Everyone has a slightly different story to tell. Personally, I was given Percocet, in pill form. I just bought a pill crusher and crushed them as I wasn't allowed to swallow them whole. Other people get liquid lortab and they don't have to worry about pills. Then, depending on pain levels, some people just take Liquid tylenol and do just fine with that.
One thing I'd say is if you know something works for you and you've had previous success after a surgery or whatever, speak up. Tell your surgeon/doctor beforehand and he should give you what you want within reason.
As someone 4 weeks post-op, my advice is to stay ahead of the pain. I made the mistake, early on, of thinking I didn't need anything at a time when I could have taken something, and then an hour or two later was in terrible pain.
Good luck. Oh, and don't worry about the pain. I seem to have had it rougher than most, but it is definitely worth it to be losing weight. :eek: