Thursday, which is the first day in over 2 months that I don't have to work in the morning! I'm going to start walking because my university has this trail that encircles the campus and it can be used for walking, running, biking, and pretty much anything in general. It's about 2.5 miles long, and it takes me about 45 min to go around it once. I think I want to start training - not for anything special, but just for myself so that I know I can run a 5k. I've always wanted to be able to run/jog the whole time, but I've always had to stop and walk for about half because of my knees. I figure that if I train, I'll build up my strength, and I'll be able to do it. I weighed a lot more back then anyway, and I think that with my current weight loss, I'll be able to do at least a little better. Thank you for helping me, I really appreciate it, and I'm glad that you guys were kind and caring with your answers. Thank you!

  4. Bridgette: I think there is a link on like page 1 of this thread and it takes you to another thread that has the actual link to the site on there. It's not difficult. The way I understand it is that the first 2 days, you do full liquids like Soups, Water, Jello, pudding, things like that. Day 3 is soft Proteins like tuna with a little bit of mayo, and things of that nature. Day 4 and 5 are firm Proteins. If you need more clarification, the link to it is on page 1 of this thread I think. I hope that helped!

    Today was the first day of all liquids for me! It was not as difficult as I thought it would be, especially since I actually made sure to bring a couple of Campbell's Soup at Hand with me and those little crystal light things for Water. I'm really happy that I was able to do this. I've always said that as long as I can get through the first day, I'll be fine for the rest of the journey. The problem was that I never ever got through the first day :/ Well, I'm very proud of myself, and I'm going to keep doing this every week until I feel like I'm completely in control of my head hunger! I'm so glad I found this thread!!

  5. Are you going to doing this starting tomorrow as well? I'd like to join in. I'm pretty sure my pouch is definitely stretched because I haven't felt restricted even after 3 fills. My next fill is in about 2 weeks. Ugh, but what made me so angry is that my fill doctor last time was like, "Hmmm, you are very consistent. About 4 pounds per month. You can pretty much see when you'll be at goal." Now, I know he was trying to be helpful, but c'mon. 4 pounds per month? That's horrible. And that is why I'll be doing the pouch test starting tomorrow.

  6. I just got a fill, and I still don't feel restriction like I'm supposed to. Sure, I cannot eat things as fast as usual, but I still want food all of the time. Sometimes I even make myself sick, but I still want food. I just thought that by fasting, I can break this addiction to food, and then turn over a new leaf.

    As for exercise, I'm not really good at sticking with it. I don't see results when I do it. I need to do something that will give me results for me to keep doing it.

    How do I figure out how to stop wanting food all of the time. I know I'm not hungry, but I want food anyway. That's actually one of the reasons I got the band in the first place - so that I would feel full and not eat all the time. What do i do?

  7. I think that I'm going to fast for a week. I'm almost 4 months out, and I'm not losing weight. I'm not going to eat for this week (I will drink Water so don't worry) and I'm going to start losing weight again. I'm tired of waiting. I shouldn't have to wait, this is why I got the surgery. To lose weight. So I'm going to take matters into my own hands. Does anyone have any fasting tips?

  8. I just had a question. Ok, so yesterday was not the first time I've had fast food, but it was the first time I had a hamburger and a few fries. I felt fine (I don't think I have much restriction), but later I had really bad diarrhea (I know, it's too much information, but I need help lol) and my stomach hurt so bad. Was this from the fast food or was it from something else?

  9. -not having my thighs rub together

    -being looked at FIRST by the hot guys before they look at my friends

    -new clothes! I'm stylish, and I know it, but I just cannot find the things I want to wear in my size.

    -feeling good about how I look

    -not putting myself down so much

    -enjoying the feeling that I don't have to be the one pursuing guys (lol can you tell I want a bf?)

    -being able to cross my legs comfortable for more than like 30 minutes

    lol when I think of more, and trust me I will, I'll post them.

  10. I haven't really had any trouble with the raw vegetables and the raw fruit yet, but if it gets too difficult, I suppose I could just get a little bit of saline taken out. But yeah, I was worried about it getting stuck in my band at first, but it hasn't really been a problem.

  11. i would highly recommend to eat those things to promote regular bowel movements and i know with the band that could be an issue....

    That's actually what I was thinking too because I've been having trouble with constipation..lol

  12. Have you guys heard of that new raw food lifestyle that a lot of people are talking about? I really want to do that. I've been researching it so much and I really want to bring my health to a new level. The lap band has helped me jump start my weight loss, but I'm not only focusing on weight loss, I want to have a healthy lifestyle, and raw foodism is one of the best things that I've ever heard about! A lot of people on here say that the lap band is their jumping off point to their new lives, and I feel that way. I don't think that I would've had the confidence to even think about changing to a raw food lifestyle if I hadn't seen that I could actually do something about the way I look and actually change something about myself in a really good way. What do you guys think about raw foodism? Have you heard about it?

  13. I asked him about it, and he said that as soon as it came out of his mouth, he saw that it hurt me and he regretted saying it. He said that he didn't say sorry earlier because he felt really bad about saying it. He also said that the reason he said anything at all was because I was talking to my other friend Dana about how I didn't have any restriction and I was afraid that I was gonna not lose weight as fast as I have been, and he overheard.

    Thank you everyone! Before my surgery, I don't think I would've had the guts to say anything, but with your support and the new confidence that I'm slowing finding, I did it!

  14. Thanks everyone, that really helped! That's exactly why I like these forums!

    Mike: lol I don't know why he couldn't get it himself...I should've just made him get it, he's a very lazy person.

    cwm812: yeah, that's probably what's going to happen. A lot of my friends right now are actually saying that I shouldn't have gotten lapband because I looked fine. WELL I'm tired of just looking FINE I want to look GOOD and feel good about myself!

  15. One of my good friends was hanging out with me today, and he asked me to go get something from the kitchen. I was like, "Ugh, I don't wanna get up!" like joking, and then I went to the kitchen. When I was walking back, he looked me up and down and said, "You're not gonna lose weight just because of your diet changes, you're gonna have to move at least a little." and he was really rude about it.

    What right does he have to comment on MY weight loss? This isn't for HIM, this is for ME. Also, I was already feeling low because I got my first fill and I don't feel any restriction whatsoever. I mean, I have to eat slower, but I can still eat more than I'm supposed to be able to. It just really got me down and depressed about not losing weight as fast as I wanted to. He said that, and now I'm worried that other people are saying stuff about my weight loss being so slow, and it depresses me even more.

    I guess I could just use some encouragement..

  16. Hey everyone! I just got my first fill today, and it wasn't bad at all. I have a very ticklish stomach, so it was a little embarrassing, but other than that it was good! He used flouroscopy and he numbed my stomach, and I didn't feel anything. It took about 10 min and I was done! I was worrying for nothing!

  17. That actually happens for me too! I'm glad I'm alone! I just got my band in March and my first period since then was like last week and I could barely eat or drink anything. It helped a lot to drink warm tea and as much Water as possible. It only lasted for like 2 days for me though, so if yours is lasting longer, I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help :thumbdown:

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