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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Rebecca09

  1. You should be able to put your arms above your head. I had no problem putting on a tee-shirt.

    As for pants, I wore comfy sweatpants. Your incisions will be high enough that you don't have to worry about the waistband touching any scars or hurting. I'd also suggest sweatpants as they are "baggy" which is "comfortable" and comfort is what you are going for in the beginning.

    This might be TMI, but what I had trouble with was putting on panties. In the beginning I needed my mom to help me with that. Its hard to bend in the beginning and can cause discomfort or pain.

    I'm 4 weeks out so if you want to ask more questions, feel free.

  2. Everyone has a slightly different story to tell. Personally, I was given Percocet, in pill form. I just bought a pill crusher and crushed them as I wasn't allowed to swallow them whole. Other people get liquid lortab and they don't have to worry about pills. Then, depending on pain levels, some people just take Liquid tylenol and do just fine with that.

    One thing I'd say is if you know something works for you and you've had previous success after a surgery or whatever, speak up. Tell your surgeon/doctor beforehand and he should give you what you want within reason.

    As someone 4 weeks post-op, my advice is to stay ahead of the pain. I made the mistake, early on, of thinking I didn't need anything at a time when I could have taken something, and then an hour or two later was in terrible pain.

    Good luck. Oh, and don't worry about the pain. I seem to have had it rougher than most, but it is definitely worth it to be losing weight. :eek:

  3. I'd call your doctor. Maybe you are having a bad reaction to the painkiller.

    Also, from what you wrote about eating I would suggest you add a lot more Protein to your diet. There are yogurt smoothie things from Danon. You could get a Protein shake too. I believe you are supposed to have about 50g of Protein a day!

    I am almost 4 weeks out and I get light-headed when I haven't had enough protein.

    Also, are you drinking enough Water? If you aren't a big Water drinker, add propel (flavored and low in calories) or diet snapple to your intake.

    Good luck!

  4. Hi. I was just banded 3 weeks ago and had the wonderful opportunity to meet a patient of my surgeon who gave me a lot of tips.

    To reduce bruising: Take arnica montana pellets (I had no bruising at incisions.)

    To blend food: The magic bullet (Its available online and at bed, bath and beyond. (Its small and works quite well!)

    To reduce gas: Besides walking, which works best, try Gas-X strips.

    For protein: I use Iso Pure Protein powder. I like the chocolate and vanilla powder. It comes in many flavors and is available at GNC and The Vitamin Shoppe. (At GNC, you can return flavors you don't like, which is good because they come in large canisters.)

    ** You should also get a compression garment to wear around your belly. It helps with pain and makes you feel more secure. I was able to get it at the hospital so ask your doctor!

    I guess that's all I have for now. If you have a support group near you I suggest you go. I'm going to one tonight for WLS.

    Take care and good luck!

  5. Drinking soda is not a good idea for all the aforementioned reasons.

    I loved diet coke before being banded. I would have several a day. After meeting with the surgeon and he told me "No soda!" I decided to wean myself off of it. I started looking for substitutes. Then I said I would NOT have soda during meals, only when at a bar with friends (I'm not a drinker) or at the movies. Now, 3 weeks after being banded and I rarely think about soda.

    Also, diet soda tends to have an appetite increasing effect on people...who needs that?!?!

    Good luck to you. I know you'll be able to give up things in order to achieve your desired results!

  6. In 12 hours I will be having surgery. I have to be at the hospital at 7am, will have surgery at 9am. I am happy to be my doctor's first surgery.

    I'm nervous about the pain, but know it will go away soon.

    I can't believe that I'll be banded tomorrow. This site has been so helpful during my preparation for surgery. I hope it will be helpful in the days, weeks, months, and years to come.

  7. Believe...

    I'm getting banded on March 11th too! I'm excited :crying: and scared :rolleyes: but I know this will be the start of something special.

    Do you have to be on Clear liquids? I do. This is day 2 for me. Its super hard. I am hungry, sleepy, and freezing. I have the heat blasting and a blanket over me. Grrrr

    I wish you luck on your journey and am happy to share our "special day" with you!

  8. First of all - a huge congratulations is in order! That is a great feat and even though you have a tool now, you still did this on your own...don't forget that! :)

    Second - what did you do to achieve this wonderful goal? What did you eat? Exercise? Etc? (I ask this because I'm being banded on March 12, 2009 and could use all the tips.)

    Finally - for such a huge victory think about what you've always wanted. I agree with the others about spa. Treat your body to something kind like a massage. Think of how great that will feel. I don't know what your budget is like, but maybe a weekend trip or something might be fun. I know being overweight has prevented me from certain adventures.

    Again, big congrats for your success!

  9. My surgery date is March 11. I thought I'd share my find. (Not actually my find, someone suggested it to me.) My pre-op diet (at least 12 days prior to surgery):

    Breakfast: up to 2 cups skim milk mixed with one scoop of Iso Pure No Carb Protein powder. (at GNC stores)

    Lunch: Same as Breakfast

    Dinner: Frozen dinner under 300 calories


    GREEN salad (only green stuff) with a tiny bit of Salad Dressing

    Fat-free, sugar-free ice popsicles are okay (no more than 3 a day)

    **Most importantly at least 64 oz of Water daily**

    My doctor also requires a clear liquid diet 2-3 days before surgery.

    Good luck on everything! Stay strong.

  10. So, I was all set to get the surgery on March 12. Having started the pre-op diet yesterday that day can't come fast enough. I was surprised when my surgeon's office called today. Before I picked up I worried that my surgery was cancelled. Guess what?!?! It wasn't. In fact, they wanted to change my date to March 11. That means one less day on this diet and one less day of waiting. :( I'm super excited and am trying to distract myself from my tummy's grumbles throughout the day! I wanted to wish every March bandster out there good luck!

  11. Hi all. First, having this surgery was your decision and your decision alone. Therefore, you shouldn't feel you need to tell others or feel bad when you do or don't tell friends/family. Second, when you tell people, you should understand why you are sharing this personal information. I personally have told many friends (I'm 26). My family has close family friends and I have told my parents not to tell them yet. So far, the people I know have been supportive. All have asked what should I do to help you which I thought was incredible. I started the pre-op diet yesterday and my friends have been great about not eating in front of me or eating something similar (i.e. they have a smoothie when I am having one of my Protein Shakes or they eat something they know I don't like like Peanut Butter or bananas). I guess I'm a lucky one. I have found this site incredible in calming my fears and keeping me excited about my decision. I'm counting down the days until my surgery on March 12 (13 days!). If anyone wants a lap-band buddy to share their journey with I would love to help in any way I can. Feel free to contact me by email at rsfnyc333@yahoo.com or on here. Oh, I live in NYC.

  12. I am having my surgery on March 12, one day after you. I started the diet today. I was told (by someone who has already had the surgery) to get the no carb Iso-Pure. However, my doctor does not require a 2-shake + one meal diet. What is your pre-op diet like? What are you doing to prepare for this? Thanks and good luck in your journey.

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